Showing posts with label Moses J H Parker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moses J H Parker. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Moses J. H. Parker

Lived near Lavish Grove, in Polk County, Iowa; left a wife and children; was sent forward as a recruit October, 1864; accompanied Sherman's army on its march through Georgia, South and North Carolina and Virginia; was discharged; lay sick for some time in Davenport; came home, and died in three days after his return, July 15, 1865 ; — born in Huntington County, Penn., May 23,1827. He was a member of the Christian Church, a Freemason and Odd Fellow, and a good citizen. He belonged to Company A, 15th Iowa Infantry.

SOURCE: Leonard Brown, American Patriotism: Or, Memoirs Of Common Men, p. 229