Showing posts with label Drill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drill. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Diary of Private Theodore Reichardt, Monday, October 28, 1861

Commenced to build a stable for horses, three hundred feet long. Captain Bess, our chief of artillery. Our battery remained at Muddy Branch up to the twenty-seventh of November. Little is to be said of this period. Drill as usual. Received the news of the taking of Beaufort, South Carolina, and the capture of Slidell and Mason. Captain Reynolds visited the battery for the last time, having been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the Rhode Island artillery, and transferred to another department.

SOURCE: Theodore Reichardt, Diary of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, p. 26

Diary of Private Theodore Reichardt, Wednesday, November 27, 1861

The battery left Muddy Branch, with the understanding to go into winter-quarters near Poolesville.

We were told that we should have many drills together with Battery B, no longer Captain Vaughan's battery, who, having had disagreements, left the service. We marched by nine o'clock in the morning. The weather was very unpleasant, raining and freezing all day. Passed through Poolesville at four o'clock, and commenced to pitch tents by five o'clock. Our camp is next to Battery B's, commanded by Lieutenant Perry. We had a good reception by the men, who treated all of us to coffee.

SOURCE: Theodore Reichardt, Diary of Battery A, First Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery, p. 26-7

Monday, May 13, 2024

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Monday Morning, September 2, 1861

Clear and fine. Roll call at 5½ A. M. as usual-Breakfast at 6½ Squad drill &c. more activity will be observed this week in drilling than heretofore. Lt. L. F. Williams appointed junior Officer of the Guard to day. One of our men who came from town yesterday in a state of intoxication—by name John Brown is very sick to day—great suffering & pain in his stomach and lower extremities supposed to emanate from poison in the liquor drank yesterday. The 2 gun boats stationed here left this afternoon & 1 Regt. of In from Birds Point, their destination & the No. of the Regt. we are not informed. Heavy firing heard at 8 O'clock this evening in the direction of New-Madrid Mo. supposed that our Gun Boats have engaged the enemy at that point

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 224-5

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Tuesday Morning, September 3, 1861

Weather fine & pleasant,—with indications of rain Duties of the morning as usual—much rejoicing through out the camp—though no open demonstration—at the news of the success of Gen. Butler in his operations on the coast of N. C. Received this morning. Conflicting reports concerning the result or doings of the expidition sent down the Miss. River yesterday. More troops sent down from Birds Point to day across the country to the scene of action. Where it is not yet known in camp, some say it is Columbus, Some New Madrid, no person knows anything definite about the movements going on at Head Quarters—here all military movements are kept secret by the Senior Officers of the different commands at both Posts Cairo & Birds Point. Commenced raining about 4 O'clock this afternoon which put an end to squad drill & set the men to work putting their tents to rights & preparing for a spell of weather. Firing heard this evening again in the same direction as that of last evening Still raining at 10 O'clock.

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 225

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Wednesday Morning, September 4, 1861

Cloudy drissling rain, very unpleasant underfoot—quite a No. not out at Roll Call—placed on Extra Duty in consequence. Our Co. placed on Police Duty to day-by order of the Col.

Camp McClernand Cairo Ills.

it is therefore exempt from drill to day no news of consequences. has rained at intervals all day The Two Gun Boats have returned, reported to have had a brush with a Gun Boat of the Enemy's—called Yankee—near a place called Hickman in which the latter was worsted Also bombarded the place. News of Jefferson Davis' death this evening generally not credited

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 225

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, September 5, 1861

morning duties performed as usual Lt Allen Officer of the Guard to day. Weather pleasant but showery.—nothing of importance but drilling. Water scarce on account of negligence of water master. Death of Jeff Davis confirmed today—that is still believed. Report this evening that Pillow is within one days march of Birds Point—4 Comp from th[e] 9th Regt. And the Chicago light Artillery left to night tis said for Columbus Ky.

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 225

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Friday, September 6, 1861

Weather pleasant. Drilling and other duties performed as usual. 60 muskets drawn by our Company this afternoon Other Comps. in our Regt. also have drawn in proportion to the number of men. No news of consequence to day Great activity through out the camp, however in our vicinity

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 225

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Monday Morning, September 9, 1861

Duties as usual performed. no Officers drill this morning as was given out last evening on Dress Parade Abut 10 O'clock to day one of the Gun Boats arrived to Port with 3 Prizes in tow. One said to be laden with tobacco—tis not known here yet the substance of the prizes Reported this Afternoon that 1 of the Gun Boats was taken this morning by the enemy. Col. Oglesbys Regt. & the other Gun Boat have gone down Col. Watters Regt. arrived at Birds Point this evening

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 225-6

Diary of Private Edward W. Crippin, Tuesday Morning, September 10, 1861

Reported capture of our Gun Boat proves to be false L. W. Williams detailed as Officer of the Guard to day Officers Drill this morning. Nothing of importance to day.

