Showing posts with label 3rd IN ART. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd IN ART. Show all posts

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 174. Report of Capt. John W. Lowell, Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 174.

Report of Capt. John W. Lowell, Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

In the Field, near Columbia, Tenn., December 21, 1864.

SIR: As acting chief of artillery of the Second Division, I respectfully submit the following report of the part taken by the batteries of this command during the actions of the 15th and 16th instant near Nashville, Tenn.:

I was in command of my battery until 2 p.m. of the 15th, when the general commanding ordered me to act as chief of artillery of the division. At this time Battery G, Second Illinois Artillery, was stationed near the brick house, to the left and front of the Third Brigade, in a much exposed position, but its six guns working with rapidity and effect upon the batteries of the enemy, one of which was in front of the left of the division. The Ninth Indiana Battery had two Rodman guns directly in rear of the Third Brigade, and seemed to be doing effective work for long range. The Third Indiana Battery, being in rear of the Second Brigade (which was to the left of the point where the Fourth Corps intersected our line at right angles), was not readily found by me, and did not get within the range of the enemy's works until the final charge was made and the works carried. Following the movements of its brigade again it was not inside the enemy's works in sufficient time to shell the retreating enemy, and consequently did not fire a shot during the day. I wish to call the attention of the general commanding to this fact, not to blame any one, but to suggest that had it not been for the notion of batteries adhering to and operating with brigades, this excellent battery might have been doing great damage to the rebels instead of remaining perfectly idle. At about 3.30 p.m., the infantry having been moved to a more advanced position, I secured a more advantageous position for Batteries Ninth Indiana and G, Second Illinois, massing their ten guns in the open field, in front of and from 800 to 1,000 yards from the rebel batteries, which were soon effectually silenced. As soon as the division entered the enemy's works, the batteries followed, and encamped with their brigades about 1,000 yards in rear of the captured works. During the progress of this afternoon's fight I went up to our skirmish line to ascertain, by the aid of my field-glass, the exact position of the enemy's lines and batteries. I passed around to the left where the Fourth Corps intersected with the Second Division. I saw the position of both lines, and was witness to the charge by part of the Second Division. I know what parts of the rebel works were in their front, and what they first entered, and in behalf of the batteries I claim their share of the rightful honor belonging to the Second Division of capturing three of the enemy's cannon.

On the morning of the 16th, by my direction, Battery G, Second Illinois, drew out to the road one caisson and one gun, which the enemy had attempted to drag off the field, the other two guns being left where they were captured, being near the pike. As the division advanced to the enemy's second line of works, Battery Third Indiana, being with the Second Brigade on the right of the line, was first brought into action. Up to 12 m. it held its first position to the right and rear of the Second Brigade, doing excellent work, silencing one battery and assisting to silence two others. Battery Ninth Indiana came next into position to the left of Third Battery; G, Second Illinois, came last into battery, securing a good position near the white house, within 800 yards of one of the rebel batteries. Later in the day the whole of the sixteen guns of the division were (by order of the general commanding) massed at this point, and held nearly the same position until the close of the action.

It has never before been my fortune to witness so accurate and effective artillery firing as was exhibited by our batteries from this point. The enemy had four batteries, with an aggregate of seventeen guns, bearing upon our three batteries, and yet so terribly effective was our fire that the rebel cannoneers could not be induced to work their guns, and three of their four batteries remained silent most of the day. Captain Edwards, commissary of subsistence, Second Division, informs me that the rebel Major-General Johnson, who was captured near the five-gun battery, directly in our front, said that our artillery firing was the most scientific he ever witnessed. A sergeant of this same rebel battery (who was captured) told me that his battery lost that day twenty-seven men killed and wounded by our shells; his battery also lost twenty-three artillery horses from same cause. In the final charge our batteries did everything in their power to keep the rebel batteries silent, in which they, to a great extent, succeeded, thereby saving the lives of many of the brave officers and men of our division. I saw this charge, and am witness to the fact that the First and Third Brigades captured 15 pieces of the enemy's artillery, and if, as I am informed by undoubted authority, the Second Brigade captured 4 guns, it makes a total of 19 pieces of cannon captured from the enemy by our division as a part of the share of the Second Division in the glorious results of this day.

On the evening of the 16th and morning of the 17th, by my direction, Batteries Ninth Indiana and G, Second Illinois, drew out and parked 11 guns and 7 caissons, captured by the First and Third Brigades, but I found 4 of the guns captured by the First Brigade in the possession of the guards from the Fourth Corps, who refused to surrender them to me.

