Showing posts with label 40th IL INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 40th IL INF. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Major Charles Wright Wills: February 15, 1865

Three miles from Columbia, February 15th.

A rather lively day. We started the Johnnies right by our camp. Our brigade in advance of the corps and army. The 40th Illinois was deployed as skirmishers, and drove them four miles rapidly, losing only five men. Our regiment then relieved them. They opened artillery on us and fought stubbornly. It was the Kentucky brigade of Wheeler's “Critter Co." We drove them from a splendid position and heavy line of works with the assistance of three companies of our 3d brigade, 4th Iowa and —th Ohio. They killed F. M. Cary, of my company and took my orderly Sergt. T. S. Brown's right arm off. Wounded three other men in the regiment, Henry H. Orendorff, Joe Parkinson and Stewart, of company F. It is said we go for the city to-morrow.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 348-9

Major Charles Wright Wills: February 16, 1865

February 16, 1865, 7 a. m.

The Johnnies shelled our bivouac all night, but hurt no one, but induced us to extinguish our fires, and killed one of the 48th Illinois. We could hear their cars whistling all night. They had large fires near town. We can see the steeples of the city plainly this morning. Many think the Rebels have left. If not I look for a hard battle to-day. There is no firing this morning yet, and our skirmish line is advancing. I can see it a mile ahead of us. Can see the State House now, and a large portion of the city. We can shell it from here.

Nine a. m.—The enemy opened the three guns on us again that he used last night, but the skirmish line deployed along the river silenced them.

Ten a. m.—The sun has shown himself, dispelled the fog, and we find we have an excellent view of the city. From our position it looks much like Peoria from the left bank of the river. The Congaree here is larger than the Illinois. Our batteries have got in position well down on the river bank, and some of them are bursting shell over the city. Our division moves down to take a closer view ir a few minutes. The skirmishers are shooting quite lively across the river. You know our muskets carry up well at 800 yards. 'Tis a beautiful morning and view.

Twelve m.—The 2d Division leading, we pushed for the Rebel works at 9. Johnnies had mostly retired across the river. Our pontoon train running by a Rebel battery made some fun. They were furiously shelled and stood quite a heavy fire of musketry. Casualties, one mule killed, and the seat torn out of a small darkey's pants. We now lay on the river side opposite the town. A number of our guns are practicing on the State House and other prominent buildings, and the Rebels are not answering a shot, though we can see a number of cavalry riding through the town. Hazen is laying the pontoons above the junction of the Saluda and Broad rivers where we will cross. Yesterday when the 40th Illinois charged the Rebels out of one of their numerous barricades a “Forty” boy and a Johnnie had a real scuffling fight. Forty downed the Rebel and choked him until he surrendered. Some 26th boys captured a Rebel colonel after we crossed the Congaree creek. He quite drunk and rode up to the boys who were straggling ahead of the skirmish line, and asked them what they were waiting for, and why they did not come along.

8 p. m.—Crossed the Saluda, since dark, and stay here for the night on the bank of Broad river.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 349-50

Major Charles Wright Wills: February 18, 1865

February 18, 1865.

Two-thirds of the city burned last night. The colonel and I got up last night and rode through the streets until 3. At 4 this morning the 40th Illinois cleared the streets with bayonets and order again reigned. Our regiment is on Provost duty, and I have just been through the streets (8:30 p. m.) and it is as quiet as Sunday night in Canton.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 350-1

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Captain Charles Wright Wills: January 29, 1865

Combahee River, Charleston and Beaufort road, 
January 29, 1865. 

We have had some rich sport to-day. Our regiment and the 40th are out here on a little reconnoisance, and making a demonstration pretending to be building a bridge on the river, etc. A party of Rebels saluted our skirmishers when they got to the river bank with a volley, but the boys soon drove them off, with no loss to us (or the Rebels either). We lay around a couple of hours shooting at marks, etc., when a party of the Rebels attempted to reoccupy their pits. We saw them coming for a full mile and they had hardly got within the very longest range before the 40th sent them back flying. Later in the p. m. half a dozen Johnnies arose from the mud and weeds and though they were across the river, surrendered to us. They are really deserters, though they say not. Had a great time getting them over the river. Four board and log rafts were made, launched, and put off after them. Two of them were wrecked against the bridge benches, and the other two succeeded in bringing over three Johnnies; we left the other three there. I certainly would not have risked myself on one of those rafts for 500 prisoners or 5,000 deserters. General Hazen of our corps has been made a full major general. The other division commanders only by brevet, and they feel a little sore over it. To-day one of General Wood's aids saw a turkey buzzard, and pointed it out to the general, saying, “there is a turkey.” Old Woods looked at it and answered, “I think that is a turkey by brevet.” 

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 338-9

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Captain Charles Wright Wills: December 22, 1864

Green Square, Savannah, Camp 103d Illinois "Provost Guards." 
December 22, 1864. 

We have just by a hair's breadth missed what would have been a most unpleasant fight. We lay on the west side of the Ogeechee, with the enemy on the opposite shore, strongly fortified. We had crawled through the mud and established a line of rifle pits within 125 yards of them; 150 portable bridges had been built in our division and I believe everything was in readiness for hot work the next day, the 20th. The morning of the 21st finds the enemy gone across the river into South Carolina. The next day we moved into town and our regiment and the 40th from our brigade are put on provost duty. 

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 335

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Captain Charles Wright Wills: November 1, 1864

Cedar Town, Ga., November 1, 1864.

