Thursday, July 18, 2024

Brigadier-General Jefferson Davis to John M. Chilton and others, June 11, 1847

(From Vicksburg Weekly Whig, June 16, 1847.)

New Orleans, 11th June, 1847.

Gentlemen—Your letter of the 31st of May, conveying in the most kind and complimentary terms the wish of the citizens of Vicksburg and Warren county to receive the 1st Mississippi Rifles at a Barbecue, was received at this place.

We most sensibly feel your flattering attention to our approach, and hope to have the pleasure of meeting you at Vicksburg on Tuesday morning, the 15th inst.

To you, gentlemen of the committee, for the pleasing manner in which you welcome our coming, I return, on the part of the Regiment, the sincerest thanks.

Very truly, yours,
JEFF'N DAVIS.        
Colonel Mississippi Rifles.

John M. Chilton, Ch'n., A. H. Arthur, T. E. Robins, W. H. Johnson, N. D. Coleman, E. J. Sessions, W. C. Smedes, J. Jenkins, M. C. Folkes, N. B. Batchelor, C. J. Searles.

SOURCE: Dunbar Rowland, Editor, Jefferson Davis, Constitutionalist: His Letters, Papers and Speeches, Volume 1, p. 73-4

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