I respectfully submit to the general commanding that the conduct of both officers and men of the three batteries of the division was most excellent, and I earnestly bespeak for them his favorable mention. When all did so well, I will not attempt to designate single individuals.

I wish to call particular attention to the fact that during both days' battle there was a great lack in the supply of ammunition. On the 16th from two to four guns were almost constantly idle on this account, and such was the case when the final charge was made, when every gun should have been used to keep silent the batteries of the enemy. There was a great fault committed by some one, but whom I am unable to say.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,
JOHN W. LOWELL,            
Captain Battery G, Second Illinois Light Artillery,
Acting Chief of Artillery, Second Div., Detach. Army of the Tenn.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 497-8

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 168. Report of Lieut. Thomas J. Ginn, Third Battery Indiana Light Artillery, of operations December 15-16, 1864.

No. 168.

Report of Lieut. Thomas J. Ginn, Third Battery Indiana Light Artillery,
of operations December 15-16, 1864.

In the Field, Tenn., December 21, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my command in the battles with the enemy, December 15 and 16, near Nashville, Tenn.:

At 6 a.m. December 15 I was ordered by Col. James I. Gilbert, commanding brigade, to move with my command outside of the earthworks and take a position in line of battle with the Second Brigade, Second Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee. I kept my position and advanced with the brigade, but took no part in the action of the day for want of a suitable position. I bivouacked in line of battle, with the brigade, at 7 p.m., some two miles outside of the line of defensive works encircling the city.

On the morning of the 16th of December my command began to advance with the line and Second Brigade, Second Division, about 8 a.m. After advancing about a mile the enemy began to shell me from a covered position at a distance of over a mile. I immediately moved my battery into position at a double-quick, by order of Colonel Gilbert, commanding Second Brigade, and opened fire upon the enemy's battery, from an open field, at a distance of three-quarters of a mile, and continued firing rapidly until my ammunition (excepting canister) was entirely exhausted. About 1 p.m., having received a fresh supply of ammunition, I received orders from Brigadier-General Garrard, commanding Second Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, to move my battery about 400 yards farther to the left and immediately on the left of the Ninth Indiana Battery, where we expended about sixty rounds of ammunition. I was next ordered by Captain Lowell, chief of artillery Second Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, to take a position about 100 yards to the right of my last position and immediately on the right of Battery G, Second Illinois Artillery, where we expended about sixty rounds of ammunition upon the rebel battery directly in our front. From thence we were ordered by Major-General Smith to a position on the left of the Second Brigade, Second Division, and opened fire with three guns upon the battery just to the left of the Granny White pike, and with the remaining three upon the rebel battery in front of the Third Brigade, Second Division, and continued our fire, from a very much exposed position, until about 3.30 p.m., when the final charge by our infantry was made which resulted in the silencing of the rebel batteries.

The only casualty I have to report is the wounding of a noncommissioned officer very slightly.

The total number of rounds fired by my battery during the day is 923 shell, case, and solid shot.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
T. J. GINN,                
First Lieutenant, Third Indiana Battery, Commanding Company.
Lieut. W. G. DONNAN,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 489-90

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 163. Reports of Col. James L Gilbert, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations December 15-16, 1864, and January 9, 1865.

No. 163.

Reports of Col. James L Gilbert, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, commanding Second Brigade,
of operations December 15-16, 1864, and January 9, 1865.

In the Field, Tenn., December 20, 1864.

LIEUTENANT: In relation to the part taken by my brigade in the late battles with the enemy near Nashville, Tenn., on the 15th and 16th of December, 1864, I have the honor to make the following report:

My command was comprised as follows: The Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, 477 effective force, Lieut. Col. Jed Lake commanding; the Thirty-second Iowa Volunteer Infantry, 362 effective force, Lieut. Col. G. A. Eberhart commanding; the Fifty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 331 effective force, Maj. R. W. Healy commanding; the Tenth Kansas Veteran Volunteer Infantry, 187 effective force, Capt. W. C. Jones commanding; the Third Indiana Battery, six guns, 114 effective force, First Lieut. Thomas J. Ginn commanding.

