Showing posts with label 35th IA INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 35th IA INF. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 157. Report of Lieut. Col. William H. Heath, Thirty-third Missouri Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 157.

Report of Lieut. Col. William H. Heath,  Thirty-third Missouri Infantry,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

Near Pulaski, Tenn., December 28, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Thirty-third Missouri Volunteers in the battles of 15th and 16th of December, 1864, at Nashville, Tenn.:

On the morning of the 15th instant, at about 7 o'clock, the regiment moved out, pursuant to orders from Colonel Hill, commanding Third Brigade, and was formed in line-north of Hardin pike and on the right of Third Brigade, connecting on the right with the Second Brigade, Colonel Hubbard commanding. At 9 o'clock the line of battle advanced diagonally across the pike, and a break occurring in the skirmish line in my front, Captain Rose was sent forward with Company H to fill up the gap. This company became engaged immediately with a line of the enemy concealed behind a rail fence south of the Hardin pike. A general advance of the entire line drove the enemy from this position and back toward his main works. With but feeble resistance, the enemy's skirmishers were pushed rapidly back, until at about 1 p.m. our main line of battle had been brought to within about 1,500 yards of the left of the enemy's works, when I received orders to take position on the right of Battery I, Second Missouri Artillery, and support it upon that flank. Sharp artillery firing ensued between this battery and a four-gun battery posted on the enemy's extreme left, during which Captain Rose with his skirmishers drove the rebel sharpshooters promptly in and took position so near their battery as to seriously annoy the gunners and impede the handling of the artillery. At 1.30 I received orders to move to the left of Battery I and close a gap between it and the Thirty-fifth Iowa. This change made it necessary to send out Lieutenant Knowlton with Company B as skirmishers in front of the new position. Lieutenant Knowlton handled his line with good effect, driving in the rebel skirmishers and pressing them closely. At about 2.30 o'clock, the main work on the enemy's left being captured, with all its artillery, by troops on my right, I received orders from Major-General Smith to advance the regiment, making a half wheel to the left, so as to confront the next work toward the rebel right, and on the completion of this movement, received orders from Colonel Hill to halt and have the men lie down. (During this halt Captain Rose returned his company to its place in line of battle.) At about 4 o'clock I received orders to advance to the charge, keeping closed up on the Thirty-fifth Iowa and conforming to the movements of that regiment. The order of battle brought the regiment directly in a dense thicket, through which it was impossible to advance with regularity. The line of defenses of the enemy was such that when the Thirty-fifth Iowa entered his works on my left and 100 yards north of Hillsborough pike, I discovered a body of the enemy directly in front of my line strongly posted behind a stone wall on the pike, this wall being covered by a work south of the pike and still farther toward the rebel right. Without waiting to restore my line, I ordered a charge upon this wall pell mell, and had little difficulty in driving the enemy, who appeared panic stricken and fired badly. The loss of the regiment in this charge was but two wounded. It being now dark, orders were issued to bivouac in line for the night parallel with Hillsborough pike and south of it.

December 16, shortly after daylight, orders were received to move forward in line of battle, keeping in line with the Seventh Minnesota, on our right, and conforming to the movement of that regiment. In this order the regiment passed across the Granny White pike and then wheeled to the right, in order to confront a line of rebel works at right angles with the pike. Orders were now received to form line fifteen paces in rear of the Twelfth Iowa, which was at the right of the brigade, and take shelter behind a stone wall. All these movements were executed under a galling fire from two rebel batteries, aided by musketry, our own batteries in our rear also firing over us, and occasionally bursting their shells immediately over or amongst us. We remained in this position until about 3.30 p.m., when we received orders to intrench for the night. While this order was being executed there was a general movement of the lines to our right, and a charge was made upon the rebel works. This regiment, with the Twelfth Iowa and Seventh Minnesota, was ordered to move forward and carry the enemy's position in front of us. Passing over the stone wall and through a plowed field, we received a terrible direct musketry fire from a brigade of the enemy posted behind a stone wall in our front, and a very galling cross-fire of canister from a strong and well-handled battery to our left. Seeing the left flank of the enemy's infantry already turned by the First and Second Brigades, I ordered my regiment to wheel to the left and storm his works and battery in that direction. This was done in the most gallant and successful manner, the men pressing eagerly forward through the first line, and being the first regiment to display their colors inside that portion of the enemy's works. Expecting a counter movement from the enemy's reserves, I here halted the regiment momentarily to reform the line, and immediately thereafter advanced about one mile through the rebel encampment to the foot of a chain of bluffs, being joined by numbers of men, who, in their impetuosity, had entered the works in advance of their regiments. No resistance was offered by the enemy to our farther advance until we arrived at the foot of the bluffs. Here we were met by a hot but inaccurate fire from rebel stragglers on the crest of these bluffs, but succeeded in silencing them by sending out a few skirmishers. It being again near dark, farther pursuit was refused, and we received orders to bivouac in line for the night.

During this day the skirmishing was done by Company G, under command of Lieutenant Rutledge, and subsequently by Company C, Captain Campbell, who relieved Rutledge about noon. Both companies did excellent work in annoying the rebel gunners, and both joined in the final charge.

Too much cannot be said in praise of the gallant men and officers who thus carried strong defenses manned by the flower of Hood's army of veterans. The coolness and determination of their advance were beyond all praise. They fired but little, pushing ahead at the double-quick and saving their ammunition till they should come to close quarters.

Among the losses I regret to number Adjt. S. Edward Day, of Saint Joseph, Mo., an officer of the first ability and conspicuous gallantry. He received a mortal wound during the heat of the charge, while bravely cheering on the men to victory. Also, Lieut. Thomas Rutledge, of Saint Louis, at the head of his noble company, received a wound which it is feared will prove fatal. Beloved by all for their manly patriotism and social qualities, they were mourned sincerely by every brave comrade.

The regiment went into this day's battle with 280 men, and lost 43 killed and wounded.

Appended is a full list of casualties in the two days' battles.*

Very respectfully,
WM. H. HEATH,      
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Regiment.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

* Embodied on table, p. 101.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 468-70

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 156. Report of Lieut. Col. George Bradley, Seventh Minnesota Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 156.

Report of Lieut. Col. George Bradley, Seventh Minnesota Infantry,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

In the Field, December 20, 1864.

LIEUTENANT: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by the Seventh Regiment Minnesota Infantry in the engagements of the 15th and 16th instant:

On the morning of the 15th instant the regiment, commanded by Col. William R. Marshall, moved out from camp near Nashville, with the brigade to which it belongs, at 6 a.m. They moved out on the Hardin pike about a mile, when they formed line of battle and halted. During this halt the extreme right of the army appeared to be quite heavily engaged. Company B of my regiment, commanded by Capt. A. H. Stevens, was ordered to advance and deploy as skirmishers in front of the regiment. Soon after the whole line moved forward, crossing the Hardin pike obliquely to the left, until they arrived in front of the enemy's works, about three miles from the camp we had left. Here our line was moved somewhat to the left, which brought my regiment into an open field, where they were ordered to lie down, while the artillery in our line opened upon the enemy. The enemy were posted upon a range of high hills, upon which they had erected strong fortifications, from which it was our business to dislodge them. The regiment lay in the field before referred to until the first of the fortifications on the enemy's left were charged and taken by the brigades of our division upon our right, when our brigade was moved forward to a hill opposite a fortification still occupied by the enemy, conforming our movements to those of the troops upon our right. We were shortly moved forward again to the foot of the hill upon which the fortification last named was situated, from which point we charged the enemy in his works, driving him in confusion. The regiment moved rapidly along the enemy's line to a second fortification, a little distance off, again driving the enemy, and forcing him to abandon three of his guns and caissons. From this point we poured a most galling fire upon the retreating enemy. By the death of the gallant officer commanding our brigade, Colonel Hill, of the Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry, who was killed just as he reached the top of the hill upon which the fortification was situated, Colonel Marshall was called to the command of the brigade, and the command of the regiment devolved upon me. It was now dark, and the regiment bivouacked in its place in brigade for the night.

