Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In the report of the battle at Donelson . . .

. . . which we reprint to-day, from the Chicago Tribune, it will be seen that mention is made of Acting Brigadier Gen. Lauman and the Iowa regiments – such a mention as no one would have complained of had it been printed in the early telegraphic reports which went east and all over the country, and which only are read by the great mass of readers.  After the first accounts have gone forth giving all the credit to Illinois troops and Illinois Generals and Colonels – and after Congress has made promotions upon these first reports for the benefit of the aforesaid Illinois Generals, then we have something approximating a fair account of the battle, which will not be read, except by Western people who have friends and relatives in Tennessee, and whose approval is expected to be thus secured.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, February 22, 1862, p. 2

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