Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes: Saturday Afternoon, August 15, 1863
Friday, May 25, 2018
Diary of Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: July 16, 1863
Diary of Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: Sunday, July 19, 1863
Diary of Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: Wednesday, July 22, 1863
Sunday, October 8, 2017
Diary of Colonel Rutherford B. Hayes: Sunday, March 22, 1863
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Diary of Major Rutherford B. Hayes: Tuesday, September 10, 1861
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Major Rutherford B. Hayes to Lucy Webb Hayes, September 5, 1861
Friday, April 11, 2014
13th Ohio Infantry – 3 Months
13th Ohio Infantry – 3 Years
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Not Dead Yet
Thursday, May 13, 2010
David Andrew Griffith, Sgt., 11th Ohio Infantry
D. A. Griffith at the usual age entered the city schools of Portsmouth, Ohio, and there laid the foundation of his education. When he was eleven years of age, however, his parents died and he was taken by a family who mistreated him and he accordingly ran away. He became a farm hand and thus provided for his support and was so engaged until the outbreak of the Civil war. On the I5th of April, 1861, he enlisted in Company C, Thirteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry under Captain Dan Parnell. The command rendezvoused at Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. Griffith was made first duty sergeant. After being three months with Company C he was transferred to Company D, of the Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry and served as sergeant in that command for a year, after which he was made first lieutenant. He was under fire in Virginia, at the battle of Charleston, Maryland, at Bull Run, Antietam, South Mountain, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and the siege of Chattanooga and accompanied Sherman on the memorable march to the sea. He was wounded by a bayonet thrust at South Mountain, Maryland, and lost his hearing at the battle of Antietam, as his regiment was for hours in the midst of eight hundred pieces of artillery. His regiment, which in that engagement lost five hundred men, together with the Eighteenth Pennsylvania, charged the Burnside bridge and took it. Colonel Coleman, who led the charge, fell pierced by seven bullets. Lieutenant Griffith succeeded in capturing some rebel cannon and his record throughout the war proved him a fearless and an able officer. He has a medal presented him by the state of Ohio for continuous and meritorious service. He was mustered out on the 3d of July, 1865, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and later in that year removed to Fairfield, Iowa.
In 1870 he came to Madison county and began farming in Jefferson township, where he lived for five years. At the end of that time he removed to Union township and engaged in agricultural pursuits there until 1893. In that year he purchased two hundred acres of land in Douglas township on North river and gave his time and attention to the operation of that farm. He was very successful in all that he attempted, his energy, determination and knowledge of the best methods of agriculture making him one of the leading farmers in his township.
On the 4th of March, 1866, Mr. Griffith was united in marriage to Miss Hester E. Miller, who was born in Brown county, Ohio, December 27, 1847, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Hillis) [sic] Miller. Her father was born in Germany in 1822 and upon emigrating to this country settled in Cincinnati, where he followed the blacksmith's trade until his health failed. He then removed to Brown county, Ohio, which remained his home until 1865. In that year he migrated westward and settled in Jefferson county, Iowa, near Fairfield. Nine years later he homesteaded land in Buena Vista county, where his death occurred in 1875. His wife, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1820, passed away in Buena Vista county in 1904, having survived him for almost three decades.
Mr. and Mrs. Griffith are the parents of seven children: Anna B. gave her hand in marriage to Elias Van Scoy, of Logan county, Colorado, by whom she has four children. U. Grant, who was born May 7, 1868, died January 20, 1907. Isaac, born on the 5th of September, 1869, is a well-to-do farmer who is married and has three children, David A., Winifred and Hester. Jerome is represented elsewhere in this work. David T., whose birth occurred on the11th of July, 1879, is engaged in the implement business at Van Meter, Iowa. Linnie E., born November11, 1880, passed away February 4, 1890. Robert S. was born on the 16th of October, 1888.
