Saturday, August 17, 2019
Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 166. Report of Lieut. Col. Gustavus A. Eberhart, Thirty-second Iowa Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 164. Report of Maj. Robert W. Healy, Fifty-eighth Illinois Infantry, of operations December 15-16, 1864.
Official Reports of the Campaign in North Alabama and Middle Tennessee, November 14, 1864 — January 23, 1865: No. 163. Reports of Col. James L Gilbert, Twenty-seventh Iowa Infantry, commanding Second Brigade, of operations December 15-16, 1864, and January 9, 1865.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Sunday, April 9, 1865
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Diary of 2nd Lieutenant John S. Morgan: Thursday, March 23, 1865
Saturday, September 3, 2016
Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Sabbath, August 16, 1863
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Christopher C. Perdue
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Thirty-Second Iowa Infantry
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Eighth Iowa Infantry
Friday, February 26, 2010
Fourteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry
By an order of the War Department, companies A, B and C were transferred to the Forty-first Regiment of Iowa Infantry and were sent to Fort Randall, Dakota Territory. To fill the vacancy thus occasioned, the organization of three new companies was authorized. In his report for the year 1861, Adjutant General N. B. Baker gives the complete roster of the ten companies originally assigned to the regiment. In his report for 1863 he gives the roster of the regiment with the new companies, A and B, and in his 1864 report, the separate roster of the new company, C, is given [see note 1]. The regiment, therefore, left the State with but seven companies, aggregating 621 men, rank and file. The new companies, A and B, did not join the regiment until the end of its first year of service, while the new company, C, did not become a part of the regiment until in June, 1863, when, for the first time after taking the field, the regiment had its full complement of ten companies. Its service, as an entire organization, therefore begins at the date last mentioned. In the subjoined roster will be found the names of the original Field and Staff and Line Officers of the regiment and, in the alphabetical list which follows, the subsequent changes on account of death, promotion, or from whatever cause, will be found noted. The compiler has adhered to the official records in compiling this historical sketch of the regiment. He has not attempted to go into details except where they are given in quotations from official reports. Under the prescribed limitations, only an outline history of the most important events which occurred during the period covered by its service could be given. At the date of muster into the service, the seven companies (D to K) together with the Field and Staff had an aggregate strength of 621, rank and file. The companies transferred (A, B and C) had an aggregate strength of 267.
On the 28th and 29th of November, 1861, the seven companies of the regiment left Davenport under command of Col. Wm. T. Shaw, under orders to report to the commanding officer at St. Louis, to which point they were conveyed by steamboats, and, upon landing there, marched to Benton Barracks, where troops were being concentrated for instruction and preparation for an active and aggressive campaign. Colonel Shaw had served as a volunteer in the war with Mexico, and, with this previous experience as a soldier, added to his natural genius for military affairs, was well fitted to command his regiment and to instruct his officers and men In matters of drill and discipline. The regiment attained a high state of efficiency during this period of instruction, but suffered much from sickness, which was the common experience of all the troops in the early stages of their service.
February 6, 1862, the regiment marched to St. Louis and, embarking on steamer, proceeded to Cairo and thence to Fort Henry, where it landed and went into camp. On the morning of February 12th it took up the line of march for Fort Donelson. On the next day it was in position in front of the enemy's works, and formed a part of the Fourth Brigade, commanded by Col. J. G. Lauman of the Seventh Iowa Infantry. The regiment performed important service in the short siege which followed and which resulted in the surrender of the fort. Its operations are described in detail in the official report of Colonel Shaw, as follows:
FORT DONELSON, TENN., Feb. 19, 1862.
SIR, — On February 13th, my command, consisting of seven companies, was formed In line of battle by your order, and ordered to advance with the Twenty-fifth Indiana, upon the works in front, and take a battery of two guns. I advanced under a heavy fire of musketry, until I passed the point of a ridge on my right. I then received a heavy fire of grape from guns to the right, which, however, did but little damage, as the range was too high. Perceiving no guns In front, and the line being much broken owing to unevenness of the ground, and the thick fallen timber, I halted my command to place men In the best position to advance, It being impossible to advance In line of battle ; also to protect them as much as possible from the cross fire from my right. I perceived at this time that the forces on my left, under your immediate command, had halted. I waited to see by their movements, whether we were to advance on the guns or the rifle pits, the latter being the direction pointed out to me by you when I was ordered to advance on the guns. After waiting about an hour and seeing no movement on my left, except from two advanced companies of skirmishers, who were retiring behind the main line, I withdrew my left wing, which was most exposed, out of range of the enemy's guns, and remained there until night, keeping a few of my best marksmen sufficiently advanced to keep the enemy from coming outside their entrenchments to annoy my men by their marksmen.
About dark I received an order from you to fall back and take my old position for the night, but, by a subsequent order from General Smith, I took a position one-half mile nearer the enemy. My loss during the day was light, being but two killed and fourteen wounded. On Friday, the 14th inst., we remained In front of the enemy without changing our position. Saturday, the 16th, I remained in the same position until afternoon, we being on the right of our brigade. Towards night the attack on the enemy's works was made by a flank movement of the brigade, commencing on the left. Arriving in front of the enemy's works, I deployed my left wing, and marched them up the hill in line of battle. The right wing, owing to the nature of the ground, moved up by the left flank, and formed inside the entrenchments. After remaining for some time under a scattering fire of musketry, and rather sharp fire of grape and shell, I formed my men behind the entrenchments on each side of two pieces of artillery, which had been placed In position after our entrance Into the entrenchments, where we remained until morning, when the enemy surrendered. My men behaved themselves well during both engagements, holding their fire till ordered, and then delivering it with regularity and precision. I have never seen men behave themselves better, whether under fire or bearing with patience and fortitude the fatigue and hardships necessarily Incident to so long an engagement In such weather. My loss this day was one killed and seven wounded. Where all behaved so well. it is difficult to mention Individuals, without doing seeming injustice to others, but I may mention the valuable services rendered by Sergt. Maj. S. H. Smith, who was shot dead by my side while encouraging the men on to enter the breastworks of the enemy; also, First Lieut. Wm. W. Klrkwood, commanding company K, rendered very valuable assistance in forming the line in front of the enemy's breastworks. Capt. Warren C. Jones, of company I, also rendered valuable service in directing the fire of my marksmen, especially in protecting the retiring of the skirmishers on the 13th Inst.