In this action the regiment lost seventeen men wounded, whose names appear in my report of casualties herewith furnished. Lieut. A. A. Rice, of Company B, was severely wounded while in the skirmish line. He is a gallant officer, and performed his duties up to the time he was wounded with courage and ability.

In this day's action the regiment captured over fifty prisoners, who were turned over to the provost-marshal-general, and shared with the other regiments of the brigade the capture of three guns.

On the morning of the 16th instant we again moved upon the enemy and took a position on the left of the Twelfth Iowa Infantry, in the front line of the brigade, behind a fence directly in front of a strongly fortified position held by the enemy. The right of the Twelfth Iowa rested on the Granny White pike. The enemy was protected by a high and thick wall of stone, which was strengthened by earth thrown up against its front along a portion of the wall and by large rails planted firmly and slanting from the top of the wall to the ground along the remainder of it. Inside the wall cannon were planted, and deep pits dug for the protection of the men against our guns. Outside the walls, and somewhat advanced, were barricades made of rails piled closely together, with rifle pits behind them, from which the enemy's sharpshooters continually fired upon our line. Here my regiment remained the greater part of the day, the left of the line keeping up a fire upon the enemy the most of the time. We had some men wounded while occupying this line, and two killed in advancing to it. A heavy cannonading upon the enemy was kept up the whole day by the batteries upon our right and in our rear. Toward the close of the day a charge was made upon the enemy's works, commencing upon our right, the brigades of the First Division moving rapidly, one after the other, until the whole line was in motion. My regiment moved forward with the line, in the face of a heavy fire of grape and musketry, passed over the works of the enemy, who were completely routed, capturing their guns and many prisoners. The ground over which the regiment passed was soft; a portion of the way was a corn-field, rendering the rapid movement of the line exceedingly difficult and greatly adding to the hazard of the movement. We advanced as far as a high hill beyond the line of works where we charged the enemy, and bivouacked for the night.

In the charge the regiment captured 4 of the enemy's guns and more than 200 prisoners, making with those taken the day before 250 prisoners taken by them. Major Butt, of my regiment, had charge of the brigade skirmish line during the day, and discharged his duties with his usual skill and fidelity. Our losses in this day's fight were 43, 7 killed and 36 wounded, whose names have been furnished in a previous report. The most of the losses occurred in the charge. Captain McKelvy, of Company I, and Lieutenant Potter, of Company E, were both wounded in this charge, the first slightly, the latter somewhat severely.

In conclusion, I ought not to omit to mention Corporals Sylvester, of Company I, and Dowling, of Company B, who bore the colors of the Regiment in both days' fights. Cool and intrepid, they pushed steadily on through the terrific charges made upon the enemy, unswerved by the “leaden rain and iron hail” which fell thickly around them, mindful only of the honorable duty of bearing the colors erect in the van of the fight. Assistant Surgeon Mattock was constantly with us in the field, fearlessly exposing himself wherever his presence could benefit the wounded, and faithful and untiring in the discharge of all his duties. Doctor Ames was on duty at the hospital during the fight, by order of the division surgeon. Chaplain Edwards was active and zealous in his ministrations to the wounded, constantly and efficiently exerting himself in their behalf. Of the officers of the field, staff, and line of the regiment I can only say that the conduct of all was such that any distinction would be invidious. It is enough to say that all were earnest, zealous, and efficient in the discharge of every duty. Lieutenant Potter, though wounded by a shot through the arm, still pressed on with his company, and did not fall back till the works had been carried. The conduct of the men present in the two days' engagement was unexceptional; they were fearless amid the dangers of the battle, and cheerful and uncomplaining in enduring the hardships and exposures of the bivouac and the march.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Regiment.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 466-8

Monday, June 24, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 155. Report of Capt. Abraham N. Snyder, Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 155.

Report of Capt. Abraham N. Snyder, Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

Columbia, Tenn., December 23, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of operations of the Thirty-fifth Iowa on December 15 and 16, before Nashville:

Early upon the morning of December 15, in obedience to orders from Col. S. G. Hill, commanding Third Brigade, the regiment moved from camp in advance of the brigade, and formed line of battle on left of Hardin pike, moving forward with Company E deployed as skirmishers. At 11 o'clock the regiment was ordered to support the battery attached to the brigade, and formed on the left and to the rear of it, remaining in that position until near 2 p.m., when we were again ordered forward, and our line swinging around from the right at nearly a right angle with our former position, brought us directly in front of the enemy's fort, and between the battery attached to the brigade and the enemy's fire. Continued skirmishing was carried on until about 3.30 p.m., when we were ordered to take the fort, with instructions to hold our fire until all were in the works. With fixed bayonets the men moved forward, never halting until we had taken and passed through the first work and reached the stone wall east of it. Major Dill being unable to proceed farther, upon being notified by the adjutant, I immediately assumed command of and reformed the regiment, the command remaining in its new position until ordered to move to the right and front, where we encamped for the night in line of battle. Before daybreak (16th) the command was ordered to move to the right and follow the Thirty-third Missouri, keeping well closed up. Company H was deployed as skirmishers. Some few moments later the command was moved still farther to the right and formed line of battle, moving across an open field in rear and to the left of the Bradford mansion, under a heavy artillery fire, until they reached the ravine, when they were again moved to the right and facing the enemy's works. At 4 p.m. the line moved forward; crossing the open field and passing through the enemy's work, formed on the left of the Thirty-third Missouri.

Of both officers and men I cannot speak too highly, as all were prompt and efficient at all times and under all circumstances. Captain McKelvey, Company K, and Captain Dixson, Company G, being first in the enemy's work on the 15th, deserve great credit for their courage and bearing during the charge. Lieutenant Washburn, Company A, commanded Company E as skirmishers on the 15th, until recalled before the charge, and was slightly wounded by a shell while skirmishing with the enemy. Lieut. Whiting M. Wetherill, commanding Company H, being deployed with his company to skirmish, on the 16th, and becoming detached from our front by the continued movement to the right, seeing the lines formed and charging, gallantly led his men forward and was first to enter the fort of four guns upon the right front of the Fourth Corps, pushing forward and pressing the enemy until dark, when he rejoined the regiment.

I inclose herewith list of casualties of the command.*

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. N. SNYDER,        
Captain Company F, Commanding.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

* Embodied in table, p. 101.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 465-6

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 154. Report of Lieut. Col. John H. Stibbs, Twelfth Iowa Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 154.

Report of Lieut. Col. John H. Stibbs, Twelfth Iowa Infantry,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

Near Pulaski, Tenn., December 28, 1864.

