Showing posts with label 3rd IA CAV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd IA CAV. Show all posts

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Major-General William T. Sherman: General Orders, No. 49, June 29, 1863

Camp at Bear Creek, June 29, 1863.

The following modifications of existing orders are made and will be executed at once:

I. General Osterhaus will continue, as heretofore, to hold the fortified position on Black River, at the railroad bridge, with patrols and guards, watching the river below as far as Baldwin's, and up as far as Bridgeport; his reserves at Clear Creek, near Bovina.

II. General McArthur will occupy Tiffin in force, with guards toward the Messinger ford, connecting with Osterhaus on the Bridgeport road, and his main guards occupying the main ridge up as far as Brant's.

III. Major-General Parke will leave a small guard at Milldale and Templeton's, sufficient to hold those points, and move all the troops of the Ninth Army Corps to the east side of Clear Creek, connecting his guards at Brant's with McArthur's, his center near Wixon's and his guards connecting with General W. S. Smith's, near Mrs. Nelly's.

IV. General Tuttle will hold his present position on the spur leading from McCall's to Markham's and Young's, and will entrench a position back of Trible's.

V. General W. S. Smith will hold as now his position at Oak Ridge Post-Office, with guards forward on the two Benton roads, and his right connecting with General Parke, at Mrs. Nelly's. General Smith, in connection with General Washburn, will effectually blockade all roads and paths coming from the north and lying between the ridge road and Yazoo Valley road.

VI. General Washburn will hold the fortified position at Haynes' Bluff, with Kimball's division, and will continue to strengthen the lines on the north front. That being our strongest front, we should invite attack in that quarter.

VII. This disposition of forces makes a connected line from the railroad bridge to Haynes' Bluff, by Tiffin, Wixon's, McCall's, Nelly's, and Oak Ridge. Each corps and division commander will proceed to entrench a position near his key-point, sufficient for two batteries and one brigade, commanding water, and looking to the east and north. All roads to the rear should be improved; a double track for wagons made by opening fences and trimming out woods. Lateral roads should also be looked to, to facilitate concentration and lateral movements. Roads to the front should be obstructed, except such as are necessary for our guards and our own use. The commanding general, after careful personal inspection, pronounces the points from which we have most reason to apprehend danger, to be the two fords at Messenger's, and about a mile below Birdsong, Wixon's, and Nelly's are the best points for concentration, and the ridges by Fox's and Markham's the best lines of operation.

VIII. All the cavalry not absolutely needed for orderlies and patrols will be massed under command of Colonel Bussey, Third Iowa, on Bear Creek, from Young's up to Harris', and is charged specially to watch the lower Benton road and the ford below Birdsong.

IX. All commanders of corps and divisions, and the chief of cavalry, will report by letter or staff officer daily to the commanding general at his bivouac near Tuttle's.

By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman:
[L. M. DAYTON,]        

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 24, Part 3 (Serial No. 38), p. 449-50

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Saturday, September 26, 1863

Rec visit from Mr. Randel of K co 3d Iowa cav. the 6 co's of which regt. have just come through from Helena to join other part of the regt which has been with Gen Davidson. In health improved—.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 498

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Sabbath, June 14, 1863

3d Ioa cav. go below, Return to camp orders on parade to move tomorrow

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 491

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Friday June 5, 1863

Hard wind and rain storm in forenoon, afternoon 26 of the sick taken to boat 3d Iowa cav under march, orders 12000 rebs reported in 8 miles of here.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 491

Friday, July 29, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Thursday May 7, 1863

Picked up several rebs. among them a quartermaster, took him hid in wheat field, paroled most of the prisoners. Cavalry took one road Inf another with 3d. Iowa cav.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 489

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Tuesday, April 21, 1863

Raining till 3. P. M. 3d Iowa cav. brought in a party of bush whackers

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 488

Friday, July 8, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Sunday, April 12, 1863

Very muddy, visited the 3d Iowa cav. in forenoon, attended service and speaches at Fort at 2. P. M. Parade at 5. P. M.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 487

Monday, July 29, 2013

Iowa Items

Pitt Cooke, Esq., of Ohio, took the entire non-resident delinquent tax list at the late sale in Franklin county, amounting to near 60,000 acres, and producing a revenue of about 7,000.  This amount put all the county finances in a flourishing condition.

The 4th Iowa Cavalry reached the camp of Billows Creek, Taney county, Mo., about the 17th ult.

The Tipton Advertiser suggests the 10th of September next as the time, and Tipton as the place, for holding the Republican Congressional convention for this district.

Patrick Donegan, an industrious citizen of Dubuque, was killed on Wednesday night last by falling into a mineral hole.  He left a wife and four children to mourn his untimely death.

One Vowell, of Keokuk, is threatening to demolish the editor of the Gate City for speaking disparagingly of secession sympathizers.  Which Vowel is that, friend Howell?  We presume he is one of the numerous family of i. o. u’s.