Colonel Fourteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteers.
Col. J. G. Lauman, Commanding Fourth Brigade, Second Division [see note 2].
As will be seen from the above report, the seven companies of the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry conducted themselves with honor at Fort Donelson. Their loss was light, as compared with the Second Iowa Infantry, which was assigned the post of honor in leading the assault upon the fort, but they obeyed the orders given them, occupied the positions to which they were assigned and, in every way, acquitted themselves with credit.
The regiment remained at Fort Donelson until about the middle of March, 1862, when it again embarked and, proceeding to Pittsburg Landing, on the Tennessee river, landed there, and went into camp on the 18th. Here it became a part of the First Brigade of the Second Division. The division was commanded by Brig. Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, and the brigade — consisting of the Second, Seventh, Twelfth and Fourteenth regiments of Iowa Infantry — was under command of its senior Colonel, James M. Tuttle, of the Second Iowa. On the morning of April 6, 1862, the Second Division occupied the center of the line of battle of the Army of the Tennessee, and the First Brigade was the last in line on the left, while the Fourteenth Iowa, being on the left of the brigade, occupied the position to the extreme left of the division. Colonel Shaw's report of the part taken by the seven companies of his regiment in the battle of Shiloh was made to Governor Kirkwood, after he reached his home in Iowa. He was then on parole as a prisoner of war, and, being precluded by the terms of his parole from making the official report to his brigade commander, he submitted it direct to the Governor of Iowa. The report is dated Oct. 26, 1862. On account of its length the compiler quotes only those portions which relate to the principal movements of the regiment in the battle. After describing the first position of his regiment. Colonel Shaw says:
Our line of battle was formed about half past 8 o'clock A. M., about 500 yards from the enemy's artillery, which at once opened a severe fire upon us. • • • In a short time the enemy's Infantry made their appearance, advancing In line of battle. I at once perceived that the line of our brigade was not parallel with theirs, but inclined to It at an angle of about 45 degrees, the left in advance, thus exposing my left flank to the enemy some distance in advance of General Prentiss' line, upon which it should have rested, and about 200 yards from his extreme right. After consulting with Colonel Woods of the Twelfth, who was next to me on the right, I threw back my regiment and the left wing of the Twelfth, so as to bring our part of the line parallel to the advancing enemy and in line with General Prentiss' division, but still failing to connect with it by an interval of about 200 yards. This also improved our position, which had previously been directly upon a ridge, exposed to the enemy's artillery, and gave us that ridge as a partial shelter. The enemy advanced steadily in two lines, about 200 yards apart. I ordered my men to lie down and hold their fire until the enemy were within thirty paces. The effect of this was, that when the order to fire was given, and the Twelfth and Fourteenth opened directly in their faces, the enemy's first line was completely destroyed [see note 3]. • • •
After describing the attack upon and driving back of the enemy's second line, and then being compelled to fall back for want of support and to avoid being flanked by the enemy, Colonel Shaw continues his description of the subsequent desperate assaults by the enemy, of the heroic resistance of the troops composing his brigade and division, and the holding of the center until after the Union troops upon both flanks had fallen back, and proceeds to show the desperate and hopeless situation of his regiment, as follows:
General Prentiss having already surrendered with a part of his command, the Fourteenth was left in advance of all that remained, but, completely inclosed, receiving the enemy's fire from three directions. The regiment still kept its ranks unbroken and held Its position facing the enemy, but the men were almost completely exhausted with a whole day of brave and steady fighting and many of them had spent their whole stock of ammunition. It was therefore useless to think of prolonging a resistance which could only have wasted their lives to no purpose, and at about a quarter to six P. M. I surrendered them and myself prisoners of war. I have only to add that I feel under the deepest obligation to both officers and men of my regiment for their admirable conduct through the day. This was so complete and free from exception, that it would be impossible to mention individuals without doing injustice to the rest. Their steadiness and courage, the accuracy of their fire, and precision of all their movements entitle them to the highest credit, and their general demeanor, both upon the battle field and In the trying scenes through which we passed as prisoners of war, will always be remembered by me with pride and gratification.
The total loss of the seven companies of the regiment engaged in the battle of Shiloh was 273, killed, wounded and captured [see note 4]. It can be justly claimed for the regiment and its heroic commander that no more efficient or important service was performed by Union troops upon that historic battlefield. Prior to the battle the regiment had a considerable number of men sick in hospitals. Those who recovered, together with those who had been absent on furlough and detached duty at the time of the battle, and those who had escaped capture, were subsequently assigned to a temporary organization called the "Union Brigade," in which they served with credit until the regiment was exchanged. The most important service rendered by this detachment of the regiment was at the battle of Corinth, October 3 and 4, 1862, in which it acquitted itself with honor, as shown by the official reports. The officers and men who had surrendered were held as prisoners of war until late in the autumn of 1862. They were at first released on parole and sent through the rebel lines to Richmond, Va., thence to Annapolis, Md., and from there they were conveyed to Benton Barracks, at St. Louis, where they were regularly exchanged, Nov. 19, 1862. They had suffered greatly while in confinement, and it required several months for them to recuperate sufficiently to again become fitted for active service in the field. In the meantime, the detachment which had been serving in the Union Brigade rejoined the regiment, and here two new companies — A and B — also reported for duty.
On the 10th of April, 1863, the nine companies, under command of Colonel Shaw, again embarked on steamer at St. Louis and proceeded to Cairo, Ill., where they landed and went into camp. Here they remained, doing garrison duty and sending out detachments upon various small expeditions to quell threatened insurrection on the southern border of Illinois, which they successfully accomplished. At Cairo, the last company (C) necessary to complete the regimental organization reported for duty, and the regiment — for the first time since taking the field — had the full number of companies to which it was entitled. In the latter part of June the regiment moved to Columbus, Ky., and for the next seven months was engaged in performing garrison duty. This was the most monotonous period in its history. The time was utilized, however, by Colonel Shaw and his officers in perfecting the regiment in drill and discipline. The new companies and recruits were thus brought up to a high degree of efficiency, and were prepared to follow the example of their comrades of the seven companies who had already become thoroughly seasoned soldiers, having twice met the enemy in battle, and having gone through that most trying experience that the Union soldiers were subjected to — long months of confinement and suffering in southern prisons. The regiment was thus well prepared to enter upon the duties of an active campaign.
