Showing posts with label Mail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mail. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Thursday, January 15, 1863

This morning the lowering clouds shut out the sun's genial rays, as if to prolong the night. It is cold and stormy. It has ceased raining, and is now snowing. We shall receive no news—all is lonely. “A kingdom for a mail”—for one ray of light from the civilized world. Hark! the Locomotive is sending its signal, but its sound is soon lost in the shouts from the soldiers—alas! it brings no mail, but sad disappointment.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 131

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Saturday, January 17, 1863

Still cold and blustery. No mail—no papers—no light. All dark, there is certainly something wrong.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 131

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Sunday, January 18, 1863

This morning we find the clouds have disappeared, and the sun is shining brightly on the carpet of snow that mantles the earth, but it is cold, and the soldiers are compelled to keep close around the camp fires. Such weather was never known in this climate, and the citizens say that it is caused by the Yankee's superhuman agency. This evening it is all mud—the snow did not tarry long. And yet the cry goes forth fromthe “P. O." "no mail—"no papers." Oh! cruel fates!

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 132

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Tuesday, January 20, 1863

The troops still continue foraging, and in consequence the country has well nigh become impoverished, almost everything in the line of subsistence having been confiscated. But occasionally a hog, goose, or chicken ventures from some hiding place and falls a prey to the “inveterate Yankees." Good news! the P. M. informs us that the train has brought the mail. At last it is distributed, and how eagerly the soldiers peruse the little white sheets. Could our friends but know how much good a letter does a soldier, they would drift to him "like dew-drops from heaven”—that is, letters of cheering words. They make us better soldiers too. We get the blues sometimes, and feel like going to the dogs. Perhaps we are worn out with duty, are all wet and muddy and the wind changes right into our eyes; and then the coffee is bad; and the crackers are worse, and all this when we are as hungry as wolves. But the mail-boy comes, and hands us a letter—a good long letter from home, or some one else, we won't say who—we are not tired now; the fire has ceased smoking; the coffee is pronounced good; the old musty crackers are decidedly better, and everything glides on smoothly with us.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 132-3

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Wednesday, January 21, 1863

This morning all nature looks lovely. The silver-tinged landscape presents a scene of beauty. The soft south breezes are intoxicating. The mail comes regularly now, and with full supplies the soldiers are happy.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 133

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Tuesday, December 23, 1862

This morning we cross Beach river, and march into Henderson. We are told that from here we will proceed by rail to Corinth. Never was news so gladly received as was this by the Seventh's weary members. The First Brigade, General Sweeny, receive transportation immediately for Corinth, thirty miles distant. And it falls to our lot to remain at Henderson until the train returns.

It returns at 2 o'clock and we are soon rolling over the road towards Corinth. At 5 o'clock P. M. we enter our old camp. The railroads running from Corinth to Memphis and Columbus are now cut, closing our communications with the government, and in consequence the command has only half rations issued to them.

Every day is now dawning with Corinth isolated as it were from the rest of the world, with no mail, no news, and only half rations, but the soldiers are in fine spirits, and seem to feel indifferent concerning the situation. Forrest and his raiders seem to have full sway in the direction of Memphis and Columbus. We miss the engine's shrill whistle, and above all we miss its ponderous load. But as we look among these stalwart men this evening, we are inclined to think that the enemy's present mode of warfare, though a legitimate one, will not annihilate this army. The voice of the Seventh is, we will smile to see them starve us, though we are in an almost destitute country.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 124-5

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: January 5, 1863

This morning a pleasing smile is seen to play upon every face after receiving the intelligence that a mail will arrive from the north to-day. Every one seems anxious to hear from home—from the army before Richmond—from Burnside—from Congress, and of the great things talked of there. In fact we are anxious to hear of what is going on generally in the free outside world. We have now been cut off from communications for two weeks; if not opened soon half rations will all be consumed. About twilight this evening we hear the cars coming and shouts from the camps rend the air, but oh! it is not a through train, only from Jackson. Although disappointed in not receiving supplies, the weary, anxious, waiting hearts are gladdened by the arrival of the mail, which was conveyed part of the way by Pony express. It is indeed interesting to see with what eagerness the soldiers crowd around the "P. O." The mail is now distributed, and the soldiers can be seen in every direction perusing the home missives. All feel cheerful after reading these words that come from the loyal hearts of the loved ones at home.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 127

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, October 27, 1864


MY DARLING: — Yours of the 18th — the first since the boy reached me last night. Very glad you were able to write so soon. I don't want you to make any exertion to write — just write one line and it will be enough. Half a page of your little note sheet will be a long letter now.

We have had so far fine weather. Our camps are as comfortable as possible. We expect to stay here until the season is too far advanced to admit of any formidable raids into Maryland or Pennsylvania. The Rebels, it is known, have been resolved to create a panic if possible in time to affect the Presidential election.