Abomination of abominations, train guard to-day. It is the most disagreeable duty we are subject to on the march. I escaped the afternoon duty by being sent out foraging. Got all the men would carry, and disgusted a rich citizen considerably, also saw a nice, rosy-faced girl, whose teeth and finger-nails would spoil a meal for any one of ordinary constitution. One man in our brigade wounded, 40th Illinois, in a little skirmish to-day.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 317

Captain Charles Wright Wills: November 2, 1864

Van Wirt, Ga., November 2, 1864.

It has rained steadily all day. Moved 12 miles. I have an excellent pair of shoes. A good deal of water got into them to-day, but it all ran out. Camp to-night on a high pine ridge. Pine knot fires come in first rate. That 40th boy that was wounded last night was captured with three more of our men by 30 Rebels and taken eight or ten miles, then formed in line and ordered to about face and fired upon; two fell dead and the other two ran away.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 317

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Captain Charles Wright Wills: July 25, 1864

July 25, 1864

We moved up to the rear of the corps on the 21, and had just got comfortably fixed for the night when orders came that we should report back to the brigade on the front line.  Just as we started a heavy rain set in, and continued while we marched one and one-half miles to the left, where we stacked arms in rear of a line of work occupied by the 6th Iowa. The Rebel line lay in plain sight, just across an open field, and the bullets made us keep pretty close.

At sunset we were ordered to extend, or rather build a line of works to hold our regiment, between the 6th Iowa and 40th Illinois. We had fairly commenced, and the boys were scattered everywhere, bringing rails, logs, etc., when the Johnnie's bugle sounded “forward,” and the Rebels raised a yell and fired a couple of volleys into us. There was a lively rush for our guns, but we saw through it in a minute, and in three minutes were at work again. Only two men were hurt in the regiment, one from Company C, and Wm. Nicholson of my company had the small bone of his leg broken just above the ankle. We got our works in shape about daylight, and about 8 a. m. I heard a cheer from our skirmishers, and saw the Rebel skirmishers run right over their works like deer. Our line followed them and took possession of their works, and no Rebel or works being in sight, and our boys knowing they were only two miles from Atlanta, thought sure they had the town, and all started on the “double quick” for it, yelling, “potatoes” or “tobacco,” or what he particularly hankered for. They got along swimmingly until within about three-quarters of a mile from town, when they ran against a strong line of works and were brought up standing, by a volley therefrom. They deployed immediately, and by the time their officers got up had a good line established, and were whacking away at the fort apparently as well satisfied as if they had got their tobaco.

McPherson had an idea that all was not right, for our line was allowed to advance no further than the one the Rebels had left, and we were set to work changing its front. At dinner when we were about leaving “the table,” Captain Smith mentioned hearing some heavy skirmishing in our rear as we came to our meal. That was the first any of us knew of the battle. In a few minutes we all heard it plainly, and from our works could see exactly in our rear a body of grey coats, advance from a wood and the battle opened, although we did not know what troops of ours were engaged. Have since heard it was a portion of the 16th Corps who were moving out to extend the line. Their being just in that position was a piece of luck, as it saved the trains of the Army of the Tennessee, and, perhaps, the whole army. I should think they fought an hour before the battle swung around toward us. During the battle, our regiment changed position three times, facing east, west and south. We helped repulse four charges, took 115 prisoners, and helped take 400 more. Also ran the enemy out of a line of works they had taken from our 3d brigade, and the best of it is, we lost only ten men. I cannot for my life see how we escaped so well. General Blair is reported to have said that the Army of the Tennessee is eternally disgraced for going outside of all precedent, in refusing to be whipped when attacked in flank and rear, as well as in front. Hood confines his strategy to maneuvering troops for battle, and pretends to be emphatically a “fighting cock.” He attacked Thomas on the 20th and 21st, away on the right, and on the 22d walked into us. He got his comb badly cut, and if I am any prophet at all, will not attempt another fight soon. Sherman estimates the enemy's loss in the three days' fighting at 12,000. Our loss in the same time is less than 3,500. I am surprised that we have not attacked them in return before this, but am far from anxious to charge their works. Although I do know that if we charge with two lines as good as our brigade, and don't go too fast, we can take any ordinary works. The prisoners we got the other day were run down. When our regiment drove the Rebels out of the works of the 3d brigade, a man shot through the thigh, asked me for water as I passed him. I asked him if the Rebels robbed him, he said, no, but they killed a man in the ditch with a spade right in front of him. I looked where he pointed and found a 97th Indiana boy with his thigh broken by a pistol shot, and three cuts in his face by a spade. He was not dead, he knew me, and reached out his hand smiling. He said an officer rode up with some footmen and told him to surrender, when he shot the officer and ran his bayonet through one of the men. Another shot him, and the man he bayoneted used the spade on him. McPherson was killed early in the fight. The Rebels had his body a few minutes, but the 16th Corps charged and retook it. Altogether, it was the prettiest fight I ever saw.

The Rebel plan of attack was excellent, and if their assaulting columns had charged simultaneously, there is no telling what might have been the upshot. As it was, part of 17th Corps changed position in their breastworks three times, that is, repulsed an assault from one side, and being attacked from the rear, jumped over and fought them the other way. I was up to where the 20th and 31st Illinois fought. The dead Rebels lay about as thick on one side of the works as the other, and right up to them. Two more fights like this, and there will be no more Rebel army here. We lost about 600 prisoners, and took 2,000.