On the 24th of January, 1864, Colonel Shaw received orders to embark his command and proceed to Vicksburg. Upon its arrival there, the regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade of the Third Division of the Sixteenth Army Corps, with Colonel Shaw as senior officer in command of the brigade, and Lieutenant Colonel Newbold in command of the regiment. On the 4th of February the Sixteenth Army Corps started from Vicksburg on that most remarkable expedition which penetrated to the heart of the State of Mississippi, and inflicted great damage upon the enemy, by the capture and destruction of supplies, railroad track and rolling stock. Starting with but ten days' rations, the Union troops cut loose from their base of supplies and, for the ensuing month, supplemented their scanty rations with such food as could be procured in the country through which they marched. The Fourteenth Iowa sustained its full share of the hardships of the expedition. The regiment was in light marching order. No tents were taken, and the officers and men bivouacked in the open air, all faring alike. It was the inclement season of midwinter and storms were frequent; the suffering from such exposure was, at times, intense.
On the 4th of March, the regiment returned to Vicksburg, having marched over 300 miles. After a brief rest, the brigade and division embarked — March 10, 186 4— at Vicksburg and, three days later, landed at Atchafalaya Bayou, ten miles below the mouth of Red River [see note 5]. On the evening of March 13th, the command started on the march towards Fort De Russey, thirty-five miles distant. Seven miles of the distance were covered in the night, and the next morning, at 6 o'clock, the march was resumed, the Fourteenth Iowa and the other regiments of the brigade commanded by Colonel Shaw being ordered to take the advance. A considerable force of the enemy made a stand at Bayou de Glaize and delayed the advance for a couple of hours, but they were forced to retire, the passage of the stream was successfully accomplished, and the brigade pushed rapidly forward until, at about 4 P. M., it came within range of the guns of the fort. The artillery was ordered forward, and at once opened a brisk fire which was promptly responded to by the guns of the fort. An attack was determined on, and the brigade was put into line and ordered forward. The assault was stubbornly and bravely resisted, but, two hours after the first artillery shots were exchanged, the Union troops held possession of the fort, and its gallant defenders had surrendered. It was a brilliant and remarkable military exploit. In his official report Colonel Shaw makes special mention of the gallant conduct of Lieutenant Colonel Newbold and the Fourteenth Iowa. He also mentions the commanding officers of each of the regiments, and the batteries, and extends his thanks to their officers and men for the promptness and enthusiasm with which they executed all orders, and the good order with which they came into action after so long and fatiguing a march. He also makes special mention of all his staff officers — including Lieutenant Buell of the Fourteenth Iowa — for the prompt and efficient discharge of their duties, and, near the close of his report, says: "I am proud to say that not a single instance came under my observation of any officer or soldier attempting to shun danger or duty during the engagement; and my opportunity was good for observing each regiment as it came under fire."
From Fort De Russey the brigade proceeded to Alexandria, arriving there on the 16th of March, and remaining there until the 26th, when it marched to Cotile Landing on Red River, where it embarked on transports and was conveyed to Grand Ecore, La. Landing there it disembarked and marched to Pleasant Hill, La., where Colonel Shaw received orders to report to Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks, who ordered him to at once march his brigade to the extreme front of the army and relieve General McMillan's brigade, then actively engaged in skirmishing with the enemy. The order was promptly obeyed and, upon relieving the brigade indicated, Colonel Shaw's command at once became engaged on the skirmish line. This skirmish fighting was maintained at intervals for about five hours before the enemy advanced to the attack in force — about 4:30 P. M. — and, from that time until darkness put an end to the battle, the brigade held its ground, retiring only when the order was given by the division commander — Gen. A. J. Smith — just as darkness was closing in and the enemy had succeeded in passing both flanks and was getting in the rear of the brigade. One of its regiments — the Thirty-second Iowa — failing to receive the order to retire was surrounded, but fought its way through the enemy's lines and rejoined the brigade after dark. Out of a total loss of 753, sustained by the five brigades which composed the two divisions commanded by Brig. Gen. A. J. Smith at the battle of Pleasant Hill, the brigade commanded by Colonel Shaw lost 484 [see note 6].
The gallant Lieut. Col. J. H. Newbold commanded the Fourteenth Iowa in this battle and, when the contest was raging most fiercely, fell from his horse mortally wounded. Of him Colonel Shaw says, "He was a brave, Industrious and conscientious officer, whose loss to his regiment is irreparable." Upon the fall of Lieutenant Colonel Newbold, Capt. Warren C. Jones assumed command of the regiment and wrote the official report of its conduct in the battle. He makes special mention of the fall of Lieutenant Colonel Newbold while gallantly performing his duty; of Lieutenants Shanklin and Logan, who were killed, and Lieutenant McMillan, mortally wounded; also of Lieutenant Hazlett who, at the time, was thought to be among the killed, and was so reported, but who recovered and served until the close of the war. He described the splendid manner in which the regiment fought throughout the engagement and concludes his report by saying, "I tender my most hearty thanks to the officers, commissioned, non-commissioned, and privates, for the gallant manner in which they sustained the reputation of the regiment, gained upon the bloody fields of Donelson, Shiloh, Corinth and De Russey." Notwithstanding the heavy loss it had sustained, Colonel Shaw's brigade was ordered by General Banks to cover the retreat of his army, which commenced at one o'clock the following morning and was safely accomplished.