Some of the foolish fellows in the Sixth and Nineteenth Corps, feeling envious of our laurels in previous battles, have got the Eastern correspondents to represent the rout of Crook's Corps as worse than theirs, etc., etc. There is not a word of truth in it. A sentence in General Sheridan's dispatch was no doubt intended to correct this in a quiet way. “Crook's Corps lost seven pieces of artillery, the Nineteenth, eleven, and the Sixth Corps, six.” We were attacked before them, and of course under more unfavorable circumstances, and yet we lost no more. In fact lost nothing. My division fell back, but brought everything we had—our two cows, tents, and everything. Of course we lost no artillery, but did save an abandoned piece of the Nineteenth Corps.

I hope to see you soon. It is impossible now to tell when we shall be in a situation to ask for leaves of absence, but I suspect it will be within a month or six weeks. If we get on the railroad, I can go for a few days and not be missed.

The Rebels have not shown their heads since the last crushing defeat. Nothing but a determination to interfere with the election will bring back their forces. — Love to all.

Affectionately ever,

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 530-1

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Diary of Private Daniel L. Ambrose: Wednesday, October 8, 1862

At three, A. M., the Seventh is moving, but owing to the intense heat, we move slowly. In the evening we camp at Rookersville. The regiment feasts to-night on chickens, geese and sweet potatoes. The whole country is being foraged of everything that affords subsistence. News from the front informs us that the fleet-footed rebels are far away. We are now fifty miles from Corinth. Our advance is at Ripley. We are told this evening that the mail agent will return to Corinth in the morning and forward a northern mail, and many a weary soldier is now sitting around the camp-fires writing to the loved ones.

SOURCE: Daniel Leib Ambrose, History of the Seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, p. 112

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Major Charles Wright Wills: March 22, 1865

Bentonville, N. C., March 22, 1865.

The enemy left about 2 a. m. Our brigade was ordered to follow them to Mill creek, about three miles, which we did almost on the double quick, the 26th Illinois in advance pushing their rear guard. The brigade went to Mill creek, but our skirmishers went a mile further, to Hannah's creek. The 26th had seven wounded. I saw in one place a dead Rebel and one of our men burned horribly. The woods have all been burned over here. In another place a dead Rebel and one of our men with his foot cut half off, one of his toes cut off, several more cuts on his body, and a bullet hole in his temple. Some of the boys saw one of our men with leg cut off in five places. Some surgeon had probably been practicing on the last two men.

They were 14th Corps men, Sherman again says the campaign is over, that he only came out here to show Johnston that he is ready to fight all the time. We start back for Goldsboro (24 miles), to-morrow. Hurrah for mail and clean clothes. Colonel and I occupy the outside of a house to-night, in the inside of which is a Chinese-eyed girl with a Creole mouth. She is as intelligent as a door post. You don't know how anxious I am to hear from you. I have had a reply to but one letter that I have written since last November (15th). Our little supper is now ready. Don't see how we will get along without Frank.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 366-7

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Matthew Scott Cook, October 12, 1864


Dear UNCLE Scott:— I am much obliged for your letter announcing the arrival of the big boy and the welfare of his mother. I had been looking for news somewhat anxiously. I intended to have had a daughter, but I failed to see the new moon over my right shoulder. I am glad to hear he promises to be a good boy, as Aunt PhÅ“be writes Dr. Joe.

We had a quiet election here yesterday. My old brigade, Ohio voters, were unanimous the two veteran regiments voting as follows: Twenty-third — two hundred and sixty-six Union; Thirty-sixth — two hundred and fifty-nine ditto, and no Copperheads. The whole of Crook's Command stands fourteen hundred Union and two hundred Democrats in round numbers — three-fourths of the Democrats being in companies from Monroe and Crawford (counties).

Our campaign in the Valley is supposed to be ended. It winds up with a most signal cavalry victory. It is believed that the Sixth and Nineteenth Corps with Sheridan's splendid cavalry will join Grant and that Crook's hard-worked command will have the duty of guarding the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in winter quarters. We hope this is correct. If so, I shall probably get home by Christmas for a good visit.

I am compelled to write this on the half sheet of your letter. Love to all.

MATTHEW Scott Cook.
        Chillicothe, Ohio.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 524

Diary of Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: Tuesday, October 18, 1864

A letter from Stephenson congratulating me on my election by twenty-four hundred majority. [In the] First District, Eggleston has seventeen hundred majority. Still busy on entrenchments.

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 527

Monday, June 14, 2021

Major Charles Wright Wills: March 12, 1865

Fayetteville, N. C., March 12, 1865.