LIEUTENANT: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by the Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry during the actions of 15th and 16th of December, 1864, near Nashville, Tenn.:

In accordance with instructions from your headquarters, I had my men under arms at 6 o'clock on the morning of the 15th, and at a few minutes after 8 moved outside our line of works and formed line to the right of the Hardin pike; my regiment formed the right of our brigade line; afterward being ordered to the left, I moved my regiment to the left of the pike and formed as the left center of the brigade line. We then threw forward a heavy line of skirmishers, and awaited the forming of the general line. At about 10 o'clock, the order to advance being given, our skirmishers pushed rapidly forward, and found a considerable force of the enemy, who were easily driven back. Our main line advanced steadily and without opposition, constantly changing our point of direction toward the left, until we had advanced two miles, when, coming on to the crest of a hill, we were opened on by one of the enemy's batteries, posted directly in our front and distant about 1,000 yards. Our men were then ordered to lie down, and our brigade battery brought forward and opened fire on the enemy. We were held in this position for about an hour and a half, the enemy keeping up a constant fire on our line, doing us but little damage. The First and Second Brigades of our division, to our right, having advanced their lines, swung around to the left, charged and captured the enemy's redoubts in our front. We were then moved forward, swinging our line to the left, and conforming to the line on our right. After advancing about half a mile we came upon a strong redoubt of the enemy, situated to the right of the Hillsborough pike and just five miles from Nashville. Our line was pushed well forward, and shortly before 4 p.m., everything being ready, we were ordered to charge. Our men moved rapidly up the hill, but before gaining the crest the enemy moved their guns and most of their support to a fort about 300 yards in the rear, and to the right, from which they gave us a heavy raking fire as we moved onto and over the first works. On gaining the first work our brigade commander, Col. S. G. Hill, Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry, was shot through the head and instantly killed. Our brigade line being in considerable disorder, I ordered the command halted and lines reformed, which order was promptly complied with, our men in the meantime keeping up a heavy fire on the enemy in our front. On gaining the crest of the first hill Colonel Marshall, of the Seventh Minnesota, and Lieutenant Reed, acting adjutant Twelfth Iowa, with about 200 men of the two regiments, being in advance, pushed rapidly forward, obliquing to the left, and captured the second work, with a large number of prisoners, three or four guns, several ammunition wagons, and a large number of small-arms. The balance of the brigade, as soon as formed, moved forward, but night coming on, we were compelled to halt. Colonel Marshall, Seventh Minnesota, being senior officer, assumed command of the brigade, and having properly reformed our lines, ordered us to bivouac for the night.

It is impossible to give an exact estimate of prisoners and property captured in this charge, as all were so anxious to pursue the enemy that prisoners and captured property were given over or taken to possession of by other commands that came up in our rear. The loss of my regiment in this day's fight was seven men wounded.

On the morning of the 16th we were called up before daylight and moved by the flank half a mile to the right, taking position on and joining the left of the Second Brigade of our division, my regiment forming the right of our brigade line. About 8 o'clock, our skirmishers having driven the enemy in front back to their works, we were ordered to move forward, and advanced on the double-quick for about half a mile, rapidly swinging our lines and changing our direction to the right until we had arrived within short musket-range of the enemy's works, when we were ordered to halt. During the advance the enemy opened on us heavily with artillery, but owing to our rapid movement and their inaccurate aim we suffered but little. After a ten minutes' rest we were ordered to close to the right and double our lines. The brigade on our right having doubled, and left an interval in the line, I moved by the flank and closed on them, forming line with the right resting on the Granny White pike. The Seventh Minnesota formed on my left, and the other regiments of the brigade, Thirty-third Missouri and Thirty-fifth Iowa, formed a second line in our rear. Our front was covered by a stone wall and a heavy rail fence, which we threw down, and formed into a slight breast-work. We were kept in this position during the greater part of the day. The enemy in the meantime kept up a troublesome musketry fire on our line, but by keeping close to our work we suffered but little damage. Company C of my regiment, detailed as sharpshooters, kept up a vigorous fire on the enemy, and during the day rendered excellent service. About 3 p.m. I was ordered to throw up an earth-work in my front, and procured tools and had my work half completed, when, at about 4 o'clock, a charge was commenced by the right of our division. I at once ordered my men to cease work and prepare for a charge, and a moment after ward, being told that we were ordered to advance, I gave the command forward. The ground in our front was such that we passed one-third the distance before we were fairly under fire, and after that our movement was so rapid that the enemy could give us but two or three volleys before we were at their works. The work was a heavy stone wall, with a ditch on the inner side, and the outer face strengthened with earth and rails, so that it was almost impossible to scale it. Had the enemy made a determined stand they might have inflicted very serious injury on us before losing their works, but their line having been broken on the left, and our advance being so rapid and determined, they were thrown into a panic and fled from their works in confusion, leaving their colors, guns, caissons, and hundreds of prisoners in our hands. After the work had been taken I moved my regiment rapidly forward for about half a mile, when, the charge being finished, I was ordered to the rear to pick up prisoners and captured property. In this charge, as on the previous day's, it was impossible to get a list of what we had captured. Large numbers of prisoners were taken charge of by officers of other commands. I collected about 200 prisoners and sent them under charge of my own men to Nashville. On going to the rear I found on the line of works charged by our brigade, 4 12-pounder Napoleon guns, with caissons complete, one army wagon, and about 400 or 500 stand of small-arms, all of which I collected and turned over to a proper officer, after which I moved my regiment to the front and bivouacked for the night. My loss in this day's fight was 1 man killed and 11 wounded. During the charge on this day there were four flags captured by men of my regiment, but two of them, captured by Privates Samuel H. Flint, D Company, and Michael Wivinis, I Company, were afterward thrown down by them, in order that they might continue the pursuit of the enemy. I still have in my possession two flags, one a large regimental flag, captured by Corpl. Luther Kaltenbach,* F Company, and a battery flag, captured by Private A. J. Sloan,* H Company.

I take great pleasure in mentioning Capt. S. G. Knee, H Company, acting major; Lieut. D. W. Reed, C Company, acting adjutant; and Lieut. H. C. Morehead, D Company, acting quartermaster, for their valuable services rendered on the field. Assistant Surgeon Underwood stood faithfully to his post and dressed the wounds of our men where the fire was hottest. Chaplain Humphrey rendered invaluable service in caring for our wounded on the field and in the hospital. Sergeant-Major Burch and Color-Sergeants Grannis and Clark displayed skill and courage in the performance of their duties.

I desire to call your especial attention to the fact that during the two days' fight my regiment was almost entirely unofficered, all the line officers of my regiment except four having been mustered out of service on the 1st instant, and all my companies being commanded by sergeants; during the fight all did their duty nobly, and are deserving of an especial mention; but to mention particularly deserving ones, I would have to name all, as every man of the regiment did his whole duty.

I transmit herewith a list of the casualties in my regiment during the two days' fight.

I am, lieutenant, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JNO. H. STIBBS,      
Lieut. Col., Comdg. Twelfth Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.


Pulaski, Tenn., December 29, 1864.
Maj. J. HOUGH,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Detach. Army of the Tennessee:

MAJOR: I have the honor-to make the following statement concerning two flags captured from the enemy on the 16th instant, in action near Nashville, Tenn., and which I now forward to your headquarters:

The flags were captured during the grand charge made on the enemy's line on the afternoon of the 16th instant. The large one be longed to a Mississippi regiment, I think the Forty-fourth, and was captured by Corpl. Luther Kaltenbach,* F Company, Twelfth Iowa Infantry. The color-bearer had been shot down, and as my regiment advanced Corporal Kaltenbach ran forward and picked up the flag. The small flag belonged to a battery, the name of which I have been unable to learn, and was captured by Private Andrew J. Sloan,* H Company, Twelfth Iowa Infantry. This flag had been taken from the staff by one of the enemy, who was afterward captured by Private Sloan, who took the flag from him.

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Twelfth Iowa Infantry.

* Awarded a Medal of Honor.
† Embodied in table, p. 101.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 462-5

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 153. Report of Col. William R. Marshall, Seventh Minnesota Infantry, commanding Third Brigade, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 153.

Report of Col. William R. Marshall, Seventh Minnesota Infantry, commanding Third Brigade,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

Near Pulaski, Tenn., December 28, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of the Third Brigade, First Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, in the battles before Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864:

The Third Brigade comprised the Twelfth Iowa Veteran Infantry Volunteers, commanded by Lieut. Col. J. H. Stibbs; Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry Volunteers, Maj. William Dill commanding; Thirty-third Missouri Infantry Volunteers, Lieut. Col. William H. Heath commanding; Seventh Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, Lieut. Col. George Bradley commanding; and Battery I, Second Missouri Light Artillery, Capt. S. H. Julian; the brigade commanded on the 15th, at the opening of the battle, by Col. S. G. Hill, Thirty-fifth Iowa Volunteers.