On the 11th of April the brigade reached Grand Ecore, and, on the 13th, crossed Red River and proceeded a few miles above Campti to save the transports from threatened attack and destruction. The enemy retreated upon the approach of the brigade, and the transports were enabled to move to a position of safety. Returning to Grand Ecore, the regiment and brigade went into camp there and, on the 22d of April, after the rear of General Banks' army had passed, again took up the line of march to cover its retreat, and was in the engagement which took place at Cane River on the 24th. On the 26th it reached Alexandria. From the 26th of April to the 2d of May Colonel Shaw's little command, after having suffered the greatest loss of any brigade in the army, was kept constantly in the rear, by order of General Banks, and performed the most important and hazardous service. On the 2d of May it moved out about eight miles, where it formed line and commenced skirmishing with the enemy, driving them back over two miles during the day. There was more or less skirmishing every day until the evening of May 8th, at which time it was ordered to go into camp, the enemy having been driven back seven miles. As their skirmishers were withdrawn, no further fighting was anticipated. On the 9th of May, however, the brigade was again ordered to the rear and right, to protect the approaches to Alexandria.
On the evening of May 13th the regiment and brigade again joined Gen. A. J. Smith's forces and, on the morning of the 14th, were covering the retreat of the army, with the enemy pressing closely in their rear. Marksville was reached that night, and the next morning a heavy skirmish with the enemy began and was continued at intervals until the forenoon of May 18th. The brigade had just crossed Yellow Bayou, when the enemy appeared in force near the opposite bank. Colonel Shaw's brigade, with two others, was ordered to recross the bayou and meet the enemy. The order was promptly obeyed. The enemy was driven from the field with heavy loss in killed and wounded, while 300 of their number surrendered as prisoners of war [see note 7]. The loss in Colonel Shaw's brigade was 48, killed and wounded. The Fourteenth Iowa had one man killed and thirteen wounded in this engagement, as shown by the official report of Capt. L. A. Crane, who was in command of the regiment. While this small command was thus gallantly fighting in the rear, the balance of the army was three miles distant from the action. The brigade remained in line of battle all the next day and until 2 A. M. of the 20th, when it again crossed Yellow Bayou and proceeded on its march to the mouth of Red River. On the 22d of May the brigade embarked on transports and was conveyed to Vicksburg, arriving there on the morning of May 24, 1864.
The compiler is aware that he has given but an imperfect sketch of the operations of the regiment and its brigade during the Red River Expedition. The great importance of that part of its service is fully demonstrated in the official reports, copies or copious extracts from which could not be given on account of the limitation of space assigned to this sketch.
The true value and extent of the service performed by General Smith's two divisions on the Red River Expedition are indicated in the reply of General Banks to General Grant, when the latter ordered those troops returned to Vicksburg. General Banks says in his reply:
You instructed me that if the expedition could not be accomplished within ten or fifteen days of the time designated by General Sherman, the command of General Smith would be ordered to return to Vicksburg, even should it occasion the abandonment of the chief object of the expedition. The time specified I understand to be the 15th or 17th of the month, and I have hopes that within ten or fifteen days of that time our object will be accomplished, when General Smith will return. A large fleet of gun-boats and transports are in the upper river, which cannot possibly descend below Alexandria on account of the falling water. I have in my Immediate front an army of 25,000 men, among them some of the best troops of the rebel government, and commanded by distinguished and desperate officers. The withdrawal of General Smith's command from my forces at this time places me at their mercy, and the army under my command. It will lead to the sacrifice of the army and navy, as well as the abandonment of the expedition.
The official returns show the aggregate strength of General Banks' army, present for duty, was 39,041, and that General Smith's command, present for duty, aggregated 11,620, which, if withdrawn, would have left General Banks an army of 27,421, with which to resist the rebel army of 25,000, which he says confronted him [see note 8]. Nowhere else in his official reports has he given recognition to the value of the service rendered by General Smith's command on this expedition. The humiliating confession which he makes, that he could not save his army without the aid of General Smith's command, shows him to have been utterly unfit for the command of the expedition, the disastrous results of which were justly attributed to his incompetency and mismanagement. The bravery and efficiency of his subordinates could not atone for this. The Fourteenth Iowa, while justly proud of its own record and that of the brigade with which it served on this unfortunate expedition, fully sustained the severe criticism which Colonel Shaw subsequently published, in which he was so completely vindicated by the investigation of the War Department, resulting in the removal of General Banks from his important command.
After a short rest at Vicksburg the regiment moved up the river to Point Chicot, where it assisted in driving back a rebel force which was blockading the river; and from that point proceeded to Memphis and, soon afterwards, moved south with Gen. A. J. Smith's command. It took an important part in the expedition, participating in the battles of Tupelo and Town Creek, Miss., in which it was commanded by Capt. Wm. J. Campbell, whose official report shows that the regiment fully sustained its reputation for bravery and good conduct in battle, and gives the details of its movements in these engagements, In both of which the enemy was defeated and driven from the field. The regiment's loss in the two days' battle was three killed and eighteen wounded. Captain Campbell closes his report as follows: "The officers and men of this regiment, who were in each engagement, have my warmest thanks for the manner in which they conducted themselves during the battles, and on the march during the whole expedition. It is hard to compliment without injustice to some, where everyone is trying to do his duty." [See note 9.]
The regiment now returned to Memphis and enjoyed a well-earned rest of several weeks in its camp near that city. Its next active service was rendered as part of the force which marched to Oxford, Miss. There were occasional skirmishes with the enemy during this expedition, but no casualties are reported in the Fourteenth Iowa. Returning to Memphis, the regiment embarked and was conveyed to Cairo, Ill. Here Gen. A. J. Smith was again prevented from joining General Sherman in his Georgia campaign by an order to proceed to St. Louis with his command and re-inforce the troops there, which were called upon to take the field against the rebel General Price, whose army had again invaded the State of Missouri. The regiment disembarked at Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis.
