Sunday, September 17, 2017
Captain Charles Wright Wills: March 7, 1863
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Captain Charles Wright Wills: February 15, 1863
Monday, March 20, 2017
Diary of 1st Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Friday, May 19, 1865
Friday, March 17, 2017
Diary of 1st Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Thursday, May 18, 1865
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Tuesday, March 28, 1865
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Thursday, March 23, 1865
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Tuesday, February 14, 1865
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Monday, February 6, 1865
Friday, December 16, 2016
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Saturday, February 4, 1865
Monday, November 28, 2016
Diary of 1st Sergeant John S. Morgan: Sunday, January 22, 1865
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
50th Indiana Infantry
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Colonel Henry J. B. Cummings
Henry Johnson Broadhead Cummings is the only representative that little New Jersey can claim among the Iowa Colonels. He was born in the town of Newton, Sussex county, on the 21st day of May, 1831, and continued to reside at that place until he was ten years of age. He then accompanied his parents to Lycoming county, Pennsylvania, where he lived till he reached his eighteenth year. His education was acquired at the common schools of that county. In his eighteenth Winter, he taught school, and after its close, entered the law-office of Judge Maynard of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and began the study of the law. From 1851 to 1854, he edited a paper in Schuylkill Haven, after which he resumed his legal studies in the office of Henry Johnson, Esq., of Muncey, Pennsylvania, and was admitted to the bar in 1855. But, being without means, he was again compelled to return to the editorial tripod. In 1856, he came West and located in Winterset, Iowa, where he opened an office, and for the first time entered upon the practice of his profession. That same Winter, he assisted in organizing the Republican Party in Madison county; and, in the following August, was elected Prosecuting Attorney for that county. Later, he became a law-partner of the Hon. M. S. McPherson, who, in 1860, was a member of the Iowa State Senate.
Colonel Cummings first entered the war as captain of Company F., 4th Iowa Infantry. While the regiment was at its rendezvous in Council Bluffs, he was elected by the line officers its major. He was not, however, commissioned by the Governor; for Captain English, of the same regiment, had been previously promoted to that rank. Captain Cummings served in the 4th Iowa Infantry until the 6th of September, 1862, when he was promoted to the colonelcy of the 39th Iowa Infantry.
The first engagement of the 39th Iowa, was at Parker's Cross Roads, Tennessee, on the 31st of December, 1862. The enemy were led by Forest, and numbered from five to seven thousand men. The Union forces engaged comprised only one brigade, commanded by Colonel Dunham of the 50th Indiana, and numbered not quite sixteen hundred men.
So soon as the enemy learned of General Grant's plans for the capture of Vicksburg, in the fall of 1862, they at once set on foot schemes for their frustration; and, only a few days after the Federal army had marched from Holly Springs, Van Dorn and Forest were dispatched against General Grant's rear, to overwhelm small garrisons, and destroy all supplies and lines of communication. Van Dorn marched for Holly Springs and vicinity, while Forest made his appearance along the Jackson and Columbus Railroad. On the morning of the 31st of December, 1862, Forest, with the greater portion of his command, was encamped in the timber, about half a mile west of Parker's Cross Roads. A small detachment was stationed at the Cross Roads; and these Colonel Dunham, while moving with his command down the road in the direction of Red Mound, encountered at about eight o'clock in the morning.
But, to give an intelligible history of this affair, I should refer briefly to the previous movements of the 39th Iowa. On the 18th of December, 1862, the regiment left Columbus, Kentucky, under orders to report to General G. M. Dodge at Corinth. Arriving at Jackson, it was ordered by General Sullivan to disembark; for an attack upon that place by Forest was hourly looked for. It remained at Jackson four days, when, it becoming evident that Forest did not intend attacking that place, it was sent back to Trenton. There it was organized with the 50th Indiana and 122d Illinois, and sent in pursuit of Forest, then reported at Huntingdon, thirty miles east. Parker's Cross Roads is between Huntingdon and Lexington, where, as above stated, a portion of Forest's command was encountered.
The 50th Indiana was at once deployed as skirmishers, and drove the small detachment back to the main body, stationed on the hill or in the timber. Colonel Dunham now began making his dispositions to attack them in this position; but he soon learned that the position was so strong, and that their numbers so superior to his own that an attempt to rout them must be unsuccessful. After a vigorous use of his artillery, he therefore withdrew his command south, and took up a position on the east side of the road on a gentle rise of ground near Red Mound. The enemy followed and took up a position on the brow of a hill about one thousand yards distant. The enemy had eleven pieces of artillery, and the Federal troops but three; and in all other respects they were equally superior. The engagement now opened with artillery; but only a few shots had been fired, when Colonel Dunham saw that he could not hold his present position. He therefore moved down the hill into low ground, and took position behind a rail fence. The 39th held the left, the 122 Illinois the centre, and the 50th Indiana the right. The enemy still held the brow of the hill In front.
Their position was most admirable. Retiring just behind the crest of the hill, and charging their artillery, they would then shove it forward, and, depressing the pieces, continue a most destructive fire on our lines. Their infantry, too, at long range and well covered, did much execution; while our troops, lying along the fence in the bottom, were able only by their presence to hold the enemy at bay. The right of the line, however, was able to do some execution. Thus matters stood till about four o'clock in the afternoon, when the enemy, despairing of routing the Federal troops from the position they then held, dismounted a force of about one thousand men, and sent them round to the rear of Colonel Dunham's right flank. Moving by a circuitous route through the timber, they were not discovered till their skirmishers opened fire on the right-rear of the Federal line. This was the signal for the enemy on the hill in front to concentrate their artillery-fire on the Federal left; for this was necessary to save their own men, approaching from the rear; and now the shower of grape and canister, which fell on the 39th Iowa, was terrific. With the enemy approaching in its rear, and this terrible fire in front, the right wing of the 39th broke, and sought shelter in a cornfield to the west of the road. Portions of the 50th Indiana and 122d Illinois also joined in this brief stampede. But relief was now near at hand: a brigade of reinforcements — the "Ohio Brigade" —soon fell upon the enemy's rear, and scattered their lines in confusion. This, however, was not done till after the 39th Iowa had rallied, and, with the balance of the brigade, driven back the enemy's flanking-party. The engagement now closed, and the Federal troops rested that night on the battle-ground. The following is the result of the engagement: Four hundred prisoners were captured. Five hundred horses and seven cannon were also among the spoils of war; but the three pieces of artillery belonging to the command of Colonel Dunham had been literally knocked to pieces. The losses of the 39th Iowa, in killed, wounded and missing, were forty-seven. Three only were killed; and among these was the color-guard, J. C. Stearns. The gallant Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield, while rallying his men, was severely wounded in the shoulder. Major Griffiths, Captain Browne and Lieutenant Rawls were also among the wounded. This was the first engagement of the 39th Iowa; and all things considered, it sustained itself well.