Mr. Griffith is identified with the republican party and has always been as true to the best interests of his country in times of peace as he was when he led his command upon the battlefields of the south. None begrudges him the competence and the leisure which are now his, as they were won by industry and sound judgment.
SOURCE: History of Madison County Iowa and Its People, Volume 2, p. 285-7
NOTE: According to the Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, David A. Griffith of Companies D & H, mustered in as a private and out as a sergeant. David A. Griffith is listed on page 148 of J. H. Horton & Solomon Teverbaugh’s A History of the Eleventh Regiment (Ohio Volunteer Infantry) as “an original member; promoted to Sergeant; veteranized, and was left at Chattanooga.”
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
From Cairo
Special to the Chicago Times
The steamer Charley Bowen reached here to-day, from Paducah. From Capt. White, one of her passengers, I gather Pittsburg news of Sunday night. The weather in that quarter has been exceedingly unfavorable for movements of our army. For the last three days rain has fallen incessantly, and it is now an utter impossibility for the army to move on account of the great depth of the mud. Preparations, however, are going on steadily, so when the roads improve, the army will be in readiness for battle.
Beauregard is being constantly reinforced and the citizens of Memphis and New Orleans are throwing up their business occupation and flocking to his standard, believing on the ensuing battle depends the fate of the Valley of the Mississippi. It is thought by those who ought to know best that the majority of the Southern people are ready to throw down their arms and return to the Union, if they are defeated at Corinth; while the leaders are still as desperate as ever.
Major Belknap, of the 15th Iowa regiment, has been promoted to the Colonelcy of a Wisconsin regiment, for his gallant conduct at the battle of Pittsburg.
I have it from excellent authority, that every charge against Gen. Grant, will be shown to be groundless, and that facts not generally known, tend to exculpate him from any blame whatever. The charge among others, that he landed troops on the Pittsburg side of the river, contrary to the order of Gen. Halleck, is easily cleared up, by the fact that the whole opposite side of the river was flooded with at least three feet of water, making the debarkation of the troops on that side impossible. The impression is gaining ground that Gen. Grant not only acted prudently under the circumstances, but conducted himself with marked bravery throughout the battle.
Five of the rebel miscreants who fired on the steamer Minnehaha during her recent trip up the Tennessee, have been captured, together with a quantity of ammunition and a number of horses, bearing the U. S. marks. The rebels were to be shot.
Gen. Smith is lying dangerously ill at Savannah. His division was commanded at the battle of Pittsburg by Gen. W H. Wallace.
Capt. G. R. Gardner, Co. F, and Capt. R. R. Henderson, Co. H, 13th Ohio, reported killed in the battle of Pittsburg, are both alive, and though wounded, are doing well.
The gunboat Eastport, captured at Nashville, is now being rebuilt at Mound City. She is to be somewhat longer and narrower than the gunboats now in service, and is to be provided with a huge iron prow; otherwise she will be continued after the pattern of the Benton and other gunboats. She is to be completed in about four weeks. Capt. Pennock, the naval officer in command at this post, is superintending the construction of the Eastport.
The captain of the Minnehaha arrived here to-day, and brings particulars concerning the drowning of Gov. Harvey. The Governor was returning in company with a number of gentlemen of Wisconsin from Pittsburg, whither they had gone to relieve the wounded Wisconsin troops. At Savannah they stopped some time visiting the wounded in hospital, and at length started to return. The party were passing from the steamer Dunleith on board the Minnehaha, when Gov. Harvey lost footing and fell into the river. He endeavored to swim against the current, and while in this act Dr. Clarke, on of the Governor’s party plunged into the stream to his rescue. Before he could reach him, however, Gov. Harvey was carried under a coal boat, since when nothing has been heard of his body, though endeavors have been made to recover it. A reward of $1,000 been offered by the State for the recovery of the body.