In compliance with orders from General Garrard, commanding Second Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, I had my command in readiness to move at daylight on the morning of the 15th instant. About 7 a.m. I moved the brigade outside the line of intrenchments encircling the city and formed the regiments of infantry in column by division, sending out the Tenth Kansas with one company of the Twenty-seventh Iowa, Company B, as skirmishers, to cover the entire front of the brigade. Soon afterward I received orders to form in line of battle and advance, governing my movement by that of the troops upon my right, guiding, however, to the left. I immediately deployed into line in the following order: The Thirty-second Iowa on the right, the Fifty-eighth Illinois in the center, the Twenty-seventh Iowa on the left, the battery following closely in the rear, my left resting near the right of the Fourth Army Corps We had advanced but a short distance when brisk skirmishing commenced. Our skirmishers were checked only a few minutes, however, and soon drove the enemy from his sheltered skirmish line back upon his reserves, and yet steadily back to within 400 yards of a strongly intrenched position. Here they were checked, but, being re-enforced, again advanced to within 200 yards of the rebel works, driving the enemy inside, and, finding good shelter behind trees and stumps, held this position until the main line was ready to charge, all the while doing excellent service in sharp-shooting the gunners of a rebel battery in their immediate front. The approach of my command toward the rebel works was necessarily very slow, as it was nearest the pivot upon which the whole right wing of the army swung around upon the enemy's left flank. Heavy cannonading from the enemy occurred at times during the advance, but owing to the thick timber in front he tailed to get range so as to do me material damage. About 4 p.m., the main line having arrived close upon the left of the enemy's works, my skirmishers were relieved and reported to the command, when I received orders to move by the right flank to the rear of the First and in support of the Third Brigade, now ready to charge the works. I immediately executed the order in quick time, but had little more than reached the position assigned me when I heard the shouts of victory and saw several hundred prisoners passed to the rear. I was soon afterward ordered to move half a mile to the right and form my command upon the right of the First Brigade, when, as it was now dark, I was ordered to rest for the night.

My casualties on this day did not exceed twenty, nearly all of which were in the Tenth Kansas Veteran Volunteer Infantry, and I cannot close the report of the day without justly complimenting this regiment and Company B, Twenty-seventh Iowa Volunteer Infantry, for excellent performance of skirmish duty.

On the morning of the 16th, just after daylight, I received orders to form my command in line of battle, my right resting near the left of the First Division, my brigade constituting the right of the Second Division. I at once formed as directed, in the following order, sending out five companies of the Fifty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, under command of Captain Kittel, as skirmishers: The Thirty-second Iowa on the right, the Twenty-seventh Iowa the right center, the Fifty-eighth Illinois left center, and the Tenth Kansas on the left, which last-named regiment was soon afterward posted as a reserve, and so held throughout the day; the Third Indiana Battery again followed the movements of the command. About 7.30 o'clock, conforming to the movement of the line upon my right, I moved the brigade forward nearly the distance of half a mile through an open corn-field, partially wheeling to the right. Having reached the Granny White pike I moved some 500 or 600 yards by the right flank upon the pike, when I again moved forward, still advancing my left faster than my right, over another open corn-field, where the enemy opened upon us a severe fire from a battery within their line of works, some 1,000 yards distant. The command moved in quick time, but with much coolness, until I had passed a little ravine, crossed a brook, and reached the brow of a hill in front, sheltered by trees, where I ordered the command to halt. I had occupied this position but a few minutes when I heard heavy musketry and saw a sudden changing of troops upon my right. Fearing that it might possibly be the line giving way I immediately ordered my command to recross the brook and then halt, whilst I rode up on an adjacent hill in order to discern the precise nature of the movements upon the right. Perceiving that the First Division was contracting in order to double its lines, I hastened back, and, under brisk artillery fire, moved the command by the right flank, breaking considerably to the rear, following a little ravine which, fortunately, ran nearly parallel to the enemy's line of works, until my right again rested near the First Division. I now ordered the command to lie down, where it remained for several hours, almost entirely safe from the missiles of the enemy, although the firing was severe and we lay within 400 or 500 [yards] of his line of works. At some distance to our right the enemy's fortified line ascended a hill. From this point his sharpshooters, having full view of my line, made frequent attempts to reach it. One of their bullets passed very close to two of my staff officers, and killed a horse belonging to Major Hutchison, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry. In the meantime my battery, which had failed on the previous day to get into action on account of the impossibility of procuring a suitable position, had followed the movements of the brigade until the infantry advanced from the Granny White pike. It was at this time that the enemy opened a heavy fire from a covered position. I immediately ordered Lieutenant Ginn into position at double-quick, on a rise of ground in the open corn-field, from which position he opened a rapid fire upon the enemy, which was continued until his ammunition (canister excepted) was wholly exhausted. About 1 p.m., having received a fresh supply of ammunition, Lieutenant Ginn was ordered some 400 yards to the left, where he expended some sixty rounds of ammunition. He was then ordered by Captain Lowell, chief of artillery Second Division, some 100 yards to the right, where he expended sixty additional rounds upon a rebel battery immediately in his front. Thence Lieutenant Ginn was ordered by Major-General Smith to the left of my brigade. From this position he continued fire with three guns upon the battery in my front, and the other three upon a battery in front of the Third Brigade, until the final charge was made. Throughout the day the battery did good service, and, although most of the time in an exposed position, its firing was rapid, accurate, and effective, expending 923 rounds of ammunition during the action.