With the battle of Parker's Cross Roads closed the old year of 1862. On the morning following, the 39th Iowa, with the balance of its brigade, started on the return march to Jackson, where it arrived on the evening of the 2d. At Columbus, as already stated, Colonel Cummings had been ordered to report to General G. M. Dodge, commanding 2d Division, 16th Army Corps, and on the 6th instant he left Jackson with his regiment for Corinth. Arriving at Corinth, the 39th Iowa was assigned to the 2d Brigade, Colonel M. M. Banes, and, for more than a year thereafter, was attached to that command. From the date of its arrival at Corinth, till the time it joined the forces of General Sherman in the grand march on Atlanta, the history of the 39th Iowa may be soon told. It was stationed on garrison-duty, and passed the most of its time in camp.
The march to Tuscumbia, Alabama, the object of which was to cover the movements of Colonel Streight, in his raid into Georgia, I must not, however, omit to mention. All things being in readiness, General Dodge moved out of Corinth with his entire division on the 15th of April, and, proceeding by easy marches, arrived at Bear Creek without incident. At Bear Creek, his advance encountered the enemy under Roddy, and soon after that force was strengthened by the arrival of Forest. But General Dodge pushed steadily on, driving back the enemy with a line of skirmishers, until he arrived at Town Creek. Here the enemy, on the opposite bank, had their artillery in position, which was well supported. An artillery-duel followed of half a day in length, when, bridges having been constructed under the enemy's fire, the forces of General Dodge began crossing to the east side of the stream. The enemy now retired precipitately, and General Dodge, knowing Colonel Streight, who had passed by the enemy's left flank, was well on his way, returned to Corinth. The 39th Iowa arrived at Corinth on the 2d of May. Four days after, Company H of the regiment, while guarding a corral near Corinth, was surrounded by a large body of rebel cavalry and captured. Its Captain, James H. Loomis, was made a prisoner, and only a few of the men escaped.
Colonel Cummings remained with his regiment at Corinth, until November, 1863, and then marched with the command of General Dodge to the line of the Nashville and Decatur Railroad.
He arrived with his regiment at Pulaski the 11th of November, and the day following was sent north seven miles to Reynold's Station, where regimental head-quarters were established. Five companies remained at head-quarters. Three were stationed at grist-mills; and two on guard-duty, at railroad-bridges. Seven weeks later, regimental head-quarters were removed to Culleoka, twenty miles further north. The regiment remained here till the 12th of the following March, when, with its brigade, it marched south to Athens; but its day of garrison- and railroad guard-duty was now soon to close.
In the early part of May, 1864, the 39th Iowa marched with its brigade to Huntsville, where the whole command of General Dodge assembled, preparatory to joining General Sherman on the march against Atlanta: from that point it moved directly to the front at Dalton. But the movements of the left wing of the 16th Army Corps during the Atlanta Campaign have been given elsewhere, and up to the time of the occupation of Rome, the history of the 39th is the same as that of this command: the 39th Iowa, and, I think, all the regiments of its brigade — the 7th, 50th and 57th Illinois Infantry regiments, went no further than Rome, being left at that point to guard Sherman's flank, and his line of communications. Where the regiment most distinguished itself, and where it lost its best officer — Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield — was at Allatoona, Georgia.
Its defense of this place was gallant in the extreme, and a full history of the affair would be read with the greatest interest; but want of space forbids me giving it. The following is from a statement of Major, afterward Lieutenant-Colonel Griffiths:
"The entire force on our side was one thousand eight hundred: that of the enemy, seven thousand. Our forces were commanded by Brigadier-General J. M. Corse. They arrived at 10 o'clock P. M., expecting that the enemy would not attack, knowing they (we) were reinforcements. In this we were deceived. They attacked in the morning at 7 A. M. General Corse had time only to hastily dispose of his little force, when they came up with massed columns.
"The 39th Iowa was placed at the forks of a road, three hundred yards from the fort, where the heaviest column of the enemy charged. It was important to hold this position, and check the enemy. This they did twice, although terribly cut to pieces. The third time the enemy was in such force as to be irresistible, and the remainder of our regiment fell back, contesting every foot of ground to the fort.
"General Corse and the veteran troops, who witnessed the heroism and determination of the 39th on that day, say they have never before seen such fighting. They pronounced it 'Chickasaw Bayou,' continued for five hours. It was during this time that the above named officers, except Lieutenant Blodgett, were killed. He was one of the four officers who succeeded in reaching the fort, and was shot while carrying a message from General Corse to Colonel Rowett. There were ten of our officers in the engagement: five were killed, and two wounded and captured, leaving but three with the command.
"It gives me great pleasure to testify to the heroism, valor and gallantry of these officers. I have seen them before when in discharge of their duties and under fire, and can say of them that in every emergency they displayed coolness and determined courage. As officers, they had the respect and confidence of the command. As men, they had won, by their geniality of disposition and uniform courtesy of manner, the kindest regards and affections of their officers and men, so that we can feelingly exclaim: Their places, who can fill them?"
The regiment lost, in killed, five officers and twenty-seven enlisted men, and, in wounded, one officer and sixty-one enlisted men. Two officers and sixty-eight enlisted men were captured. The commissioned officers killed, were Lieutenant-Colonel James Redfield and Lieutenants O. C. Ayers, A. T. Blodgett, N. P. Wright and J. P. Jones. Lieutenant-Colonel Redfield was a man of much excellence. It has often been said he should have been colonel of the 39th Iowa.
Colonel Cummings is a short, fleshy man, with blue eyes, and a large, red face. In his manners, he is dignified and consequential. He is reputed as being able to endure as much rest as any man in Iowa. He was a good tactician, but, beyond that, possessed little merit as a soldier.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 525-32
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Colonel Cyrus H. Mackey
Cyrus H. Mackey is twenty-eight years of age, and a native of Illinois. He is a lawyer by profession, and, at the time of entering the service, was a resident of Sigourney, Keokuk county, Iowa. He was made lieutenant-colonel of the 33d Iowa Infantry the 10th of August, 1862, and served with that rank till the 18th of August, 1863, when he was commissioned colonel of his regiment. He was not however mustered to that rank till the 22d of April, 1864. The 33d Iowa has been under his command a chief portion of the time since entering the field; for Colonel, afterward General Rice was in command of the brigade to which the regiment was attached.
To give in detail the operations in which the 33d Iowa has taken part can not be done with interest; for they are recorded elsewhere in these pages. From the time of entering the field to the present, the 29th and 33d Iowa regiments have served together, and the history of one regiment is nearly the same as that of the other. It accompanied the White River and Yazoo Pass Expeditions, and marched with General Steele on the Little Rock and Camden Campaign. The regiment most distinguished itself at the battles of Helena and Saline River, or Jenkins' Ferry, the former fought on the 4th of July, 1863, and the latter on the morning of the 30th of April, 1864.
The following is from Lieutenant-Colonel Mackey's official report concerning the battle at Helena:
"The men, after having been constantly engaged for six hours, were very much exhausted. From eighty to one hundred rounds of ammunition had been expended to the man. The loss of my own regiment was: killed on the field, seventeen; wounded, fifty-two; taken prisoners, seventeen. Three men were taken at Battery C. Eight of the wounded have since died from their wounds. I went into the engagement with five hundred men. The officers and men of the entire command behaved themselves splendidly. The force we had to contend with was at least five to one, and I feel perfectly safe in saying that the regiment took as many prisoners as we had men in action. They all did so well that it is a difficult matter for me to attempt to particularize who did best.
