The Santa Fe mail arrived with advices to the 3d.
The Texans wile retreating met a body of 500 of their men,
under Col. Steele, at Adahe Wall, but the whole force continued to retreat.
The first regiment Colorado volunteers with the regulars are
at Fort Criag, under command of Col. Paul.
Gen. Canby and Gov. Connelly are at Santa Fe.
Owing to scarcity of provisions, large quantities of which
were destroyed to prevent their falling into the hands of the enemy, our troops
have been placed on less than half rations, being limited to eight ounces per
One hundred and twenty Texan prisoners were passed on the
road to Fort Larned.
– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport,
Iowa, Wednesday Morning, May 21,
1862, p. 2