A few minutes before 4 p.m., everything being in readiness, General Garrard's order was received to charge the enemy's works. The order was instantly given to my command and as instantly obeyed. From right to left my entire infantry command sprang to their feet, raised the crest of the little hill in front, gave a wild hurrah, and pressed directly forward. Notwithstanding a severe fire of musketry, grape, and canister, which, but for the fact that it was delivered too high, must have terribly torn my ranks, the whole line pressed eagerly on. As we passed the skirmish line, Captain Kittel, Fifty-eighth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, with admirable skill, collected his skirmishers on the run and joined in the charge. The rebels were seen to leave their rifle-pits and rush back over the works, and when within fifty paces of their line, a last volley of musketry, grape, and canister was poured upon my line, but it also passed almost harmless through the air over our heads. In a few minutes more the whole command had reached and passed the enemy's intrenchments, killing and capturing some of the artillerists at the guns, whilst the main line of the rebels ran in every direction. Five cannon were passed by my brigade, but, by my directions, were left without a guard, and the whole command ordered forward in pursuit of the enemy. Prisoners were taken singly and in squads numbering as high as thirty, most of whom were simply disarmed and ordered to the rear, which seemed very much in accordance with their desire. The command pressed on to the foot of and some distance up the base of the mountain, where I was ordered to halt. From the heights above, Captain Harris, Thirty-sixth Mississippi, hung out the white flag, and, with a few men yet with him, came down and were passed to the rear. Regimental commanders report not less than 150 prisoners taken in the pursuit. William May,1 a private of Captain Benson's company (H), Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, as we approached the works, dashed forward and captured the battery guidon, which is now in my hands. Several of the official papers of the battery were also captured, showing it to have been A. Bouanchaud's. I am thus explicit in relation to the capture of the five guns, as I have been informed that they were claimed by some other command, which drew off the guns long after my brave men had captured and passed them in pursuit of the enemy.

The Tenth Kansas occupied the crest of the mountain as picket, and my command bivouacked for the night at its base, whence on the morning of the 17th it set out with the division in pursuit of the whipped, demoralized, and routed enemy.

Regimental commanders report excellent conduct on the part of both officers and men of their respective commands, which, as far as my observation extended, I do most heartily indorse and confirm.

Lieutenant-Colonel Eberhart, commanding Thirty-second Iowa, in his official report, compliments Theodore De Tar, captain Company D, severely wounded, and Lieut. W. L. Carpenter, acting regimental adjutant, for brave conduct; also, Color-Sergt. A. J. Ellis and Corporal Bell, both of Company G, for bravery in action.

The greatest gallantry was displayed on the part of my staff officers — Lieutenants Donnan, McLean, and Eisenhart. Fearless of danger, they were in the thickest of the fight, from beginning to end, rendering great assistance throughout the entire two days.

My casualties throughout the battles are comparatively very light, numbering sixty-three, many of which are but slight wounds, as will be seen by a list of the same herewith inclosed.*

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,
 JAMES I. GILBERT,                       
 Colonel Twenty-seventh Iowa, Commanding Brigade.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Eastport, Miss., January 9, 1865.

LIEUTENANT: In relation to the reconnaissance made to-day by my command toward Iuka, I have the honor to report:

In compliance with orders from General Garrard, commanding Second Division, I moved the infantry and one section of the battery of my command at 7 a.m. January 9, 1865, out on the Iuka road. I proceeded some four miles without molestation, when my advance was fired upon by the pickets or scouts of the enemy. After exchanging a few shots they fled, turning off on the Bear Creek road, some mile and a half this side of Iuka. I advanced without further trouble, entering the village about 10 a.m., capturing one prisoner, who claimed to be a commissary sergeant of Roddey's command; that he was on duty at Corinth and came to Iuka on a visit. Some of the citizens report Forrest's command in camp a few miles west from Iuka, and Hood at Corinth, but the greater number claim that Hood has gone south from Corinth. Stewart's infantry was the last to pass through Iuka on last Thursday. The opinion seems to prevail that a part, at least, of Forrest's command is on the opposite or south side of Bear Creek. I think there is no doubt that Hood's command is moving south from Corinth as speedily as possible. After allowing the men time to make coffee, I returned, without the slightest interference, to camp, arriving about 3 p.m.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
JAMES I. GILBERT,            
Colonel Twenty-seventh Iowa, Commanding Brigade.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.


