Showing posts with label 84th PA INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 84th PA INF. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Fighting Near Winchester


WINCHESTER, Va., March 25. – On Saturday at 2 o’clock p. m., the enemy showed themselves a mile and a half from Winchester.  The enemy consisted of 500 of Ashby’s cavalry and two guns.  They drove in our pickets and then skirmished with the Michigan cavalry and a portion of the Maryland 1st.

Gen. Shields brought up his artillery and fired several rounds of shot and shell, drove them back and took several prisoners.

Gen. Shields was wounded in the arm by the first fire of the enemy.

Jackson had been informed by the inhabitants that the town was destroyed by the union troops and he advanced to retake it.

Gen. Shields’ forces slept on their arms Saturday night.

On Sunday morning at sunrise, Jackson being reinforced, he attacked Gen. Shields near Kingston.

The enemy’s force consisted of 500 of Ashley’s cavalry, 5,000 infantry, nine pieces of artillery with a reserve of 18 pieces of artillery.

The fight was kept up till noon, when a charge made by the Ohio infantry, 1st Michigan and 1st Virginia Cavalry on their right, drove them back half a mile when the enemy got their guns in position again in a dense wood, flanked by infantry, they drove us back.  A short artillery engagement ensued.

At 10½ the enemy made a feint on our left, when Gen. Shields ordered Col. Tyler of the 7th Ohio, to turn their left flank, which was executed by our troops by with considerable loss, the enemy being protected by a stone bridge.

The 84th Pennsylvania and 13th Indiana charged their centre and the fight became general.  Col. Murry, of the 84 Pennsylvania was killed.

The enemy retired slowly, bringing their guns to bear at every opportunity.  Our men rushed forward with yells when a panic ensued among the enemy.  Our troops followed and drove them until dark, capturing three guns, three caissons, muskets, equipments, &c., innumerable.  Our troops bivouacked on the field.  Gen. William’s first brigade, Col. Donelly, of the 28th New York, commanding, reinforced Gen. Fields.

Gen. Banks, who was on his way to Washington on Sunday, returned and assumed command.

Gen. Shields’ Division pursued the enemy beyond Newton, shelling them the whole way.

Jackson’s men were perfectly demoralized beyond control.  They threw overboard the dead and wounded to lighten the wagons.

It is noticeable that nearly all the Confederate wounded were shot in the head and breasts, testifying to the superiority of our marksmen.

The loss on our side were chiefly Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana troops.

Those who conveyed the false intelligence to Gen. Jackson, causing this disaster to the rebels have a heavy weight of guilt to shoulder.  It was evidently known to many in the town that Jackson was approaching from the holiday attire and buoyancy of spirits among men and women here.  Gen. Shields’ command being screened from observation on the east side of the town led the informants to believe that all our troops were evacuating and that Jackson could enter unmolested.  Good Judges say the enemy’s loss is over 200 killed 500 wounded and 300 prisoners including an aid to Jackson.  Our loss is about 65 killed and 125 wounded.

On Sunday morning the rebels received reinforcements under Gen. Garnett, amounting to 500 men.  The Union forces did not exceed 1000 men, and with the exception of about 500 were of Gen. Shields’ division exclusively, commanded by acting Brig. Gen. Sullivan, opening a heavy fire of artillery, while the real attack was directed against our right, with the object of flanking it.  Gen. Kimble commanded on the right, where the heaviest fighting was done. – The enemy were strongly posted in woods and behind a stone wall, and the rebel artillery was posted on eminences on both sides of the left wing.  Our whole artillery force was engaged consisting of 24 parrot guns in all.  The combat raged furiously till 3 o’clock p. m., the fighting being done chiefly by the artillery and musketry at a range of not more than 300 or 400 yards, and often much less.

The rebel infantry opposite our right emerged from the woods and attempted to capture David’s Battery by a charge.  The first effort was nearly successful, but the heavy discharges of grape compelled to retire in confusion.  A second and third attempt likewise failed, and the enemy fell back with heavy loss behind the stone parapet.  Gen. Tyler now ordered his brigade to charge the enemies batteries on the left and a most deadly encounter followed.  Twice our men recoiled under the storm, but in the third effort they routed the rebels with tremendous slaughter.

Our loss in these struggles was heavy.  Out of 300 men in the 84th Pennsylvania 26 were killed and 83 wounded.  Many officers were killed and wounded.

