Showing posts with label George Crandall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George Crandall. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

George Crandall

. . . was born in Hancock county, Illinois, September 9, 1843, and was of English and German ancestry. He was reared to farm life and obtained his education in the district schools. He lived with his parents until he reached his majority, after which he worked at various occupations, finally purchasing a farm near Panama, Iowa. At the time of the Civil war he responded to the call of his country and served as a private in Company I, Fifteenth Iowa Volunteers, under Lieutenant William W. Williams. He was in the field for nine months and was honorably discharged while at a hospital June 17, 1865. On December 12, 1874, he was married to Miss Jennett Martin, who was born in Whiteside county, Illinois. Four children were born to this union: Maud, Lulu and Ada, all deceased; and Eugene. [He] died at Dow City in 1905. He was a man of many admirable characteristics and aimed to perform his duty in everything he undertook. Politically he gave his support to the democratic party and while he never urged his claims for public position he served very acceptably in several township offices. He was a valued member of Parian Lodge, No. 321, A. F. & A. M., and attended the Church of Latter Day Saints, his wife being a member of that organization.

SOURCE: F. W. Meyers, History of Crawford County, Iowa, Volume 2, p. 467-8