On the 25th of September, 1864, a detachment of four companies of the Fourteenth Iowa, under command of Capt. Wm. J. Campbell, was sent to reinforce the troops under command of Gen. Thomas Ewing, Jr., at Pilot Knob, Mo. The service rendered by this detachment is fully described by Captain Campbell in his official report [see note 10]. The engagements in which these companies participated constitute the closing chapter of the battle history of the Fourteenth Iowa. At Donelson and Shiloh the regiment fought as an incomplete organization, and at Fort Davidson, Shepherd Mountain and Leesburg, this little detachment closed the splendid record. General Ewing's command was greatly inferior to the rebel forces, but he made a gallant defense of the fort, and inflicted heavy loss upon the enemy, with comparatively light loss to his own command, until his position was rendered untenable by the enemy obtaining possession of Shepherd Mountain, which overlooked the fort, and compelled its evacuation. General Ewing then blew up his magazine, spiked his guns, and, cutting his way through the enemy's lines, began his retreat towards Rolla. The retreat was conducted with great skill. The detachment of the Fourteenth Iowa had joined General Ewing's command on the morning of Sept. 27, 1864, and Captain Campbell was ordered to occupy the summit of Shepherd Mountain, which he did until compelled by a greatly superior force of the enemy to retreat and join the troops within the fort. The following extract from Captain Campbell's report shows the arduous and important service performed by his command during the retreat:
On the morning of the 28th at 2 o'clock A. M., by order of Brigadier General Ewing, I moved my command in advance, and took up the line of march on the Caledonia road, arriving at Webster, distant thirty miles, where we encamped. On the 29th of September at 1 o'clock A. M., took up the line of march, covering the retreat with my command to Leesburg, distant thirty-six miles. About 10 o'clock A. M., the enemy attacked our rear guard of cavalry and drove them in. I immediately formed in line of battle, and checked the advance of the enemy. The column moved forward, and I covered the retreat with continual skirmishing the entire way. Arriving at Leesburg at sunset, my command was formed in line of battle on the left, facing the enemy, where we remained encamped during the night. On the 30th of September commenced building temporary fortifications which were occupied till the morning of October 2d at 2 o'clock, when we took up our line of march for Rolla, Mo., distant thirty-one miles, where we arrived at 6 o'clock P. M. The officers and men of my command behaved with the utmost coolness and bravery during the several engagements in which we took part. First Lieut. Hugo Hoffbauer, acting Adjutant, has my warmest thanks for the manner in which he conducted himself, and the valuable service rendered by his untiring energy during the several engagements, and while on the march.
The loss of the detachment was three killed and fifteen wounded. In the meantime, the other portion of the regiment was engaged, with other troops, in a toilsome march to intercept another force of the enemy, but, when they reached Tipton, Mo., the enemy was still in full retreat and the pursuit was abandoned. Not coming into contact with the enemy, no casualties resulted except those caused from exposure and hardship on the march. Early in November the two detachments were ordered to return to St. Louis, and from there the regiment was conveyed to Davenport, Iowa, where it was mustered out of the service of the United States on the 16th day of November, 1864.
The re-enlisted men and recruits, whose terms of service had not expired, were consolidated into two companies and designated as the "Residuary Battalion of the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry." The battalion was sent to Springfield, Ill., and was there engaged in various duties, but was not again sent to the front, as its services were no longer required for active duty in the field. These companies were retained in the service of the Government until Aug. 8, 1865, on which date they were mustered out at Davenport, Iowa.
The official records in the office of the Adjutant General of Iowa show that another company was nominally attached to the Residuary Battalion. It was known as company C, was composed of drafted men and substitutes, and received the designation of "Permanent Company at Camp McClellan." This company had no officers. It was mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, May 13, 1865.
The record of service of the Fourteenth Regiment of Iowa Infantry Volunteers is one of the best. Its survivors can justly claim that, during the long years in which they marched and fought and suffered, they never wavered in their devotion to their government and its flag. Their children and children's children may well be proud of the legacy of heroism they have inherited. The compiler of this brief history extends a soldier's greeting to the survivors of the old Fourteenth Iowa, and, on behalf of the State which has made provision for this preservation of the record and roster of the regiment, extends greeting to the families and relatives of those whose memory they cherish and honor, and who will ever be commended as an example and inspiration to all loyal and liberty-loving people of the State.
Total Enrollment 1720
Killed 31
Wounded 168
Died of wounds 25
Died of disease 123
Discharged for wounds, disease and other causes 225
Captured 270
Burled in National Cemeteries 71
Transferred 290
[Note 1.] Adjutant General's report, 1861, Pages 327 to 351, Inclusive. Adjutant General's report, Vol. 1, 1863, Pages 507 to 536, Inclusive. Adjutant General's report, 1864, Pages 194 to 197, Inclusive.
[Note 2.] War of the Rebellion Official Records. Series I, Vol. 7, Page 231.
[Note 3.] War of the Rebellion Official Records. Series 1, Part 1, Vol. 10, Page 152.
[Note 4.] War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Part 1, Vol. 10, Page 101, tabulated return of casualties at Battle of Shiloh.
[Note 5.] War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 34, Page 343. "Itinerary of operations on Red River Expedition, March 10th to May 20, 1864."
[Note 6.] War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, "Vol. 34, Pages 313, 366, 368 and 360.
[Note 7.] War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Part 1, Vol. 34, Pages 359 and 361.
[Note 8.] War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Part 1, Vol. 34, Pages 169 and 186
[Note 9.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1865, Vol. 2, Page 1086.
[Note 10.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, Page 196.
SOURCE: Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers During the War of the Rebellion, Volume 2, p.721-30
Friday, January 29, 2010
Iowa Colonels and Regiments: Appendix
HERMAN H. HEATH, second colonel, 7th Cavalry, is a native of New York: age, forty-two.
HUGH J. CAMPBELL, second colonel, 18th Infantry, is a native of Pennsylvania: age, thirty-three.
JOHN Q. WILDS, second colonel, 24th Infantry, (mortally wounded at Cedar Creek, Virginia) is a native of Pennsylvania: age, forty.
GUSTAVUS A. EBERHART, second colonel, 32d Infantry, is a native of Pennsylvania: age twenty-nine.
STEPHEN H. HENDERSON, 44th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Tennessee: age, thirty-six.
ALVAH H. BEREMAN, 45th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Kentucky: age, thirty-six.
DAVID B. HENDERSON, 46th Iowa Infantry, Is a native of Scotland: age, twenty-six.
