Thursday, May 12, 2011

Washington, Feb. 28 [1862]

The National Intelligencer, of this morning, says that a report prevailed yesterday to the effect that the column of Gen. Banks had suffered a repulse, in attempting to cross the Potomac, but its fallacy was exposed by a communication from Secretary Stanton to representative Colfax.

Special to Commercial.

The house committee of ways and means will not be able to introduce the tax bills before Monday next.  They hope to have them matured before that time.

The senate judiciary committee have the confiscation act of Senator Harris under consideration to-day.

First Assistant P. M. General Kasson is engaged in sending instructions and making arrangements for re-establishing post offices and post routs as our armies advance into the so-called Confederate States.  H. H. Markle is following our forces into Tennessee, and J. J. Miller, agent of the department in this connection, is operating in the southern part of Kentucky.  The post office at Nashville, and those in the eastern part of North Carolina, will soon be re-opened.  The latter State is to be supplied with mails by sea.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 1, 1862, p. 1

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