Garrard's cavalry division went out to Covington on the Augusta road. Am just going on picket.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 283-6

Monday, June 24, 2019

Captain Charles Wright Wills: July 9, 1864

Nine miles from Atlanta, two and one-half miles southwest of railroad crossing,
July 9, 1864.

On the evening of the 7th, just dark, a Rebel battery in a fort which our guns had been bursting shells over all day, suddenly opened with eight 20-pound Parrotts, and for one-half an hour did some of the most rapid work I ever heard. They first paid their attention to our batteries, then demolished some half-dozen wagons and 20 mules for the 4th Division of the 17th Army Corps half a mile to our right, and then began scattering their compliments along our line, wherever I suppose they had detected our presence by smoke or noise. They kept getting closer and closer to us, and finally, a shell burst in front of our regiment. The next one went 50 yards past us and dropped into the 40th Illinois. Neither of them did any damage, and no more came so close. An hour afterward we fell in, and moving a mile to the left and one-half a mile to the front, occupied a ridge which we fortified by daylight, so they might shell and be hanged.

The Rebel skirmishers heard us moving as we came over, and threw more than a thousand bullets at us, but it was so pitchy dark that fortunately they did us no damage. From our colors we can see the fort that fired so the night of the 7th. They are about three-fourths of a mile distant. There have not been any bullets or shells passed over us since we got our works up, though the skirmish line at the foot of the hill, has a lively time. We have it very easy. I was on the 8th in charge of a line of skirmishers on the left of our brigade. The Rebels were seemingly quite peaceable, so much so, that I thought I'd walk over to some blackberry bushes 50 yards in front of our right.

I got about half way out when they sent about a dozen bullets at me. I retired in good order, considering. In the p. m. of the 7th, the skirmishers in front of a brigade of the 20th Corps, and the Rebel line, left their guns, and went out and were together nearly all the afternoon; 13 of the Rebels agreed to come into our line after dark. At the time appointed, heavy firing commenced on the Rebel side, and our boys, fearing foul play, poured in a few volleys. Through the heaviest of the fire two of the Rebels came running in. They said that the 13 started, and that the Rebels opened on them. The rest were probably killed. One of my men has just returned from visiting his brother in the 20th Corps. It is reported there that the 23d Corps crossed the river this p. m. without losing a man. The heavy firing this evening was our folks knocking down some block houses at the railroad bridge. The 4th Corps to-night lays right along the river bank.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 276-7

Monday, April 22, 2019

Captain Charles Wright Wills: June 28, 1864

June 28, 1864.

The attack was not general; it was made by our brigade and M. L. Smith's Division. We lost nearly one-third of the brigade. Our regiment's loss is 17 killed and 40 wounded. My company had five killed and four wounded. Colonel Wright was shot quite badly in the leg, and Lieutenants Montgomery, Branson and Bailey were killed. In my company Corporals Whittaker, Myers, and Private Sam Mclntyre, Art. Myers, and Jacob Maxwell, were killed Sergeant Breed, Privates Bishop, Frank Breed and James Williamson were wounded. We held all the ground we took (under our fire), but had to leave a few of our dead until dark.

On the p. m. of the 26th Colonel Wright told me that General McPherson and Colonel Walcutt (our brigade commander) had been out through the day examining the ground in front, and that it was in contemplation to carry the southwest spur of the mountain by a charge, and further, that it was not impossible that our brigade would be in as usual. This was kept quiet in the command. About 8 p. m. I was at Colonel Wright's headquarters with several of the officers and we were talking the matter over, when an order came for the colonel to report at brigade headquarters. I believe every one present instantly concluded that we were to fight, and knowing the country before us to be about on a par with Lookout Mountain you can imagine we did not particularly enjoy the prospect. The colonel returned in about an hour. We had all, I believe, fallen asleep. He woke us and said: “Have your men get their breakfasts by daylight; at 6 a. m. the fight will begin on the right, and at 8 a. m. our brigade will, with one from the 1st and 2d divisions, charge a spur of the mountain.” I turned away and after notifying my orderly sergeant to have the men up on time, I turned in. Thought the matter over a little while and after pretty fully concluding “good-bye, vain world,” went to sleep. Before daylight in the morning we were in line, and moving a few hundred yards to the rear of our works, and stacked arms in a grove, which would hide us from the observation of the Rebels on the mountain. You know from where we have been for a few days, we could see them plainly. Cannonading commenced on the right at 6 a. m. and at 7:30 we moved a half or three quarters of a mile along-our lines to the right, after piling our knapsacks and haversacks. A canteen of water was the only extra baggage any one carried. The Rebels caught sight of us as we commenced moving, and opened a battery on us It had the effect to accelerate our movements considerably. Right in front of a Division of the 4th Corps we halted, and rapidly formed our line. While forming the line Corporal Myers of my company was killed by a bullet within six feet of me, and one of Company K's men wounded. I don't know how many more. The ground to be gone over was covered with a dense undergrowth of oak and vines of all kinds binding the dead and live timber and bush together, and making an almost impenetrable abatis. To keep a line in such a place was out of the question. Our skirmishers were sharply engaged from the start, and men commenced falling in the main line; at the same time some 50 of the Rebel skirmish line were captured, and many of them killed. A Rebel lieutenant and five men lay dead, all nearly touching each other.

I understand that they had been summoned to surrender, and were shot either for refusing or before negotiations were completed. Not a man in our regiment knew where the Rebel works were when we started, and I think the most of them found them as I did. I had with my company got within, I think, 60 yards of the Rebel works, and was moving parallel with them. The balls were whistling thick around us, but I could see no enemy ahead.