In obedience to orders from the brigadier-general commanding the division, the brigade moved from its position behind intrenchments for defense of Nashville at 7 a.m. 15th instant, and formed in line of battle, with its left resting on the Hardin pike, connecting with Second Division, the right connecting with Second Brigade of First Division, Colonel Hubbard's. Two companies were deployed forward as skirmishers, covering front of brigade. At 10 a.m. the line advanced, crossing the Hardin pike obliquely to the left, conforming to the movements of troops on our right and left. Our skirmishers, pushing rapidly toward the enemy, were soon briskly engaged, driving the enemy's skirmishers before them. About 11 a.m. we arrived in front of enemy's works, consisting on his extreme left, which was nearly in our front, of a formidable fort defended by a four-gun battery. Captain Julian's battery wheeled into position and opened on the enemy's works at from 1,200 to 1,500 yards distance. A rapid and effective fire from the battery was kept up for more than an hour. The enemy's guns poured a heavy fire into our battery, which was completely exposed in an open field, but without disabling our guns or for a moment interrupting Captain Julian's fire. Later in the day the battery was advanced to cover the charge we made. The infantry of the brigade were kept lying down during this first artillery fire, not being within musket-range of enemy. Our skirmishers got close up to enemy's works, and contributed not a little to the success which crowned the day's operations. The forts on the enemy's left being carried about 4 p.m. by the right of our division, the Third Brigade advanced, under a fierce artillery and musketry fire, and charged a formidable work on the right of the Hillsborough pike, carrying the work at the point of the bayonet most gallantly. It was at the parapet of this work that the gallant and lamented Col. S. G. Hill, commanding the brigade, lost his life. He was shot through the head, and died in a few minutes, without speaking. The service lost in Colonel Hill's death one of its bravest and best officers. The enemy's battery that was in the fort on right of Hillsborough pike was being removed, but we succeeded in capturing two guns and a battle-flag. When we had gained the first fort a terrible fire was poured into us from a second work, 200 yards to the left of Hillsborough pike. I ordered a charge on this second work, and carried it, capturing one piece of artillery, caisson, battery wagon, horses, &c. In the two works we captured about 200 prisoners. When we had gained the second work we pressed on to the left, and got in rear of the enemy, where General Garrard's division and the right of the Fourth Army Corps were pressing them in front. We opened a deadly fire on the enemy's rear, as he broke from his works when charged by General Garrard and Fourth Corps, and could have taken a great number of prisoners, but left them to the troops that came over the works in their front. Night now closed our work, and we were ordered into line a little way east of and parallel to the Hillsborough pike.

The casualties of the brigade on the 15th were, 1 officer killed and 1 wounded, 1 enlisted man killed and 35 wounded.

The battery fired about 1,000 rounds; the infantry expended very little ammunition except on the skirmish line, the heavy work having been done with the bayonet.

On the morning of the 16th the Third Brigade, on the left of Colonel Hubbard's — the left of the Third Division — was advanced, covered by skirmishers, from its position during time night toward the Granny White pike, and conforming to the movement of brigades on our right, obliqued and wheeled to the right until it confronted the enemy's strong works across the Granny White pike, at the foot of the Overton (or Brentwood) Hills. My right rested on the pike, connecting with left of Colonel Hubbard's brigade. We pushed forward, under a severe fire of the enemy's artillery and musketry, until partly covered by a fence and stone wall running from the Bradford mansion to the pike. Here we halted until the grand charge in the afternoon. Captain Julian's battery was posted about 400 yards in rear of the infantry, and opened and kept up a heavy fire on the enemy's works. In our immediate front was a four-gun battery. Between 3 and 4 p.m. I observed the right of the division — the First Brigade — advancing to charge the enemy's left, and quickly Colonel Hubbard's brigade, immediately on my right, started on the charge. Seeing that Colonel Hubbard ought to be supported, I ordered the brigade to follow and charge the works in our front. Most bravely did the lines rise, and with cheers, breasting the storm of shot and shell from the four guns in our front, and the fierce musketry fire of the infantry supports of the battery, charge and carry the very strong works on the left of the [Granny] White pike. The splendid Pointe Coupée Battery of four Napoleon 12-pounders, a great number of small arms, and 300 to 400 prisoners were taken. The gallant Colonel Hubbard, who had gained the enemy's works on the right of the pike before I reached those on the left, was sweeping down toward my front, and claimed part of the guns as his capture. Although there can be no doubt that my brigade first entered the works by the front, I thought it but fair to the ever-gallant Second Brigade, which got the start of us in the general charge and pierced the enemy's line in advance of us, to divide the guns; accordingly, Colonel Hubbard took two and the Third Brigade two. We made a short halt upon gaining the enemy's works, and pressed on up the hills about one mile, pursuing the fugitives, capturing many, until, by command of the general, halted at the base of the steep part of the mountain, and put into position for the night.

In the charge, which was made across an open field about 400 yards wide, that noble and brave young officer, Adjt. S. E. Day, of the Thirty-third Missouri Infantry Volunteers, was mortally wounded; he died in hospital on the 19th instant; Lieutenant Rutledge, of Thirty-third Missouri, was seriously wounded; Captain McKelvy and Lieutenant Potter, of Seventh Minnesota, slightly wounded; 11 men were killed and 89 wounded.

I cannot too highly commend the gallant conduct of all the officers and men of the brigade; no troops ever behaved more gallantly. The Twelfth Iowa had not a single line officer, owing to the recent muster-out of non-veterans, yet their conduct was none the less soldierly and brave.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,

W. R. MARSHALL,             
Colonel Seventh Minnesota,   
Comdg. Third Brig., First Div., Detach. Army of the Tennessee.

Capt. W. H. F. RANDALL, Assistant Adjutant-General.

There were captured by my command in the two days' engagement, 5 12-pounder guns — brass, 1 steel — (exclusive of the 2 Napoleon's conceded to Colonel Hubbard, which would have made the number 7), 5 caissons, 1 battery wagon, about 500 prisoners, and 2 battle-flags.

There was expended, by Captain Julian's battery, 2,000 rounds of 3-inch shell and solid shot; by the infantry, mostly by the skirmishers, about 7,000 rounds of rifle-musket ammunition.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,
W. R. MARSHALL,             
Colonel Seventh Minnesota,   
Comdg. Third Brig., First Div., Detach. Army of the Tennessee.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 460-2

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 144. Report of Brig. Gen. John McArthur, U. S. Army, commanding First Division, of operations December 15-16, 1864.


Report of Brig. Gen. John McArthur, U. S. Army, commanding First Division,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

Near Pulaski, Tenn., December 28, 1864.

MAJOR: I have the honor to forward the following report of the part taken by my division during the battles of the 15th and 16th instant in front of Nashville, Tenn.:

Pursuant to orders from the major-general commanding, I moved on the morning of the 15th, at 7 a.m. the First Brigade, Col. W. L. McMillen commanding, consisting of the Seventy-second and Ninety-fifth Ohio, One hundred and fourteenth Illinois, Ninety-third Indiana, and Tenth. Minnesota Infantry Regiments, and Cogswell's Independent Illinois Battery; also the Second Brigade, Col. L. F. Hubbard commanding, composed of the Eleventh Missouri, Eighth Wisconsin, Fifth and Ninth Minnesota Infantry, and Second Iowa Battery, out from the intrenchments around Nashville on the Charlotte road; also the Third Brigade, Col. S. G. Hill commanding, consisting of the Twelfth and Thirty-fifth Iowa, Thirty-third Missouri, and Seventh Minnesota Regiments, and Company I, Second Missouri Artillery, out on the Hardin road; the Third with orders to take position on the right of the Second Division, and the First and Second to swing to the left, and connecting with the Third, so as to complete the line. The two brigades on the Charlotte road waited two hours for the cavalry to take the advance, according to the instructions received the evening previous; but no move taking place on their part, and being informed that the line was awaiting my arrival, I passed through the cavalry line, deploying to the left of the road, right resting on same, until they reached Richland Creek, two miles and a half, encountering the enemy's battery and skirmishers, which were silenced by Cogswell's battery, giving the cavalry an opportunity of advancing. Finding that they were too far advanced, and not connecting with the main line, I moved them by the left flank obliquely to the rear, connecting with the Third Brigade, as designated, the whole line moving forward. My division being on the flank, the whole swinging on our left as a pivot, our march was necessarily long and tiresome.

