Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Iowa Items

CHILD FOUND IN A WELL. – A child four years of age, belonging to Fred. Manheart, living on the Cedar river, was found in a well recently, under circumstances that caused a second inquest to be held, which rendered a verdict that the child had been beaten to death by its stepmother!  If that woman isn’t hung, capital punishment should be abolished.

MAYOR OF OSKALOOSA. – The Oskaloosa Herald explodes the story that a woman has been elected Mayor of that goodly city.  It appears that the lady in question, Mrs. Nancy Smith, received only 3 votes out of 164.

DEFALCATION. – By a recent investigation it has been ascertained that John H. Shomake [sic], Treasurer of Mahaska county in 1858 and ’59, and who died in office, was a defaulter to the amount of $3,415.44.  It is not known whether the amount can be collected from his sureties.

AMERICAN EMIGRATION CO. – It is said this company have entered into contracts with the Board of Supervisors of Monona, Audubon, Shelby, and Crawford counties, for the purchase of their swamp lands for the purpose of settling them.  A vote of the people is to be taken on the ratification of these contracts.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 15, 1862, p. 2

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