The Fifth and Eighth Ohio shared the glory and the loss with the Eighty-forth Pennsylvania.  The enemy’s killed and wounded strewed the ground in profusion and their left wing was utterly broken and their centre wavering.  On their side the Fourth and Fifth Virginia Regiments suffered most.  The former was totally demolished.  Several attempts to rally the right wing failed, and to add to the confusion the Irish Battalion of 150 men, were brought forward, ordered to fire upon our troops refused and a rebel regiment immediately drove this gallant little band forward, but could not compel them to fire upon us.  Forty corpses of the hundred and fifty afterwards strewed the field.  Meanwhile the rebels gave way on their left and center with a loss of 70 killed and wounded and 236 taken prisoners.  Besides these about 1500 muskets were taken and many other valuable trophies.  Our loss does not exceed 100 killed.

– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, March 29, 1862, p. 3

Friday, September 30, 2011

Further Particulars of the Battle near Winchester


Our pickets are six miles beyond Strasburg.  Jackson is not in sight.

All the fences, trees and ground along the road show the terrible effect of our artillery on the retreating army.

Gen. Shields’ arm has been reset.  He is comfortable, and will probably be able to resume active duties in two weeks.

The following, as near as can be ascertained, is the number of wounded at the battle of Sunday:

In the 7th Ohio, 45, 29th O., 3; 5th, 16; 69th, 24; 8th 19.  In 7th Ind., 11; 13th, 13; 14th, 12.  In 84th Pa., 40; 10th, 36; 1st Va., 8; 28th N. Y., 1; 1st O. battery, 2; 9th Pa., 1; 5th Ct., 2.

The list of the killed is not yet received, but the number is believed to be 105.

All is quiet at Strasburg to-night.

The following is Gen. Banks’ general order relative to the battle of Sunday:

Strasburg, March 26th, 1862.

The Commanding General of the 5th army corps congratulates the officers and soldiers of Gen. Shields’ division, and especially its gallant commander, on the auspicious and decisive victory gained over the rebels on the 25th.  The division has achieved renown against superior forces and a subtle and barbarous enemy.



Brig. Gen. Shields congratulates the officers and soldiers of his division, upon the glorious victory achieved by them on the 23rd inst., near Winchester, Va.  They defeated an enemy whose forces outnumbered theirs, who are considered the bravest and best disciplined of the Confederate army.  He also congratulates them that it has fallen to their lot to pen the campaign on the Potomac.  The opening has been a splendid success; let them inscribe “Winchester” on their banners, and persevere for other victories.

Brig. Gen. SHIELDS.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, March 28, 1862, p. 1

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

From Winchester

WINCHESTER, Va., March 25.

It is currently reported to-night that Gen. Banks has overtaken and destroyed 200 of Jackson’s wagons.

Latest from Strasburg says that Gens. Banks and Shields are there, and Jackson is in sight.  A battle is expected to-day, and preparations are being made to strengthen our forces.

On Saturday at 2 o’clock p.m. the enemy showed themselves, a mile and a half from Winchester.  The enemy consisted of 500 of Ashby’s cavalry, and two guns.  They drove in our pickets, and then skirmished with the Michigan cavalry and a portion of the Indiana 1st.

Gen. Shields brought up his forces, and fired a few rounds of shell, driving them back, taking several prisoners.  General Shields was wounded in the army by the first fire of the enemy.

Jackson had been informed by the inhabitants that the town was deserted by the Union troops, and he advanced to retake it.

Gen. Shield’s forces slept on their arms Saturday night.  Sunday morning at sunrise, Jackson being reinforced attacked Gen. Shields near Kearnstown.

The enemy’s forces consisted of 500 of Ashby’s cavalry, 500 infantry, and 9 pieces of artillery, with a reserve of 18 pieces of artillery.  The fight was kept up till noon, when a charge was made by the Ohio infantry.  The 1st Mich. And 1st VA cavalry on their right, drove them back half a mile, when the enemy got their guns again in position in a dense wood, flanked by infantry, and drove us back.  A short artillery engagement ensued, when Gen. Shields ordered Col. Tyler to turn their flank which was executed by our troops but with considerable loss, the enemy being protected by the stone ledge.  The 84th Penn. And the 13th Ind. charged their centre, and the fight became general.

Col. Murray, of the 84th Penna., was killed.  The enemy retired slowly, bringing their guns to bear at every opportunity.  Our men rushed forward with yells, when a panic ensued among the enemy.

Our troops followed and drove them till dark, capturing 3 guns, 3 caissons, muskets, equipments, &c., innumerable.  Our troops bivouacked on the field.

Gen. Williams’ 1st Brigade, Col. Donelly of the 28th N. Y., commanding, reinforced Gen. Shields.

Gen. Banks, who was on the way to Washington, Sunday returned and assumed command.  Meantime, Gen. Shields’ division pursued the enemy beyond Newton, shelling them the whole way.

Jackson’s men, were perfectly demoralized and beyond control.  They threw overboard the dead and wounded to lighten the wagons.

It is noticeable that nearly all the Confederates wounded were shot in the head or breast, testifying to the superiority of our marksmen.

