Friday, July 1, 2011

Occupation of Columbus

The many conflicting reports that have been circulated in respect to Columbus are now reconciled, the Gibraltar of the West is in the possession of the Union forces, and the soil of Kentucky is no longer polluted by the presence of the rebel troops.  Where the rebels will next make their stand is not known, certain it is that Memphis can never be put in so thorough state of defence as Columbus, and those best acquainted with the island, to which it is reported the insurgents have retreated, say it cannot be rendered impregnable.  We hope the next authentic news we here from the army of the West will be, that it is marching on Memphis.  That city in the hands of the Union forces, and our troops will be in a condition to advance on New Orleans.  Much as we wish to see this unholy rebellion suppressed, we should regard it as unfinished unless Memphis were punished, and Charleston the hot-bead of treason, deprived of the ability ever again to nurture into life the seed of secession.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 6, 1862, p. 2

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