John Sherfey brought into town yesterday the head of a cold born two or three days since, which had but one eye, and was minus the upper jaw.  The single eye was located in the most approved Cyclopean style – right in the center of the forehead, and was very large.  The upper jaw being non est, the lower one protruded far out like the nose of a shovel fish.  Barring these two little discrepancies the animal was otherwise all right.  It lived but one hour. – Muscatine Journal, 3d.

Maj. Perry, of the 3d Iowa cavalry, has taken command at Lebanon, Mo., in place of Col. Warren who rejoins his regiment.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, May 6, 1862, p. 2

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Pea Ridge Battle

Further Details of the Fight.

(Correspondence of the Missouri Democrat.)

PEA RIDGE, Near Sugar Creek, Ark.,
March 9, 1862

During the past three days we have had some terrible fighting against fearful odds.

On Wednesday, Gen. Curtis, commander-in-chief, whose head-quarters was at Camp Halleck, received reliable information that the rebels, under Van Dorn, McIntosh, McCulloch, Price and Pike, were marching on us with a large force of Confederate Rebels and Confederate Indians.  All prisoners taken give the rebel forces from 35,000 to 40,000.  Gen. Curtis then ordered Carr’s division to move from Cross Hollows to Sugar Creek to take a strong position he had previously selected in case of attack.  Col. Carr marched in the night and joined Col. Davis, who had previously taken position before break of day, in good order.

Gen. Sigel, at Bentonville, was also ordered to rejoin Gen. Curtis at the same point.  Gen. Sigel’s rear cut their way through the enemy at the latter place, and kept up the fight for six miles.

The rebels on Friday morning having made a detour from Bentonville, got a heavy force directly on our rear and right, occupying the heights and brush on both sides of the Fayetteville road.  Colonel Carr’s division was sent to dislodge them.  The battle commenced at half-past 10 a. m., and raged eight hours, until darkness put an end to the contest.  They played on us from masked batteries.  At night we occupied a position considerably nearer our camp.  The carnage was dreadful on both sides.

Simultaneously with the action on our right fighting tool place opposite our front near Leetown, between Gen. Davis and another large body of the enemy.  The latter were forced from the field and hastened to form a junction with the rebels on our right.  The numerous instances of gallantry and heroic devotion which occurred, cannot be mentioned in this communication.  The move of the enemy caused a change of our line.  The battle was resumed next morning, (Saturday) about half past six o’clock, our guns opened on the enemy.  Gen. Carr formed in the center, with Davis on the right and Sigel on the left.  The line of battle was a magnificent sight.  The enemy occupied an open wood directly in front, a perfect hive of them.  They also covered a high bluff more to the left where a battery was planted.  They had another battery playing on us from a more central position, and also a battery of twelve rifled pieces on the Fayetteville road.  We opened upon them with five batteries planted at different points along our whole line, the cross fire produced such a tremendous effect as caused the enemy to falter.

Soon after 10 a. m. Gen. Curtis gave the order to advance, and the infantry becoming engaged, poured in such a murderous fire of musketry that the enemy fled from the field in all directions.  The victory was decisive. – Under the eye of Gen. Curtis, Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Sigel followed the flying enemy for several miles.  Col. Bussy with a cavalry force, is in pursuit toward Boston Mountains, after the main body.  We captured five cannon.  It is impossible to give our loss at this time, or any reliable estimate of the enemy’s loss.  We have taken prisoners, Acting Brig. Gen. Herbet, the commander at Cross Hollows; also Colonel Mitchell, adj. Gen. Stone, Col. Price and majors and captains in abundance.

The loss of valuable officers on our side is deeply deplored.  We have four general hospitals established for the relief of the wounded.

The rebel McIntosh is reported dead, and also McCulloch, who was known to be mortally wounded.

Price was wounded in the hand.

Van Dorn got away safe.

Col. Reeves of the rebel Second Missouri, is mortally wounded.

Albert Pike Commands the Indians.

Many of our wounded have been tomahawked and scalped by the Indians, with savage ferocity unbecoming civilized warfare.

I give a list of our casualties in killed and wounded.

Col. Hendricks, 22d Indiana, was killed by Indians.

Liet. Col. Herron was wounded in the foot and taken prisoner.

Maj. Black of the 37th Illinois, wounded in the arm.

Lieut. Col. Fredricks, 59th (late 6th Missouri,) reported mortally wounded.

Gen. Asboth, wounded in arm.

Lieut. Colonel Trimble was wounded in the mouth.

Lieut. Col. Crittenden, Co. K, 3d Iowa cavalry, was severely wounded.

Major Coyle of the 9th Iowa in shoulder.

Lieut. Porcher, Co. H, 4th Iowa, severely wounded in thigh.

Color Sergeant Teal, 4th Iowa, shot in the arm.

Captain Burger, Co. H, 4th Iowa, wounded in head.

Add Pea Ridge to the list of battlegrounds.