In the Field, Tenn., December 28, 1864.

Statement of William May, private Company H, Thirty-second Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, to James I. Gilbert, colonel Twenty-seventh Iowa, commanding Second Brigade, in relation to trophies captured in the battle near Nashville, Tenn.:

On the 16th of December, when the Second Brigade, Second Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, was ordered to charge the enemy's works, as my regiment, Thirty-second Iowa Volunteer Infantry, which was on the right of the brigade, approached the earth-works, I saw this rebel battery flag with the guns, and ran ahead of the regiment, over the works, and took it out of a rebel's hands. In a valise close by I found some brass buttons, manufactured at Montgomery, Ala., with letter B, German text; also a captain's artillery shoulder-strap, and some papers, invoices of ordnance stores, &c., showing the battery to have been A. Bouanchaud's. The flag is about four feet square, of crimson bunting, with yellow fringe, with a diagonal cross, blue, upon which are thirteen silken white stars.

I have the honor to be, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

JAMES I. GILBERT,            
Colonel Twenty-seventh Iowa, Commanding Brigade.

1 Awarded a Medal of Honor.
* Embodied in table, p.101

SOURCE: The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Series I, Volume 45, Part 1 (Serial No. 93), p. 480-4

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

3rd Indiana Independent Battery Light Artillery

Organized at Connersville, Ind., and mustered in at Indianapolis, Ind., August 24, 1861. Moved to St. Louis, Mo., September. Attached to Fremont's Army of the West and Dept. of the Missouri to February, 1862. Jefferson City, Mo., Dept. of Missouri, to March, 1862. Central District of Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to February, 1863. District of Southwest Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. District of Rolla, Mo.; Department of Missouri, to July, 1863. District of St. Louis, Mo., Department of Missouri, to January, 1864. Artillery, 3rd Division, 16th Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, to December, 1864. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Detachment Army of the Tennessee, Dept. of the Cumberland, to February, 1865. Artillery, 1st Division, 16th Army Corps (New), Military Division West Mississippi, to August, 1865.

SERVICE.--Fremont's advance on Springfield, Mo., September 23-November 2, 1861. Duty at Tipton and LaMine, Mo., till February, 1862. Duty at Jefferson City, Mo., till November, 1862. Expedition in Moniteau County and Skirmish March 25-28. Campaign against Porter's and Poindexter's guerrillas July 20-September 10. Actions at Moore's Mills July 28; Kirkesville August 6; near Stockton August 9; Lone Jack August 16. Duty at Springfield, Rolla and St. Louis, Mo., November, 1862, to. December, 1863. Reenlisted November 30, 1863. Moved to Columbus, Ky. Smith's Campaign in Western Tennessee against Forest December 20-26. Moved to Vicksburg, Miss., January 23, 1864. Meridian Campaign February 3-March 2. Red River Campaign March 10-May 22. Fort DeRussy March 14. Occupation of Alexandria April 16. Battle of Pleasant Hill April 9. About Cloutiersville April 22-24. Cotile Landing April 25. Red River May 3-7. Retreat to Morganza May 13-20. Mansura May 16. Yellow Bayou May 18. Moved to Vicksburg May 19-24, thence to Memphis, Tenn., May 25-June 10. Old River Lake or Lake Chicot June 6. Smith's Expedition to Tupelo, Miss., July 5-21. Harrisburg, near Tupelo, July 14-15. Old Town (or Tishamingo Creek) July 15. Smith's Expedition to Oxford, Miss., August 1-30. Moved to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., September 8-19. Expedition to Do Soto September 20-October 1. March through Missouri in pursuit of Price October 2-November 19. Moved to Nashville, Tenn., November 25-December 1. Battle of Nashville December 15-16. Pursuit of Hood to the Tennessee River December 17-28. Moved to Eastport, Miss., and duty there till February, 1865. Expedition from Eastport to Iuka January 9, 1865. Moved to New Orleans, La., February 7-22. Campaign against Mobile and its defences March 17-April 12. Siege of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely March 26-April 8. Fort Blakely April 9. Capture of Mobile April 12. March to Montgomery April 13-25. Duty at Montgomery and Selma till July 30. Ordered home July 30, and mustered out at Indianapolis, Ind., August 21, 1865.

Battery lost during service 1 Officer and 10 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 18 Enlisted men by disease. Total 29.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1112

Monday, December 26, 2011

Skirmish In Moniteau

Two Citizens of Boone Killed.

