Showing posts with label 20th IA INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20th IA INF. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood to Brigadier-General Francis J. Herron, January 6, 1863

Executive Office, Iowa,
Iowa City, Jan. 6, 1863.

General: — I wish I could shake hands with you and express to you verbally my thanks and congratulations for the well fought battle and dearly won victory of Prairie Grove. I have transmitted to the 19th and 20th letters of thanks, which I hope will be read to them. They have proved themselves worthy to be called “Iowa boys.”

General, you are surpassing yourself. Your name is in all men's mouths, and the people delight to speak the praises of our plucky little Iowa general. Wilson's Creek, Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove make a record of which any man may well be proud, and I assure you you can't feel more pride in that record than I do.

Very respectfully your obedient servant,
Brig.-Gen. J. F. Herron,
Commanding 2nd Division Army Frontier

SOURCE: Henry Warren Lathrop, The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor, p. 234

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Twenty-Ninth Iowa Infantry

The companies making up this regiment were recruited on the Missouri slope, from the counties of Pottawattamie, Mills, Harrison, Adams, Fremont, Taylor, Ringgold, Union and Guthrie. The regiment numbered 900 men and was mustered into the service in December, 1862, with the following field officers: Colonel, Thomas H. Benton; lieutenant-colonel, R. F. Patterson; major, C. B. Shoemaker. It was sent to join General Curtis' army in Missouri, in December, and from there was transferred to Helena, Ark., and went with General Gorman's fruitless expedition up the White river. Upon its return it was attacked by measles and there were over 400 men on the sick list In August the regiment was in General Steele's campaign against Little Rock, and fought bravely in the battle which preceded the capture of that city, losing thirty-one men.

In March, 1864, Steele's army moved southwest with a wagon train of 400 teams which strung out four miles long, guarded by the Twenty-ninth Iowa. On the 2d of April General Shelby's rebel brigade of cavalry made a dash upon it. A lively fight ensued and the result was doubtful when General Rice came up with reinforcements. For miles the fight continued as the long train moved on, but finally the rebels made a fierce charge which was repelled with heavy loss and the train came into camp without the loss of a wagon. The Twenty-ninth lost twenty-seven men during the day. At Jenkin's Ferry the regiment fought for six hours and made a brilliant bayonet charge, losing altogether fifty-nine men. The army returned to Little Rock, where General Steele was soon after relieved of the command. Early in 1865 preparations were made for the Mobile campaign in which the Twenty-ninth took part, fighting with its usual vigor. The regiment was sent to Brazos Santiago, Texas, in June and in July returned to New Orleans where it was discharged from the service in August. It returned to Iowa, landing at Davenport on the 19th of August, 1865, numbering 765 men, including parts of the Nineteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-third which had been attached to it.

SOURCE, Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 111

Friday, November 18, 2011

The Twentieth Iowa Infantry.

This regiment was raised under the call of July 2, 1862, for 300,000 more men. It was made up of five companies from Scott and five from Linn, and went into camp at Clinton, where, on the 25th of August, its organization was completed. It numbered 902 men, and its field officers were William McE. Dye, colonel; J. B. Leake, lieutenant-colonel; William G. Thompson, major.

Early in September the regiment was sent to Rolla, Mo., where it was placed in a brigade with the Thirty-seventh Illinois, First Iowa cavalry and a section of the First Missouri light artillery, under Colonel Dye. Through the months of October and November this brigade did hard marching in Missouri and Arkansas, and the members of the Twentieth suffered greatly from sickness and deaths. On the 4th of December the regiment started on a long, hard march to the battlefield of Prairie Grove, and reached it in time to participate in the battle of the 7th. The Twentieth did excellent service on that field, and lost forty-seven men killed and wounded. The defeat of the confederate army drove the rebel forces out of that section of the country for a long time. In May, 1863, the regiment was sent to reinforce the army operating around Vicksburg. Here it remained doing siege duty until the surrender of that stronghold and General Pemberton's army. It was soon after sent to reinforce General Banks' army in Louisiana. Lieutenant-Colonel Leake was captured with his command by a largely superior force of the enemy on the 29th of September, 1863, at Sterling Farm, and the command of the Twentieth regiment devolved on Major Thompson. It was soon after sent to Texas, where it remained until September, 1864, when it was sent to New Orleans. Major Thompson had resigned in May, and the regiment had been under the command of Capt. M. L. Thompson, of Company C. In September Lieutenant-Colonel Leake having been exchanged, rejoined the regiment. The regiment was soon after sent to Brownsville, Ark., where it did duty until the 8th of January, 1865. In February it joined the army in the Mobile expedition, and remained in that region until July 8th, when it was mustered out of the service with 464 men.