All our letters including my dispatches, have been detained several days here – cut off by the enemy.


(By Dispatch from Rolla.)

ROLLA, Missouri, March 16. – The remains of Colonel Hendricks, of the 29th Indiana, who was killed at the battle of Pea Ridge, Arkansas, arrived here yesterday, accompanied by his brother and two or three other gentlemen, who left the battle-ground on Monday following the battle.

They represent the contest as having been a terrible one.  The rebels fought desperately, using stones in their cannon, when their shot gave out.  Their force is stated at 35,000 including 2,200 Indians under Albert Pike.

As near as can be ascertained, our loss is six hundred killed and 800 to 1,000 wounded.  The rebel surgeons, who came into our lines to dress the wounds of their soldiers, acknowledge the loss of 1,100 killed and from 2,500 to 3,000 wounded.

We took 1,600 prisoners and thirteen pieces of artillery, ten of which were captured by Gen. Sigel’s command and three by Col. Patterson’s brigade.

Two of our cannon, belonging to Davidson’s battery, were taken by the rebels, but were recaptured by our troops.

The rebels were completely whipped, one division under Price fleeing in one direction and the other, under Van Dorn, taking another. – Maj. Hebart of one of the secession regiments, who was taken prisoner, says that Gen. Erost of Camp Jackson notoriety was killed.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 4

Saturday, September 22, 2012

James Lent

JAMES LENT, a prosperous merchant of Hopeville, was born in Holmes County, Ohio, July 9, 1829, a son of John Lent, who was a native of Vermont. Our subject passed his youth on the home farm, receiving a common-school education in the rude log-cabin subscription schools of his native county.  He was married May 1, 1851, to Miss Mary A. Allison, daughter of James Allison. To this union were born eleven children, seven still living – Melville, Lewis, Low A., Samuel, Leonard, Lillie and Elwood. Mr. Lent came to Clarke County, Iowa, when he settled in Doyle Township.  He enlisted in the late war in Company I, Missouri State Militia, in which he served fifteen months. He re-enlisted and served a year and ten months in Company L, Third Iowa Cavalry. He participated in the battles of Ebenezer Church, Selma, Macon and Columbus, Georgia; Lexington, Missouri, Independence, Blue Hill, Harrisonville, and other engagements of minor importance.  Since returning from the war he has made farming his principal vocation, although he has sold goods and kept hotel for several years, and is still proprietor of a hotel. He is at present dealing in hardware, farm implements, barb-wire, furniture and tinware, and is carrying on a good business.  Mr. Lent has been constable several years, and has filled other local offices of trust. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for twenty-one years. He is a member of the Odd Fellows’ order, to which he has belonged for twenty-two years. He is also a comrade of the Grand Army of the Republic.

SOURCE: Biographical and Historical Record of Clarke County, Iowa, Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, 1886 p. 399-400

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Great Battle of Pea Ridge

The St. Louis Democrat has a long and interesting account of this great battle in Arkansas, differing considerably from the one we printed yesterday from the Cincinnati Times.  We give a part of it below:


Early Thursday morning Sigel’s division was moving from Camp Cooper, beyond Bentonville for Sugar Creek.  His rear guard composed of the Twelfth Missouri Infantry, Captain Jenks’ battalion of cavalry, attached to the Thirty-sixth Illinois, two companies Benton Hussars, and six pieces of flying artillery, (Albert’s battery) left camp at six A. M.  The main column marched through Bentonville without observing any indications of the enemy.  Gen. Sigel and staff, together with the rear guard, arrived at Bentonville in an hour and a half.  While resting here, a black line was observed on the prairie towards the south, which at first attracted no particular attention: Sigel, with his glass soon became convinced that the line was in motion.  Soon secesh flags were seen moving on Bentonville, and the prairie became black with the rebel masses of cavalry and infantry.  The rebel cavalry moved up rapidly and deploying to the right and left, surrounded the town.  Clouds of cavalry were still observed advancing at rapid speed.

Sigel moved forward the rear guard across a ravine on the margin of the town, and the opposite side of the ravine was occupied by the rebels, who came rushing up with a yell. – Noticing that they had formed in his rear, he detached four companies of cavalry to hold them in check.  Opening his lines right and left he sent his artillery to the front, to meet a force drawn up in line of battle a mile out of town.

Turning to Captain Jenks, who had come forward to support the latter, Sigel said “Captain, the enemy are on our front, on either side of us, and all around us.”  Then raising his hand to a level with his shoulder, and lunging it down with each sentence, exclaimed, “We must advance; we must cut our way through;” and concluding emphatically, “we shall cut our way through.”  Sigel then got off his horse, and personally superintended the planting of pieces in position.  He opened fire on the enemy in front, every shot having a telling effect on the enemy’s ranks, which faltered and fell back in the woods.  A rapid advance of our column then took place, the enemy seeming to retreat on either side, but instead they made a detour and formed again two miles further on at the entrance of a deep gorge. – On reaching this position, it was found they were supported by a large body of infantry, whose advance preceded our arrival by taking a shorter road.  The infantry were placed in ambuscade, covered by the crest of a hill.  Our troops pushed forward into the gorge along which the road runs, when suddenly a galling fire of musketry was poured in along our whole like from the top of the hill along our left flank.  The Twelfth Missouri charged up the hill in face of the fire, and drove the rebels over the hill.

