Showing posts with label Henry Metz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Henry Metz. Show all posts

Friday, June 18, 2010

Henry Metz

Henry Metz, of Company G, was appointed Drum Major on March 15, 1862. He was a full-faced, bright-eyed, handsome boy, with ability for the position, had he the determination to control his band. Instead of running the band, the band ran him. He was brave and active, and ready to do his work, but his fault was that he did not try to run his machine. But he was so willing to be an obedient soldier that his failures to command his men were forgotten. He lives now in Winlock, Lewis County, Washington Territory.

SOURCE: William W. Belknap, History of the Fifteenth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 48