SOURCE, Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 104

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Nineteenth Iowa Infantry

This regiment was raised under the call of President Lincoln, issued July 2, 1862, after the failure of McClellan's campaign against Richmond. The companies were raised principally in the counties of Lee, Jefferson, Washington, Louisa, Van Buren and Henry. The regiment numbered 982 and its field officers were Benjamin Crabb, colonel; Samuel McFarland, lieutenant-colonel and Daniel Kent, major. It was sent to Rolla, Mo., in September and some time later became a part of the Third division of the army of the frontier, under command of General Blunt.

In the battle of Prairie Grove, the Nineteenth did its first fighting and sustained the reputation won by Iowa soldiers on so many bloody fields. Early in December, 1862, General Blunt's army was lying at Cane Hill, Ark., while General Herron, with the Second and Third divisions, was at Twin Springs, more than 100 miles distant. General Marmaduke had united his army with General Hindman's, and the latter now proposed to strike and overwhelm Blunt's army before Herron could come to his assistance. General Herron received a dispatch from Blunt December 13th, to hurry to his help and in a few hours his divisions were on the road, and he sent his cavalry in advance to Blunt. He marched his infantry 110 miles over mountain roads in three days, and on the 7th was within fifteen miles of Cane Hill. In the meantime General Hindman with a superior force, had placed his army between Blunt and Herron. As Herron advanced, Hindman opened a fierce attack upon his regiments sent to aid Blunt, and drove them back in confusion. General Herron formed his line of battle and opened on the enemy a heavy artillery fire from his batteries well placed. The Twentieth Wisconsin and Nineteenth Iowa were ordered to charge a rebel battery. They moved across the open field in a splendid charge, with fixed bayonets, up a steep hill, drove the supports and captured the guns. McFarland was leading the Nineteenth in as brave a charge as was ever made when a bullet pierced his heart and he fell dead from his horse. The two regiments were overwhelmed by superior numbers and driven back with heavy loss. The rebels in turn charged on our batteries with great bravery and were met with a fire that hurled them back in confusion. General Blunt, in the distance, heard the heavy artillery fire and at once set his army in rapid motion for the battle field, marching the last five miles in half an hour. He fell upon the enemy's left with great fury. Fifty cannon were now pouring shot and shell into the ranks of the rebels, while infantry was charging upon other parts of their line. Night put an end to the conflict, and under cover of darkness the confederate army retreated towards Van Buren, with a loss of not less than 2,000. The loss of the union army was 1,148. The Nineteenth Iowa lost 198 men and some of its bravest officers.

The First Iowa cavalry and the Twentieth Iowa infantry also did good service in this battle. Major Kent was promoted to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the gallant McFarland and Capt. John Bruce became major. The regiment remained on duty in that part of the country for many months. In June, 1863, it joined Grant's army in the Vicksburg campaign, sharing in its hard marches, battles and glorious victories. In September a portion of the regiment and the Twenty-sixth Indiana, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Leake, of the Twentieth Iowa, was on duty near Morganza, La., when they were attacked by greatly superior numbers and after a vigorous resistance were compelled to surrender. Two-thirds of the regiment had been left at other points and the organization therefore remained intact. Long afterwards the prisoners were exchanged and joined their old regiment at New Orleans. Its last service was in the campaign which captured Mobile, and at that city it was mustered out in July, 1865, proceeding to Davenport, where it was disbanded.