During the charge, Sigel ordered two pieces forward about a mile to a point where he could see the hill where the rebels supposed they were under cover.  The guns were masked by a grove and were not observed by the rebels.  As soon as this battery was planted, two cannon shots were fired from the head of the column in the valley, producing no effect but deceiving the enemy.  A rapid advance of the whole column was then made, and as we receded from the enemy the latter covered the hill in large numbers, advancing on our rear.  The masked battery in front then opened on them, the balls passing over our column still in the gorge, which caused such destruction to the rebels that they scattered in all directions and ceased to molest us any further.


The enemy during the night advanced and took position one mile nearer our camp, occupying the extensive bluff to the left of Elkhorn Tavern, where they had batteries planted which commanded the open fields and bottom lands on this side.  The open woods, a mile this side of the town was also occupied by the enemy in formidable numbers.  They had batteries pointed in all available positions commanding the approaches from this side.  General Curtis designed to open the ball at day-break, and gave the necessary orders for a change of front, the left wing having to be moved obliquely forward.

The cannonade opened twenty-five minutes past seven, on Col. Carr’s division, and the portion of the latter engaged fell back.  Gen. Davis advanced on the main road and took position on the right wing, while Col. Carr moved to the center, and a desultory fire was kept up for a short time.  About eight o’clock Gen. Sigel’s division marched into the open field and took position on the left wing.  His batteries were planted along the elevations in this portion of the field with alternate regiments of infantry.

The line as now formed was concave with the wings advanced toward the enemy, while seven batteries were planted along its whole length. – No more beautiful spectacle could be conceived than the “magnificently stern array” presented by our line of battle.  The utmost confidence was at once restored, and our men felt reassured that victory was in their reach.  The bluffs occupied by the enemy on their right were covered with the secesh as thick as they could stand, while the intervening woods in front of our center was alive with them.  Our batteries were soon opened all along the line, and a perfect wall of fire blazed out in rolling volumes.  The enemy replied promptly with his batteries, with little effect, except disabling one of Sigel’s guns.  The murderous cross fire of our batteries crashed through the timber with terrific effect.  The cannonade was terrible for two hours and a half, during which time the infantry advanced slowly under cover of our fire from the batteries.  As soon as the enemy broke the infantry advanced with a yell in double quick, sending volley upon volley of well-aimed musketry.  The Twelfth Missouri rushed forward and charged on a battery in the heavy timber, capturing three guns and a flag belonging to the Dallas Artillery.  The Twenty-Second Indiana also captured a gun and two caissons.  At this time Gen. Sigel pushed the enemy’s right flank, while Gen. Davis and Col. Carr drove forward his left flank.  The fight became general, and the ravine near the Elkhorn Tavern was thronged with the flying enemy.  The bluffs on the left forming a natural fortification, where they had several regiments and a battery posted, where stormed by Col. Greusel’s brigade.  The precipice here is seventy-five feet high.  The Twelfth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth Missouri and Thirty-sixth Illinois scaled the hill and drove the enemy out, the brigade losing only eight men killed and twenty two wounded.  The top of the bluff was completely covered with their dead and wounded from our spherical case shot and shells.  The arms and accoutrements were scattered in all directions.  A prisoner taken here stated that Van Dorn had not been seen for two hours, and they thought it time to leave.  The victory was complete.  The retreating enemy were pursued for two miles by company D, of Bowman’s battalion, and the pursuit was kept up by the Benton Huzzars [sic] and Gen. Sigel to Keetsville.  Prisoners including officers were taken in large numbers.  Our loss in the battle was comparatively small, but the enemy’s was terribly severe.  We killed General Slack, and young Clark, son of Merriweather Clark, of St. Louis, who had his head taken off by a cannon ball.  He commanded a battery gallantly, and had just given the order to retreat, when a ball struck him on his horse. – Lieut. Col. McCulloch, son of the General, was also found among the dead with his commission in his pocket, near Elkhorn Tavern.

Gen. Curtis has won a victory that should place his name in the front rank of heroes battling for the national cause.  From his position in the field he observed every movement, and gave his orders with admirable coolness and decision.  His Aids, Capts. McKinney, Stark, Aughfelt, Stitt, and Lieuts. Adams and Hoepner, were seen flying over the field, conveying orders and bringing intelligence.


In the battle near Elk Horn Tavern, Sergeant Major Wooster, of the Iowa Third, was hit by a cannon shot, taking away the side of his skull, while he was engaged in untangling the horses from the Dubuque battery, having bravely volunteered to go ahead on the dangerous errand in the face of a plunging fire from the enemy’s battery.  Calling to his boy after he was shot he said: – “Johnny, Oh Johnny, I must go!”