JAMES P. SANFORD, 47th Iowa Infantry, is a native of New York: age, thirty-two.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 652
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Colonel John Scott
John Scott, the commander of the Union forces at Blue Mills, Missouri, and one of the chief heroes at the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, is a native of Jefferson county, Ohio, where he was born on the 14th day of April, 1824. He is a lawyer by profession, and was admitted to the bar in 1845, in Steubenville, Ohio, where he had pursued his legal studies. But, being without means, and seeing less certain subsistence in the practice of his profession, than in the business of teaching, he removed to Kentucky, where, for two or more years, he was engaged in conducting county academies and select female schools. He was a resident of Kentucky, at the time war was declared with Mexico, and volunteered in the 1st Kentucky Mounted Volunteers, Colonel Humphrey Marshall's regiment. The late Colonel W. M. G. Torrence, of the 30th Iowa, who, like Colonel Scott, was then engaged in teaching in Kentucky, was a member of the same regiment. But in his connection with the Mexican service, Colonel Scott was unfortunate. He was one of the party of seventy that, on the 23d of January, 1847, was captured at Encarnacion, and taken to the city of Mexico. He was retained a prisoner of war, until the following October, and then released at Tampico.
At the close of the Mexican war, Colonel Scott returned to Kentucky, and, locating in Mount Sterling, became the editor of the "Kentucky Whig." Soon after his return he published an account of his prison-life. He continued his residence in Kentucky until the year 1856, when he removed to Nevada, Iowa; though two years before he had visited the State in search of a home on free soil. In Kentucky, he was a man of influence — in his congressional district at least; though his principles were such as to attach him to the unpopular party. In the canvass made by General Scott for the Presidency, he took an active part, advocating the claims and merits of that officer; and at that early day he did not fail to warn the people of his adopted State of the suicidal policy of agitating the Slavery question.
In the fall of 1859, Colonel Scott was elected to the Iowa State Senate, to represent the counties of Hardin, Hamilton, Boone and Story, and was a member and holding a seat in that body at the time of accepting a commission in the volunteer service. He entered the war as captain of Company E, 3d Iowa Infantry, but, on the final organization of that regiment, was promoted to the lieutenant-colonelcy. The early history of the 3d Iowa Infantry, and the part taken in the battle of Blue Mills, Missouri, by Lieutenant-Colonel Scott, in command of that regiment and the other Union forces, appears in the sketch of Colonel Wilson G. Williams.
Lieutenant-Colonel Scott was promoted to the colonelcy of the 32d Iowa Infantry, on the 10th day of August, 1862, and at once joined that regiment at its rendezvous near Dubuque. The 32d regiment, which was enlisted from the Sixth Congressional District, numbered at the time it was mustered into the service about nine hundred and thirty men. It was, as was the case with the majority of the Iowa regiments organized under the call of that Summer, made up from our best yeomanry. The first year and a half of its service was not eventful, and gave the regiment little reputation; for, from October, 1862, the date of its arrival at St. Louis, Missouri, until the month of March, 1864, it was stationed in detachments at Cape Girardeau, New Madrid, Fort Pillow, Columbus, and at other points along the Mississippi, on camp- and post-duty; and it rarely happens that incidents occur on such duty that attract general attention. In the case of this regiment, however, there was one such incident: it was widely talked of at the time; but its history with many was not understood.
It will be remembered that, in the latter part of December, 1862, Colonel, afterward General Forest, with a force estimated at from five to seven thousand men, made his appearance in Western Tennessee and Kentucky. It was on this same raid that Forest threatened Jackson, Tennessee, destroyed some thirty miles of railroad north of that place, and fought with the brigade of Colonel Dunham the battle of Parker's Cross Roads. On the 28th of December, 1862, Colonel Scott, under instructions from General Curtis, left Cape Girardeau, Missouri, to join six companies of his regiment, stationed at New Madrid, and occupying that place. By his instructions, he was to have oversight of the country from New Madrid to Cape Girardeau. On the afternoon of the 28th, he arrived at Columbus, Kentucky, and called on General Davies, then commanding at that place, for the purpose of consulting with him, and obtaining Information. On arriving at head-quarters, he found General Davies in conference with Generals Tuttle and Fisk, (both of the Department of Missouri) and in a state of great apprehension. The general believed the object of the enemy was the capture of Fort Pillow; and, assuming authority from General Curtis, ordered Colonel Scott to abandon New Madrid, and reinforce that place. The colonel remonstrated, and inquired for his authority; but, though the general failed to find the dispatch, he substantiated its substance by General Fisk. The colonel had no choice in the matter, for his duty as a subordinate officer was clear; but, though he entered upon it with apparent alacrity, I venture the assertion, he did not with a fully subordinate spirit. Hence it was that the government property at New Madrid and Island No. 10, was destroyed, in consequence of which, General Carr, unjustly, and without inquiry, placed Colonel Scott under arrest. But the finding of the commission, which was ordered to investigate the matter, was for the colonel a full vindication; for it found that "he did his duty, and was honorably acquitted of all blame." Naturally sensitive, and extremely jealous of his military record, the simple fact of his being put under arrest was a source of great mortification; but, to those who were acquainted with the circumstances, the affair was not only not detracting to him as a military man, but was a recommendation of great value.
I have stated that the 32d Iowa was stationed on camp- and picket-duty a principal portion of the time from October, 1862, until March, 1864. I should not however omit to state that, early in February, 1864, Colonel Scott, with a part of his regiment, accompanied General Sherman on his march to Meridian. In this expedition, and in that one under General Banks up the Red River, the regiment was brigaded with the 14th, and 27th Iowa, and the 24th Missouri. On the Meridian march, there was no general engagement, and, if I mistake not, the 32d Iowa, as a regiment, met the enemy for the first time in the assault and capture of Fort De Russey, an account of which affair is given in the sketch of General James I. Gilbert, formerly of the 27th Iowa.
Colonel Scott, in command of his regiment, sailed from Vicksburg for the mouth of Red River, on the 10th of March, 1864, his regiment forming a part of the 3d Division, 16th Army Corps, commanded by General A. J. Smith. On the evening of the 12th instant, the fleet bearing this command arrived at Simmsport, Lousiana, situated at the junction of Bayou Atachafalya with the Red River, and one of the places through which General Banks passed, while marching to invest Port Hudson.
