Showing posts with label Solon Davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Solon Davis. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Joyful Recognition

We are informed of a pleasant incident that occurred at camp the other day, which is worthy of being published.  A private of another company inquired incidentally of one of Capt. Newcomb’s company, if there were any boys of the name of Davis on their roll.  He was told there were two, Solon and Ozias.  He asked where Ozias came from, his age and other particulars, and soon became convinced that he and Ozias were brothers.  Of course a joyful recognition followed.  They had not met for seven years before coming into camp; there they had been on duty together, had met frequently and talked with each other, but had never discovered their relationship.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, March 18, 1862, p. 1