"I take particular pleasure in mentioning the names of Major H. D. Gibson, Captain John P. Yerger, Captain John Lofland, Lieutenant Cheney Prouty, and Captain L. W. Whipple. The manner in which these officers conducted themselves is deserving of the highest praise.
"I would also call your attention to the good conduct of 2d Lieutenant Sharman, of Company G, who had command of the picket-guard. He succeeded in holding the enemy in check until we were fully prepared to receive them, brought his guard all off except a number that were killed and wounded in good order, and joined the regiment. He was wounded in the head very severely, but I think not dangerously."
For the part taken by the 33d Iowa on the Camden march and in the different skirmishes and actions in which it was engaged, I refer to the reports of its commanding officers. From the time Steele left Little Rock till after his arrival at Camden, the regiment was commanded by Major H. D. Gibson, and the following is from his official report:
"Prior to the arrival of our forces at Prairie de Anne, the part taken in any engagement by my regiment was entirely unimportant. On arriving at Prairie de Anne, I was ordered to form line of battle and move to the left of the 50th Indiana, which was done. I was then ordered to form column by division, and in that order I moved forward on to the prairie. While crossing a slough in the timber joining the prairie, a shell from the enemy's gun exploded near the regiment, killing one man and breaking several guns. On reaching the open ground, I again deployed, sending forward two companies as skirmishers, with instructions to move steadily forward, which they did, driving the enemy before them, the regiment moving to their support. In this order I moved forward till the regiment rested where the enemy's artillery first opened fire. It then being dark, the skirmishers were ordered to rest in place, and the regiment retired two hundred yards to unexposed grounds and bivouacked. At 11 o'clock P. M. the enemy dashed upon the skirmish line, but was repulsed without injury to us. The transactions of the following day are unimportant. On the morning of the 13th of April, we moved, in connection with the entire forces, through and to the west of Prairie de Anne, our skirmishers steadily driving the enemy before them. On approaching their works on the Camden and Washington road, the enemy hastily withdrew. From that time till the morning of the 15th, nothing worthy of note transpired.
"On the 15th day of April, my regiment led the advance of the infantry. Two companies were deployed as skirmishers on either side of the road, and, having moved forward two miles, were fired upon by the enemy. The skirmishers moved forward, driving them, assisted by a howitzer, until they came within range of the enemy's artillery, which was opened upon us, wounding four men. My regiment supported the 2d Missouri Battery on the right. Having taken this position, I sent forward three sharp-shooters from each company to assist the skirmishers, and annoy the enemy's gunners. After an engagement of two hours the enemy withdrew from his position, after which the march was resumed. At about two miles distant, we were again fired on; and while awaiting orders a shell from the enemy's guns burst near my regiment, dangerously wounding one man. A sharp skirmish was kept up for two and a half miles, when the enemy withdrew from our front. Our entire loss in killed and wounded, when we reached Camden, amounted to one killed, and four wounded."
Colonel Mackey reached Camden on the 19th of April, and assumed command of his regiment. The following is from his official report concerning the part taken by his regiment in the return to Little Rock.
"Nothing of particular interest took place from the time of the evacuation of Camden until my arrival at Saline River. On the evening of the 29th, at 6 ½ o'clock P. M., I was ordered to the rear on the Camden road to support Colonel Ingleman's Brigade, an attack being anticipated during the night. I stood at arms during the entire night, the enemy making no particular demonstration, although in speaking-distance. Night very dark and raining most of the time.
"About 4 o'clock A. M. on the 30th, I received orders that, as soon as the 43d Illinois Infantry on my left was withdrawn, I should retire about three-fourths of a mile toward the river, and take position covering the passage of the troops while crossing. This movement I executed without being discovered by the enemy. This position I occupied half an hour when the enemy made his appearance. The skirmishers immediately engaged them, holding them in check for half an hour. When I was relieved by the 27th Wisconsin Infantry, I marched my command to a new position, one mile in the direction of the crossing. In twenty minutes the engagement became general, and I was ordered to the support of the 50th Indiana Infantry on the left. From this time until the close of the battle, the regiment was almost continually engaged.
"As to the conduct of both officers and men of my command, I cannot speak in terms too high. To attempt distinction would be injustice to my command, as all did their duty nobly. A short time before the close of the action I received a wound in my right arm, which compelled me to quit the field, the command of the regiment devolving upon Captain Boydston, Company A, who, at the close of the engagement, marched the regiment off in good order."
In the desperate engagement at Jenkins' Ferry, the loss of the 33d was severe. Eight enlisted men were killed, and six officers and ninety-seven enlisted men wounded. There were also twelve missing; making the total loss of the regiment one hundred and twenty-three. The commissioned officers wounded were Colonel Mackey, Captains Comstock and Totten, and Lieutenants Conner, De Garmo and Kindig. Captain P. T. Totten and Lieutenant T. R. Conner were both mortally wounded. The former was shot through the thigh, and the latter through the neck. The subsequent history of the 33d is nearly the same as that of the 29th Iowa.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 497-500
Monday, January 4, 2010
Brigadier-General Samuel Allen Rice
Samuel A. Rice, who received his death-wound at the battle of Jenkin's Ferry, is the most distinguished officer our gallant State has lost in the War of the Rebellion. Sprung from the great middle class, without name or wealth, he had, at the age of thirty-five, attained such distinction as to make his death a national calamity.
General Rice was a native of New York, and was born in Cattaraugus county of that State, the 27th of January, 1828. His boyhood was passed in Belmont county, Ohio, where his parents removed when he was young. There he gained a common school education. The father died soon after removing to Ohio, leaving his family in limited circumstances, and his son, Samuel, as their chief support. He, accordingly, engaged in the boating business on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, that promising the amplest remuneration. As a flat-boatman, he made one or more trips to New Orleans.
General Rice was liberally educated; but the expenses of his education he had to defray himself. He pursued his preparatory course at the Athens Academy, Ohio, and in 1844 or 1845, entered Union College, New York. After graduating there, he entered the law department of that University, where he studied for one year, and then left for the wild West — for so Iowa was regarded, at that day, in the Eastern and Middle States.
The history of General Rice is widely known in our commonwealth; for he was one of our most prominent public men. He first settled in Fairfield, Jefferson county, where he practiced his profession, and occasionally assisted in the editorial department of the whig newspaper of that place. But in the fall of 1851, he removed to Oskaloosa, at which place his family still reside. His first public office was that of prosecuting attorney of his county. Naturally excelling as a criminal lawyer, he attracted general attention by the able manner in which he discharged the duties of his office; and it was this which secured him the nomination in 1856, to the office of attorney-general of the State. In 1856, and again in 1858, he was elected to the last named office; and at the close of his last term, he had established a reputation that placed his name among the foremost lawyers of the State, and, I might add, among the foremost of our public men. I do not speak of him in extravagant terms. The attention and deference that were paid to his arguments before the Supreme Court, would have flattered an attorney of the greatest experience, and the most extensive practice; and the influence which he wielded, as a leading member of the Republican Party, was recognized by all of our most prominent men.