SOURCE: Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for the Year 1909, p. 226

Monday, May 6, 2024

Diary of Musician David Lane, February 28, 1863

Newport News is a military post, and is of no importance in any other sense. There were no villages or cities here previous to the war. Now there are quite a number of temporary buildings, and barracks to accommodate 60,000 men. It is an ideal camping ground, lying on the north bank of Hampton Roads and inclining gently to the northeast. The soil is light sand, which absorbs the rain as fast as it falls and is never muddy. The Ninth Corps, composed of forty-eight regiments, is extended in a direct line along the beach, covering about two miles in length. Stringent rules have been adopted, which, if carried out, will greatly enhance the efficiency of the men in field operations. We are to have revielle at six, when every man must turn out to roll call; breakfast call at seven, when we fall in line, march to the cook's quarters and receive our allowance of "grub.” Immediately after breakfast we are marched to the creek, where every man is required to wash hands, face and neck. From eight to half-past, police duty, or cleaning up in front of tents; from eight-thirty to ten-thirty, company drill; from this time until noon, clean guns, brasses and do any little jobs we may have on hand; dinner at twelve; from one-thirty to two thirty, skirmish drill; from three to four, battalion drill, after which is dress parade; at eight-thirty, tattoo, or go to bed; at nine, taps, or lights out.

Saturday is set apart for washing and cleaning up generally. Sunday morning at eight o'clock is inspection of arms, and at two o'clock divine service.

Some of the boys think the regular routine is reversed in our case—fighting first and drill afterward. Poor fellows; I expect they will see fighting enough yet. I have not seen a newspaper since our arrival, and know as little of what is going on in the world as did Cruso on his desert island.

SOURCE: David Lane, A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer, 1862-1865, p. 34-5

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 20, 1862

we drilled some the Capt & 1st Lieut absent the 1st Lieutenant has been sick for several days.

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 87

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 21, 1862

Mr Fee our Orderly drilled us today. Oliver Williams a Traveling preacher & Miss Ella Filkin was Married by C Morey

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 87

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 22, 1862

Capt Campbell got home afternoon I have been assisting in drilling most of the day 4 Oc Mr T M Fee1 our Orderly & I went in buggy to Moravia to a war meeting to assist Dr Sawrers in getting up a company Rev Kain made a whining speech and was invited to quitt and give place for others. I was called out & was cheered every fiew minutes by deafning shouts, there was 26 volunteered & sworn in & we returned home before morning


1 T. M. Fee of Centerville served as captain of Co. G. Thirty-sixth Iowa Inf.. and from 1895 to 1901 was a judge of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of Iowa,

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 87

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 23, 1862

I am drousey but on drill part of the day Afternoon attend an official meeting in the M E Church to close up the business of the Conference year

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 87

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 25, 1862

We drilled & elected 5 delegates from our Co to attend in this town on the 28th in Convention with the 3 other Co delegates from this Co in relation to partitioning the Governor to let us select our field officers from our ranks for our Reg. we had 30 soldiers with us for dinner. T Fee Spooner Murdock & I were chosen as the delegates

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 87

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 26, 1862

We are attending to our drill afternoon I was sick at my stomach evening attended the Literary Society I was elected President protem after which Mr Talbot was elected president for the remainder of the unexpired term.

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 87-8

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, August 29, 1862

We drilled some & took a descriptive list of the boys presant. evening attended a lecture by Proffessor Moffet on wreghtery [rhetoric] I was called out & made a fiew remarks

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 88

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Diary of Corporal Lawrence Van Alstyne, Tuesday, September 16, 1862

