Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Julia Gardiner Tyler to Julianna MacLachlan Gardiner, May 11, 1861

SHERWOOD FOREST, May 11, 1861.

I only write you one word this morning to say all continues well with us, and that I receive punctually your letters. Continue to direct them to Mr. Clopton. Mrs. Pegram sent those addressed to her care. Robert Tyler arrived on Wednesday. I have only a moment to say this much before the boat passes. Every day I am expecting an entire interruption in our correspondence. If you would be just as well satisfied here, how I wish you were with us. Robert has written for his wife by all means to leave Bristol and join him. She wrote it was getting worse and worse, and she wanted to come away, and she will at once set out and hurry to Virginia. From here she will proceed on to Marietta, Georgia, and remain with her brother until her husband fixes himself in Montgomery.

Robert laughed at what the papers said of him, though he left, he was thankful to say, no creditors among the savages. They will soon exhaust their bitterness. Good-bye, dear Mamma. Love to the household.

Your affectionate daughter,

P. S.—I am going this morning to attend a meeting of the ladies of the county, who are assisting the volunteers as far as they can.

SOURCE: Lyon Gardiner Tyler, The Letters and Times of the Tylers, Volume 2, p. 650-1

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