A cannon ball, in the battle near Lee Town, killed two cousins named Alley, and lodged in the breast of Lieut. Perry Watts, of Company K, 22d Indiana.  It was taken out and proved to be a 6-pounder ball.

A man was shot through the body with a ball and caught it in the waistband of his pantaloons, where it had lodged.

In the battle of the 8th a ball struck a tree, shivering it to splinters.  One of the splinters, six feet long, struck a secesh and impaled him to the earth.

Lieut. Henne of Company F, Twelfth Missouri, who had lost his left arm in the Hungarian war, was truck in the battle of the 8th by a cannon ball, which carried away his right leg.  He was carried off the field, and when passing to the General, while his face was wreathed in smiles, as if forgetful of his sufferings in the exultation of approaching victory.

On the rebel side the Indians were in command of Pike, Standwartz and Ross.  They proved of little account, except to plunder and riffle the dead and scalp the wounded of which fact. Col. Bussy, of the 3d Iowa cavalry, has ample evidence.  In the field these cowardly allies could not be brought within range of our cannon.  They would say, “Ugh, big gun!” and skedaddle for the brush.”

A secesh doctor who came afterwards into our camp, relates that on the morning of the battle he observed about 300 Indians daubing their faces all over black from the coal of the charred stumps.  The doctor inquired of one of the chiefs of the significance of painting thus, when he was answered that, “The Indians, when going into a fight, painted their faces red; but when they are pinched with hunger, they color black.”  These fellows have had nothing to eat in two days.

McCulloch was killed in the brush on a slight elevation on the opposite side of the field by Peter Pelican, a private in company B, Thirty-sixth Illinois.  The attack in which the ubiquitous Ben. Was taken off was led by Captain Miller.  McCulloch wore a dress of black velvet, patent leather high top boots, and he had on a light colored broad-brimmed Texan hat.  He was on a light bay horse.  Pelican went up and took a gold watch, now in Possession of Colonel Greusel.

A ball after breaking the legs of two men, hit Captain Hobb in the back of his leg and was stopped.  The Captain was slightly injured, but the sword was battered.

Four of Price’s negroes were captured by Col. Ellis’ First Missouri Cavalry.

Price’s filed glass was taken and used during the remainder of the battle by General Davis to make observations.

A cannon ball struck the ground, and ricocheting, passed under Col. White’s horse; carried away a leg of the horse, rode by Lieut. Landgrove.  The Lieutenant fell with the horse, but extricated himself as soon as possible.  The Horse getting up, hobbled to the secesh ranks, taking along the Lieutenant’s pocket money, which was concealed in the holsters.

A Dutchman rode directly into the enemy’s works with a caisson.  The rebel Major asked him where he was going, and the man answered, “Dish for Sigel.”  The Major smiles, and directed the man where to go, which was probably to any point beyond the rebel lines.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 22, 1862, p. 2

Monday, August 6, 2012

Colonel Grenville M. Dodge to Samuel J. Kirkwood, Governor of Iowa, March 10, 1862

PEA RIDGE BATTLE GROUND, March 10th, 1862.

Gov. S. J. Kirkwood: We have fought a hard battle here, lasting two days; the first day's fight was terrible; it was mostly with the Fourth division, composed of Fourth and Ninth Iowa infantry, First and Second Iowa batteries, Thirty-fifth Illinois and Twenty-fifth Missouri. The loss in the division was 600 killed and wounded, mostly among the Iowa troops; they saved the day and made the victory the next morning easy; this division was opposed to Generals Price, Rains and McIntosh, with 15,000 infantry and 18 pieces of artillery. The Fourth division had only some 4,000 engaged, while our other forces were fighting McCullough, and the re-enforcements sent to us went to the First division, but we held the ground, whipped the enemy and Iowa got the glory of the fight. The Fourth Iowa lost 160 out of 548 engaged; Ninth Iowa lost 220 out of 700 engaged; First Iowa battery lost 16 out of 110 engaged, and Third Iowa battery lost 18 out of 140 engaged; they also lost 3 of their pieces. The second day we attacked early in the morning with our entire army, driving everything before us, and the enemy fled in all directions in great confusion, leaving several pieces of artillery, great quantities of small arms and at least 500 prisoners. Gen. Van Dorn attacked with 40,000 infantry and 70 pieces of artillery; we had 12,000, and 50 pieces of artillery. The fighting was terrible, especially among our troops. The Fourth Iowa fought all day steadily, and did not give an inch, although they had at one time concentrated upon them 12 pieces of artillery and six regiments of infantry; our ammunition gave out at night; when we fixed bayonets and charged across the field the enemy did not dare again meet us. It was a trying time for the Fourth; no ammunition and still under a galling fire. Every one gives great credit to the Iowa troops. No man from Iowa flinched. I saw some troops run; one or two parts of regiments came to our support, but fell back at the first fire. In my brigade there was not a field officer except one but was wounded. Lt.-Col. Herron, of Ninth Iowa, in Vandever's brigade, was wounded and taken prisoner. Our Iowa batteries did noble service; mine had two officers wounded in the morning. The Third Iowa cavalry suffered terribly in a charge; had 47 killed. They were put into it by a Dutchman, and out of all military usage. Lt.-Col. Trumbull was severely wounded in the charge. They had very few wounded; a large part of my wounded was from canister and grape; those of the Ninth Iowa from bullets. I was better protected from bullets, though under a hotter fire than any of them. I posted my men behind an open field and made the enemy cross it to reach us. They poured their grape and canister from 12 to 18 guns into us all the time, but could not get them to bear as well as on the Ninth Iowa. I never saw men fight as the Iowa troops did. I have sent a list of the killed and wounded to Adjt. Gen. Baker to have it published. A large number of my wounded will die; several have already, and it is impossible to get any accommodation; many lay on the field all night.