SOURCE, Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 103-4

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Eighth Iowa Infantry

This regiment was made up of companies raised in the counties of Clinton, Scott, Linn, Benton, Washington, Marion, Keokuk, Iowa, Mahaska, Monroe, and Louisa. It was organized at Davenport in September, 1861, and its first field officers were Frederick Steele, of the regular army, colonel; James L. Geddes, lieutenant-colonel, and John C. Ferguson, major. It numbered about 900 when it embarked for St. Louis and joined General Fremont's army. In its march through southwestern Missouri it lost many men from exhaustion and sickness. In February, 1862, Colonel Steele was promoted to brigadier-general, Geddes to colonel of the Eighth, Ferguson to lieutenant-colonel, and Capt. Joseph Andrews, major. On the 12th of March the regiment was sent to reinforce Grant's army at Pittsburg Landing. In the battle of Shiloh the Eighth regiment was in Sweeney's brigade, and when the battle began it was on the extreme left of General Smith's division, joining the right of Prentiss. Here it fought desperately for ten hours on that terrible Sunday, repelling charge after charge in supporting a battery. When finally assailed on three sides it slowly retreated, but was soon after surrounded by the advancing confederates and forced to surrender. It was one of the last to leave the field and left nearly 200 of its brave men among the killed and wounded. The regiment was reorganized at St. Louis early in 1863, and was in Grant's Vicksburg campaign, was in the assault of the 22d, and fought at Jackson. Lieutenant-Colonel Ferguson died of sickness during the siege of Vicksburg. It was at Memphis in August, 1864, and helped to defend that city against the attack by General Forrest. In March, 1865, the Eighth was in the campaign against Mobile. On the 8th of April Colonel Geddes led the assault on the Spanish Fort, in which he commanded a brigade. The rebels were driven from their works, leaving many guns and prisoners in our hands. The Eighth Iowa alone captured several hundred of the enemy. This was the last important battle of the war, and in that campaign Iowa furnished the following regiments: The Eighth, Twelfth, Nineteenth, Twentieth, Twenty-first, Twenty-third, Twenty-seventh, Twenty-ninth, Thirty-second, Thirty-third, Thirty-fourth, and Thirty-fifth.

SOURCE, Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 95

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Declaration for Original Invalid Pension of Abram O. Blanding

Palmer, Fla.  Mar 6, 1891 –

Declaration for Original Invalid Pension

Had a good many attacks but can’t now state time & place.  Except a very severe attack of Dengue, a form of Malarial fever followed by jaundice, bilious disease about 1st Aug 1864 at Brazos Santiago, coast of Texas doctored myself as was no other Surgeon there.  All the troops had gone the week before to Fort Morgan, Ala.  I was detailed to [remain a for] day with Col of our Reg. who was detained on some extra duty when got to N.O., was not fit for duty, was loosing rather than gaining.  So applied for sick leave went North, some sixty days, joined Reg out at Duvals Bluff Ark, was never sick in Hospital except Regimental was never detailed from Reg to Hospital on my other duty, always with Reg & always in the field all times in Malarial Country & exposed to all kinds of weather. Doctored self when sick & attended duty most of time, other assistants where [sic] on detached service a good deal & Surgeon away on sick leave a good deal & when with Reg let me do most of work.  

Since leaving the army have had repeated attacks of Malarial fever which has been more severe yet nothing to cure. 

A.O. Blanding, Enrolled Sept 1_, 1862 [In] 20 Iowa Inf Asst Surgeon, Vol commanded by Wm McE. Dye, honorably discharged Clinton Co, 30/day Aug 1865.

Dr. A. O. Blanding, Asst-Surgeon, of 20 Iowa Inft Vol.  Enlisted about Sept 1_ 1862 at in Clinton, Iowa.  In fall of 62 & winter 62 & 63 was in N.O. & Ark in battle of Prairie Grove, Dec 7th 1862, at the Seige [sic] of Vicksburg in June 1863, after fall of Vicksburg, was some time in Miss & La.   Then on Coast of Texas, was not with the Reg at Fort Morgan in Aug 1864.  was sick.  Was at the battle of Blakeley in Apr 1865.

First time sick with Malarial fever poisoning at Vicksburg Miss, June on or about 18th 1863.  A number of attacks after the most severe one at Brazos Santiago, Coast of Texas, Aug 1864.  It was followed by a severe attacked of jaundice, deafness caused by in[illegible]ing quinine.

Agent –
Geo. Bancroft & Co., No 604 fifth St N.W. Washington, DC  Applied at about July 1890 after new law also under old law.   Age 67 years. high 5 feet 9 inches.