The Postmaster at Cairo requests all postmasters in mailing letters for the army, which should properly be sent to his office for distribution, to put them in separate packages and endorse the letters “soldier’s letters, Cairo D. P. O.” The enormous increase of letters received makes this an absolute necessity.
The steamer Stringer arrived from Fort Pillow this morning, but brought nothing of importance from the fleet. She left our fleet on Sunday evening, and reports that there was no firing on either side during that day. A few shots were exchanged on Saturday, Mortar boats occasionally toss shell into the rebel fortifications. Nothing lively may be expected from the flotilla until after the battle of Corinth.
First Lieut. John Sec, Co G, 41st Ills., wounded in the battle of Pittsburg, died when coming down the river yesterday.
The river here is at least at a stand, and if any change is occurring is slowly receding.
– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, April 24, 1862, p. 2
Friday, November 20, 2009
Cairo Budget, A useless attempt to Whitewash Grant – Affairs at Pittsburgh – at Fort Pillow, etc.
The weather has been exceedingly unfavorable in that quarter for the movements of our army, for the last three days. The rain has fallen incessantly, and it is now an utter impossibility for the army to move on account of the great depth of mud. Preparations, however, are going on steadily, and when the roads improve the army will be in readiness for the battle.
Beauregard is being constantly reinforced and citizens of Memphis and New Orleans are throwing up their business occupations and flocking to his standard, believing that in the coming battle depends the fate of the Valley of the Mississippi.
It is thought by those who ought to know, that the majority of the Southern People are ready to throw down their arms and return to the Union if they are defeated at Corinth, while the leaders are still as desperate as ever.
Major Belknap, of the 15th Iowa, has been promoted to the Colonelcy of a Wisconsin regiment, for gallant conduct at the battle of Pittsburgh.
I hear it from excellent authority, that every charge brought against Gen. Grant, will be shown to be groundless, and facts not generally known tend to exculpate him from any blame whatever. The charge, among others, that he landed troops on the Pittsburgh side of the river contrary to the orders of General Halleck, is easily cleared up, by the fact that the whole opposite side of the river was flooded with at least three feet of water, making the debarkation of troops on that side impossible.
The impression is gaining ground that Gen. Grant not only acted prudently under the circumstances, but conducted himself with marked bravery throughout the battle.
Five of the rebel miscreants who fired upon the steamer Minnehaha, during her recent trip up the Tennessee river, have been captured, together with a quantity of ammunition and quite a number of horses bearing the U. S. mark. – They are to be shot.
Gen. Smith is lying dangerously ill at Savannah. His division was commanded at the battle of Pittsburgh by Gen. W. H. Wallace.
Capt. J. R. Gardiner, Co. F, and Capt. R. R. Henderson, Co. H, 13th Ohio, reported killed in the battle of Pittsburgh, in the Chicago Tribune of the 19th, are both alive, and though wounded are doing well.
The gunboat Eastport, captured at Nashville, is now being rebuilt at Mound City. She is to be somewhat larger and narrower than the gunboats now in service, and is to be provided with a large iron ram at the prow. Otherwise she will be erected after the pattern of the Benton and other gunboats. She is to be completed in about four weeks. Capt. Pennock, the naval officer in command at this post, is superintending the construction of the Eastport.
The Captain of the Minnehaha arrived here to-day, and brings the particulars concerning the drowning of Gov. Harvey. The Governor was returning in company with a number of gentleman of Wisconsin, from Pittsburgh, whither they had gone [to] relieve the wounded Wisconsin troops. At Savannah they stopped some time visiting the wounded in the hospital and started to return. The party were passing from the steamer Dunleith on board the Minnehaha, when Gov. Harvey lost his footing and fell into the river. He endeavored to swim against the current and while in this act, Dr. Clarke, one of the Governor’s particular friends, plunged into the stream to his rescue. But before he could reach him however, Gov. Harvey was carried under a coal boat. Since then nothing has been seen of his body, though every exertion has been made to recover it. A reward of $1,000 has been offered by the State of Wisconsin, for the recover of the body.