After crossing the Hardin road the First Brigade encountered the first redoubt of four guns on the enemy's extreme left. Moving up the Second Brigade to its support, they were immediately formed for assault, both batteries taking position about 300 yards distant. After a brisk fire the fort was silenced and the infantry dashed forward. Simultaneous with their advance the cavalry of General Hatch's division charged, and, from their advantageous position, entered the works with my skirmishers and claimed the guns as their capture, which I conceded to them, their gallantry on that occasion being conspicuous, although the fort had been rendered untenable by the fire from my batteries. I then ordered the First Brigade to charge the second hill to the rear of the fort just taken, which they gallantly did, capturing two guns and caissons and a great many prisoners. In this they were supported by the Second Brigade, their skirmishers entering simultaneously with the First Brigade. While this was going on the Third Brigade charged the redoubt commanding the Hillsborough road, and carried it in gallant style; but pressing on in connection with the Second Division, the guns, three in number, were taken into possession by the Fourth Corps, together with a number of prisoners, which might have been properly credited had not Col. S. G. Hill, commanding brigade, been unfortunately killed in the charge. For further evidence of this I refer to Brigadier-General Garrard, commanding Second Division. Immediately following this General Couch's division, which had come into position by moving around my right and rear, charged the fourth position, a strong hill to our left. Simultaneous with the charge I ordered Col. L. F. Hubbard, commanding Second Brigade, to move forward on the left of Couch's division, sweeping around the base of the hill, thereby flanking the enemy's position and rendering the charge of General Couch an easier one. This was a bold and successful movement on the part of Col. L. F. Hubbard's command, and reflects great credit on him in handling his troops so successfully, for he encountered the enemy for a short time in front of him and on his flank, yet did not falter. Our line was then formed for the night and fortified between the Hillsborough and Granny White roads, nearly parallel with the same, thus ending the first day's battle.

On the morning of the 16th, at 8 a.m., I moved the division forward by wheeling to the right on the Twenty-third Corps, forming at right angles to the position held the night previous, with the Granny White road running through between the Second and Third Brigades, and moved up at 9 a.m. to within charging distance of the enemy's main line of works, but finding no dispositions made by the corps on my right to co-operate with me, I ordered the command to construct rifle-pits to protect them from the infantry fire of the enemy's main line, my batteries in the meantime being used with good effect on their works. Continuing in this position until 3 p.m., when, again consulting with Major-General Couch, commanding division on my right, and being informed that he had no orders to advance, and fearing that if delayed until next day the night would be employed by the enemy to our disadvantage, I determined to attack, sending word to this effect to the major-general commanding corps, and no contrary orders being received I prepared for the assault. In order to do so successfully, it was necessary that the hill on the enemy's extreme left and immediately in front of the Twenty-third Corps should be taken first. I ordered the First Brigade, Col. W. L. McMillen commanding, to move by the right flank and take position in front of and to take the hill, Major-General Couch sending forward a brigade to occupy and hold the intrenchments vacated by Col. W. L. McMillen, in case of an emergency, the Second and Third Brigades having orders to charge as soon as the First had advanced half-way up the hill, which was the salient point of the position. The First Brigade, with fixed bayonets, without a cheer or firing a shot, but with firm resolve and without doubting their success, commenced the difficult ascent, and without a halt, although exposed to a murderous fire, which none but the bravest troops could withstand, planted their colors on the very apex of the hill. At the appointed time the Second and Third Brigades — the Third commanded by Col. W. R. Marshall, Seventh Minnesota Infantry — moved forward on the enemy's works. Their path lay across a cornfield, traversed by stone walls and ditches, which, together with the softness of the ground, exposed as they were to a direct fire in front, and enfiladed by batteries on the flanks, for a time held with intense interest the most experienced officers who beheld it; but onward was their motto, and their banners were planted on works defended by the choicest troops of the rebel army, calling forth the remark of the rebel officers that powder and lead were inadequate to resist such a charge. Onward still the division pressed, gathering in prisoners by the hundred and guns by batteries (a list of which is appended) until the hills in rear of the enemy's lines were secured, where the line was formed for the night, and attention turned to the many brave officers and men who had so gloriously maintained their country's honor and sealed it with their blood.

In connection with this I wish to mention the services of the agents of the Christian Commission: conspicuous among which were Mr. Carter, of Wisconsin, and others whose names I failed to obtain, who, regardless of personal danger, were everywhere present, ministering to the wounded. A cause sustained by such and similar agencies cannot fail.

Before closing the report I beg to bear testimony to the gallantry and heroic fortitude displayed by every officer and soldier of my command; their conduct throughout was par excellence.

In addition to the report already forwarded of officers recommended for promotion I would call your attention to the reports of brigade commanders, transmitted herewith, for the names of those officers recommended by them for special mention for gallantry and good conduct. My thanks are also due in an especial manner to the officers and men of the artillery of my division, serving their guns in such a manner as to call forth my highest admiration. I am also greatly indebted to the following members of my staff for valuable services throughout: Capt. William H. F. Randall, assistant adjutant-general; Capts. Duncan MacLean and John W. Gregg, aides-de-camp; Dr. S. W. Huff, surgeon-in-chief, whose duties were arduous, but not beyond his capabilities; Capt. S. Carkener, Thirty-third Missouri Volunteers, judge-advocate and acting aide; Capt. E. R. Applegate, Eleventh Missouri Volunteers, ordnance officer; Capt. Joseph Mayer, Thirty-fifth Iowa Volunteers, temporarily on duty as aide; Lieut. P. Meagher, Thirteenth U.S. Infantry, mustering officer and acting aide; Lieut. Samuel A. L. Law, acting assistant quartermaster; Capt. J. A. Leonard, commissary of subsistence, for efficiency in their respective duties; Capt. J.P. Houston, acting assistant inspector-general, who was unfortunately wounded while charging with the skirmishers the broken ranks of the enemy. He is a valuable officer. I deeply regret his temporary loss. To all of whom my thanks are due.

In addition to the above report I wish to mention the First Brigade, Third Division, Colonel Ward, Fourteenth Wisconsin Infantry, commanding, consisting of the Fourteenth and Thirty-third Wisconsin and Eighty-first Illinois Infantry, for their promptness in moving forward to support my left on the first day's battle and securing many prisoners.

The following is the list of captures, which needs no comment: Prisoners of wary including Brigadier-Generals Smith and Jackson, 4,273; battle-flags, 13; guns with caissons, 24; small-arms, estimated at 4,500; besides several wagons and horses. There were expended during both days' fighting, 4,681 rounds artillery ammunition; 84,000 rounds of musketry ammunition.

My total casualties, as per report forwarded, are as follows: Killed, 68; wounded, 506, and 1 missing; making a total of killed, wounded, and missing, 575.*

All of which is respectfully submitted.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
J. McARTHUR,         
Brigadier-General, Commanding.

P. S. — I wish particularly to mention in connection with this report the gallant conduct of Col. W. R. Marshall, Seventh Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, commanding Third Brigade, called to take command during the first day's battle and continuing throughout. His admirable management and example stamp him as an officer of rare merit.

J. McARTHUR,         
Maj. J. HOUGH,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Detachment Army of the Tennessee.

* But see revised table, p. 101

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 437-40

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 143. Report of Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Smith, U. S. Army, commanding Detachment Army of the Tennessee, of operations November 30, 1864-January 10, 1865.

No. 143.