Colonel Fourth Iowa Infantry.

SOURCES: Samuel H. M. Byers, Iowa In War Times, p. 121

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weekly Report of the Morality . . .

. . . among Iowa Soldiers in the Hospitals and Camps in the Vicinity of St. Louis, Mo.

Feb. 19, Andrew Vananfrink, Co. G, 3d Inf.
Feb. 23, James M. Potter, Co. E, 1st Cav.
Feb. 24, Alonzo Conaway, Co. I, 2nd Cav.
Feb. 25, Wm. Piersall, Co. H, 2nd Cav.
Feb. 27, Richard B. Truby, Co. K, 5th Inf.
Feb. 27, Samuel Shinnemann, Co. D, 12th Inf.
Feb. 27, Alphonzo Clark, Co. F, 12th Inf.
Feb. 28, Washington Bickford, Co. F, 3d Cav.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 8, 1862, p. 2

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Fourth Iowa Cavalry

This regiment was raised chiefly in the counties of Henry, Fremont, Delaware, Buchanan, Poweshiek, Wapello, Mahaska, Lee, Chickasaw, Bremer, Mitchell, Madison and Jefferson. They were mustered into the service in November, 1861, and numbered 1,036. The field officers were: Colonel, Asbury B. Porter; lieutenant-colonel, Thomas Drummond; majors, Simeon D. Swan, Joseph E. Jewett and George A. Stone. In February, 1862, the regiment was ordered to St. Louis and was sent from there to southwestern Missouri. In April it joined General Curtis' army and afterwards went to Helena, where it remained until April, 1863. In October Major Rector, with fifty men of the regiment, was defeated and captured with fourteen of his men. In May the regiment joined Grant's army in the Vicksburg campaign and did good service in the capture of the city. Colonel Porter resigned and Major Winslow was commissioned in his place. The Fourth was engaged in several raids in the enemy's country and had some sharp fights with slight loss. It was in the Meridian campaign and had frequent skirmishes with the rebels. In March, 1864, the veterans of the regiment who had re-enlisted went home on furlough. The regiment received enough recruits to bring its number up to 1,354 in May, 1864.

In June General Sturgis led an army of 12,000 men against the rebel army under Forrest. Colonel Winslow commanded a brigade of cavalry composed of the Third and Fourth Iowa and the Tenth Missouri. Through the utter incompetency of General Sturgis, his army was beaten at Guntown, his wagon train and artillery captured and his disorganized infantry driven in a vast mob of fleeing men back to Memphis. Colonel Winslow commanded the rear guard in the disastrous flight and with his cavalry made a gallant resistance and saved the army from total destruction. Sturgis' loss of men was about 4,000, most of whom were captured. The Fourth also participated in the battle of Tupelo, where Gen. A. J. Smith, with 12,000 men, defeated General Forrest with 14,000. In September Winslow's brigade of cavalry joined in General Smith's pursuit of General Price's army in Missouri and fought bravely in several battles, in one of which Colonel Winslow was severely wounded. In this campaign the Fourth Iowa had marched more than 2,000 miles and worn out two sets of horses.

Colonel Winslow was promoted to brigadier-general and Lieutenant Colonel Peters was in command of the Fourth cavalry. The regiment was with General Wilson in his campaign through Alabama in March and April, 1865, in which the Fourth fought in several battles and captured more than 900 prisoners. In August, 1865, this regiment, after its brilliant career, was mustered out and discharged at Davenport.

SOURCE: Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 121-2

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Third Iowa Cavalry.