We are getting right down to business now. Have company drill and will soon drill with the whole regiment together. To-day we practiced the double-quick, which is nothing more than a run. The day was hot and these heavy clothes buttoned around us made us sweat, and one man gave out. He fell down and several fell over him, stopping the work long enough for us to catch breath. He was put under a tree, and by the time we were through was able to walk back to camp. I went into the mill to-day and asked for a job. The miller said he thought I had about all the job I could attend to. That is the nearest approach to a joke I have heard from a native. They are the dumbest set of people I ever met. At least they seem so to me. The country is queer, too. There are no roads here. They are all turnpikes. Many of the houses set so far back from the road, and shade trees are so plenty, that they are not seen unless one goes on purpose. To the west and south the country looks like a forest, but there are no forests here, only scattering trees all over the fields and along the roads. The people are Dutch, mostly, and the rest are negroes,—"Niggers" they are universally called here. Money has another name, too. I bought a bundle of straw for a bed, which I was told was a "fip" for a bundle. I tied up a bundle and was then told it would be a "levy," all of which meant that if the man bound it up it was a "fip" and if I bound it it would be a "levy," which is two fips. I found out at last that a "fip" was sixpence and a "levy" was a shilling. Two fellows got too much of the sutler's whiskey to-day. They forged an order for it, and as a punishment each had a placard pinned to his back, with the nature of his offense printed in large letters, and were marched about the camp until sober.

SOURCE:  Lawrence Van Alstyne, Diary of an Enlisted Man, p. 27-8

Diary of Corporal Lawrence Van Alstyne, September 17, 1862

Two letters to-day, and two papers, all from home. Seems as if I had been there for a visit. I wonder if my letters give them as much pleasure? I expect they do. It is natural they should. I know pretty nearly what they are about, but of me, they only know what I write in my letters, and in this, my everlasting letter, as I have come to call my diary. It is getting to be real company for me. It is my one real confident. I sometimes think it is a waste of time and paper, and then I think how glad I would be to get just such nonsense from my friends, if our places were changed. I suppose they study out these crow's tracks with more real interest than they would a message from President Lincoln. We are looking for a wet bed again to-night. It does not rain, but a thick fog covers everything and the wind blows it in one side of our tents and out the other.

Maybe I have described our life here before, but as no one description can do it justice I am going to try again. We are in a field of 100 acres, as near as I can judge, on the side of a hill, near the top. The ground is newly seeded and wets up quickly, as such ground usually does. We sleep in pairs, and a blanket spread on the ground is our bed while another spread over us is our covering. A narrow strip of muslin, drawn over a pole about three feet from the ground, open at both ends, the wind and rain, if it does rain, beating in upon us, and water running under and about us; this, with all manner of bugs and creeping things crawling over us, and all the while great hungry mosquitoes biting every uncovered inch of us, is not an overdrawn picture of that part of a soldier's life, set apart for the rest and repose necessary to enable him to endure several hours of right down hard work at drill, in a hot sun with heavy woollen clothes on, every button of which must be tight-buttoned, and by the time the officers are tired watching us, we come back to camp wet through with perspiration and too tired to make another move. Before morning our wet clothes chill us to the marrow of our bones, and why we live, and apparently thrive under it, is something I cannot understand. But we do, and the next day are ready for more of it. Very few even take cold. It is a part of the contract, and while we grumble and growl among ourselves we don't really mean it, for we are learning what we will be glad to know at some future time.

Now I am about it, and nothing better to do, I will say something about our kitchen, dining room and cooking arrangements. Some get mad and cuss the cooks, and the whole war department, but that is usually when our stomachs are full. When we are hungry we swallow anything that comes and are thankful for it. The cook house is simply a portion of the field we are in. A couple of crotches hold up a pole on which the camp kettles are hung, and under which a fire is built. Each company has one, and as far as I know they are all alike. The camp kettles are large sheet-iron pails, one larger than the other so one can be put inside the other when moving. If we have meat and potatoes, meat is put in one, and potatoes in the other. The one that gets cooked first is emptied into mess pans, which are large sheet-iron pans with flaring sides, so one can be packed in another. Then the coffee is put in the empty kettle and boiled. The bread is cut into thick slices, and the breakfast call sounds. We grab our plates and cups, and wait for no second invitation. We each get a piece of meat and a potato, a chunk of bread and a cup of coffee with a spoonful of brown sugar in it. Milk and butter we buy, or go without. We settle down, generally in groups, and the meal is soon over. Then we wash our dishes, and put them back in our haversacks. We make quick work of washing dishes. We save a piece of bread for the last, with which we wipe up everything, and then eat the dish rag. Dinner and breakfast are alike, only sometimes the meat and potatoes are cut up and cooked together, which makes a really delicious stew. Supper is the same, minus the meat and potatoes. The cooks are men detailed from the ranks for that purpose. Every one smokes or chews tobacco here, so we find no fault because the cooks do both. Boxes or barrels are used as kitchen tables, and are used for seats between meals. The meat and bread are cut on them, and if a scrap is left on the table the flies go right at it and we have so many the less to crawl over us. They are never washed, but are sometimes scraped off and made to look real clean. I never yet saw the cooks wash their hands, but presume they do when they go to the brook for water.