From Simmsport to Alexandria, General Smith had no other aid or reinforcements than the gun-boat fleet of Admiral Porter; and between these two points was the strong work of the enemy, known as Fort De Russey. But Fort De Russey was captured, and Alexandria reached in safety, on the evening of the 15th instant. Some days after the arrival of General Banks with his command from Franklin, [Louisiana], the combined forces, numbering about fifteen thousand men, moved up the river — those of General Banks by land and the division of General Smith on the gun-boat fleet and transports. General Smith's command arrived at Grand Ecore on the 3d of April without incident; nor had General Banks on arriving at that point met the enemy in sufficient force to offer much resistance. At Grand Ecore, the troops rested for several days, as they had also done at Alexandria. The reason for these delays I have been unable to learn; and it may be true, as was at the time asserted, that General Banks, by his lazy activity, contributed to his own defeat. Report, too, burdens General Steele with a share of the odium; for he should have moved much sooner than he did, and rendered it impossible for the enemy to concentrate at long marches from Shreveport. But Providence, whose galled back has borne the blunders of centuries, was doubtless made the pack-horse of all these disasters, for one of these generals was retained in his command, and the other acquitted without censure. But we can not make history: we can only record it.
General Banks, with the command he had brought with him from the Gulf, marched out from Grand Ecore, on the Mansfield and Shreveport road, in the forenoon of the 5th of April, and two days later was followed by the division of General Smith. On the evening of the 8th instant, General Smith went into camp near Pleasant Hill; and that night every thing was put in readiness for an early and rapid march on the morrow; for, during nearly all that afternoon, he and his troops had heard, indistinctly, the reports of artillery at the front Notwithstanding the battle of Sabine Cross Roads was fought nearly twenty miles in advance of Pleasant Hill, and closed only after dark, yet, before eleven o'clock that night, the affrighted stragglers from the front came swarming past General Smith's encampment. As the night wore on, the confusion increased; and before two o'clock the stampede of footmen, horsemen and teams was appalling. Long before day-light, more than two thousand weak-hearted, terror-stricken men had fled to the rear, rehearsing as they rode or ran their stories of fearful disasters that had befallen General Banks.
In the meantime, those troops who had retained their organizations had hurried back, and a little after day-light had formed a line of battle about one and a half miles west of Pleasant Hill. At about ten o'clock of the following morning, the 32d Iowa, with its brigade, (which, by the way, had been put under arms a little after mid-night,) was ordered to the front, to report to General Banks. That officer turned it over to General Emery, who, sending it out on the Mansfield road, stationed it in the extreme front. Its position was on a small rise of ground, and at right angles with the road. In its rear was heavy timber, and in its front, open fields, which descended to a ravine. Beyond the ravine was timber, in which the enemy was already deployed in line of battle. As I have elsewhere stated, the 32d held the extreme left, and on that regiment's right was the 27th Iowa. The 24th Missouri held the right, and between that and the 27th, was the 14th Iowa, drawn up across the road. Between the 32d and 27th Iowa, was a small ravine, putting down into the one in front, which rendered the position of the 32d in a manner isolated. What made it still worse for the 32d Iowa was the timber, extending nearly up to its left, affording a fine cover for the approach of the enemy's flankers. A few yards in front of the 14th Iowa was the 25th New York Battery, double-shotted, and ready to receive the enemy. I would like to omit its mention; for, on the first dash of the enemy's cavalry, it fled to the rear, breaking through the ranks of the 14th Iowa, and knocking down and injuring several men.
After the line of battle was formed, skirmishers were sent to the front, who promptly engaged those of the enemy; and thus the day passed till about four o'clock in the afternoon, when the enemy's cavalry, galloping from their cover down into the ravine, made for the New York Battery. But when the head of the charging column came up the slope in front, it was received by a volley from almost the entire brigade. It seems hardly possible; but so accurate was the aim that, as was afterward learned by wounded men left in the enemy's lines, only four men of the front company escaped being either killed or wounded. Following this cavalry charge, came the enemy's infantry, in double line, when the desperate struggle begun.
To convey to the mind of the reader a true idea of what followed is impossible; but facts can be stated, which is more than the penny-a-liners, who first recorded the events of the battle, were able to do. Their accounts were disgusting; for so far were they from being correct that they even omitted to mention the names of the troops that did the chief fighting, while they recorded the names of many that fled at the first onset of the enemy. Iowa saved General Banks' army from rout and capture, and yet her brave sons, in any account that I have seen, were no where mentioned. The brigade of the irascible Colonel Shaw held the centre of the Union line of battle — it may be said, constituted that line; for the brigades on both its right and left were not only refused, but thrown many yards to the rear; and as soon as the enemy advanced they retired still further. In this position Colonel Shaw's Brigade received the enemy's infantry, which came up the slope leading to the ravine, in a long, unbroken line. Cheered with the recollections of their successes of yesterday, and seeing but a handful of men in their front, they came with a shout and at double-quick, confident of speedy victory, but their charge was repulsed. They charged once, twice, thrice, and were each time repulsed with slaughter. Disappointed but still determined, they then sought the flanks; when followed the most stubborn and gallant fighting of the day — especially on the part of the 32d Iowa. Making a detour through the woods to their right, (and they met no opposition, for the troops stationed in that quarter had long since retired) the enemy's skirmishers suddenly appeared in the rear of the 32d Iowa. The situation was most critical. Pressed in front, and the enemy closing on its rear, the regiment might have surrendered with honor; but Colonel Scott had been ordered to hold that position at all hazards, and it was not to be yielded. Swinging the left wing of his regiment round hastily to the rear, so that it formed an acute angle with the main line of battle, he presented a front on all sides to the enemy, and was still able to hold his position.