General Rice entered the United States service in the summer of 1862. He would have entered the army sooner; but he could not leave his large business without pecuniary sacrifice; and, besides, he did not believe at first that the war would be of long duration. He was commissioned colonel of the 33d Iowa Infantry, on the 10th day of August, 1862; and late in November left with his regiment for St. Louis. Early in February, 1863, he arrived with his command at Helena, Arkansas, the point where was organized the Yazoo Pass Expedition; and the first important services of the 33d Iowa were in clearing this Pass of obstructions, and opening it for the passage of our transports. For nearly three weeks prior to the starting of the expedition, the regiment was engaged in this fatiguing and dangerous work. The history of this expedition is given elsewhere.
In the long list of battles that were fought in the South West from the 27th of December, 1862, to the 4th of July following, that of Helena, Arkansas, ranks high in point of importance, not simply because Helena with all its government property was saved from capture; but because the spirit of our troops caused the rebels, on the west side of the Mississippi, to despair of ever re-possessing their lost country. Colonel Rice had met the enemy before in skirmishes, but the engagement at Helena was his first battle. Here his brigade saved the place from capture, and his gallantry and soldierly skill made him a brigadier-general. The names of his troops deserve special mention: the 33d Iowa and 33d Missouri, who most distinguished themselves and suffered most severely, engaged the enemy at batteries C and D, near the Little Rock Road: the 29th and 36th Iowa regiments would have done as well and suffered as severely, but they were stationed on the hills to the right, near batteries A and B, and were not so severely engaged. The main attack of the enemy was made on the Little Rock road, where they staked every thing on forcing an entrance. They captured battery C, and so far succeeded; but the raking fire they received from the other batteries, and from the infantry and Fort Curtis, soon forced them to abandon their dearly-won prize. Our pickets were driven in at half past three in the morning, and the fight lasted till nearly 11 A. M., when the enemy retired precipitately. I have said his command saved Helena from capture; and I may add that his casualties amounted to more than half the entire Union loss. It should be stated that two regiments of his command — the 33d Iowa and 33d Missouri — were, during the engagement, under the more immediate command of General Solomon.
In August, 1863, Colonel Rice was appointed a brigadier-general. He had saved General Prentiss and his command from defeat as a colonel; as a brigadier-general, he saved General Steele's army and train from capture at Jenkin's Ferry, on the Saline River; and, had he survived the injury he received in that engagement, he would, doubtless, have been made a major-general.
In General Steele's march against Little Rock, which left Helena on the 10th of August, 1863, General Rice commanded a division, and it was on this march that he received his appointment as brigadier-general. No great battles were fought on this expedition, and no opportunities [sic] offered for special distinction. With others he is entitled to equal credit for the success of our arms.
General Rice's coolness and bravery, and his ability as an officer were best illustrated in General Steele's Campaign into South Western Arkansas, which resulted disastrously to our arms, and gave new hope to the rebels. Here he held only a brigade command. Had he commanded the expedition, some have thought the result would have been different; but this is unjust to General Steele. The loss of a brigade and wagon-train at Mark's Mills might have been avoided; but, considering the difficulties under which General Steele labored, no one could have hoped for entire success. That the chief credit which attaches to this movement or rather to the battle at Jenkins' Ferry, belonged to General Rice, no one will dispute.
The expedition in question left Little Rock on the 23d of March, 1864. Between that point and Camden, the enemy were met at Terra Noir Creek, Elkin's Ford, Prairie de Anne, and six miles north-west of Camden. The sharpest of these engagements was that at Elkin's Ford, on the Little Missouri River. Colonel Rice, though not in command of the forces engaged, received a scalp-wound, while riding to the front. But the great battle of the campaign was fought at Jenkins' Ferry, on the morning of the 30th of April, 1864.
On the evening of the 29th of April, the expedition had reached the Saline River, on its return to Little Rock. That same evening, General Steele's rear-guard had been attacked by the enemy, under Price and Kirby Smith; and it was probable that on the following morning he would have to give them battle; for a pontoon-bridge must be constructed on which to "cross, and the difficulties to be overcome were well-nigh insurmountable: these, however, have been spoken of elsewhere.
That night was stormy and dismal, and will be long remembered by Steele's old command. The floods of falling rain had swollen the Saline to the top of its banks, and covered the low bottom-lands bordering the river with water. But few slept that night: in front was a swollen river; in the rear a confident enemy, and under foot mud and water half-leg deep. Some collected piles of brush to rest on, and others passed the night on stumps and old logs. Day-light was longed for; and yet it promised little, for all believed it would be ushered in by an attack of the enemy. Some were cheerful, and cracked their jokes; but the great majority pulled their ponchos or blankets tightly about them, and remained quiet: they were thinking of their homes and friends, and of the comforts they had exchanged for these hardships.
But morning came at last, and with it the opening battle. Already General Rice's command was in line to engage the enemy, should he advance, and to defend the crossing: they were engaged promptly. The troops of his command, who met the first shock of battle, were the 29th Iowa on the right, the 50th Indiana in the centre, and the 33d Iowa on the left. Of the position of the other two infantry regiments of his command (the 9th and the 28th Wisconsin) at the opening of the fight, I am unadvised. His battery (Captain Voglies') had been sent over the river. The enemy — four to one in the first onset — advanced fairly and squarely, confident of easy victory; but they were repulsed. And not only in this, but in each renewed assault were they repulsed; till finally, near noon, they withdrew and left our forces in possession of the field. At about two o'clock, the last of our infantry forces crossed the river; and after destroying the pontoon-bridge, resumed, unmolested, their march to Little Rock. We lost in this engagement about eight hundred men. The enemy lost, according to his own estimate, nine hundred and fifty; but it is known that his loss was greater.
That was a most gloomy hour for the Federal cause in Arkansas, and the enemy were every where jubilant over the "prospects of peace and independence." They boasted that Steele's army was defeated and disheartened, and that, if it escaped at all, it would do so as a disorganized rabble. They never seemed to doubt that Steele would be compelled to abandon Little Rock, and that the entire State of Arkansas would pass again under Confederate rule. They moved north and blockaded the Arkansas River, and threatened seriously the Little Rock Railroad. The Government became alarmed, and sent nearly two divisions from New Orleans to Steele's assistance. Indeed, for many months the post of Little Rock was little better than in a state of siege; and it was only after Price's reverses in Missouri that the hopes of the Federal cause in Arkansas again rose in the ascendant. But to return.
In the enemy's last charge, and as General Rice was riding down his left wing, he received the wound which resulted in his death. He was shot by a musket-ball "through the right foot, the ball passing under the instep, just in front of the ankle, and driving the buckle of the spur before it."