Light complection [sic], light hair, grey eyes.  In line of duty, Vicksburg, Miss, about June 18th 1863 malarial poisoning contracted.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Twentieth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry

The ten companies which were assigned to the Twentieth Regiment were ordered into quarters by the Governor on dates ranging from July, 15 to August 15, 1862. The designated rendezvous was Camp Kirkwood, near Clinton, Iowa, and there the companies were mustered into the service of the United States on the 22d, 25th and 27th days of August, 1862, by Captain H. B. Hendershott, of the United States Army. The aggregate strength of the regiment at muster in was 904, rank and file [see note 1]. Like most of the regiments which had preceded it, the Twentieth had but a brief opportunity for instruction before leaving the State. It was armed with Enfield rifles, (at that time considered one of the most effective weapons,) was furnished with the usual equipment for active service, and, on the 5th of September, was conveyed down the river by steamboat to St. Louis, and upon its arrival there went into quarters at Benton Barracks, where it remained but a short time, and proceeded thence to Rolla, Mo., arriving there September 14th, and, two days later, started upon the march for Springfield, Mo., where it arrived September 24th, having covered a distance of 122 miles. In this, their first experience in marching, the men . suffered much hardship, because of the fact that they had not yet become inured to the exposure and fatigue of an active campaign. It was their first lesson in the hard school of the soldier in time of war. Fortunately for the regiment, Colonel Dye had been a Captain in the Regular Army and was a thoroughly trained soldier, and a few others among the officers and men had seen service as volunteers in other Iowa organizations. Having a leader with a military education and with the help of those who had had some actual experience in warfare, the officers and men made rapid progress in learning their duties as soldiers.

Upon its arrival at Springfield, the regiment was assigned to a brigade consisting of the Twentieth Iowa, First Iowa Cavalry, Thirty-seventh Illinois Infantry, and one section of the First Missouri Light Artillery. This was the Second Brigade of the Second Division of the Army of the Southwest, commanded by General J. M. Schofield. The division was commanded by General Totten, and the brigade by Colonel Dye, of the Twentieth Iowa, leaving Lieutenant Colonel Leake in command of the regiment. The Twentieth Iowa was now about to enter upon a campaign which was to put to the severest test the bravery, fortitude and discipline of its officers and men. The hardships to which they had thus far been subjected were slight in comparison with those they encountered while marching and counter-marching in pursuit of their elusive enemy. From the 30th of September to the 7th of December, on which latter date the battle of Prairie Grove was fought, the regiment passed through an experience, the details of which are described with great particularity in the history of the regiment written by Colonel Dye, and in the prefix to the official report of Lieutenant Colonel Leake, describing the conduct of his regiment in the battle of Prairie Grove [see note 2]. The following extracts taken from Lieutenant Colonel Leake's report will serve to show some of the great hardships endured by the regiment during this period of its service:

. . . On the 15th day of October, at Cassville, Mo., the army was reorganized and called the "Army of the Frontier," the First Division under command of General Blunt, the Second Division under command of General Totten, and the Third Division under the command of General Herron. . . . The First Iowa Cavalry was taken from Colonel Dye's Brigade and transferred to the Third Division, and in its place a battalion of the Sixth Missouri Cavalry, under command of Major Montgomery, was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division. General Schofield still commanded the whole. Thus organized as an army, on the 28th of October, we had penetrated as far south as Fayetteville, Washington County, Arkansas, having driven the enemy before us. Beyond and south of that place, on the 30th of the same month, General Schofield retired from Fayetteville, and placed the army in position on the line of the road leading from Huntsville to Bentonsville, the First Division on Prairie Creek, six or seven miles west of Bentonsville, the Second division at Osage Springs, and the Third at Cross Hollows, to await the future movements of the enemy. The army remained in this position until the 2d of November, when, in pursuance of orders from Major General Curtis commanding the Department, the Second and Third Divisions commenced their return march to Missouri. The First Division under General Blunt retained its position west of Bentonsville. ... A few days afterwards intelligence was received that the post at Clark Mills, on the road from Springfield to Forsyth, garrisoned by five companies, three of State Militia, and two of the Tenth Illinois Cavalry, had been surrendered, and that the enemy were marching in large force on Springfield, to protect which the Second Division was moved on the 10th to Ozark, making the march of thirty-five miles in twelve hours. . . . The Second Division moved on the 17th, the night of the 17th, and the 18th, through a drenching storm westerly thirty-six miles to Camp Lyon. . . . Up to this time the regiment had marched since leaving Rolla the distance of 520 miles. We rested at Camp Lyon from all our fatigues and exposure until the morning of December 4th. During the stay at Camp Lyon, the men were provided with everything needed for comfort except shoes and stockings. Only one hundred pairs of shoes, one hundred and eighty pairs of infantry boots, and one hundred and eight pairs of socks could be obtained. These were distributed through the regiment to those who were most in need of them. No shoes had been provided since the first pair obtained before leaving Iowa, and they were almost entirely worn out by the continuous marching over hundreds of weary miles of stony road, and through numerous creeks and rivers.