I did not even think of them being on our flank, until one of the boys said: “Look there, Captain, may I shoot?” I looked to the right, and just across a narrow and deep ravine were the Rebel works, while a confused mass of greybacks were crowding up the ravine. These latter, I suppose, were from their skirmish line, which was very heavy, and trying to escape us. The Rebels in the works were firing vigorously and have no excuse for not annihilating our three left companies K, G and B. The right of the regiment had seen them before and already started for them. I shouted “forward” to my men and we ran down across the ravine, and about one-third the way up the hill on which their works were and then lay down. There was little protection from their fire, though, and if they had done their duty, not a man of us would have got out alive. Our men fired rapidly and kept them well down in their works. It would have been madness to have attempted carrying their works then, for our regiment had not a particle of support, and we were so scattered that we only presented the appearance of a very thin skirmish line. If we had been supported by only one line, I have no doubt but that we would have taken their line of works. Colonel Wright was wounded a few minutes after we got into the hollow, and Frank Lermond came to me and told me I would have to take command of the regiment. I went down to the center and the order was heard to retire. I communicated it to the left and saw nearly all the men out, and then fell back.

I could not find the regiment when I came out, but collected about 30 of our men on the left of the 6th Iowa, and after a while Colonel Wright and Captain Post brought the regiment to where we were, when we formed a brigade line and threw up works within 200 yards of the enemy's, where we remained until 9 p. m., when we returned to the position we occupied in the morning. About 12 of our dead were left in the ravine under the fire of the enemy's guns. But we have as many of their dead as they have of ours. Lieutenant Colonel Barnhill of the 40th Illinois, and Captain Augustine of the 55th Illinois were killed and left on the field. My loss is five killed and four wounded. Two of my dead, Corporal Whittaker and Artemus Myers, were left on the field. Loss in the regiment is 17 killed, 40 wounded. In the brigade 245 killed and wounded. It was a rough affair, but we were not whipped. The prettiest artillery fight I ever saw was over our heads in the evening, about 10 guns on each side.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 268-71

Monday, February 4, 2019

Captain Charles Wright Wills: June 15, 1864

June 15, 1864.

This has been a star day, and a better feeling lot of men that compose our brigade will be hard to find, for to-night any way. The morning was occupied in cleaning guns, etc. At 11 o'clock the assembly was sounded, and we moved one and one-half miles, which brought us on the left of the whole army. By 1 p. m. we had our line formed running from right to left, 103d Illinois, 6th Iowa, 46th Ohio, 40th Illinois, with the 97th Indiana deployed as skirmishers. We were in about the center of an open lot of plantations, facing a densely-wooded hill of maybe 300 acres. It was a plumb one-third of a mile to it and already the enemy's sharpshooters were reaching our men from it.

One of Company K’s men was shot here, and one of H’s. At precisely 1 p. m. we started, the men having been notified that they would have to get to that woods as quickly as possible. The Rebels opened pretty lively. Right in front of where I am now writing is a house. On the porch I see 11 children, not over nine years old. All belong to one woman. Haven't seen her, but from what I have seen in this country, wouldn't dispute the man who would tell me she was only 20 years old. This is a great stock country. As we started, the boys raised a cheer that was a cheer, and we went down on them regular storm fashion. A hundred yards before we got to the hill we ran into a strong line of rifle pits swarming with Johnnies. They caved and commenced begging. The pit I came to had about 20 in it. They were scared until some of them were blue, and if you ever heard begging for life it was then. Somebody yelled out “Let's take the hill,” and we left the prisoners and broke. At the foot of the hill we came to a muddy rapid stream, from 10 to 15 feet wide and no crossing, so we plunged in. I got wet to my middle, and many did to their breasts.

The banks were steep and slippery and muddy. Though we all expected a serious fight on the hill, up we went every man for himself, and through to an open field, over which some 200 straggling sandy looking Johnnies were trying to get away, which most of them accomplished, as we were too tired to continue the pursuit fast enough to overtake them. However, the boys shot a lot of them. Well, they call it a gallant thing. We took 542 prisoners, and killed and wounded I suppose 100.

The whole loss in our brigade is not 10 killed and 50 wounded. I only had one man wounded in my company, Corp. E. D. Slater. There were three killed and nine wounded in the regiment.

There were three regiments of Rebels—the 31st, 40th and 54th Alabama. They ought to have killed and wounded at least 500 of us, but we scared them out of it. They shot too high all the time. Osterhaus also had a hard fight to-day, was successful in taking a line of rifle pits. Thomas drove them a mile.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 261-2

Monday, November 12, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: June 2, 1864

June 2, 1864.

The 40th Illinois returned to-day, and I was right glad to see them back. We have lost no men to-day. The 17th Army Corps is beginning to come in. We advanced our works last night, commencing a new line in front of our regiment. The Rebels didn't fire at us once, though they might as well killed some one as not. Colonel Wright and ten men picked out the ground and then I took a detail and went to work. By daylight we had enough of rifle pit to cover 50 men and had the men in it. I tell you it waked them up when our boys opened upon them. This is getting on the Vicksburg order. The troops are in splendid spirits and everything is going on as well as could be wished. I think this thing will be brought to a focus in a few days.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 253-4

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills to his Sister: January 5, 1864

Scottsboro, Ala., January 5, 1864.

