Saturday, May 11, 2024

Diary of Malvina S. Waring, March 12, 1865

A delicate piece of business is this managing of so many men in one lump! They will have ideas of their own, the most stupid among them! And they all want to be first in importance. I feel in a humor to "size up" some of them tonight, not ill-naturedly, but only for my own amusement. Major W—— is a squire of dames and admirable as a raconteur; Colonel P—— laughs and flatters, and flatters and laughs, and positively that is all he ever does or knows how to do; B—— is an amiable, domesticated creature; T—— has excellent intentions, and a great many of them, and no doubt, in due course of time, he'll find that place where such things are said to abound; C—— just falls short of everything—but can he help it, poor fellow? P—— is a man who has risen superior to himself; Z—— is a dead level of dulness; as to C——'s manners, he is a debtor "both to the Greeks and the barbarians"; K—— is a Joseph Surface; General "enjoys" bad health; L—— is a negative instance; F—— is a mosaic of sentiment; and as for the others, it being so late, and I so sleepy, they will happily escape this time!

SOURCE: South Carolina State Committee United Daughters of the Confederacy, South Carolina Women in the Confederacy, Vol. 1, “A Confederate Girl's Diary,” p. 281-2

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