In the meantime, the 24th Missouri, on the right, was flanked, when Colonel Shaw, sending to General Smith for reinforcements, received orders to fall back, as the enemy was already in his rear; but Colonel Scott, from the isolated position of his command and from the fact that the balance of the brigade had yielded considerable ground, failed to be reached by the orderly sent to notify him of the order to retire, and he was left on the ground he had defended so gallantly. He was now surrounded on all sides by the enemy's lines; and why he with his command was not overwhelmed and captured I can not understand. Finally the Union forces rallying drove the enemy back to his original line, when Colonel Scott and his regiment were found on the ground they had been ordered "to hold at all hazards." For more than two hours it had been supposed by all that the regiment was captured; and the surprise and joy of its friends at finding it again in the Federal lines was unbounded. If in the history of the whole war there be an instance equal in all respects to the above, I have failed to learn it.
That I have in no way exaggerated the heroic conduct of the 32d Iowa in this engagement, its list of casualties is evidence. The regiment lost in killed and wounded more than one hundred and sixty, which, excluding the losses of its own brigade, exceeded the losses of General Banks' entire army. More than two-thirds of the 32d Iowa were put out of battle.
Lieutenant-Colonel Edward H. Mix was killed; and a majority of the line officers were either killed or wounded. Among those killed were Captain Amos B. Miller, Captain H. F. Peebles; Lieutenant Thomas O. Howard and Adjutant Charles H. Huntley. Captain Ackerman, and Lieutenants Devine and Wright were severely wounded.
Among the enlisted men, distinguished for their merit, who fell in this engagement, were Sergeants Hull, Goodell and Kane; Corporals Ballou, Modlin and Pettibone; Privates Anderson, Hoyt, Hewett, Hutchinson, Wood, and many others.
The night after the engagement, General Banks in council with his chief officers declared it impossible for the expedition to proceed further, and the next morning begun the memorable retreat. It is not so strange that the rebel chiefs, during that same night, came to the conclusion that the result of the day's fighting was against them, and that further resistance to the advance of the Federal army at that point was useless; for they had been defeated, notwithstanding the lack of energy (I can not say spirits) and co-operation on the part of the Federal general officers. Before day-light on the morning of the 10th of April, both armies began to retreat; and, to facilitate their flight, the Confederates spiked several of their cannon. But they soon learned their mistake, and returned, their advance reaching the hospitals, in which the Union wounded had been left, at about nine o'clock in the morning. From that time until General Banks reached Simmsport, they remained his master; and had it not been for an insignificant lieutenant-colonel who rescued the gun-boat fleet and transports they might have been his captors; for these he was not allowed to abandon.
On the return of the Red River Expedition, Colonel Scott tendered his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted, on the 31st of May, 1864. He was impelled to this course, I am informed, from the loss of his health in the recent campaign, and from the urgent claims of his family, which was broken up and in need of a home. He is at present living on his farm in Story county, and engaged in sheep-raising and horticulture. The following is from the history of the regiment published in the Adjutant-General's report for the year 1865:
"On the 14th of July was attacked by the enemy at Tupelo, Mississippi. Repulsed him with a loss to the regiment of four men wounded. July 15th, the regiment started back to La Grange, and camped at Old Town Creek, where it was attacked by the enemy, again repulsing him. Arrived at La Grange July 22d and at Memphis on the 24th. Left by railroad for Holly Springs, Mississippi, August 4th, and after marching to Waterford, Abbeville, Oxford, and back to Holly Springs, arrived at Memphis on the 30th.
"From September 5th to October 4th, the regiment was on the move to Jefferson Barracks, De Soto, and other points, and from October 2d to the 18th it was constantly marching to different points in Missouri. October 25th it left Saint Louis, Missouri, on transports for Nashville, Tennessee, and on arriving at that point immediately began intrenching. * *
"The regiment has traveled five thousand five hundred and ninety-four miles, two thousand three hundred and thirty-two miles of the distance on foot with the army. Its aggregate present for duty is three hundred and fifty-nine. Aggregate when mustered into service was nine hundred and eleven. Has received since muster-in two hundred and seventy-seven recruits: lost ninety-three men in battle, one hundred and seventy-seven by disease, one hundred and twenty-two discharged, twenty-nine transferred, and one missing. It is armed throughout with good, serviceable Springfield rifled muskets and complete accoutrements. Health and condition of clothing and camp equipage of the regiment is good."
Later, the regiment fought at the battles around Nashville, and then accompanied Smith to New Orleans, and took part in the capture of Mobile. During these operations it was commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel G. M. Eberhart a son of the Rev. S. R. Eberhart formerly chaplain of the 12th Iowa Infantry. He is reported a most excellent officer.
I have seen many of the "Iowa colonels," and among others, Colonel John Scott. This is how it happened. The old Gladiator, which was returning me to my regiment at Memphis, stuck on a sand-bar above Devil's Island; and I put into Cape Girardeau for better quarters. On walking up into the St. Charles, I saw, perched in a chair in the north-east corner of the bar-room, a man that attracted my notice. His chair was tipped against the wall, one foot stuck on the front stretcher, and the other thrown across the leg thus supported. His elbows were resting upon the arms of the chair, his head thrown forward, and his hat drawn over his eyes. In the small space between his lap and his face was a newspaper, which he was reading. I thought I never saw a man doubled up so before, and walked round to take a better look at him; when, my impudence attracting his attention, he looked up to me as much as to say: "Who are you?" A prominent trait in his character I read in that glance.
Colonel Scott is a man of middle size, and compactly built. His hair and whiskers are more red than sandy, and his eyes gray and sharp. His round, florid features are set off by a pair of gold-mounted spectacles.
I believe him to be among the ablest and best informed men of Iowa; and yet he has that sort of something about him which has kept him back. It may be the trait to which I have alluded; for he is incorrigibly suspicious, and never gives his confidence to a stranger. When I wrote to him for information relative to his biography, he replied: "If I can be convinced that the book is not to be a catch-penny affair, I will furnish data;" but I could never convince him of that, and for what I have I am indebted to one of his friends. One thing is certain, Colonel Scott was never intended for a politician; and why, I believe, we heard no more of him in the army is, he always stayed at his quarters, and minded his own business. I venture the assertion that he never asked to be made a brigadier-general. Had he less of the negative about him, it would be well; for, with the same honesty, he would be a much more popular and useful man in society.
Colonel Scott's military record is without blemish. He was brave, a fair tactician, and a good disciplinarian.
SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 475-86