This regiment was raised largely by the personal exertions of Cyrus Bussey, a member of the state senate, from Davis county. General Fremont, in command of the department of the Missouri, in 1861, requested Bussey to raise a regiment of cavalry, and he at once issued a call for volunteers. On the 28th of August 1,000 mounted men had responded and assembled at Keokuk. The field officers were, colonel, Cyrus Bussey; lieutenant-colonel, Henry H. Trimble; majors, Carlton H. Perry, Henry C. Caldwell and Wm. C. Drake, and the regiment numbered 1,096 men. The companies were recruited largely in the counties of Lee, Davis, Van Buren, Marion, Appanoose, Jefferson, Wapello and Wayne. It left the state for St. Louis on the 4th of November and on the 12th of December Major Caldwell was sent with the second battalion to Jefferson City, and did not unite his command with the regiment again for nearly two years. During that time he was employed against the rebels in central and southern Missouri, having several sharp engagements with them at various times and places.

Lieutenant-Colonel Trimble, having been severely wounded at Pea Ridge, resigned in September, 1862, and Major Caldwell was promoted to the vacant place. The remainder of the regiment, under Colonel Bussey, joined General Curtis' army in February. It had a conspicuous part in the battle of Pea Ridge, where it lost forty-nine men, killed, wounded and missing. Major Drake had been sent with two companies to Salem. Soon after he marched against a rebel force at West Plains, killed, wounded and captured sixty of them. He had several other fights with the enemy in that vicinity. The Third was in the hard campaign through Arkansas to Helena, and had several Engagements with the enemy, meeting with some losses.  In November Major Drake died and John W. Noble, adjutant, was promoted to fill the vacancy.  Colonel Bussey was now in command of the second brigade, which included his own regiment, Major Noble in command of a battalion, and Major Scott in command of the Third Cavalry.  In June the Second battalion was sent to join Grant’s army in the Vicksburg campaign, and was with Sherman in his march against Jackson.  On the 1st of January, 1864, more than 600 men of the Third cavalry re-enlisted as veterans, and on the 6th received a furlough of thirty days to visit their homes. About this time Colonel Bussey was promoted to brigadier-general, H. C. Caldwell was promoted to colonel, and J. W. Noble to lieutenant-colonel. In the disastrous Guntown expedition, under General Sturgis, the Third Iowa cavalry lost sixty-seven men. The regiment was now under command of John W. Noble, promoted to colonel; George Duffield, lieutenant-colonel. It was in the campaign against Tupelo, and made a brilliant charge on the enemy at Old Town, losing nineteen men in the campaign. It was in Winslow's brigade in several brilliant engagements in Missouri, and returned to St. Louis in November, 1864.  A part of the regiment was in the brilliant Grierson campaign, and soon after the regiment was united at Louisville.  On the 22d of March, in the Wilson raid through Alabama, nearly 7,000 prisoners and 240 pieces of artillery were captured in this brilliant campaign, in which the Third cavalry took a prominent part, and lost forty men.  On the 9th of August, 1865 the regiment was mustered out, and reached Davenport on the 21st.

SOURCE: Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 120-1

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Desperate Cavalry Charge Of The Third Iowa Cavalry At Pea Ridge

By the result of this charge, in which fifty out of two hundred and thirty-five men were place hors de combat in five minutes, I am reminded of the celebrated Balaklava charge, the valor with which our brave men rushed into the jaws of danger and death without quailing, being equally conspicuous with that of the gallant 600.

The Third Iowa in column of fours, as soon as the bugle sounded the charge, galloped down the narrow road leading along a fence on the south, with thick brush on the opposite side.  After going about three hundred yards in rear, and beyond the battery, a galling fire was poured in on them by a large body of McCulloch’s infantry, concealed in the brush in front, and to the right of the cavalry.  The latter wheeled and fired on the enemy, who were only a few yards distant.  At the same moment a large body of rebel cavalry made a charge through the woods and brush in the direction of our battery, and through the line of the Third Iowa, which had already sustained a heavy loss from the enemy’s deadly fire.  The rebel cavalry charged over the fence into the field on the left of the prairie, and were pursued by our cavalry.  A running fight ensued, in which the rebels suffered a very heavy loss.  Lieut. Col. Trimble was wounded at the first fire of the infantry, but succeeded in getting off the field.  The men being now without a commander, still pursued the enemy with great coolness, dealing powerful blows on their opponents, as the dead and wounded rebels (82 in number) left on the field, bear ample proof.  After the rebels were completely routed, the Third Iowa moved around the new position where the other detachment of cavalry had fallen back, and where Col. Greusel’s brigade was drawn up in line.  Here Col. Bussey rallied the First Missouri Cavalry and the Benton Hussars and formed a line on the east side of the field.

It has since been ascertained that Churchill’s regiment, armed with Mississippi rifles, gave the murderous fire on our cavalry. – Cor. Mo. Dem.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 2

Monday, September 12, 2011

3d Iowa Cavalry

On our second page we publish the list of killed and wounded in the 3d Iowa cavalry at Pea Ridge, Ark. – This regiment was formed of companies from Dallas, Van Buren, Lee, Jefferson, Appanoose, Marion and Decatur counties, with Fletcher’s artillery attached.  Van Buren, Davis and Decatur counties furnished each three companies.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 22, 1862, p. 1

Official List of the Killed and Wounded of the Third Iowa Cavalry at Pea Ridge, Ark.