He left Little Rock for his home in Iowa, on the 18th day of May. For a considerable time after reaching his home, it was supposed he was convalescing; but, (I quote from the Oskaloosa "Herald") " the virus of his wound had permeated his whole system, poisoning the vital fluids, and putting his case beyond the reach of human aid." He died on the 6th day of August, 1864.
The night before the general's death, Judge Loughridge, of Oskaloosa, his warm and tried friend, watched by his bed-side to assist in answering his wants, and to offer consolation to the grief-stricken family. His pain seemed to be intense, making the night drag heavily, and, as he turned restlessly in his bed, the judge inquired: "General, how do you feel now? Are you willing to die?" Looking up, and his eyes brightening, he replied: "I am ready. 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with me. His rod and His staff, they comfort me.'"
Four years before, he had said, while pronouncing an eulogy upon our lamented Judge Stockton:
"We can but feel and realize that, like the deceased, we too must undergo that great change, allotted to all living. When that change shall come; when the shadows of the last night shall gather around us, may we meet it like one that draws the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."
His prayer was realized. He died in the full possession of his mental faculties, and with the hopes of a Christian.
My admiration of the character of this noble man, I am unable to express. Few as able and deserving as he have been sacrificed to the Moloch of Slavery. One who served long with him in the army writes thus of him:
"But above all, and overall stands the name of one, whom Iowa will be proud to own — General Samuel A. Rice. I have never yet seen his equal, either on the field, or in the camp. * * All admit that his brigade saved the army from defeat and consequent destruction, at the battle of Jenkins' Ferry."
Testimonials of his worth meet me on every hand, to which, I regret, I am unable to give place. His old division has contributed funds for the erection of a monument to his memory; but his "good name will live, when monuments of brass and stone shall have crumbled to dust."
The proceedings of the Supreme Court at Des Moines, on learning of his death, I must briefly allude to. Hon. C. C. Nourse, the general's successor, as Attorney-General of Iowa, Hon. Thomas F. Withrow, and Hon. Chief Justice Wright offered touching eulogies to his memory. In the course of his remarks, our honored Chief Justice said:
"I parted with him in May, as he was nearing his home, with his family and friends around him: he was reclining on what proved to be his death-bed. I shall ever remember his face, and the sparkling expression of his flashing eyes, as, taking me by the hand, he said: 'I shall not die: I know that I shall live — I shall live to return to the field, and assist in crushing this most accursed rebellion.' These hopes — these high resolves were doomed to disappointment."
After the addresses were closed, the following preamble and resolutions were entered of record:
"WHEREAS, General Samuel A. Rice, formerly a member of the bar of this Court, and for four years Attorney-General of the State, died at his home in Oskaloosa on the 6th day of July, 1864, from a wound received in battle at Saline River on the 30th day of April, 1864, and whereas, the high standing of the deceased as a member of the profession, as well as his exalted patriotism and many personal virtues, demand a special notice of his memory upon our part; Therefore, be it
"Resolved, By the members of the bar now in attendance upon the Supreme Court:
1. "That we deeply deplore this dispensation of Divine Providence, in thus removing from our midst one who adorned his profession, and endeared himself to us by his uniform courtesy and upright conduct.
2. "That by his death a brave and true soldier and officer has fallen in defense of his Government, a kind father and true husband has been lost to his family, a valued citizen has been lost to the State, and an honored and able advocate has been lost to the profession.
3. "That we will cherish in affectionate remembrance his many virtues, and request the members of the bar to wear the usual badge of mourning during the term.
4. "That we tender to the bereaved family our sincere testimony of the worth of the deceased, and assure them of our sympathy and condolence in their affliction.
5. "That the court be requested to have these proceedings and resolutions spread upon the records of the court, and to furnish a certified copy of the same to the family of the deceased.
" Committee. — Jefferson F. Polk, H. S. Winslow, William H. Seevers, C. C. Nourse."
I first met General Rice in the spring of 1857, at the Oskaloosa bar. Then, he had just been elected Attorney-General of the State; and I scanned him closely. He was, at the time, arguing a case with Judge Seevers; and Governor Stone was sitting upon the bench. He was dressed poorly; was unshaven, and looked to me to be below the medium in size. I thought we never elected such men to like positions in New England. Three years later, I saw him again; when he looked more like himself — an able and polished gentleman. The portrait here published is not a perfect likeness, though the mild, intelligent expression of the eye is correct.
General Rice was not a man of brilliant parts. He had a large brain and a sound judgment; and hard study did the rest. He was an able reasoner. His cast of mind was more practical than theoretical; for instance: on one occasion, two applicants for admission to the bar presented themselves in the Oskaloosa Court. It was Governor Stone's first term upon the bench. Judges Loughridge and Seevers and General Rice, having been appointed by the court the examining committee, the latter approached the young men, and, taking one of them by the hand, said: "Gentlemen, you look as though you could practice law; if you can not, you will get no business, and if you can, all right. I will vouch for you."
The general was kind-hearted and unassuming. I never saw him without a smile upon his face, and no one could be embarrassed in his presence. Few promised him the success he met in the service. He was as successful with the sword, as he had been in his civil profession. He was a noble exemplar of our Free State Chivalry.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 487-96
Monday, December 28, 2009
Brevet Brigadier-General T. H. Benton
Thomas Hart Benton, Jr., is a nephew of the celebrated American statesman and author, whose name, at his uncle's own request, he bears. He is a native of Tennessee, and was born in Williamson county of that State, on the 5th day of September, 1816. His father, Samuel Benton, was quite a noted man. In 1817, the year after his son Thomas' birth, he left Tennessee for Missouri; and settled in St. Louis. In 1822, he returned to Tennessee, and settled in Shelby county, near the present city of Memphis, which was then a mere village. In 1835, he left the States, and emigrated to Texas, which was at that time an independent Republic. During his residence there, he served one term in the Texan Congress. He died in 1846. Young Benton accompanied his father in all his migrations.
Colonel Benton's education is academic, and was acquired at the Huntington Academy, Tennessee. His collegiate course was brief: he passed only a portion of the year 1835 at Marion College, Missouri. In 1839, he came to Iowa, and located in Dubuque, where he lived till 1854. During his residence in Dubuque, he was first teacher, and then merchant. In 1846, he went to the State Senate from the Dubuque District, and served in Iowa's first General Assembly. He was elected, in 1848, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, and, at the close of his three-years' term, was re-elected for a like term. The nomination for the same position was again tendered him; but he declined it, and the same year removed to Council Bluffs, his present home.
It would seem that Iowa had but one scholar; for, in 1858, Colonel Benton was elected Secretary of the Board of Education, under the new State Constitution. This office he held for the two subsequent terms, and was its incumbent at the time of entering the service. On the 10th of August, 1862, he was commissioned colonel of the 29th Iowa Infantry; and, on the 1st of the following December, mustered into the United States service. For gallant conduct in the different campaigns in which he joined in Arkansas, Colonel Benton, in the spring of 1865, was made brevet brigadier-general.
