Friday, November 25, 2016
Diary of Luman Harris Tenney: Monday, September 29, 1862
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Diary of Luman Harris Tenney: July 18, 1862
Thursday, June 23, 2016
Diary of Luman Harris Tenney: Wednesday, July 16, 1862
Friday, September 19, 2008
Letter from the 18th Iowa
H’dq’rs. Co. C, 18th Iowa.
Ft. Smith, Ark.,
Nov. 30th, 1864
Mr. Caverly:–
After wishing you, and all the citizens of Clark Co. good luck, I will proceed to say a few words more.
I received the Sentinel this morning, dated July 16th; it was only a little over four months on the road – better late than never.
The Regiment Started on the 22d inst. to Ft. Gibson, Cherokee Nation, with six days rations, to escort a train back to this post. – Co. B. went with the regiment, but Capt. Duncan did not go; his health is not very good. The health of the boys as a general thing is good. Capt. Stonaker has resigned and will start for Oceola the first opportunity. Every one is sorry that the Capt. Is going to leave, but his health would not permit him to stay with us; he is a brave man, and an efficient officer.
We do not get any news here till it becomes stale. In my last letter from Iowa I learned that my brother Wm. F. Mardis, had been drafted. I tried to pity him, but could not find any thing in my heart to do it with. I think he is only called on to perform a duty that he owes to his country.
The boys of our reg’t are very tired of Arkansas, and their daily prayer is that they may be taken out of the State. “Any where Lord,” but Arkansas.
I suppose long ere this you have heard how are Regiment went at the presidential election. There was 404 votes cast and all for Lincoln. Not a rebel in our Regiment.
I want you to send me the Sentinel every week; please direct it to Co. C, instead of Co. B.
Very respectfully, your obt. Serv’t,
Thomas F. Mardis
– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Friday, December 23, 1864