From the Missouri Statesman, April 4th.

Learning there was a large rebel camp near the mouth of the Little Saline, in Moniteau county, and not far from Mount Vernon on the Missouri river, an expedition was projected against it from Jefferson city under Lieut. Col. Blood.  The column consisted of two companies of the Sixth Missouri Volunteers, Captains Rice’s and Ward’s companies of militia, and a section of the Third Indiana Battery under Lieut. Thomas.  In the afternoon of the 25th of March the column arrived within five miles of Mount Vernon; the location of the camp was learned and a report heard that it was over 300 strong.

Moving cautiously but rapidly forward, Lieut. Col. Blood soon was near a school-house understood to be the rendezvous of the rebels, when suddenly his command met a squad of nine, armed with double barreled shot guns, pistols and knives.  No sooner were they seen than the advance of the national troops charged upon them, whereupon the rebels ran for the brush and fired.

In the melee which ensued five of the rebels were killed, two mortally wounded (dying the same night,) and two taken prisoners, one whom was wounded in the hip.  Among the killed were Joseph Willis of this county, son of Rev. John M. Willis, three miles south of town on the Providence road, and Joseph Hall, a young man living near Rockbridge Mills, and a Mr. Fisher, of Callaway.  The remains of the former were buried at Bethany meeting house on Wednesday last.

After the skirmish Col. Blood ordered the command rapidly forward, intending to surround the school-house, but, (as the prisoners reported) there was no camp there.  Capt. Watson’s gang had left some days previous for Arkansas, by unfrequented roads, and though the woods.  The companies of Johnson, of Shelby, and Capt. Dick Spencer, of Boone, had also left for the same destination.

The school-house, and two others which had been used as a rebel rendezvous were burned.

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Friday Morning, April 11, 1862, p. 1

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Brigadier General J. I. Gilbert


James I. Gilbert is one of Iowa's best officers. He is a native of Kentucky, and was born about the year 1824. At the time of entering the service, in the summer of 1862, he was a resident of Lansing, Iowa, where he had lived for about ten years. In Lansing, he has been commission merchant, dealer in general merchandise, produce dealer, and lumber merchant. At the time, or just before entering the service, he was the proprietor of a livery stable, and a dealer in real estate. He was commissioned colonel of the 27th Iowa on the 10th day of August, 1862, and served without special distinction till he joined General A. J. Smith on the Red River Campaign, in the spring of 1864. His gallant conduct at Fort De Russy, and through the whole campaign, and also before Nashville nearly a year later, secured his promotion to a general officer.

The 27th Iowa, which was rendezvoused in the city of Dubuque in the months of August and September, 1862, was made up of "the overplus of companies over the 21st regiment in the northern part of the State." In the early part of October, Colonel Gilbert, with six companies of his regiment, was assigned as an escort to guard a pay-master and train from Fort Snelling to Mille Lacs. The balance of the regiment, under Major Howard, remained at the fort. Early in November, Colonel Gilbert returned to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, and soon proceeded to Memphis, via Cairo, Illinois. Major George W. Howard with the balance of the regiment had already proceeded to that point. He reached Memphis on the 20th of November, and one week later joined Sherman in his march from that place to the Tallahatchie, below Waterford. It will be remembered that this movement was made in conjunction with that of General Grant through Central Mississippi, against Vicksburg. The 27th Iowa marched only as far south as College Hill, near Oxford. "The regiment was then ordered to Waterford, Mississippi, and thence to the Tallahatchie River, where it first commenced its work as railroad guards."

When Van Dorn attacked and captured Holly Springs, the 27th Iowa, with other troops, was hurried to that vicinity; but the wily rebel having destroyed the immense Federal supplies, made his escape. The march was then continued northward, for the purpose of meeting and, if possible, of capturing Forest, who was at the same time making his raid on the Jackson and Columbus Railroad. The 27th arrived at Jackson on the 30th of December, and the next day or night, Forest's defeat at Parker's Cross Roads and subsequent flight having been, learned, was marched by a circuitous rout to Clifton. The raiders however escaped. It was this raid of Forest, it will be remembered, that so frightened General Davies at Columbus, and caused him to order the destruction of government property at Island No. 10. The march from Jackson to Clifton was the first fatiguing one the 27th Iowa had yet made. More than one man of the regiment wished that night that he had never entered the army.

From December, 1862, until the following August, the regiment served in Southern Tennessee. It was stationed a principal portion of the time on the Jackson and Columbus Railroad, with head-quarters at Jackson.

