Showing posts with label John Byers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Byers. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

John Byers

BYERS, JOHN, farmer, stock-raiser and fruit-grower, P. O. Glenwood; was born in Morgan county, Ohio, February 23,1838. His youth was passed on a farm, and his education received in a common school. In 1850 he came to Iowa and located in this county and became one of the first settlers in Oak township. He served with credit in the war of the rebellion, in company H, 13th Iowa infantry. In 1860 he was married to Miss Rebecca J. Buffington, of Illinois. They are the parents of five children: Mary O., Frances J., Rosa E. and Charles F., living, and Nellie M., deceased. Mrs. Byers died November 3, 1874. August 14, 1879, Mr. Byers was married to Miss Sarah A. Thompson, by whom he has one child, Edwin M. The family belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Byers has always been deeply interested in the religious and educational developement of his community, and withal is a man of great enterprise. His farm comprises some 166 acres of choice land, well improved, with buildings and orchard.

SOURCE: History of Mills County, Iowa, p. 666-7