Report of Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Smith, U. S. Army, commanding Detachment Army of the Tennessee, of operations November 30, 1864-January 10, 1865.

Eastport, Miss., January 10, 1865.

GENERAL: I have the honor to report the operations of my command from the date of their arrival at Nashville, Tenn., pursuant to orders from Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, commanding Military Division of the Mississippi, November 30, 1864, to the present date.

Debarked the First and Third Divisions on the 30th and the Second Division on the 1st of December. On the 1st, by your direction, the command was placed in line of battle for defense of the city of Nashville, as follows: The right resting on the Cumberland River, about three miles from the city in a direct line, and the left resting on the Hillsborough pike, about two miles and a half in a direct line from the city, forming a line of three miles from right to left. Breast-works strong enough to protect the men from either artillery or musketry were immediately constructed by the troops along the whole line. The command not being sufficiently large to form a continuous front line and still have any troops for a reserve, with your consent, one brigade was withdrawn from the works on the left and placed in rear of the left center, immediately on the right of the Hardin pike, to be used as circumstances might require, their works on the left being occupied by a division of the Fourth Corps, which had then arrived. The enemy made his appearance on the evening of the 2d and took position beyond artillery range in my front, which respectful distance was retained throughout the siege, with the exception of an occasional picket-post or reconnoitering party. Until the 14th of December the troops were employed in strengthening the works and some slight skirmishing. A spirited dash made by sixty of our cavalry, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Blackburn, of a Tennessee regiment, in which some few prisoners were captured from the enemy, and desultory artillery firing at long range at small parties of the enemy, were all that occurred in my front. In the meantime transportation was obtained, ammunition and commissary stores loaded, and everything placed in readiness to move at an hour's notice.

On the night of the 14th orders were received to move outside the works early the next morning and form on or near the Hardin pike, the left connecting with the right of the Fourth Corps, the cavalry passing behind and forming on my right, the whole to wheel to the left, with the Fourth Corps as a pivot, and make a vigorous assault upon the enemy's left. This movement was commenced by my command at 6 a.m. on the 15th. The Second Division, Brig. Gen. K. Garrard commanding, moved out on the Hardin pike, and then moving by the left flank until he connected with the Fourth Corps, forming my left. The First Division, Brig. Gen. J. McArthur commanding, moving out next by the Hardin and Charlotte pike, formed on the right of the Second Division. The Third Division, Col. J. B. Moore, Thirty-third Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers, commanding, moving out by the Hardin pike, formed in rear of the center to act as a reserve to either flank.

The First and Second Brigades of General McArthur, which moved out by the Charlotte pike, owing to the roads diverging widely, and the stubborn resistance of the enemy's skirmishers, he having to silence one battery, did not connect with the main line until nearly 8.30. The cavalry then passed to our right and the movement began about 10 a.m., our orders being to touch to the left and guide right. Throwing out a strong skirmish line they became almost immediately engaged with the enemy's skirmishers, driving them back easily, and the line advancing and wheeling gradually, assumed a position almost parallel with the Hardin pike. Pressing forward we came to the first works of the enemy, about half a mile south of the Hardin pike, and one mile and a half from the main line of works around Nashville — a small earthwork on the top of a hill, in which were four 12-pounder brass guns, the fort covered by another on the hill about 400 yards west, in which were two 12-pounder brass guns. Four batteries opened on the first fort, soon silencing their guns, and General McArthur directed to take two brigades and carry the works by assault. Placing the First Brigade, Col. W. L. McMillen, in advance, supported by the Second, Col. L. F. Hubbard commanding, the work was carried at a run. The cavalry on our right, at the same time charging directly under the guns of the rear fort on the hill, entered the first fort simultaneously with our skirmishers. The guns in the fort were all captured and about 150 prisoners. The cavalry claimed the guns as their capture, and more for their gallant charge than because they were entitled to the pieces, they were conceded to them. The First and Second Brigades of McArthur's division, obliquing to the right without stopping, carried the second fort, capturing the two guns and about 200 prisoners, the First Brigade moving directly to the top of the hill, and the Second flanking it on the left. During the assault upon these two forts the Twenty-third Corps passed in my rear by the flank to my right, and by the time the forts were taken had formed on my right. Advancing Colonel Ward's brigade, of the Third Division, to fill the gap caused by the oblique movement of Colonels McMillen's and Hubbard's brigades, in the charge of the second fort upon the hill, the line again advanced, skirmishing heavily along its whole extent. A small earth-work containing two guns on a hill in front of Colonel Hill's (Third) brigade, of McArthur's division, was carried by that brigade in gallant style, capturing the guns and many prisoners, the skirmishers from the Second Division entering at the same time from the east. On entering this work Col. S. G. Hill, Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry, commanding Third Brigade, First Division, was unfortunately struck in the forehead by a musket-ball and died almost instantly. In consequence, the guns and prisoners were not properly taken care of and turned over, but were taken possession of by other troops, and the brigade did not get the credit which it justly deserves. At the same time Col. E. H. Wolfe's (Third) brigade, of the Second Division, crossed the Hillsborough pike and carried the earthworks on the hill immediately to the left of that pike, capturing two guns in the fort and one more a short distance from it, which the enemy were endeavoring to take away.

At the time these last two assaults were made, which were almost perpendicular to the Hillsborough pike, the Fourth Corps charged, parallel with the pike, the works in their front, thereby crowding out the First and Second Brigades of the Second Division, the enemy's works at that point making nearly a right angle with the salient angle in front of the right of the Fourth Corps and the left of my command. I therefore passed the First and Second Brigades, Second Division, by the right flank, to the right and rear of Third Brigade, same division, and directed them to form on the right of that brigade. The Fourth Corps also took possession of the guns passed over by Colonel Wolfe. In the meantime the First Division and the brigade of the Third, advancing on the right, drove the enemy across the Hillsborough pike, dislodging them from the stone walls on either side, capturing 2 pieces of artillery, a large number of prisoners, and about 1,000 muskets. Night coming on, the troops bivouacked in line of battle. During the night, a request coming from General Schofield, commanding Twenty-third Corps, for re-enforcements, I sent him the Third Division, Col. J. B. Moore commanding, just before daylight.

On the morning of the 16th, advancing my lines in the same order as on the previous day, the First on the right and the Second Division on the left, it was discovered that the enemy had taken position at the base of a chain of hills called the Brentwood Hills, with a front nearly perpendicular to our line, and had strongly intrenched themselves by throwing up breast-works and massing artillery in every available position. Changing my front by a half wheel by brigades, the command moved slowly in echelon from the right, so as not to break connection with the Fourth Corps, and took a position directly in front of the enemy at a distance of about 600 yards, my right resting at the base of a hill on the top of which was the enemy's left, and my line, being the whole front of the two divisions, extending about one mile. The enemy opening a heavy artillery fire upon my brigade as they went into position, all the batteries of the First and Second Divisions, six in number, were brought into action at a distance of about 800 yards, and after a fierce cannonading of about two hours succeeded in quieting the enemy's guns in our front. The Twenty-third Corps was on my right in the intrenchments thrown up by them the night before, and nearly at right angles with my present line. Expecting that corps to take the initiative, as they were on the flank of the enemy, I held the command in its present position, keeping up a slow artillery fire at their lines without eliciting any reply. About 1 o'clock I received a request from General Schofield, and a few minutes later an order from you, to send another division to his assistance, he having retained the one sent at daylight that morning. Not having any reserve, and my whole line being immediately in front of the enemy and liable to be attacked and broken at any point, where even a brigade should be withdrawn, I therefore sent a staff officer to him to state the condition of my command and ascertain if he could not get along without the division. The officer reported to me that General Schofield's line was not engaged, and upon the condition being reported to him, that he said he did not need the additional force, consequently it was not sent.