The history of the 29th is nearly the same as are those of the 33d and 36th Iowa regiments. In the latter part of December, when the enemy were threatening Columbus and other points on the Mississippi, Colonel Benton was ordered with his regiment from Benton Barracks to Columbus. No attack was made, and in a few days he sailed down the river to Helena, Arkansas. In January, 1863, he accompanied General Gorman on the White River Expedition—one in which the troops were subjected to great fatigue and exposures, but which, it is said, was fruitless, on account of the non-co-operation of the fleet. After his return from this expedition, he remained at Helena till the latter part of February, when he joined the Yazoo Pass Expedition, under General Ross. In the early part of April, General Ross, under orders from General Grant, returned with his command to Helena, where Colonel Benton remained with his regiment during the following Summer, and took part in the brilliant engagement of the 4th of July. This was a contest for the great gala day of the nation, and will ever have a prominent place in the history of our civil war. The following extract I take from Colonel Benton's official report:
"My men were under a severe fire for more than five hours, and it affords me the greatest pleasure to speak of both officers and men in terms of the highest commendation, for their coolness and courage during the entire action. I saw no flinching or wavering during the day. It is proper to add that several of my officers and men, who were excused from duty in consequence of physical disability, left their quarters and joined their respective companies, when the signal gun was fired.
"I would not do justice to an accomplished officer, should I fail to acknowledge the efficient services of Lieutenant-Colonel R. F. Patterson, during the action; and the special obligations I am under for the thorough instruction previously given by him to both officers and men, in the responsible duties and obligations of the soldier."
The loss of the 29th Iowa at Helena was seven killed and twenty-four wounded. Two of the latter were hurt mortally, and died soon after.
Early in August, 1863, the 29th Iowa joined the Arkansas or Little Rock Expedition, under General Steele, and was present at the capture of Little Rock. On the Little Rock march, Colonel Benton was in command of a brigade, composed of the 29th and 33d Iowa and the 28th Wisconsin regiments.
After passing the fall of 1863 and the following Winter, at Little Rock, the 29th Iowa, under its colonel, joined General Steele on the Camden march, and on this campaign saw its hardest service, and made the most interesting portion of its history. The object of the campaign has been already given. Had it been successful, it would have relieved the entire State of Arkansas from Confederate rule. In the expedition, the 29th Iowa marched two hundred and fifty miles, and lost in action one hundred and forty-two officers and men.
General Steele left Little Rock on this celebrated march on the 23d of March, 1864. General Banks in his course up the Red River was already approaching Natchitoches. The destination of both armies was Shreveport. Passing through Benton, Rockport, and Arkadelphia on the Washita River, and thence south-west across the Little Missouri, Steele arrived on the 10th of the following April, at Prairie de Anne — one of the prettiest little spots in wild Arkansas, or the whole "Sunny South." At Prairie de Anne, as already stated, he learned the probable fate of his expedition. There he learned of Banks' defeat; and, with Banks defeated and driven back, he, with his small army, could not hope for success, against the combined rebel forces. General Steele then pushed for Camden, which he reached on the 15th instant.
In this expedition, the enemy was first met on the tenth day's march, and near Terra Noir Creek, some four miles south of where General Steele had camped the night before. On the morning of the 2d of April, the day in question, Colonel Benton, with his regiment and two pieces of artillery, was assigned the perilous position of rear-guard to the supply- and transportation-train, consisting of about four hundred and fifty wagons. The day before the enemy's scouts had been frequently seen; and it was known that the rebel General Shelby, with ten thousand cavalry, was in the neighborhood. Steele's main force, and a large portion of the train had already crossed the creek, when Shelby first made his appearance. Colonel Benton, having himself disposed his forces, was barely in time to anticipate the dash of the gallant rascal, who, believing the entire train at his mercy, came on with the greatest celerity. Finding himself foiled, Shelby, after a spirited little contest, retired, and Colonel Benton, resuming the march, hurried up to the train. But after crossing the creek, he was again attacked by the enemy's skirmishers, who, from this point to three miles south of the creek, continued to harass his rear. Having now reached a commanding ridge, Colonel Benton halted his command in line of battle, and engaged the enemy for over an hour, and until he was reinforced by the 50th Indiana, brought back by General S. A. Rice.
The history of that entire day's march is but a repetition of the above, with the exception that the forces engaged on both sides were being constantly reinforced. Late in the afternoon and near where General Steele had left the Washington road, Shelby was joined by Cabell, and Colonel Benton by the 9th Wisconsin Infantry. Here another engagement followed, when the enemy, being again repulsed, retired for the night. On the morning of the 4th of April, the battle of Elkin's Ford, on the Little Missouri River, was fought. Colonel Benton, although under fire with his regiment, was not engaged. The march through Prairie de Anne was attended by a series of skirmishes and engagements; though none of them were bitterly contested. Jenkin's Ferry on the Saline River was the great battle of the campaign, and there Colonel Benton and his regiment most distinguished themselves.
Steele occupied Camden from the evening of the 15th to the night of the 26th of April, and then left on the return to Little Rock. During all this time, the enemy had been devising plans for his capture. Before he left they had sufficient forces to attack and defeat him at Camden, but this they did not do; for their object was the capture of his army; and so confident were they of the success of their plans that, a rebel officer offered to wager large sums of money that General Steele would not see Little Rock, except as a prisoner of war. Had the rebel General Maxey, with his five thousand men, been purposely less vigilant in watching Steele at Camden, their schemes might have ripened into success; for Steele might have maintained himself by foraging several days longer, but this Maxey would not allow: he would pounce on every foraging party sent out, thus compelling Steele to rely on his supply-trains from Pine Bluff. When the last train sent back was captured with its escort, he, of course, could do nothing but retire. The last Federal troops left Camden just before mid-night of the 26th of April, taking the road via Princeton and Jenkin's Ferry.
On the evening of the 28th of April, the retreating army encamped at Princeton, sixteen miles south of the ferry. The march was resumed early on the following morning, and proceeded unmolested till some ten miles out from camp, when, in the midst of a most terrific thunder-storm, the rear-guard was opened on by the enemy's artillery. Price and Kirby Smith had come up by forced marches, having crossed the Washita some twenty-five miles below Camden; and from this point, till Steele's advance reached the ferry, they continued to harass his rear. A pontoon-bridge had to be constructed, which, with the swollen waters of the river and the black darkness of the night, was well-nigh impracticable. There were also other difficulties to overcome, but these will be mentioned elsewhere.
With all these obstacles to overcome, only the artillery and Carr's Division of Cavalry were able to reach the north bank of the Saline before day-light broke. It would have been impossible, had there been more time, to cross the train; for the wagons were all sunk to their axles in miry quick-sands. The whole bottom was a vast mud-bed, and nearly the entire train and stores had to be burned. How the artillery was crossed I can not understand. In the meantime the enemy had made their dispositions, and were advancing to the attack. Carr was at once dispatched with his cavalry to Little Rock, while the infantry halted to fight the battle of Saline River. I should state that a portion of the infantry was sent over the river to guard the artillery. Only about five thousand were left on the south bank.