The post-master at Cairo requests all postmasters in mailing letters for the army, which should properly be sent to his office for distribution, to put them in separate packages, and endorse the letters “Soldier’s Letters,” Cairo D. P. O. The enormous increase of letters received makes this an absolute necessity.
The steamer Shingers arrived from Fort Pillow this morning, but brought nothing of importance from the flotilla. She left our fleet on Sunday evening and reports that there was no firing on either side during that day. A few shots were exchanged on Saturday. Our mortar boats occasionally throw a shell into the rebel fortifications. Nothing lively may be expected from the flotilla until after the battle of Corinth.
First Lieut. John Seek, Co G, 41st Illinois, wounded at the battle of Pittsburg, died while coming down the river yesterday.
The river here is at last at a stand, and if any change is occurring is slowly receding.
– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, April 26, 1862, p. 3
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Part Taken by the 13th Ohio Regiment in the Fight
April 8th, 1862.
Frank J. Jones. A. A. G. –
SIR: – I have the honor to submit the following statement of the part taken by eight companies of the 13th Regiment O. V. I. , under my command, in the action of April 7th inst., near Pittsburg Landing, On Tennessee river. After having passed the previous night in awaiting orders near the Landing, my regiment, a part of the 14th Brigade, under Acting Brigadier General [W.] S. Smith, marched out to a position in the center, about one and a half mile distant. The 13th Ohio Regiment occupied the center of the brigade. An advance of the rebels on our lines took place about 8 A. M., and during a sever struggle and through a heavy shower of musketry and artillery, this regiment, in connection with the remainder of the brigade, charged upon the rebels, and succeeded in capturing three pieces of artillery, viz two 6-pounds, and one 12-pound howitzer, belonging to the Washington battery. After spiking one of the guns, and meeting with a severe loss, [the enemy appeared] in force, and succeeded in compelling us, with their fresh troops and superior numbers, to fall back about 400 yards, when reinforcements [reached us] and a new line of battle was formed, and in regular order we recommenced the fight under a heavy fire of canister.
While charging the rebel battery and retiring from it, four of our commissioned officers and many of our non-commissioned officers and privates fell, killed or wounded while manfully and courageously performing their duties.
The enthusiasm and perservering bravery of my command, as exhibited in this charge, were highly commendable. The officers and men seemed determined to accomplish the object in view, and although our plans [were] for the time frustrated by unforeseen causes, the spirits of the men never for an instant failed them but each succeeding attempt to overpower the enemy was made with renewed courage and confidence in their abilities.
In the afternoon and towards the close of the battle, the regiment was reformed, and with the major portion of the brigade changed its position down the road and to the right of that occupied in the morning.
A sudden dash of the enemy was made on Mendenhall’s Battery, which had been posted on the roads in advance of us. Our lines were immediately placed under command of acting Brigadier General W. S. Smith, and the 13th Regiment O. V. I., forming a part of the first line of attack, charged upon, drove back the enemy, and again captured the rebel battery, which we had failed to hold in the morning. This charge was brilliant and decisive. The position was held against a strong effort of the rebels to regain possession of their battery.
I have the honor to be, &c.,
Lt.-Col. J. G. HAWKINS,
Commanding 13th Reg. O. V. I.
– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 24, 1862
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
General W. S. Smith
{Correspondence Cincinnati Commercial}
Four miles from Savannah, we halted to allow Nelson to get out of the way, as we were at the rear of his trains. At 6 P.M., having distributed two days’ rations of the necessaries of life to the soldiers, (that is, hard crackers,) we were taking arms preparatory to start, when in rode Col. Smith, the commander of our brigade, accompanied by a mounted Orderly only, after a ride of nearly sixty miles, accomplished in ten hours. He had reached us at the critical moment, and we already felt his presence more than the addition of five hundred men; and then sequel will show that the enthusiasm manifested on the occasion was the result of an earnest conviction that, in this instance, the right man was in the right place.