We are camped a couple of miles from town. Marched about 13 miles to-day. Had to put down pontoons at both branches of Rockfish creek. At the town of Rockfish, the 17th A. C. burned a factory, throwing about 150 women out of employment. One of our gunboats came up to this place to-day with dispatches for Sherman. It went back before our division got in and took a lot of mail.

The 14th A. C. is garrisoning this place, but the 17th got in first. The 97th Indiana boys, who were captured back at Lynch's Creek, all got away from the enemy and back to us to-day, five of them. Sherman said yesterday that the campaign ends only with the war. Hear that Hampton whipped Kilpatrick splendidly. Don't think that is any credit to him. Also hear that Bragg whipped Schofield at Kingston, that Thomas has Lynchburg, and 30,000 other rumors. In the last 23 days the commissary has issued only two and one half days' of bread. I lost my sword to-day. Left it where we stopped for dinner. We have lost so much sleep of late that at every halt half the command is asleep in a minute. I lay down and told them not to wake me for dinner nor until the regiment moved. The regiment had started when Frank woke me, and I got on my horse too stupid to think of anything. Did not miss my sword for five miles, when I went back for it, but no use. Foragers for the last week have been counting on rich spoils in the town, and many of them have not reported to their regiments within six or eight days, camping every night with the extreme advance. The day before the place was taken, five men who were 15 miles ahead of the column ventured into town. They were gobbled and one of them killed. Next morning 100 foragers hovered around town until the column was within about six miles, when the foragers deployed as skirmishers, and went for the town.

There were about 1,000 Rebel cavalry herein who fell back before our boys skirmishing lively, clear through the town, when they suddenly charged our fellows and scooped them. Our loss in killed, wounded and captured is 25 or 30. They killed several after they captured them, and one they hung up by the heels and cut his throat. Our boys retreated about a mile from town, and went in again in more solid order. They were too scattered the first time. They were successful and routed Johnny, who left six dead in the streets.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 360-1

Major Charles Wright Wills: March 18, 1865

Four miles north from Smithfield's, N. C.,
March 18, 1865.

Fifteen miles, good roads, men only waded in swamps. Whole corps in camp before dark. Well settled country and oceans of forage. Our foragers and the 7th Illinois "mounted thieves" had a nice little fight to-day. Came near scaring Wade Hampton's chivalry out of their boots; four dead Yanks, and 11 Rebels is said to be the result. Our fellows run them off to the left of our road into the 14th and 20, who hurried their march a little. We are 27 miles from Goldsboro and 18 from Faisons on the railroad, which point we will probably make to-morrow and possibly get our mail. If I don't get at least six letters from you I will be much disappointed. We are much amused over the Rebel papers we get. All seem to take “gobs” of comfort from Lee's declaration that "Tecumseh” can and must be whipped. Several of them assert that our treatment of citizens is good. Don't believe a word of it, though I wish it were so.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 363-4

Monday, May 3, 2021

Major Charles Wright Wills: March 8, 1865

Five miles north of Laurenburg, N. C., Laurel Hill,
March 8, 1865.

One hundred and twelve miles of steady rain, and the best country since we left Central Georgia. Looks real Northern like. Small farms and nice white, tidy dwellings. Wheat fields look very well. In the cornfields rows are five feet apart, and one stalk the size of a candle, in a hill. But at every house there were from 200 to 1,000 bushels of corn and an abundance of fodder. Sherman said yesterday that our campaign is over, and to-day Howard issued an order that all foraging for provisions shall cease, there being enough rations in the wagons to last us through. I dreamed last night of being at home on leave and seeing you all, and starting back to the army again. Only 90 miles yet to mail.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 358-9

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, October 2, 1864

HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA, Sunday, October 2, 1864.

DEAREST: — I am writing to you so often these days because I am thinking of you more anxiously than usual, and on account of the great uncertainty of our communications. There are some indications today that we shall push on further south. You will know if we do by the papers. If so we shall be cut off from friends more than ever.

Dr. Joe has gone with the First Brigade out about six miles to grind up the wheat at some mills in that quarter. It seems to be a great place for sport. They are having a jolly time.

We hear from Winchester today. One of our orderlies, Johnny Kaufman, died of his wound. Captain Hastings and the rest are all doing well.

Great droves of cattle and sheep are going past us north. Everything eatable is taken or destroyed. No more supplies to Rebels from this valley. No more invasions in great force by this route will be possible.

P. M. - Indications look more like going on with our campaign. I would prefer going towards my darling and the chicks. Still, I like to move. We came here a week ago. After this active year I feel bored when we stop longer than a day or two. I have tried all available plans to spend time. I read old Harpers, two of Mrs. Hall's novels, — you know I don't "affect" women's novels. I find myself now reading “East Lynne.” Nothing superior in it, but I can read anything.

