Thursday, May 12, 2011

New York, February 28 [1862]

News in the morning papers is very meager.

The Herald’s dispatch, under date of Washington 27th, says the navy department has a dispatch from Com. Goldsboro, conveying the information that the Union forces were in possession of the seaboard railroad and had destroyed the bridges across the Blackwater and Nottaway rivers cutting off all communication between Norfolk and Richmond and the Southern seaboard.

A bill has been prepared by the committee on territories and will be reported by their chairman, Mr. Ashley of Ohio, probably to-day, providing for temporary civil Government under the protection of our military and naval force in the States in rebellion.  The geographical boundaries of these territories are to be fixed by the President.

Applications have lately been made to the treasure department for permits to trade between the seceded and loyal States on the coast of the Atlantic and on the Mississippi, under the provisions of the law regulating intercourse with the seceded States.  A number of permits have accordingly been granted.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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