Fortress Monroe, Dec. 11. – Jeff. Davis, in his Message, is very despondent over the losses of Vicksburg, Port Hudson, and other points. He says there has been no improvement in relations with foreign countries since his last Message, but on the contrary, there is a greater divergence in the conduct of European nations, assuming a Character positively unfriendly, and speaks of the marked partiality of Great Britain to the North.
The Monitor Weehawken sank inside Charleston bar on the 6th inst. 30 lives lost.
The New York Times says:
The army of the Potomac is to be re-organized and made larger.
Advices from Texas say that health of our troops there is excelent [sic]. Banks and Staff was at New Orleans on the 5th.
The 79th Pennsylvania have re-enlisted.
- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 19, 1863
The Monitor Weehawken sank inside Charleston bar on the 6th inst. 30 lives lost.
The New York Times says:
The army of the Potomac is to be re-organized and made larger.
Advices from Texas say that health of our troops there is excelent [sic]. Banks and Staff was at New Orleans on the 5th.
The 79th Pennsylvania have re-enlisted.
- Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, December 19, 1863