Your brother no longer represents the Festive Mamaluke, but has returned from his paradise of fresh pork, cornbread, honey, milk, and horse, to his original heavy infantry exercise, his nix-Grahamite diet of army rations, to that headquarters of red-tapeism, a “permanent camp,” in short, to the elysium of the enlisted men, and purgatory of company commanders winter quarters. In short, the powers that be concluded that dismounting us would not render the salvation of the Union impossible, and as the detachment was getting a very hard reputation, and making much trouble for said powers to settle, ’twas decided to unhorse us. It's all over now, the mounting part has “played” and that string will not probably be harped on again for this brigade to dance to. I think that to-day, Sherman, Logan or Ewing would not trust a detachment of this brigade on sorebacked mules if they had only three legs. This little squad of 500 men in the two months they have been mounted have committed more devilment than two divisions of regular cavalry could in five years. Everything you can think of, from shooting negroes, or marrying these simple country women, down to stealing babies' diapers. From taking $2,700.00 in gold, to snatching a brass ring off the finger of the woman who handed a drink of water. From taking the last "old mar" the widow had to carry her grist to mill, to robbing the bed of its cord, for halters, and taking the clothes line and bedclothing “to boot.” I'll venture that before we were dismounted, not a wellrope, tracechain, or piece of cord of any kind strong enough to hold a horse could be found in the districts through which we have foraged. I want you to understand that my command is not responsible for the heavy devilment. I have steadily discountenanced it, and watched my men carefully. I am willing to be responsible for all they did, and will probably have a chance, as I understand a board of inquiry sits on the subject shortly. Some of the officers will, I think, have cause to wish they were never mounted; and to think that “Mission Ridge” would have been preferable to the duty they have been on. We had been looking for General Ewing out to our bivouac to review us for several days, and I rather saw in the distance that dismount was an order we'd get shortly, and had sent in to our colonel, lieutenant colonel and staff some of my best horses, knowing that if we got dismounted they would be taken by Sherman, Logan or Ewing. Sure enough, on the morning of the New Year's day came an order to form to be review by some heavy staff. The review consisted in their picking out what good horses there were, turning the rest into a corral, and sending us to our regiments on foot. We got here the same day, found the regiment just pitching camp, with the idea that winter quarters or a good long rest, at least, was their portion. Our company already has good comfortable quarters up, and is as well fixed for winter as we care about being. But already we hear it rumored that our division is to move down to Huntsville in a short time, and we have had no orders to prepare winter quarters. All right. It has been pretty cold here although we have had no snow nor ice that could bear a man. A great deal of rain. The regiment is very healthy. Not a dozen men complaining. My wrist is improving slowly. Not worth very much yet. Doctor says 'twill take it a year to get well. That bone at the wrist joint protrudes considerably. All right. The veteran feeling is "terrific" here. Three regiments in our brigade the only ones eligible (that is that have been in two years) have re-enlisted almost to a man. 40th Illinois, 46th Ohio and 6th Iowa. In our division there are seven regiments eligible and all have re-enlisted, and are going home in a few days. It is, I think, the grandest thing of the war. These old soldiers so enthusiastically and unanimously “going-inimously.” I guess no one is more astonished at it than the very men who are enlisting. One of the 40th boys told me that "about 15 of us were talking about it and cussing it, until every son of a gun of us concluded to, and did re-enlist." Our regiment hasn't been in long enough to make veterans. Wouldn't you rather have me stay in service until this war ends? I get the blues, though, sometimes, and think of getting out and denying that I ever was in the war. Haven't I a brilliant record, Thirty-three months in service and not a battle.

Clear and cold this morning. I'm very comfortable. Have built me a brick fireplace and chimney, raised my tent two and one-half feet on a broad frame. Made me a good bed with broom sage for soft, and am living high.

I received three recruits yesterday and have at least one more coming. I have more men for duty than any other company. Night before last two Confederate soldiers came into our camp and stole three horses, two of them belonging to our surgeons, and the other to the adjutant. The Rebels crossed the Tennessee river, which is only four miles from here and recrossed safely with their horses. I call that pretty sharp. The horses were only about 30 yards from where I sleep. They might just as well have got me. I feel highly complimented by their prefering the horses to me. We had one-fourth of an inch of snow last night. Gone now. Yesterday three teamsters, belonging to Logan's headquarters while foraging went to pillaging a house. The woman of the house tried to stop them, when one of the fellows struck her on the head with a gun and killed her. This was about three miles from here.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 208-11

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: December 29, 1863

Near Larkinsville, Ala., December 29, 1863.