On the evening of December 3d, a courier arrived at Camp Lyon with a message from General Blunt, asking for reinforcements, his division being threatened with attack by a greatly superior force of the enemy. General Blunt was a skillful officer and, as his troops consisted mostly of cavalry and mounted infantry, he had been able to elude the enemy and avoid a general engagement, but the rebel forces had cut off his retreat and he was in a very critical position. The Second Division promptly responded to his call for assistance and made a most wonderful record of forced marches, which are thus described by Lieutenant Colonel Leake, in continuation of his report from which the previous extracts were made:

On the morning of the 4th of December, reveille was beaten at one o'clock, and at four o'clock the regiment commenced its march. Between four and five o'clock P. M. it encamped on Flat Creek, having marched 25 miles. The next day we moved at 5 o'clock A. M., passed through Cassville and Keitsville, and encamped one and a half miles beyond the latter place, having marched twenty-one and a half miles. On the morning of the 6th, we left camp at 5 o'clock, passed through Pea Ridge and Sugar Creek, and reached Cross Hollows, Ark., at about 5 o'clock P. M., twenty-six and a half miles. Here we halted for rest and supper. At eleven o'clock P. M. we moved on, marching all night, passed through Fayetteville after daylight, and halted one mile beyond, on the road to Cane Hill, for rest and breakfast. After the lapse of about an hour and a half, having learned of the capture of a portion of the train of the First Arkansas Cavalry, a few miles beyond, I was ordered to detail a company under the command of a reliable officer, to protect our train (in addition to the regular division, and brigade guards, already large,) to which duty I assigned company B, under command of Captain Coulter; so that company B was deprived of the privilege of being in the engagement. We then marched on rapidly, until we arrived at the battlefield between eleven and twelve o'clock on the morning of the 7th, a distance of nine miles. The regiment thus marched the distance of one hundred miles in eighty consecutive hours, the last fifty-three and one-half of which we accomplished in thirty-one hours. Very many of the command marched with shoes so much worn that their feet were upon the ground, and were badly bruised and cut up by the stony road. Many of the boots furnished at Camp Lyon fitted the feet of the men so illy that they became inflamed and blistered by the continuous marching, and a few carried their boots in their hands and marched to the field in their bare feet, whilst many fell out by the way, unable to march farther. Under these circumstances, we went into the engagement with only two hundred and seventy enlisted men, and twenty-three commissioned officers.

From the foregoing description of the energetic manner in which the Twentieth Iowa, with its brigade and division, pressed forward by day and night marches to the relief of General Blunt's command, it will be seen that they were the first troops to engage the enemy. Continuing his report, Lieutenant Colonel Leake describes minutely the positions of the opposing forces at the commencement of the battle. The enemy was posted upon a heavily wooded hill, the approach to which was across a prairie about 1000 yards wide. General Blunt states in his official report that he had been skirmishing with the advance of the enemy, holding them in check until his reinforcements should arrive, but the enemy got between him and the troops coming to his assistance, and the battle had been raging for several hours before his division came up and attacked the enemy in the rear. He, therefore, furnished the reinforcement, instead of receiving it. The compiler again quotes from the report of Lieutenant Colonel Leake, as follows:

