Showing posts with label John Brady. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Brady. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

John Brady

BRADY, JOHN — Farmer and stock-raiser, Sec. 35, P. O. Knoxville. Was born in Vermillion county, Illinois, in 1837, and is the son of Isaac and Lidden Ann Brady, pioneers of Marion county. The family came to this county when John was in his ninth year. He was raised to manhood and educated in the county and learned the trade of carpenter and joiner, which profession he followed for a number of years. In 1862 enlisted in company K, Fifteenth Iowa volunteer infantry. Was at Shiloh, siege of Corinth, siege of Vicksburg, and others. At Corinth he was severely wounded, two minie balls taking effect on his person. He was honorably discharged July 25,1865. He married, in 1867, Miss Elizabeth Conry. She was born July 26, 1845, and is the daughter of the pioneer John Conry. They have four children: Olive, Lauella, William, Franklin. His farm consists of forty-eight acres.

SOURCE: Union Historical Company, The History Of Marion County, Iowa, 1881, p. 553