Monday, May 13, 2024

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Monday Morning, September 2, 1861

Clear and fine. Roll call at 5½ A. M. as usual-Breakfast at 6½ Squad drill &c. more activity will be observed this week in drilling than heretofore. Lt. L. F. Williams appointed junior Officer of the Guard to day. One of our men who came from town yesterday in a state of intoxication—by name John Brown is very sick to day—great suffering & pain in his stomach and lower extremities supposed to emanate from poison in the liquor drank yesterday. The 2 gun boats stationed here left this afternoon & 1 Regt. of In from Birds Point, their destination & the No. of the Regt. we are not informed. Heavy firing heard at 8 O'clock this evening in the direction of New-Madrid Mo. supposed that our Gun Boats have engaged the enemy at that point

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 224-5

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