. . . These dispositions having been made at one o'clock P. M. the engagement was opened by the firing of a gun from the battery under the command of Lieutenant Marr. At about two o'clock the order was given to advance the battery, and I received orders to advance the regiment forward in support. We advanced in this order across the open field, to within about two hundred yards of the foot of the hill, and in front of the house of H. Roger, when the battery was ordered back, and the regiment left in that position. I presently received orders from Colonel Dye, in pursuance of which the regiment moved to the right into the adjoining field and in front of the orchard on the left of the house of Wm. Rogers, to check a movement of the enemy to outflank us on the right. At this time the Twentieth was on the extreme right of the Second and Third Divisions. This movement was executed under a galling fire which we returned, advancing to within a few paces of the edge of the orchard. At this time a force appeared on our right advancing up the valley. Fearing that we were being outflanked by the enemy, I was ordered to fall back across the field and take position behind a fence in our rear, which was executed in good order under fire. I then threw out companies A and F, under command of Captains Bates and Hubbard, from the right wing as skirmishers. Shortly after, a cavalry force appeared upon our right and rear, whereupon the skirmishers were recalled and a change of front made toward the approaching force, to the rear behind a fence running at right angles to the one from which we moved. Colonel Dye having sent forward and ascertained that the cavalry were from General Blunt's command, the Twentieth at once changed front and resumed its former position behind the fence fronting towards the orchard. We had scarcely taken this position when an aide from General Blunt reported to me that the forces which had come up the valley, and were taking position in the field on our right, was the command of General Blunt. I at once directed him to Colonel Dye, who was about 200 yards to the rear and left of me, who immediately sent word to General Herron of the arrival of reinforcements under General Blunt. This took place at about three and a half o'clock, as nearly as I can fix the time. Before this time the Nineteenth Iowa and Twentieth Wisconsin had charged up the hill on the extreme left, and had been driven back; after which the Twenty-sixth Indiana and Thirty-seventh Illinois had been ordered up in nearly the same place, and with a like result, so that when General Blunt arrived no infantry was engaged on our left. General Blunt at once sent forward a part of the First Indiana regiment as skirmishers. Colonel Dye reported to General Blunt and ordered me to make a charge with the Twentieth up the hill and on the left of, and operating with the forces of General Blunt. I moved the regiment rapidly forward in line of battle across the field, obliquing to the left; crossed the orchard fence, drove the enemy through the orchard, and advanced beyond the upper orchard fence and through the woods a short distance. . . . Fearing that the troops on our left wing had ascended the hill and advanced to our front, I saw directly in front of us a mass of troops moving down upon us. At almost the same instant they fired a volley under which the left wing recoiled nearly to the orchard fence, where they promptly rallied at my command and renewed the firing with great rapidity and, I think, effect. I received orders to retire behind the fence at the foot of the hill, and hold if, which movement was promptly executed by the regiment in good order, climbing the fence under a galling fire, lying down behind it, and continuing the firing between the fence rails. The moment we crossed the fence the orchard was shelled by the batteries of General Blunt's forces on the right in the field, and by that under command of Captain Murphy in position at the point from which we entered the action, from the combined effects of which, and our own firing, the enemy were driven back. . . . As soon as the enemy was driven from the orchard I was ordered to retire in good order from the fence and form in the middle of the field. As we commenced to retire, Major Thompson having been wounded and the left wing, not receiving the order to halt, promptly retired nearly to the fence from which we had advanced, I rode down, and at the command they returned and formed at the place designated. . . . This ended our active participation in the contest. About the time we had retaken our old position, the rest of General Blunt's Division had become heavily engaged with the enemy on our extreme right and remained so engaged until darkness closed the contest. . . The next morning before daylight, I formed the line of battle, and awaited the renewal of the action.

Soon after daylight it was discovered that the enemy had fled during the night, thus acknowledging defeat. The Union troops were so worn and exhausted from forced marches and the hard fighting of the previous day that they were in no condition to pursue the enemy. Lieutenant Colonel Leake in closing his report speaks in the highest terms of praise of the conduct of the Twentieth Iowa during the battle. He makes special mention of Major Thompson, who was wounded late in the action and, though suffering great pain, did not leave the field until the regiment retired. He also mentions the gallant conduct of Acting Adjutant, Lieutenant J. C. McClelland and Sergeant Major George A. Gray. Of the gallant Brigade Commander he says, "It will not, I trust, be improper for me to remark of my superior officer, Colonel William McE. Dye, commanding the Second Brigade, that by the entire self possession, the calm bravery, and the military ability he displayed on the field, he won the entire confidence of the regiment. Its affection he had gained before."