The battle opened at day-light and on the part of the enemy with artillery. His force was not less than ten thousand — two rebels to one Federal, and the Federals had no artillery. Further particulars of this engagement will be found in the sketch of the late gallant General Rice, who was in command of our forces, and who received a wound, from the effects of which he died not long after.
The 29th Iowa held the right of the line of battle, and half-knee deep in mud and water fought with the most determined bravery from the beginning to the end of the engagement. The gallant charge, which captured the enemy's artillery (the only artillery on the ground) was made by this regiment in connection with the 2d Kansas (colored). One hundred and eight in killed and wounded was the list of casualties of this noble regiment. The colonel escaped uninjured, though his horse was shot dead under him.
Returning to Little Rock with the balance of the forces, the 29th Iowa went into camp where it remained for nearly a year. In February, 1865, it was ordered to New Orleans, where it was attached to the forces of General Canby. Its last services were, in aiding to reduce the strong forts that defended Mobile. The particular part that it acted, I have been unable to learn.
Colonel Benton received his commission as brevet brigadier-general, while stationed with his command at Mobile Point, Alabama, and just before the forces marched from that place, against Spanish Fort. The rank is only complimentary: in justice, his commission should have made him a full brigadier.
General Benton is six feet in hight, and has a well-formed person. He has dark brown hair, a light complexion, and mild, blue eyes. He lacks the dignity and majesty that characterized his late distinguished uncle. Like his uncle, however, he has large self-esteem, and full confidence in his ability. If he wants any thing, he asks for it directly, and not through another; and, if he has done any thing, he does not affect modesty and refuse to let it be known.
In religion, General Benton is a Methodist, and in politics, an ardent Republican. He was formerly a Democrat, but left that party in 1860.
His military record is not a glaring one: indeed, there have been few brilliant ones made in the department where he has chiefly served. But no officer in the army has a more honorable record than he. Great confidence has always been placed in him by his superior officers. After General Steele had lost a great portion of his train near Camden, his chief hope of relief was in the safe escort of a provision-train of one hundred and ninety wagons, forty miles out on the Pine Bluff road, and in charge of a few convalescents, under Colonel Mackey, of the 33d Iowa. The responsible and dangerous duty of bringing this train through in safety was assigned to Colonel Benton, with a force consisting of only two regiments of infantry, four pieces of artillery, and a small squadron of cavalry.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 445-52
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Brigadier General J. I. Gilbert
James I. Gilbert is one of Iowa's best officers. He is a native of Kentucky, and was born about the year 1824. At the time of entering the service, in the summer of 1862, he was a resident of Lansing, Iowa, where he had lived for about ten years. In Lansing, he has been commission merchant, dealer in general merchandise, produce dealer, and lumber merchant. At the time, or just before entering the service, he was the proprietor of a livery stable, and a dealer in real estate. He was commissioned colonel of the 27th Iowa on the 10th day of August, 1862, and served without special distinction till he joined General A. J. Smith on the Red River Campaign, in the spring of 1864. His gallant conduct at Fort De Russy, and through the whole campaign, and also before Nashville nearly a year later, secured his promotion to a general officer.
The 27th Iowa, which was rendezvoused in the city of Dubuque in the months of August and September, 1862, was made up of "the overplus of companies over the 21st regiment in the northern part of the State." In the early part of October, Colonel Gilbert, with six companies of his regiment, was assigned as an escort to guard a pay-master and train from Fort Snelling to Mille Lacs. The balance of the regiment, under Major Howard, remained at the fort. Early in November, Colonel Gilbert returned to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and soon proceeded to Memphis, via Cairo, Illinois. Major George W. Howard with the balance of the regiment had already proceeded to that point. He reached Memphis on the 20th of November, and one week later joined Sherman in his march from that place to the Tallahatchie, below Waterford. It will be remembered that this movement was made in conjunction with that of General Grant through Central Mississippi, against Vicksburg. The 27th Iowa marched only as far south as College Hill, near Oxford. "The regiment was then ordered to Waterford, Mississippi, and thence to the Tallahatchie River, where it first commenced its work as railroad guards."
When Van Dorn attacked and captured Holly Springs, the 27th Iowa, with other troops, was hurried to that vicinity; but the wily rebel having destroyed the immense Federal supplies, made his escape. The march was then continued northward, for the purpose of meeting and, if possible, of capturing Forest, who was at the same time making his raid on the Jackson and Columbus Railroad. The 27th arrived at Jackson on the 30th of December, and the next day or night, Forest's defeat at Parker's Cross Roads and subsequent flight having been, learned, was marched by a circuitous rout to Clifton. The raiders however escaped. It was this raid of Forest, it will be remembered, that so frightened General Davies at Columbus, and caused him to order the destruction of government property at Island No. 10. The march from Jackson to Clifton was the first fatiguing one the 27th Iowa had yet made. More than one man of the regiment wished that night that he had never entered the army.
From December, 1862, until the following August, the regiment served in Southern Tennessee. It was stationed a principal portion of the time on the Jackson and Columbus Railroad, with head-quarters at Jackson.
On the abandonment of Jackson and the railroad through to Columbus, in the fore part of June, 1863, Colonel Gilbert was ordered down to Moscow, where he remained with his regiment till the 20th of the following August, guarding the railroad. But after the fall of Vicksburg, and the defeat of General Johnson's army at Jackson, Mississippi, the 27th with its brigade was ordered to report to General Steele, who was then about starting on the Little Rock Campaign. The brigade, composed of the 49th and 62d Illinois, the 27th Iowa and 50th Indiana, and commanded by Colonel J. M. True, of the 62d Illinois, arrived at Helena, after the forces of General Steele had left; but immediately starting in pursuit, Colonel True succeeded in uniting with Steele in time to enter Little Rock with the main army. With the routine of camp-life and picket duty, the months of September and October were passed at Little Bock, when, under orders from General Steele, Colonel Gilbert reported back to Memphis in command of his own regiment and the 49th Illinois. At Memphis a portion of the 27th was assigned to duty at the Navy Yard, and the balance put on picket-duty in rear of the city.
Up to this time, the 27th Iowa, as a regiment, had never met the enemy in battle; but the time was now near at hand when it would afford new proof of the intrepidity of Iowa soldiers. The regiment left Memphis for Vicksburg on the 28th of July, 1864, whence, a week later, it left with General Sherman on the celebrated march to Meridian.
At Memphis and just before leaving for Vicksburg, the 27th Iowa was brigaded with the 14th and 32d Iowa, and the 24th Missouri. These troops constituted the 2d Brigade of the 3d Division, 16th Army Corps, which afterward, under command of Colonel William T. Shaw of the 14th, so distinguished itself in the Red River Expedition of General Banks. In the Meridian march, it should be stated that the 27th Iowa went some six miles further east than any other troops of Sherman's command, and in this advanced position captured several prisoners.