About 3 p.m. General McArthur sent word that he could carry the hill on his right by assault. Major-General Thomas being present, the matter was referred to him, and I was requested to delay the movement until he could hear from General Schofield, to whom he had sent. General McArthur, not receiving any reply, and fearing that if the attack should be longer delayed the enemy would use the night to strengthen his works, directed the First Brigade, Col. W. L. McMillen, Ninety-fifth Ohio Infantry, commanding, to storm the hill, on which was the left of the enemy's line, and the Second and Third Brigades of the division to attack in front when the First should be half-way up the hill. Accordingly, Colonel McMillen formed his brigade in two lines, with the One hundred and fourteenth Illinois Infantry, Ninety-third Indiana Infantry, and Tenth Minnesota Infantry in the first, and the Seventy-second Ohio and Ninety-fifth Ohio in the second line, and gave his men orders not to cheer or fire a shot until the works should be gained. Throwing out a strong party of skirmishers, under a rapid fire from them and his artillery, he commenced the ascent. He had no sooner fully commenced his movement than the Second Brigade, Col. D. F. Hubbard commanding, eager in emulation, also took up the attack, immediately followed the Third Brigade, and, lastly, the Second Division. The enemy opened with a fierce storm of shell, canister, and musketry, sadly decimating the ranks of many regiments, but nothing save annihilation could stop the onward progress of that line. Sweeping forward, the right of the line up the hill and the left through mud and over walls, they gained the enemy's works, calling forth the remark from one of their general officers that “powder and lead were inadequate to resist such a charge.” The enemy were whipped, broken, and demoralized. Prisoners were taken by the regiment and artillery by batteries. The pursuit was continued until dark, when the troops bivouacked in line.

In this one charge the two divisions captured 27 pieces of artillery complete, over 4,000 prisoners, among whom were Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson and Brigadier-Generals Jackson and Smith, 12 stand of colors, General Johnson's headquarters wagons, and many ammunition and baggage wagons. I am not able to give you the exact number, as we left the next morning in pursuit, without collecting them, leaving them to be taken care of by the reserve troops in Nashville. The Second Division claims that they captured four more guns on the left, which were afterward taken possession of by the Fourth Corps, but as they were on the Fourth Corps line, and they were undoubtedly assisted by that corps in their capture, I am not disposed to question their right to them. I only hope that there may always be the same ardent desire to capture from a disloyal enemy his means and munitions of war; it is certainly a laudable rivalry. The three guns, however, taken by Colonel Wolfe on the 15th properly belong to and should be credited to him. The sum total of the captures on both days is: 36 pieces of artillery; 5,123 prisoners, among whom were Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson and Brigadier-Generals Jackson and Smith; about 6,000 stand of small-arms; 16 battle-flags; and about 30 wagons of various kinds.

Instances of individual merit were numerous. Colonel McMillen deserves to be specially mentioned for his conduct of the charge of the second day. Col. L. F. Hubbard, Fifth Minnesota, commanding' Second Brigade, First Division, had three horses shot under him on the 16th. Going into action with a total of 1,421 muskets in his brigade, he captured over 2,000 prisoners, 9 pieces of artillery, and 7 stand of colors, and the casualties in his brigade number 315.

For details and particulars I refer you to the reports of division and brigade commanders, herewith inclosed. Inclosed, also, is a complete list of the casualties.*

The prisoners and artillery were all sent back to Nashville to be turned over to the proper officers there. The stands of colors are in possession of the officers and men who captured them, which I will send to you with a list of the names.

On the 17th, in compliance with orders, my command, the Third Division having joined that morning, moved out on the Granny White pike about four miles, and thence south to the Franklin pike, with orders to fall in the rear of the Fourth Corps. From thence we marched, via Franklin, Columbia, Pulaski, Lawrenceburg, and Waynesborough, to Clifton, and from thence on transports to this place, without anything of importance occurring.

My division commanders deserve much credit for the able and soldierly manner with which they managed their commands and their ready and hearty co-operation in every respect. The Third Division, Col. J. B. Moore commanding, only needed as favorable an opportunity to have done equally as well as any. His troops that day upon the field were all tried soldiers, who have fought many a battle with credit and honor to themselves.

I have exceedingly to regret the loss of one gallant brigade commander, Col. S. G. Hill, Thirty-fifth Iowa Infantry, who was killed in the charge on the 15th. Long with the command, he has endeared himself to every member of it; brave and courteous, the service has lost a gallant officer and society a gentleman by his untimely death.

The officers of my staff, each and all, deserve special credit for their personal services, both on the field and in their respective departments. They rendered invaluable aid on the field by their activity and discrimination and their acute perception of the weak points and the proper time and moment for executing the different movements with which they were charged.

In the supply department everything moved with a prompt energy and reliability that gave an additional impulse forward to each officer and man.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Brig. Gen. W. D. WHIPPLE,
Chief of Staff, Department of the Cumberland.

* Embodied in table, pp. 100-102.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 432-7

Friday, January 27, 2017

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Saturday, April 8, 1865

There was tremenduous heavy firing last night from 11 to 1. the sky was lighted with the flash of small arms, could not determine whether it was on the right of Smith or left of Steele, some heavy guns used. After breakfast heavy Guns & rapid firing off to our right. I go out on the left to the bay & take a look at Mobile. The Jonnies throw shells uncomfortably near me out there, returning to camp spent most of this day writing. Capt sent me a paper of the 5th full of good news & rumors of peace propositions from Lee. This afternoon news from Steele is that last night Steele charged on a water battery which the gunboats try to shell him out of & not succeeding the Jonnies charge him 3 times without success he is reported to have taken some prisoners, & later in the evening the report is in that he turned the guns of the captured battery on a ram & brought her in At 5 P. M the batteries all round the line opens on the enemy's work for one hour, the enemy replies quite briskly for a little while but cant stand it long. About 5.30 heavy musketry firing Was heard in front of Smiths Corps & by the yelling it was evident one party or the other was making a charge I was detailed for picket & reported at 7. at Regt Hd Quarters where the detail was formed under the immediate command of Lieut San Cheztereso co F. the picket firing on the right keeps us pretty heavy the Rebs throw a shell occasionally & our batteries throw shells about every 10 minutes. we report with the detail in the pits by the camp of 27th Wis. & wait ½ hour for the coming of the officer of the day whose business it is to relieve the pickets with the new detail, when he come he put part of our detail with a co of the 27th Wis as a reserve & working party. I was ordered to remain with this reserve, we divided the squad into 2 reliefs & making arrangements to work each relief 4 hours the capt lay down leaving me in charge of the 1st relief. Presently. Col Patterson & some other staff officers came through & told us to work with a will for all the saps & paralells must be widened to 6 ft. & finished before morning so that a regt could march through them easily for the works must be carried by assault within three days, the army had been waiting for the fleet to get up & word was it had cleared the channel of torpedos to opposite the fort & would move up in the morning, It is said the engineer who planted the torpedo is taking them out for the fleet. The Off. of the day thinking he needed more men sends in for a detail of two companies. Co D of 27th Wis & Co H. of 35 Iowa came out to work, they bring news that the charge on the right was by Smiths men who took one line of the enemys works & captured 200 prisoners. I rec instructions from the off of the day to work my relief 2 hours as the no of men engaged would finish the work if all worked that long. My 2 hours was up at 11, at which time I waked the capt. & lay down on a rubber blanket to sleep but it was too cold. I went to our camp to get a woolen blanket, & had returned & got into a good nap out of which I was awaked by loud & continued shouting on the right. Could not immagine what was up as the firing had entirely ceased on that part of the line. I looked at my watch which indicated 5 mins after 12, I go forward to the front rifle pits where the picket line is there listen to hear what is said but can distinguish nothing but the commands “cease firing you kill our own men. 2d Brig forward march.” then rose cheering again. The word cease firing passed all along the line. The Off of the day was present. (Capt. Gunn 28th Wis) with whom I jumped the pits and advanced somewhat, but not a jonnie could we hear where not 10 minutes before they had been shooting at us, not yet being satisfied with the looks of things no one was allowed to go to the fort until we see Smiths corps in the middle fort cheering Then Lt. Sanchez, take about a doz of his detail & advances. I did not know he had gone until he was half way over, & followed immediately entering nearly the same time. The Lt. was the first Yank, to mount the work. There was some fear of torpedos which had been reported so thickly strewn about these fortifications which made the men move very carefully for a while, it was half past twelve when we entered the fort. I found it not so strong a position as I had immagined it to be but to assault it would have been an ugly business if resolutely defended. Our shell & shot had handled the inside very rough tearing great holes. The grond nearly every foot of it, was torn up by our Mortar shells & how men could live in there during the heavy cannonading it was several times subjected too is more than I can understand, found 9. pieces of artillery in the fort all in position & spiked. 2 of the guns were splendid 64 lbers. There were bomb proofs enough to about hold the gunners required to work the guns but these were not of the strongest kind, out of one come so strong a stench I was willing to pass it others more inquistive report a no of dead men in it. 8 jonnies come in from the picket line, the Rebs had left in such a hurry they had not taken time to relieve them although they lay within 100 yds of the fort, these say they did not know the forts were to be evacuated, after examining the works to my satisfaction the 94th Ill regt having marched in & unfurled the Stars & stripes I go back to camp bearing no relic but a Reb envelope with stamp on it, on my way in meet floods of yanks going out to see the forts. I was disposed tonight to think the torpedo question on land more talk than cider