For the first time in five or six days, we are just startled by cannon firing and musketry, perhaps four or five miles in our front. It is probably Rebel cavalry pitching into our foraging parties, or making a reconnaisance to find whether we have left.

"Have your men under arms,” comes from General Crook. I ask, "Is it thought to be anything?" "No, but General Sheridan sends the order to us." Well, we get under arms. This letter is put in my ammunition box. I mount my horse and see that all are ready. The firing gets more distant and less frequent. "We have driven them,” somebody conjectures, and I return to my tent, “East Lynne," and my darling, no wiser than ever.

I am in receipt of yours of [the] 13th. The mail goes back immediately. Good-bye. Blessings on your head.

Affectionately ever,

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 520-1

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Major Charles Wright Wills: February 11, 1865

Seven miles west of Orangeburg, S. C.,
February 11, 1865.

Made 18 miles to-day. Crossed South Edisto river in rear of the corps. The river here is about 40 yards wide, with a swift current, water very clear. First 10 miles to-day was through pretty good country, the last eight miles mostly pine forest with more rolling ground than I have seen since we left the Oconee river in Georgia. Received my commission as major to-day, also two letters from you dated November 3d and January 4th. I ask pardon for thinking that you did not write regularly. The fault must be in the mails. All kinds of rumors afloat to-night of peace, war, and I don't know what all. We came near being burned up last night, the fire crept along through the pine leaves and burned my vest, partly, and ruined my jacket, and almost spoiled my overcoat, all of which were under my head. Also burned the colonel's pillow. The flames bursting up woke us, and I expect our first motion would have amused a very solemn man.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 343-4

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Sophia Birchard Hayes, September 23, 1864

WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA, September 23, 1864.

DEAR MOTHER:— We have gained two great victories this week. The first was after a fierce and long battle, in which we lost heavily. The last unwounded man of my staff was badly wounded; one orderly ditto; two horses killed, rode by my aides. I am unhurt and in good health. We are in pursuit and will soon get out of the reach of mails. — In haste. Love to all.

Affectionately, your son,

SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 2, p. 512

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Diary of John Beauchamp Jones: March 12, 1864

It cleared away yesterday evening, and this morning, after the dispersion of a fog, the sun shone out in great glory, and the day was bright, calm, and pleasant. The trees begin to exhibit buds, and the grass is quite green.

My wife received a letter to-day from Mrs. Marling, Raleigh, N. C., containing some collard seed, which was immediately sown in a bed already prepared. And a friend sent us some fresh pork spare ribs and chine, and four heads of cabbage—so that we shall have subsistence for several days. My income, including Custis's, is not less, now, than $600 per month, or $7200 per annum; but we are still poor, with flour at $300 per barrel; meal, $50 per bushel; and even fresh fish at $5 per pound. A market-woman asked $5 to-day for a half pint of snap beans, to plant.

SOURCE: John Beauchamp Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, Volume 2p. 170

Friday, February 19, 2021

Diary of 5th Sergeant Osborn H. Oldroyd: July 2, 1863

This is Camp Tiffin. Our regiment was favored to-day with a large mail, and nothing could have been more acceptable. Letters from home were looked into first, and next, of course, came sweethearts. One letter was read aloud, describing the capture of a butternut camp, in Holmes county, Ohio. The fort was built on a hill, and manned with several cannon, to resist the draft. A few soldiers from Camp Chase, however, went over and soon put an end to that attempt at resistance. I regret to hear of such a disgraceful affair occurring in my native State. From other letters and papers it appears this thing occurs in many other Northern States, and of course it must give encouragement to the rebels.

The rumor now runs that the paymaster will be at hand tomorrow, but he is about as reliable as Johnston, for we have been something like a week looking for both these gentlemen. I confess I would rather meet greenbacks than graybacks.

This afternoon, with several others, I went blackberrying again, and in searching for something to eat, we paid a visit to a house where, to our happy surprise, we found a birthday party, brightened by the presence of no less than eleven young ladies. We asked, of course, where “the boys” were, and they replied, as we expected, “out hunting Yanks.” Well, we found it a treat to get a taste of sociality once more, after being so long famished. They were very nice rebel girls, though I think the color of the eyes of one of them was what I might call true blue. They asked us to lunch with them, which we did with pleasure. The eatables were good, and we had a splendid time—all the while, of course, keeping one eye on the girls and the other on the window. We told our experience at our last blackberrying excursion, when they assured as we had nothing to fear with them, for they were all “for the Union.” No doubt they will be whenever their “boys” come home.

This is a facsimile of a “hard-tack" issued to the author at Vicksburg.The scene upon it represents a soldier toasting his cracker, and the spots in the cracker were caused by the worms which inhabited it.

SOURCE: Osborn Hamiline Oldroyd, A Soldier's Story of the Siege of Vicksburg, p. 72-3