The losses on our side were chiefly Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana troops.  These who conveyed the false intelligence to Gen. Jackson, causing this disaster to the rebels, have a heavy weight of guilt to shoulder.  It was evidently known to many in the town that Jackson was approaching, from the holiday attire and buoyancy of spirits among men and women here.  Gen. Shields’ command being secreted from observation, on the east side of the town, lead the informants to believe that all our troops were evacuating, and that Jackson could enter unmolested.  Good judges say that the enemy’s loss is over 200 killed and 500 wounded, and 300 prisoners, including an aid to Jackson.  Our loss is about 65 killed and 125 wounded.

On Sunday morning the rebels received reinforcements under Gen. Garrett, amounting to 500 men.  The Union forces did not exceed 1000 men, and with the exception of about 500 were of Gen. Shields’ division exclusively.  At half past one the enemy made a feint on our left, commanded by acting Brig. Gen. Sullivan, opening a heavy fire of artillery, while the real attack was directed against our right, with the object of flanking Gen. Kimball’s command on the right, where the heaviest fighting was done.  The enemy were strongly posted in the woods and behind a stone wall, and the rebel artillery was posted on an eminence on both sides of their left wing.

Our whole artillery force was engaged consisting of four batteries of 24 pieces in all.  The conflict raged furiously till 3 P. M. – The fighting being done chiefly by the artillery and musketry, at a range of not more than 300 or 400 yards, and often much less.

The rebel infantry opposite our right now engaged from the woods and attempted to capture Dowe’s battery by a charge.  The first effort was nearly successful, but the heavy discharge of grape compelled them to retire in confusion.  A second and weaker attempt likewise failed, and the enemy fell back with heavy loss, behind the stone parapet.

Gen. Taylor now ordered his brigade to charge the enemy’s batteries on the left, and a most deadly encounter followed, twice our men reeled under the storm, but in the third effort they routed the rebels with tremendous slaughter.

Our loss in these struggles was heavy. – Out of 300 men in the 84th Penn., 26 were killed and 83 wounded.  Many officers were killed and wounded.  The 5th and 8th Ohio shared the glory and the losses with the 84th Penn.

The enemy’s killed and wounded strewed the ground in profusion, and their left wing was totally broken, and their center wavering.  On their side the 4th and 5th Va. Regiments suffered most; the former was terribly decimated.

Attempts to rally the right wing failed, and to add to the confusion, the Irish battalion of 150 men, when brought forward and ordered to fire upon the Union troops refused, and a rebel regiment immediately drove this gallant little band forward, but could not compel them to fire upon us. – Forty corpses of the 150 afterwards strewed the field.

Meanwhile, the rebels gave way on the left and center, with a loss of 70 killed and wounded, and 236 prisoners.  Besides these, about 160 muskets were taken and many other valuable trophies.  Our loss does not exceed 100 killed and 300 wounded.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 2

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Battle of Winchester

Gen. Shields says in his official report of this battle:

The killed and wounded in this engagement can not even yet be accurately ascertained. Indeed my command has been so over worked, that it has had but little time to ascertain anything. The killed as reported, are one hundred and three, among them we have to deplore the loss of the brave Col. Murry, of the eighty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, who fell at the head of his [regiment] while gallantly leading it in the face of the enemy. The wounded are four hundred and forty-one, and the missing at twenty-four. The enemy’s loss is more difficult to ascertain than our own. Two hundred and seventy were found dead on the battle-field. Forty were buried by the inhabitants of the adjacent village, and by a calculation of the number of graves found on both sides of the valley road between here and Strasburg, their loss in killed must have been 500, and wounded 1,000. The proportion between the killed and wounded of the enemy shows the closeness and terrible destructiveness of our fire, nearly half the wounds being fatal. The enemy admit a loss of between 1,000 and 1,500 killed and wounded. Our force in infantry, cavalry, and artillery, did not exceed 7,000. That of the enemy must have exceeded 11,000. Jackson, who commanded on the field, had, in addition to his own stone wall brigade, Smith’s, Garnett’s, and Longstreet’s brigades. Generals Smith and Garnett were here in person.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Saturday Morning, April 26, 1862, p. 2

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A correspondent, giving an account of the battle of Winchester, says:

‘Among the acts of chivalry performed on the field was one by private Graham, of the 84th Pennsylvania. He carried the regimental standard. The left hand, which held it, was shot off, but before the Star Spangled Banner fell to the ground, he grasped it in the remaining hand and held it triumphantly. The right arm was next disabled, but before the colors fell he was killed by the third ball. He was a native of the Emerald Isle.'

– Published in The Appleton Crescent, Appleton, Wisconsin, Saturday, April 26, 1862