Showing posts with label Charles B Elce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Charles B Elce. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chas. B. Elce

CHAS. B. ELCE. farmer, Sec. 36; P. O. Camanche; was born in Clinton Co., Penn., in 1837: came to Iowa in 1855, where he has since resided; he and his father improved the farm on which he resides, consisting of eighty acres. He married, in 1858, Miss Mary P. Pierce; she was a native of New Jersey; they have three children — Harry M., Georgiana and Fred B. They are members of Methodist Episcopal Church; he is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Mr. E. enlisted in Co. A, 16th Iowa V. I., and served four years. Mr. E. is a stanch Republican.

SOURCE: The History Of Clinton County, Iowa, Western Historical Co., Chicago, IL, 1879, p. 770