SOURCE:  Lawrence Van Alstyne, Diary of an Enlisted Man, p. 28-31

Diary of Corporal Lawrence Van Alstyne, Monday, September 22, 1862

Knapsack drill to-day,—something new to me, though I am told it is to take place every Sunday morning when in camp. As we were not here yesterday, it was put off until to-day. We marched out to the drill ground with our knapsacks on, expecting to practice as usual, except that we were loaded that much heavier. As all our belongings were in our knapsacks, they were quite heavy. We formed in column by companies and were told to "unsling knapsacks." We all had to be coached, but we finally stood at attention with our knapsacks lying on the ground wide open before us. Then the colonel, the major and the captain of the company being inspected, marched along and with the tip of their swords poked over the contents, regardless of how precious they might be to us. And such a sight as they saw! Besides our extra underclothing, some clean and some unclean, there were Bibles, whiskey bottles, novels, packs of cards, love letters and photographs, revolvers and dirk knives, pen and ink, paper and envelopes and postage stamps, and an endless variety of odds and ends we had picked up in our travels.

As soon as the inspection was over with Company A, they were marched back to camp and so all along the line until Company B, the last of all, was reached. When we got back to camp some of the companies had been there long enough to get asleep. Nothing more was required of us, and we put in the time as we chose, provided always that we observed the camp regulations.

I may never have so good a chance, so I will try and explain some of the things we have learned to do and how we do it. Begin with roll-call. The orderly sergeant, Lew Holmes, has our names in a book, arranged in alphabetical order in one place, and in the order in which we march in another. If it is simply to see if we are all here, he sings out "Fall in for roll-call" and we get in line, with no regard to our proper places, and answer to our names as called from the alphabetical list. If for drill, "Fall in for drill!" and then we take our places with the tallest man at the right, and so on, till the last and shortest man is in place on the left. We are then in a single line, by company front. The orderly then points at the first man and says "One," which the man repeats. He then points to the second man and says "Two," which is also repeated. So it goes down the line, the one, two, being repeated, and each man being careful to remember whether he is odd or even. When that is done, and it is very quickly done, the orderly commands, "Right face!" The odd-numbered men simply swing on the left heel one quarter of the way around and stand fast. The even-numbered men do the same, and in addition step obliquely to the right of the odd-numbered man, bringing us in a double line and one step apart, which distance we must carefully keep, so that when the order "Front!" is given, we can, by reversing the movement of "Right face!" come to our places without crowding. When coming to a front, the line is not apt to be straight and the order "Right dress!" is given, when the man on the right stands fast and the one next to him puts himself squarely by his side. The next moves back or forth until he can just see the buttons on the coat of the second man to his right,—that is, with his head erect, he must look past one man and just see the buttons on the coat of the second man from him. That makes the line as straight as you can draw a string. "Left face!" is the same thing reversed. In marching, one has only to keep step with the one next in front of him. If this is done, the blame for irregular time all comes upon the file leaders, which are the two in front; they must keep step together. If Company B is going out to drill by itself it is now ready. If, however, the entire regiment is to drill together, as it has a few times, Company A marches out first, and as the rear passes where Company F is standing the latter falls in, close behind; and so each company, until Company B, which is the left of the line, and the last to go, falls in and fills up the line, Why the companies are arranged in the line as they are is a mystery I have so far failed to find out. From right to left they come in the following order: A, F, D, I, C, H, E, K, G and B. A is said to have the post of honor, because in marching by the right flank it is ahead, and meets danger first if there be any. Company B has the next most honorable position, because in marching by the left flank it is in the lead. There is a great advantage in being in the lead. On a march the files will open, more or less, and when a halt is ordered the company in the lead stops short. The other companies keep closing up the files, and by the time the ranks are closed "Attention!" may sound, and another start be made. The first company has had quite a breathing spell, while the last has had very little, if any. If I were to enlist again, I would try hard to get in Company A, for all the marching we have so far done has been by the right flank, Company A at the head and Company B bringing up the rear. When we reach the field we are generally broken up into companies, each company drilling in marching by the front, wheeling to the right and left, and finally coming together again before marching back to camp.

SOURCE:  Lawrence Van Alstyne, Diary of an Enlisted Man, p. 34-6