Sunday, October 15, 2017

John Brown Jr. [alias John Smith] to John Brown, July 18, 1859

Ashtabula, Ashtabula County, Ohio, Monday, July 18, 1859.

Dear Father, — Yours, dated at Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, July 5, and mailed at Troy, New York, July 7, and also yours of the 8th, with enclosed drafts for one hundred dollars, I received in due season; am here to-day to get drafts cashed. Have now got all my business so arranged that I can devote my time, for the present, entirely to any business you may see fit to intrust me; shall immediately ship your freight, as you directed, most probably by canal, from Hartstown (formerly Hart's Cross Roads, Crawford County), to the river at Rochester, Pennsylvania (formerly Beaver), thence by railroad via Pittsburg, etc., as you directed. Shall hold myself in readiness to go north on any business you choose to direct or confide in my hands. All well; have two or three letters from [New England], which I will forward to J. H. [Kagi].

In haste, your affectionate son,
John Smith.

SOURCE: Franklin B. Sanborn, The Life and Letters of John Brown, p. 534

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