We have had some busy times since my last. Foraging for horses, looking for something to eat, and trying to obey a host of contradictory orders, has kept us in the saddle almost constantly. I believe I wrote you about Dorrance's going over to Elk river, Tenn. for horses and getting captured. When the next scout was ordered out, I was at Bridgeport on business, and Lieutenant Smith went in charge. They were absent a week and when I heard from them, and that they had but seven extras, I started after them and found them 25 miles from camp. That night I got permission from the officer in command to take 20 men and be absent two days. I went over the mountain into Madison county near Huntsville, got 34 good horses and was back on time. I also captured a guerrilla with his horse and traps, and found a lot of clothing which had been taken from Federal soldiers and officers captured by Rebels and concealed in a hovel on the mountain. In the round trip of the last six days, about 150 miles, the boys have destroyed at least 50 shotguns and rifles. To-day, an officer of Ewing's staff is here selecting our best horses, for the use of Sherman, Logan, etc. We think it confoundedly mean, but guess we'll stand it. We have enough horses to mount the brigade, but there is some doubt about that little event taking place. They can't beat me out of being satisfied whatever they do. Would rather remain mounted, but Sherman's will be done. I have turned into the corral fully my proportion of horses, haven't lost a man, and none of my command have been guilty of robbing, plundering, or stealing. That's what the officer of no other detachment here can say, truthfully. I do think I have the best lot of men that ever soldiered together, and there are now 41 for duty. The rest of the brigade is at Scottsboro, only six miles from here, and they will probably go into winter quarters there. Possibly, at Belle Fountain. I am in splendid health and enjoying myself excellently. My wrist is improving slowly, but there is something broken about it. It will, however, answer my purpose if it gets no worse. One ought occasionally to have something of that kind in order to a better appreciation of our many blessings. What wonderful luck I have soldiering, don't I? Now, in our two month's foraging, I haven't lost a man. Only one wounded a little, and one man and Dorrance captured and let go again. In the same time the 15th Michigan have lost about 20. The 46th Ohio have had two killed, the 6th Iowa two killed, and the 40th Illinois two hung and two missing. We have been over all the country they have, and done just as much work, without losing a man. I am hopeful of obtaining some recruits from the Fairview country, but can get along without them.. Have as good as been out of the world for two months. I haven't worn socks since I left Memphis. Too much trouble. Has rained steadily for the four last days. I have ridden from daylight until dark each day. Got dried off to-day for the first time. Swam our horses over three bad creeks. Lieutenant Smith and three men came very near drowning. My mare swam splendidly.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 207-8

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: September 30, 1863

Steamboat Diana, 70 miles from Vicksburg,
September 30, 1863.

We left Vicksburg in advance of the rest of the fleet at 8 o'clock this a. m. I am officer of the day and have found a good deal to do. Our regiment and the 40th Illinois are both on board and we are somewhat crowded. Gen. W. S. Smith and our division commander reached Vicksburg just before we left. The boat he came down on, the Robert Campbell, was burned about 50 miles above Vicksburg, and from 30 to 60 persons lost. The general and Colonel Hicks, our brigade commander, both escaped by swimming. General Smith says that a number of boats have been burned within two weeks by Rebel incendiaries and agents, the object being, by destroying our transportation, to make it impossible to reinforce Rosecrans from Grant's army. General Smith is not yet with us, and we think he will not follow if we go to Chattanooga, for he was once under Rosecrans, and they had some serious difficulty. If he does retain command of the division we will probably stop at some point on the M. and C. railroad again. We all think a great deal of Smith, but would ten times rather lose him than have to, on his account, again go to guarding railroads. It has rained steadily for the last 48 hours, not very fast, but everything uncovered is thoroughly soaked. My company was first stationed on the berth deck, but when steam was raised it [became] so hot that I took them up on the hurricane deck where, though they have to stand the rain, it will certainly be better for them than breathing the hot steam.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 194

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Captain Charles Wright Wills: September 27, 1863

September 27.

We sent our sick, nearly 100 in number, by wagon to the Big Black railroad depot, six miles, where they took the cars for Vicksburg. They will there await our arrival. I have now but 31 men in my company in camp. Ten months ago I marched 72 men from Bolivar, Tenn., to Lagrange. Not one has been lost by the bullet, and today a difference of 41 in the duty list. A rumor prevails to-day that Rosecrans has had a severe battle and has been defeated. It is impossible to learn or hear anything in this place until the date alone would make it uninteresting. Blair's division moved into Vicksburg from the depot to-day to embark. Osterhaus' division is already on its way up the river. In the evening, with Captains Bishop and Smith and Lieutenant Johnson, had a rather dull game of “California Seven Up.” All kinds of rumors today about the fight in northern Georgia. Have no hope of ever hearing the truth of the matter in camp. We are now 12 days behind in papers. The 3d brigade of our division and some cavalry started, with three days rations, on a scout across the river to-day. Suppose the object is to cover our move to Vicksburg, though I don't believe there are 100 armed Rebels this side of the Alabama line. The soldiers of our division have been having some high fun for the last two days. Orders are very strict against firing in camp, but the men found out they could get up some artificial firing by putting green can in the fire. The steam from the sap generating between the joints will make an explosion equal to a gun fired. And they got up some artillery firing by putting canteens half full of water, stopping them tightly and then putting them in the flames. They did this just to bore the officers who are held responsible by the general for all firing. To-night the general has ordered all the officers of the 40th Illinois to patrol the camp the whole night. This, of course, tickles the men hugely, and from their beds in their tents they have been talking over the duties of a sentry for the benefit of their officer's ears. The devilment that soldiers cannot contrive must be unearthly. To-day some of the 6th Iowa filled an oyster can half full of powder, set a slow train to it and planted it in the ground, they then set a cracker box over it and got a negro to dancing on the box A coal was then touched to the train and the "nigger" was blown full 20 feet. He landed, fortunately, without injury, but so badly scared that he was crazy for an hour. In the evening called on Captain Pinney of the 46th Ohio, and spent a very pleasant evening. He says that Vallandigham will poll about ten votes in their regiment; but that his disciples dare not open their mouths to advocate his cause. He says the loyal men would kill them sure if they dared to boast of their allegiance to a traitor.

SOURCE: Charles Wright Wills, Army Life of an Illinois Soldier, p. 191-2

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Late News - By The Mails

Later from Gen. Grant’s Column.

The Enemy will make another Stand.


Special to the Chicago Tribune.

CAIRO, April 11.