On the abandonment of Jackson and the railroad through to Columbus, in the fore part of June, 1863, Colonel Gilbert was ordered down to Moscow, where he remained with his regiment till the 20th of the following August, guarding the railroad. But after the fall of Vicksburg, and the defeat of General Johnson's army at Jackson, Mississippi, the 27th with its brigade was ordered to report to General Steele, who was then about starting on the Little Rock Campaign. The brigade, composed of the 49th and 62d Illinois, the 27th Iowa and 50th Indiana, and commanded by Colonel J. M. True, of the 62d Illinois, arrived at Helena, after the forces of General Steele had left; but immediately starting in pursuit, Colonel True succeeded in uniting with Steele in time to enter Little Rock with the main army. With the routine of camp-life and picket duty, the months of September and October were passed at Little Bock, when, under orders from General Steele, Colonel Gilbert reported back to Memphis in command of his own regiment and the 49th Illinois. At Memphis a portion of the 27th was assigned to duty at the Navy Yard, and the balance put on picket-duty in rear of the city.

Up to this time, the 27th Iowa, as a regiment, had never met the enemy in battle; but the time was now near at hand when it would afford new proof of the intrepidity of Iowa soldiers. The regiment left Memphis for Vicksburg on the 28th of July, 1864, whence, a week later, it left with General Sherman on the celebrated march to Meridian.

At Memphis and just before leaving for Vicksburg, the 27th Iowa was brigaded with the 14th and 32d Iowa, and the 24th Missouri. These troops constituted the 2d Brigade of the 3d Division, 16th Army Corps, which afterward, under command of Colonel William T. Shaw of the 14th, so distinguished itself in the Red River Expedition of General Banks. In the Meridian march, it should be stated that the 27th Iowa went some six miles further east than any other troops of Sherman's command, and in this advanced position captured several prisoners.

The plan for the Red River Campaign had already been matured, on the return of General Sherman to Vicksburg; and on the evening of the 10th of April, 1864, General A. J. Smith left with his expeditionary army for the mouth of Red River, where he arrived on the evening following. The fleet of Admiral Porter arriving that same evening, the expedition, on the morning of the 12th instant, sailed up the river, and in the afternoon arrived at Simmsport, where the infantry forces disembarked. From this point, General Smith marched with his command across the country to the rear of Fort De Russey, while Porter, with his gun-boat fleet, proceeded up the river. Near Simmsport a small body of the enemy's cavalry made their appearance; but they offered no resistance to the advance; and on the evening of the second day the fort was invested. Porter in the meantime had come up with his fleet, but for some reason took no part in the engagement which followed. I have been told that it was the crookedness of the river at this point, together with certain obstructions, that prevented him from operating with the land forces.

Fort De Russey, a formidable earth-work of the enemy on the south-west side of Red River, and some four miles above the town of Marksville, was built on a high point of land, about one hundred paces back from the river, but connected with it by rifle-pits. On the south-west bank of the river, was a six-gun water-battery. The Fort proper mounted but four guns: two six-pounders commanded the open country south-west of the Fort; and two thirty-two pounders covered the Marksville road and the approaches to the south-east. On the north-west side of the fort was dense timber and impassable swamps.

On the 14th day of March, the day of the capture of Fort De Russey, the 27th Iowa led the advance. Marksville, which is some thirty miles distant from Simmsport, was reached at four o'clock in the afternoon; and at this point Colonel Gilbert was ordered to halt his regiment to prevent straggling in the town. He was kept in this position till all the troops had passed, and until the dispositions for the attack had been nearly completed. The 27th as a regiment had not yet been under fire, and, jealous of his own reputation and that of his command, Colonel Gilbert dispatched his adjutant to Colonel Shaw, with this request: "If there is to be any fighting we want to have a hand in it." An order was finally returned for him to bring his regiment forward; and he moved up and took position on the extreme right of the assaulting forces. Two entire brigades charged on the fort, and Colonel Shaw's held the right. The line of battle was semi-circular, and, on the right, was formed in the edge of timber and some two hundred and fifty yards distant from the fort.

In front of the 2d Brigade (Colonel Shaw's) was a ravine, running nearly parallel with the enemy's defenses; but, before this could be reached, the entire line must pass under a severe musketry-fire from the fort and the adjacent rifle-pits. After the reconnoissance had been completed, during which time the fire from the fort had been responded to by the 3d Indiana Battery, a general charge was ordered, when Colonel Gilbert, drawing his sword and stepping to the front of his regiment, said: "Boys, come on." "From that moment," said a member of his regiment to me, "we knew he had the true grit." He was one of the first officers, if not the very first, to enter the enemy's works. If this was not a sanguinary affair, it was a brilliant one, and augured well for the success of the future expedition. The number of casualties of the 27th Iowa, in this engagement, I have failed to learn.