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 8, April 1923, p. 585-7

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Tuesday, April 4, 1865

Mail was to leave the camp at 12 today; sat down to write a letter before I was ½ through was detailed to take charge of a squad of 30 men with spades for fatigue & report with them at Div Hd. qtrs. I reported with the detail at 11. A. M. some mistake had been made with reference to the detail as the A. A. G. expicted my detail to have axes. waited with the men until he rode to Brig. Hd. qtrs to ascertain how the mistake had occurred, he returned at 12, M. & ordered me to report at a two gun battery. on the left & near Spanish fort. I found the battery & put the men to work to finish it. The 1st Ind heavy Artilery mount 2 30 lb Parrots here while we are at work. These guns are intended to play on the Rebel water battery which annoys us more than all their other guns, while we were at work a staff officer rode around giving orders for all the batteries around the whole line to open out at 5 P. M. & fire 40 ronds to each gun, with intervals of 3 mins. finished the battery a little before 4. but had to hold the detail to tear down a breastwork in front of it which was to come down just before time to open out, at 20 mins before 5 Capt of Battery ordered the work down, men all worked lively as there was danger of the Rebs firing on the party, two men having been wounded here yesterday. Just 3 mins before 5 finished that job & falling the men in started for camp about ¾ mile distant & if the Rebs replied to our batteries in point blank range, had not advanced from the battery more than 200 yds until the whole part of our line was ablaze, walked fast to camp. Rebs did not reply & no accidents occurred. after arrived in camp the Jonnies lifted a few shot over, they tried to sharpshoot our gunners from their fort & sent the balls uncomfortably close. The 33d Mo. & 35th Iowa & 12th Iowa moved in this evening again to our camp our Brig is ordered to the left to fill the places of these Regts. At 8. P. M. fall in & move in the darkness with a little sprinkle of rain 1 mile to the left of our camp, find very poor quarters, lie down almost anywhere for the night.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 8, April 1923, p. 583-4

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Tuesday, March 28, 1865

Working parties return at daylight at which time the ball opens again The Enemy were reinforcing last night from Mobile, a little bolder & give us a shell occasionally & quite a no of minnie balls fly over our heads, one of the 35th Iowa is killed in camp near us while packing his Knapsacks At 9.30 Cos. "G" & "B" ordered out as sharpshooters & skirmishers had to advance 100 yds through fallen timber exposed to the fire of the enemy, while advancing, Martin Walraven was wounded in the right fore arm. gain our position within 100 yds of the Fort & throw up earth works to protect us, were relieved at 3.30 by co K, in coming away John Mety, is wounded in the left shoulder & Jo. Dungan in the back passing into the thigh, K Co is to stay until morning. Our Gunboats get up close enough to lift a few shells into the main fort this P. M. When this is seen the boys raise a shout for we all depend a great deal on the Monitors. All the Regts build earthworks from 6 to 10 ft. high to camp behind, 1 man of the 50th Ind Killed by a shell while in camp some guns in our camp broken by a shell. The 1st Ind heavy artillery is reported to have arrived at the landing with 72. Mortors & heavy Parrot guns. It is rumored that our gunboats sunk one & disabled one transport for the enemy. 4 rockets sent up from the fort & it is rumored that the Infty is being transported to Mobile.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 8, April 1923, p. 581

Monday, May 19, 2014

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Monday, July 20, 1863

We came in from picket this morning and this afternoon moved our regimental camp onto higher ground. Some of our boys are having a time with the ague and fever. The Fifteenth and Sixteenth Regiments were ordered out to Miller's Creek to guard a wagon train. The Thirty-fifth Iowa passed us on their way to Vicksburg with five hundred prisoners from Johnston's army. Orders came to prepare to march.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 130

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Thursday, June 11, 1863

The Thirty-fifth Iowa received marching orders. A report is that General Burnside with eight thousand troops went on an expedition up the Yazoo river today. Cannonading has been heard on all sides all day. News came that General Banks has Port Hudson surrounded and is now besieging the place.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 121

Monday, March 3, 2014

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Monday, May 4, 1863

The Eighth, Twelfth and Thirty-fifth Iowa Regiments passed here today on their way to the front. They are all fine-looking men. I feel in hopes that Vicksburg will soon be in our hands. Our division is in the rear, most of the other troops having gone on ahead of us. Our army is in strong force at this place, and there is no danger of the rebels' cavalry making a raid on the base of our commissary supplies here.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 113

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Thirty-Fifth Iowa Volunteers

Muscatine county contributed eight companies and Cedar county two for this regiment, which went into camp on Muscatine Island late in the summer of 1862. The regiment numbered 957 men when mustered into the United States' service on the 18th of September. Its field officers were Sylvester G. Hill, colonel; James H. Rothrock, lieutenant-colonel; and Henry O'Connor, major. Its first service was in western Kentucky, during the winter of 1862-3. In April the regiment joined the army of General Grant in the Vicksburg campaign, and took part in the capture of Jackson. In June Major O'Connor resigned, and in August Lieutenant-Colonel Rothrock retired from the service. They were succeeded by William B. Keeler, promoted to lieutenant-colonel from captain of Company A, and Abraham John, captain of Company B, promoted to major. It was on duty in western Tennessee for several months. In March, 1864, it joined General Banks' army, and participated in the hard marches, battles and retreat of that campaign.

On the 22d of March, the regiment, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Keeler, made a march with another regiment to Henderson's Hill, surprised and captured a body of 350 confederates with four pieces of artillery, horses and other property. At the battle of Pleasant Hill the Thirty-fifth did good service, and lost many good officers and men. At the battle of Yellow Bayou it made a gallant fight, losing forty men. Its total loss in this disastrous campaign was more than 100. In June, at the battle of Lake Chicot, the regiment made a brave fight, in which Major John was mortally wounded. From September to the middle of November, the regiment was in the army sent to drive General Price out of Missouri and Arkansas. At the battle of Nashville, in December, the Thirty-fifth was under the command of Major Dill, who had been promoted from captain of Company C, Colonel Hill commanding a brigade. This brigade, in which was his own regiment, made a brilliant charge on the enemy's batteries, which it captured, but the gallant colonel was killed in the conflict. The last battle in which the Thirty-fifth was engaged was in the campaign against Mobile. Soon after it was sent to Selma, and late in July it started for home. On the 10th of August it was mustered out at Davenport, and soon after disbanded at Muscatine, after nearly three years' honorable service.

SOURCE: Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 115