The plan for the Red River Campaign had already been matured, on the return of General Sherman to Vicksburg; and on the evening of the 10th of April, 1864, General A. J. Smith left with his expeditionary army for the mouth of Red River, where he arrived on the evening following. The fleet of Admiral Porter arriving that same evening, the expedition, on the morning of the 12th instant, sailed up the river, and in the afternoon arrived at Simmsport, where the infantry forces disembarked. From this point, General Smith marched with his command across the country to the rear of Fort De Russey, while Porter, with his gun-boat fleet, proceeded up the river. Near Simmsport a small body of the enemy's cavalry made their appearance; but they offered no resistance to the advance; and on the evening of the second day the fort was invested. Porter in the meantime had come up with his fleet, but for some reason took no part in the engagement which followed. I have been told that it was the crookedness of the river at this point, together with certain obstructions, that prevented him from operating with the land forces.
Fort De Russey, a formidable earth-work of the enemy on the south-west side of Red River, and some four miles above the town of Marksville, was built on a high point of land, about one hundred paces back from the river, but connected with it by rifle-pits. On the south-west bank of the river, was a six-gun water-battery. The Fort proper mounted but four guns: two six-pounders commanded the open country south-west of the Fort; and two thirty-two pounders covered the Marksville road and the approaches to the south-east. On the north-west side of the fort was dense timber and impassable swamps.
On the 14th day of March, the day of the capture of Fort De Russey, the 27th Iowa led the advance. Marksville, which is some thirty miles distant from Simmsport, was reached at four o'clock in the afternoon; and at this point Colonel Gilbert was ordered to halt his regiment to prevent straggling in the town. He was kept in this position till all the troops had passed, and until the dispositions for the attack had been nearly completed. The 27th as a regiment had not yet been under fire, and, jealous of his own reputation and that of his command, Colonel Gilbert dispatched his adjutant to Colonel Shaw, with this request: "If there is to be any fighting we want to have a hand in it." An order was finally returned for him to bring his regiment forward; and he moved up and took position on the extreme right of the assaulting forces. Two entire brigades charged on the fort, and Colonel Shaw's held the right. The line of battle was semi-circular, and, on the right, was formed in the edge of timber and some two hundred and fifty yards distant from the fort.
In front of the 2d Brigade (Colonel Shaw's) was a ravine, running nearly parallel with the enemy's defenses; but, before this could be reached, the entire line must pass under a severe musketry-fire from the fort and the adjacent rifle-pits. After the reconnoissance had been completed, during which time the fire from the fort had been responded to by the 3d Indiana Battery, a general charge was ordered, when Colonel Gilbert, drawing his sword and stepping to the front of his regiment, said: "Boys, come on." "From that moment," said a member of his regiment to me, "we knew he had the true grit." He was one of the first officers, if not the very first, to enter the enemy's works. If this was not a sanguinary affair, it was a brilliant one, and augured well for the success of the future expedition. The number of casualties of the 27th Iowa, in this engagement, I have failed to learn.
It should be borne in mind that General Banks had not yet come up from Franklin, Louisiana; nor did he come up till a week after the capture of Alexandria; so that the credit incident to the capture of Fort De Russey belongs solely to General Smith and the troops of his command. On the morning of the 15th instant, the 3d Division, having re-embarked on the fleet, moved up to Alexandria, and that same evening the place was entered without opposition. Here General Smith remained till the arrival of General Banks with his command, consisting of portions of the 13th and 19th Army Corps.
From this point, General Banks marched through the country via Natchitoches to Grand Ecore; but Smith, moving up to the head of the rapids, above Alexandria, re-embarked and sailed up the river, arriving at Grand Ecore at about the same time as did General Banks. On the 5th of April, General Banks marched for Shreveport by way of the Mansfield road, and two days later was followed by the command of General Smith; but the advance was soon to be turned into a retreat; and neither the forces of Banks nor Smith were destined to see even Mansfield. No considerable resistance was made to the advance till near Natchitoches, and, to beat this back, no troops were required but the cavalry; but beyond Pleasant Hill, and about thirty miles distant from Natchitoches, the enemy showed so much resistance that it became necessary to send forward a brigade of infantry.
The battle of Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads was fought on the afternoon of the 8th of April, 1864, and that of Pleasant Hill on the morning and evening of the 9th. The last was the one in which the 14th, 27th and 32d Iowa regiments so distinguished themselves. These troops, together with the 24th Missouri, I believe impartial history will say, saved the army of General Banks from disorganization and capture; for they were the only troops that maintained their position throughout that terrible day — I mean, of course, of those whose position was in the front. If this be not so, how was it that their losses, in killed, wounded and missing, numbered nearly, if not quite two-thirds of the casualties in Banks' entire army? The position held by the 27th in this engagement was the left centre of its brigade. On its right was the 14th Iowa, and on its left the 32d. Its right rested near the Pleasant Hill and Mansfield road.
The conduct of Colonel Gilbert in this engagement, as at Fort De Russey, was gallant in the extreme. Through the anxious hours that intervened between the first attack in the morning and the final fierce assaults of the enemy in the afternoon, he was never idle, but talked with and cheered his men. Skirmishing all this time was going on; and every moment closed with the assurance that the next would open the fierce encounter. When the conflict finally did open, he stood firm and confident, using, when occasion offered and his duties would permit, a musket against the advancing enemy. Indeed, the colonel was wounded in this engagement, while in the act of shooting a rebel officer. Many brave officers and men of the 27th Iowa were left among the killed and wounded: their names I have failed to learn. One I know — Sergeant George W. Griswold, a brave and faithful soldier. He was wounded severely in the face, and left in hospital within the enemy's lines.
A history of Banks' Expedition after his unplucked victory at Pleasant Hill will be found elsewhere. In the fatiguing and harassing retreat to Simmsport, Smith's Division covered the rear of Banks' army.
Subsequently to the Red River Campaign, there has been little rest for the 27th Iowa Infantry. It joined its division in driving Price from Missouri; was with A. J. Smith at Nashville, and fought in those terrible battles that closed only with the destruction of General Hood's army; and, lastly, was with Its old white-headed general before Blakely, where it led a portion of the charging column that carried so brilliantly the strong-hold. Now it has marched with its division into the interior of Alabama; but it will probably see no more fighting.
After the battle of Nashville, Colonel Gilbert was made a brigadier-general. Since that time, he has been in command of a brigade. He is one of the most popular officers in his division.
Colonel Gilbert is six feet and one inch in hight, and has a broad chest, and an erect and tapering form. His hair, eyes and complexion are dark. He has a heavy voice, and is an energetic talker. At home and among his acquaintances, he is "noted for his love of a fine horse and riding out-fit. He thinks much of style in appearance."
He is quick and active in his motions, and, in civil life, was accustomed to decide the most important business transactions in a moment. His opinions, of which he is very positive, he is always ready to back with a bet; and his losses, of which he rarely has any, he pays promptly. As a business man, he was not considered very fortunate, though he was never placed in a position which prevented him from paying all legal demands against him. Like several other Iowa officers, he is better adapted to the profession of arms than to any other calling. I should not omit to state that, of the Iowa generals, General Gilbert is the finest equestrian the State can boast, not even excepting General Frederick Steele.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 421-8