Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Demonstrations of Joy throughout the North

BOSTON, February 17.

The news of the capture of Ft. Donelson created a perfect furore [sic] of patriotic jubilation in Boston to-day.  There has never been so much joy manifested.

DETROIT, Feb. 17.

The news of the victory at Fort Donelson caused universal joy here.  One hundred guns were fired on receipt of the news, and to-night buildings are illuminated, the fire department, military and citizens out in a grand procession with banners, torches and rockets, to celebrate the great event.

PITTSBURG, February 17.

News of the capture of Fort Donelson was received here with intense delight.  Business during the day was partially suspended.  Bells ring, flags displayed on various business houses and public buildings to-night.  Post-office, Custom House, Dispatch newspaper and other buildings brilliantly illuminated.  Bonfires and other demonstrations to-night.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday Morning, February 18, 1862, p. 1

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