(I will state in parenthesis that for several weeks previous Col. Smith had been separated from his command, engaged in superintending the repairs of the railroad leading from Nashville.)
His reception, as I have intimated already, was of the warmest and most cordial description. He made a few brief remarks, and off we started, arriving in Savannah about 8 o’clock in the evening. The scene here was indicative of the days struggle.
The final capture of the famous Washington battery, of New Orleans, which did so much damage to us at Bull Run, will send a thrill of pleasure through the heart of the Nation, and Ohio must feel proud of the brave men whose strong arms and stout hearts contributed so much to the achievement. Gen. Buell rode fearlessly along the lines throughout the day and [watched] with a keen eye our advance and capture of the battery. Gen Crittenden proved worthy of the confidence [reposed] in him, and our men desire no other to lead this division to battle. Acting Brigadier Gen. W. S. Smith commanding our brigade, the 14th, was the hero of this fight, however within the scope of my eye, and you must bear in mind that I am only describing this part of the great battle. Other and abler hands will doubtless attempt the whole. Believe me, however, that I make no invidious distinction in claiming this title for our brave commander. The officers and men of the 11th and 26th Kentucky Regiments, which, with the 13th Ohio, compose our brigade, all concede him this honor.
Seizing our beloved flag from the color bearer, he waved it over his head and with a few words of a kind to kindle the enthusiasm of the men he led the charge himself; mounted, and exposed to the terrible fire of the infuriated rebels, and with sword in hand, was the first to dash upon the battery and knock out the brains of one if not more, of the gunners with his sword. It is [in] scenes of this kind that we fully realize the force of individual character, in infusing multitudes with a spirit of daring that inspires each man to deeds of valor. Confident of success, they never stop to count the cost till the victory is won. Ours has not been cheaply bought; Major Runkel fell severely wounded, sword in hand, in the very front of the battle. Capts. Gardner and Henderson and Lieut. Lindenberg were also wounded while leading their men to victory. I will mention here for the comfort of the families and friends of the above named officers that their wounds, though sever and painful, are not dangerous.
Where all did so well it does not become me to speak of individual daring, but the conduct of our color-sergeant, Stone, deserves the highest praise, and this particular position, as the bear of our flag, enables me to speak his praise without even indirectly reflecting upon others, which the mention of officers of the same rank does, unless you praise them all.
Our loss is not more than two thirds of that of the enemy, and ours, in the two days, in killed alone, is estimated at three thousand.
We now hold a position three miles in advance of that occupied by us on Monday morning. But we do not regard the victory as decisive, although we believe the back-bone of their grand army to be broken.
Respectfully, T. B. G.
– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 24, 1862
Friday, July 24, 2009
Reception of Gen. W. S. Smith
An enthusiastic reception was given him, when he made a brief speech. It was announced that in the following evening Gen. SMITH would make a speech at the M. E. Church, in which he would give some account of the battle of Shiloh, in which he took a very conspicuous and active part. Though the announcement was not made until nearly five o’clock P.M., and it was raining all the time, the Church was crowded to over flowing with ladies and gentlemen, eager listeners to the man whom ever one present loved to honor.
He gave a brief, yet clear account of the battle and of the part his Brigade took in it. Gen. SMITH makes no pretensions to being a speaker. He is a soldier, though, in its noblest sense, and his remarks were listened to with that wrapt attention which an audience gives one for whom they entertain the highest regard and the warmest friendship. Had we room we would be glad to give his remarks, but we find it impossible to do so.
At the conclusion of his speech, he tendered back the sword presented him by our citizens when e became colonel of the 13th Regiment, but it was voted that he retain it with the universal “aye!” of the vast assembly present.
– Published in The Athens Messenger, Athens, Ohio, Thursday, April 24, 1862