It should be borne in mind that General Banks had not yet come up from Franklin, Louisiana; nor did he come up till a week after the capture of Alexandria; so that the credit incident to the capture of Fort De Russey belongs solely to General Smith and the troops of his command. On the morning of the 15th instant, the 3d Division, having re-embarked on the fleet, moved up to Alexandria, and that same evening the place was entered without opposition. Here General Smith remained till the arrival of General Banks with his command, consisting of portions of the 13th and 19th Army Corps.

From this point, General Banks marched through the country via Natchitoches to Grand Ecore; but Smith, moving up to the head of the rapids, above Alexandria, re-embarked and sailed up the river, arriving at Grand Ecore at about the same time as did General Banks. On the 5th of April, General Banks marched for Shreveport by way of the Mansfield road, and two days later was followed by the command of General Smith; but the advance was soon to be turned into a retreat; and neither the forces of Banks nor Smith were destined to see even Mansfield. No considerable resistance was made to the advance till near Natchitoches, and, to beat this back, no troops were required but the cavalry; but beyond Pleasant Hill, and about thirty miles distant from Natchitoches, the enemy showed so much resistance that it became necessary to send forward a brigade of infantry.

The battle of Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads was fought on the afternoon of the 8th of April, 1864, and that of Pleasant Hill on the morning and evening of the 9th. The last was the one in which the 14th, 27th and 32d Iowa regiments so distinguished themselves. These troops, together with the 24th Missouri, I believe impartial history will say, saved the army of General Banks from disorganization and capture; for they were the only troops that maintained their position throughout that terrible day — I mean, of course, of those whose position was in the front. If this be not so, how was it that their losses, in killed, wounded and missing, numbered nearly, if not quite two-thirds of the casualties in Banks' entire army? The position held by the 27th in this engagement was the left centre of its brigade. On its right was the 14th Iowa, and on its left the 32d. Its right rested near the Pleasant Hill and Mansfield road.

The conduct of Colonel Gilbert in this engagement, as at Fort De Russey, was gallant in the extreme. Through the anxious hours that intervened between the first attack in the morning and the final fierce assaults of the enemy in the afternoon, he was never idle, but talked with and cheered his men. Skirmishing all this time was going on; and every moment closed with the assurance that the next would open the fierce encounter. When the conflict finally did open, he stood firm and confident, using, when occasion offered and his duties would permit, a musket against the advancing enemy. Indeed, the colonel was wounded in this engagement, while in the act of shooting a rebel officer. Many brave officers and men of the 27th Iowa were left among the killed and wounded: their names I have failed to learn. One I know — Sergeant George W. Griswold, a brave and faithful soldier. He was wounded severely in the face, and left in hospital within the enemy's lines.

A history of Banks' Expedition after his unplucked victory at Pleasant Hill will be found elsewhere. In the fatiguing and harassing retreat to Simmsport, Smith's Division covered the rear of Banks' army.

Subsequently to the Red River Campaign, there has been little rest for the 27th Iowa Infantry. It joined its division in driving Price from Missouri; was with A. J. Smith at Nashville, and fought in those terrible battles that closed only with the destruction of General Hood's army; and, lastly, was with Its old white-headed general before Blakely, where it led a portion of the charging column that carried so brilliantly the strong-hold. Now it has marched with its division into the interior of Alabama; but it will probably see no more fighting.

After the battle of Nashville, Colonel Gilbert was made a brigadier-general. Since that time, he has been in command of a brigade. He is one of the most popular officers in his division.

Colonel Gilbert is six feet and one inch in hight, and has a broad chest, and an erect and tapering form. His hair, eyes and complexion are dark. He has a heavy voice, and is an energetic talker. At home and among his acquaintances, he is "noted for his love of a fine horse and riding out-fit. He thinks much of style in appearance."

He is quick and active in his motions, and, in civil life, was accustomed to decide the most important business transactions in a moment. His opinions, of which he is very positive, he is always ready to back with a bet; and his losses, of which he rarely has any, he pays promptly. As a business man, he was not considered very fortunate, though he was never placed in a position which prevented him from paying all legal demands against him. Like several other Iowa officers, he is better adapted to the profession of arms than to any other calling. I should not omit to state that, of the Iowa generals, General Gilbert is the finest equestrian the State can boast, not even excepting General Frederick Steele.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 421-8