Our reporter has just arrived from Pittsburg, and furnishes the following:

The attack commenced about daybreak Sunday morning. Taylor’s battery and Waterhouse’s battery opened the fight, supported by the 23d Illinois on the right, the 77th Ohio supporting the left of Taylor’s, and the 53d Ohio supporting the left of Waterhouse’s. These regiments belonged to Sherman’s Division, occupying the extreme right. Both of the Ohio regiments ran – the 77th without firing a gun – leaving Waterhouse without support. He fought half an hour, however, retreating with only three guns. Capt. Waterhouse was wounded in the thigh by a Minie bullet, but not fatally. His battery was very badly cut up. His 1st Lieutenant, Abbott, was slightly wounded in the shoulder, with Chandler and Woodward, and five gunners were also wounded.

Taylor continued the fight, supported splendidly by the 22d Illinois, until he and his support were outflanked on both sides. He then retreated through a cross fire, having but one man killed and seventeen wounded. He lost 12 horses, his forge and battery wagons.

Meanwhile Waterhouse, with his three guns, took up a second position, supported by the second brigade of McClernand’s division, Colonel Marsh commanding, composed of the following troops, viz: the 11th, 17th, 20th, 45th and 48th Illinois. During the forenoon they were compelled to retire through their own encampment with heavy loss into some woods in the rear, where they formed a second line of battle.

McClernand ordered an advance. They advanced 100 rods and came in sight of the rebels, and here commenced on of the most fiercely contested engagements of the day, resulting in the repulse of the enemy, who were driven back through our encampments. The enemy met strong reinforcements and our ammunition being out retired. Another brigade took our place, but were compelled to retreat until within half a mile of the river; at that time our artillery and gunboats opened fire, the latter causing awful slaughter. The enemy were occupying our camp and the gunboats threw shell over our heads, and the ground was literally filled with rebel slain.

When Taylor’s battery took up their second position, it was upon the parade ground of the first division. The rebel battery took position about eight hundred yards in their front, resulting in a splendid artillery duel, which silenced the rebel battery and blew up their caisson. Our boys set up a shout which fairly drowned the musketry. Taylor’s battery, after that, were ordered in the reserve.

The left wing, with Prentiss on the left of Sherman, were drawn back parallel with the right. The gunboat firing was kept up all night.

Poor Carson, the scout, was killed about sunset. He had just come across the river with intelligence that Buell was crossing. He reported to the commanding General, stepped back, and that instant his head was shot off by a cannon ball.

Several Mississippi regiments who had arrived Saturday night at the rebel camp, double quicked to the battle-ground and were immediately repulsed.

Col. Hicks of the 40th Illinois is badly wounded, but not fatally. Lieut-Colonel Kilpatrick, 14th Illinois, killed; Lieut-Colonel Ross, 32d Illinois, wounded, dangerously.

Col. David Stuart was wounded through the left chest, but in spite of his Surgeon’s remonstrances, he went back upon the field.

When the boat left Col. Wallace was still living with faint hopes of recovery.

Col. Sweeney, of the 32nd Illinois, was wounded four times, not fatally, but kept the field until ordered off.

Col. Haynie was also wounded.

Gen. John McArthur was wounded in the foot.

Dr. Roscotton of Peoria, brigade surgeon, was seriously injured. Dr. Young, 48th Illinois, was wounded in the head; Frank W. Rielly, assistant surgeon 48th Illinois had a Minie ball shot through his leg, but his wound is not fatal.


The attack was commenced by Lew Wallace’s division, who had come up in the night from Crump’s Landing, on the enemy’s left. The enemy fought with bulldog courage, and were driven back inch by inch, hotly contesting the ground. Six of our batteries were recaptured, and about thirty of the rebel guns taken. A Michigan battery captured by the 16th Wisconsin on Monday.

At this time, Beauregard was wounded in the arm, in his efforts to recover their battery. He led the attack in person, urging his men on with his sword. He was successful in taking the battery, but it was again taken from him. It was captured and recaptured no less than six times. Co. A, Chicago Light Artillery, was so severely handled on the first day that they were only able to man three guns on Monday. – But with these, after a desperate conflict, they succeeded in completely silencing and capturing a rebel battery of six guns, but they were compelled to relinquish it from lack of horses to draw the guns off. They had to take off their pieces by hand.

Out of seven men who were drawing one, five were struck down, two killed and three wounded. There were in all two killed and thirty-two wounded.

The general retreat of the enemy commenced about dark Monday. Our cavalry followed them up all night until their horses were tired. But for the impassable condition of the roads (it having rained) the rout would have been complete, and would could have carried their entrenched camp at Corinth. This latter will be impossible, for the above reasons, for some days. Their artillery is superior to ours. They have some of the finest ordnance officers in the country. Their small arms are also equal to ours.

Our reporter places the loss of the enemy at 15,000 killed and wounded, and our loss at 10,000 killed and wounded. These will be found moderate estimates. The enemy have taken more prisoners than we.

The 8th Iowa, Col. Geddes, were captured almost en masse. Gen. Prentiss, after he was captured, escaped and came into our camp alone.

The rebels had the very flower of the Potomac army with them. Breckinridge was reported killed on Sunday.

When our reporter left Wednesday morning, our advance, which had been pursuing, had only occupied the ground formerly held by him about seven miles from the enemy’s entrenched camp, which is located half-way between Corinth and Pittsburg.

The enemy are straining every nerve to get in reinforcements, and bloody work must yet occur before we drive them from their position.

