Showing posts with label Alexander Pierce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alexander Pierce. Show all posts

Monday, May 7, 2012

Alexander Pierce

PIERCE, ALEXANDER — Farmer, section 9, P. O. Sheldahl. Was born in White county, Tennessee, in 1826 and when about seven years of age his father emigrated to Illinois and remained there until 1837, when he removed to Arkansas and four years later to the southwest part of Missouri. He came from there to his present location in June of 1850. In 1860 he went to the Rocky Mountains and remained there one year and in October of 1861 he enlisted in company D, Sixteenth Iowa infantry and served till January, 1865 and was honorably discharged, his rank being that of sergeant during his service, He was captured July 22, 1864, and sent to Andersonville prison and kept for sixty-two days and then exchanged. He was married in Missouri, in 1842, to Miss Elizabeth Eslick, of Indiana They have a family of eight children living: Thomas P., William B., Isaiah H., Sarah J., Frances B., Rebecca, Martha and Alice and have lost six.

SOURCE: Union Historical Company, The History of Polk County, Iowa, p. 1033-4