PEA RIDGE ARK., March 11, 1862.

Report of Killed, Mission and Wounded of Third Iowa Cavalry, Engaged near Leesville, in Battle of Pea Ridge, March 7, 1862:

Lieut. Col. Henry H. Trimble, badly wounded in face, not mortally.
Battalion Sergt. Major, George M. Johnson, very slightly wounded.
Regimental Bugler, James M. Cobb, sabre cut on right arm, slight.


Sergt. W. O. Crawford, co. A.
Corp. W. J. Elrod, co. A.
James Dodd, co. A.
Carroll Foster, co. A, scalped.
Elisha Ham, co. A, scalped.
James S. Letner, co. A.
Madison Townsend, co. A.
Elijah Ward, co. A.
Sergt. George H. Anderson, co. B.
David Carroll, co. B., scalped
William Cowles, co. B.
Casper French, co. B, scalped.
Sergt. R. H. Millard, co. C, scalped.
Peter J. Stevens, co. C.
Sergt.John R. Montgomery, co. D.
John Campbell, co. D.
John W. Clark, co. D.
Thomas P. Gray, co. D.
James F. Mercer, co. D, scalped.
Spencer Minor, co. D, scalped.
John Sellers, co. D.
Ephraim Vorhies, co. D.
Henry Brown, co. D, scalped.
A. S. Mansfield, co. M.


Sergt. Amos Chambers, co. A, slightly.
Corp. Cyrus Cunningham, co. A, in neck.
Mathias Wertz, co. A, in arm.
Milton Townsend, co. A, in arm.
Levy Seaton, co. C, slightly in chin.
F. M. Bush, co. D.
S. A. Dysett, co D.
W. E. Cox, co. D.
John W. Howard, co. M.
Wm. Cavin, co. M.
Jeff Miller, co. M.
R. M. Nixon, co. M.
Burr Brown, co M.
G. S. Bowman, co. M.


Orderly Sergeant Daniel Bradberry, co. A.
Andrew Marvin, co. A.
Charles J. Bertin, co. D.
John Lawson, co. D.
James J. Mason, co. D.
John S. Wolf, co. d.
H. H. Ross, co. M.
Henry A. Cowles, co. M.
Breson Scott, co. M, prisoner.

Recapitulation – Killed, 24; missing, 9; wounded, 17; total 50.

The killed were buried on Saturday, after the battle was over and the pursuit ended.  Hearing it reported by my men that several of the killed had been found scalped I had the dead examined, and on personal examination of the bodies I found that it was a fact beyond dispute, that eight of the killed of my command had been scalped – and the bodies of many of them showed an unmistakeable [sic] evidence that the men had been murdered after they were wounded; that first having fallen in the charge from bullet wounds, that they afterwards were pierced through the heart and neck, by a savage and relentless foe.  I then had the bodies reburied, each in a separate grave properly marked.

By order of
J. N. NOBLE, adjutant.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, March 22, 1862, p. 2

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Battle of Pea Ridge

From a letter in the Chicago Tribune, dated Springfield, Mo., March 11, we clip the following:

On Friday the engagement became general, and continued so.  The most exposed position being occupied by Col. Carr’s division, the greatest loss was suffered by them.  Col. Dodge’s brigade, of this division, consists of the Fourth Iowa and First Iowa battery, the Thirty-fifth Illinois, Col. Phelps’s twenty-fourth [sic] Missouri, known as the “Lyon Legion.”  The second brigade commanded by Col Vandever, of the Ninth Iowa, consists of his own regiment, the Dubuque battery, and Col. Carr’s regiment of cavalry.

A letter from Col. Dodge says the losses in the 4th and 9th Iowa, the 35th Illinois and Phelps’ 25th Missouri are from 150 to 200 to each regiment killed and wounded.  The 12th and 17th Missouri, 3d Iowa Cavalry and the 8th Indiana lost about 40 men each.  The 1st and 2nd Iowa batteries lost about 20 each.

Among our wounded are Gen. Asboth, in the arm; Col. Carr, also in the arm; Lt. Col. Galligan of the 4th Iowa; and Lieut. Col. Herron and Major Coyle of the 9th Iowa.  Col. Dodge had three horses shot under him.

Lieut. Col. Herron was wounded in the foot and taken prisoner.

Major Black of the 37th Illinois, wounded in arm.

Lieut. Crittenden, Co. 3, 3d Iowa cavalry, severely wounded.

Major Coyle, 9th Iowa, in shoulder.

Lieut. Porcher, Co. H. 4th Iowa, severely wounded in thigh.

Color Sergeant Teale, 4th Iowa, shot in the arm.

Captain Burger, Co. H. 4th Iowa, wounded in the head.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 18, 1862, p. 1