The names of the killed and wounded are coming, but are so numerous and scattered as to preclude the getting of anything like a detailed account. Every means of transportation is being used for the wounded, and every facility afforded those who have so nobly come forward to care for them.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Monday Morning, April 14, 1862, p. 1

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Letter from the Sixth

Altoona [sic], Georgia
June 28th, 1864

Mr. Caverly:–

Yesterday morning at eight o’clock our Brigade made an unsuccessful assault upon the enemy’s works. The loss in the 6th Iowa was fifty killed and wounded, Newton J. Gordon, Co. B, was killed. Mr. C. Fitch, Co. B, wounded slightly in arm. Jesse L. Adkins, Co. H, severely in arm. Jacob S. Miler, Co. B., in arm slightly. A. J. Egbert, Co. B, in shoulder severely. Sergt. O. C. Snyder, Co. H., in shoulder severely. Benj. Bixby, Co. H, Killed. Joseph Ballon, Co. F, Wounded – extent not known. Charles Wright, Co. F, in arm slightly. Lieut. Col. Barnhill, 40th Ill. Inf., Killed. Col. Walcott, 46th O. V. V. I. – commanding Brigade – wounded in arm. Lieut. Col Wright, 103d Ill. Inf. Wounded.

The loss in the brigade – five regiments – will amount to two hundred and fifty killed and wounded.

Although we were repulsed from the ground we had taken, we still hold a line in advance of our original position. – Some prisoners were captured, besides a good many wounded Rebels which fell into our hands. Gordon was killed while rescuing the flag of the 97th Ind., which had been left on the field. No braver or better boy ever lived. Mr. Gregg of Oceola, is here at the Hospital making arrangements to take his son home. His son is doing well and will perhaps start home in a few days. More anon.

Truly yours,
E. F. Alden

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 16, 1864

Note: Some names may have been misspelled or abreviated in the original article. For indexing & searching purposes the full names of all persons mentioned in the article are here listed: Edwin F. Alden, Newton J. Gordon, Ur C. Fitch, Jesse L. Adkins, Jacob L. Miler, Andrew J. Egbert, Orcinos C. Snyder, Benjamin Bixby, Joseph M. Ballon, Charles Wright, Rigdon S. Barnhill, George W. Wright, Charles C. Walcutt

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Army Correspondence

Camp Shilo [sic], Pittsburg, Tenn.,
April 2, 1862

Editor Hawk-Eye:

Dear sir, – That your readers may know the whereabouts of the Sixth Iowa, I take the present opportunity to write you a line, and note a few of the passing events. After a pleasant trip of nine days, on board the steamer Crescent City, we landed at Pittsburg, Tennessee, on the 18th day of March, and since that event have passed our time as pleasantly as soldiers usually do without money or – being blessed with delightful weather – in drilling, scouting, and performing picket duty, and an occasional review.

To-day our Brigade, the 1st in the 5th Division, composed of the 6th Iowa, 46th Ohio, 40th Illinois, and Capt. _____ Indiana Battery were review by Gen. U. S. Grant. We have lain at this point fifteen days, and are becoming exceedingly impatient for an order to advance, as we have been under marching orders ever since our arrival.

Ours and the rebel pickets are nearly every day within speaking distance, and to relieve the monotony of camp life they interest themselves by shooting at each other. Almost ever day the scouts bring in a lot of – as the boys call them – the “Butternut Fellers,” who have strayed from the secesh camp. This evening quite an incident occurred. Capt. Brydolf of Co. I, Capt. Walden Co. D, Capt. Saunders Co. E, Lieut. Searcy Co. C, and Quartermaster Brunaugh were out on a pleasure excursion. When about three miles from camp on the Corinth road, the espied a couple of the Butternuts – 300 yards distant. As they were making off Lieut. Searcy ordered them to halt – they heard and acquiesced. Lieut. Searcy again put his vocal powers to the test, and ordered them to advance, and upon some warlike demonstration by our party they did so, as meek as lambs, having thrown away their guns when first discovered, with the exception of their tooth picks. They were escorted into camp, and relieved of their arms, and the contents of their pockets. Among articles found upon their persons were passes, duly signed, granting four days leave of absence by Gen. _____, who is, as appears from the papers to be at Barnesville. They are not very talkative, and as yet no information of importance can be derived from them. A few days will probably reveal important information.

On Friday last, two deserters from the rebel forces, came within our lines and gave themselves up, who report the enemy encamped at Corinth, 18 miles distant, 80,000 strong, commanded by Gen. Bragg, and that the rebels have some notion of attacking us, but are withheld because they do not know the amount of our force. When they left they had no heavy artillery, but were expecting a supply very soon. They have, according to the report of these deserters, been at work on the entrenchments since the evacuation of Columbus. They report provisions very scarce and hard to get, and that powder is worth five dollars per pound. They had not seen a drop of coffee for four months. They affirm that the 1st Sergeant and 50 men of their company would desert the first opportunity, and that hundreds more would do the same thing if they had any possible chance. From these men we learn that the rebels are fortifying half a mile this side of Corinth, on a hill, that they have felled timber and rendered the approach impassable in front, and in this barricade of fallen timber, have dug rifle pits.

We are encamped within 18 miles of Corinth and when the order is given to advance, not many hours will elapse ere the bravery of the Sixth will be tested.

Colonel McDowell is now the acting Brigadier General of our Brigade. The Division is commanded by Gen Sherman.

Lieut. Colonel Cummins has charge of the Regiment, and is alone, as Major John M. Corse is on Gen. Pope’s staff.


– Published in the Burlington Daily Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Thursday, April 10, 1862