The loss of the regiment in the battle of Prairie Grove was 1 officer and 7 enlisted men killed; 5 officers and 34 enlisted men wounded. The Brigade Commander—Colonel Dye—warmly commended Lieutenant Colonel Leake for the excellent manner in which he handled his regiment during the battle, and also made special mention of Adjutant Lake of the Twentieth Iowa, who acted as Assistant Adjutant General upon his staff, and carried his orders to different points on the field under the fire of the enemy. While the subsequent record of the regiment is altogether an honorable one and deserves full description, the limitations prescribed for this historical sketch will not permit of the occupancy of much greater space in describing its future movements than has been devoted to its operations up to and including the battle just described. The compiler believes, however, that the events embraced in this period of the history of the regiment constitute a record not excelled for bravery and fortitude, and that it would have entitled the officers and men of the Twentieth Iowa to the lasting gratitude of the State and Nation had the record ended with Prairie Grove. The day after the battle the dead were buried with military honors. The wounded had received such care and attention as could be given in field hospitals, and they were subsequently removed to Fayetteville, where better facilities for their care were provided. The regiment remained in camp at Prairie Grove, enjoying a much needed rest, until the morning of December 27, 1862, when it again took up the line of march for Van Buren on the Arkansas river. The march was over the Boston Mountains, the cavalry leading the advance and skirmishing with the enemy, but, upon the approach of the Union troops, the enemy retreated across the Arkansas, and the town of Van Buren, a large quantity of supplies and several steamboats were captured. The boats and such portion of the supplies as could not be removed were destroyed, and the troops returned to their camp at Prairie Grove.

On Jan. 2, 1863, the regiment again took up the line of march, with its brigade and division. General Schofield had again assumed command of the Army of the Frontier. In the campaign which ensued, and which extended through the winter and into the spring, there was much hard marching, and the troops were exposed to alternate storms of snow and rain, marching over muddy and sometimes almost impassable roads, but everywhere the movements of the army as a whole, and in detachments, were directed against the rebel forces with the one purpose in view — that of driving the invaders from the State and placing the loyal citizens of Missouri in position to defend themselves from further invasion, and enabling the troops composing the Army of the Frontier to be withdrawn for the purpose of co-operating in the great expedition against Vicksburg. General Schofield's plans were successfully carried out, the rebel troops in his front being mostly withdrawn during the winter for the purpose of reinforcing their army in Mississippi, then preparing to resist the advance of the Union army under General Grant.

Towards the latter part of March, the regiment with its brigade and division was being gradually withdrawn from the Missouri frontier and moved towards the point where these troops had entered upon their first campaign. At length, on the 23d of April, 1863, the division marched into Rolla. The Twentieth Iowa had now been in active service about seven months. It had been engaged in many skirmishes and one hard fought battle. Its losses in killed and wounded, and from disease, had been heavy. April 24th the regiment was transported by rail to St. Louis. The following extracts from Colonel Dye's history of the regiment (heretofore alluded to in this sketch) describe its principal movements for a considerable portion of its subsequent service, beginning with its arrival in St. Louis:

Here we remained guarding the arsenal, and doing other important duties until May 15th. During a part of this time, First Lieutenant C. L. Drake, with company A, and a part of company F, embarked for Cape Girardeau, Mo., where he arrived in time to participate in the successful defense of that place against the assaults of the enemy. Companies D and G, Captains Torrey and Altmann, were also detached to quell mutinies at Benton Barracks. On the 1st of May the regiment arrived by rail at Pilot Knob, and remained there until June 3d. On the 5th, by hot marching arrived at St. Genevieve, and embarked with what remained of the regiment. ... A part of the Infantry and Artillery of the Second and Third Divisions, having now been organized into a division (detached from the Army of the Frontier) of two brigades, the Twentieth Iowa being a part of the First Brigade, proceeded on the 6th to reinforce the investing army at Vicksburg. We arrived at Chickasaw Bluff, on the Yazoo river, on the 11th. Returned and landed at Young's Point, crossed the peninsula to a point below Vicksburg, and took position on the 14th, on the extreme left of the investing forces, the First Brigade on the left, and the Twentieth Iowa, the second regiment from the right, where they remained until July 4th — the day of the surrender — participating in all the exposures and fatigues of that successful siege, being on duty in detachments almost continuously, either in the trenches or rifle pits; the troops not thus on duty standing to arms every day and night. Men were on duty as long as five successive days and nights, without other sleep than was stolen or involuntarily obtained under the guns of the enemy, while another relief was on duty. The regiment was very fortunate in losing during the siege by wounds only six enlisted men, three of whom died from their wounds.

At 9 a. m. on the 4th, part of the division, the Twentieth Iowa leading, marched into the works of Vicksburg, planting the first Union flag which floated over the extreme fort on the right of the enemy's works. As bad as the water used by our men was, the sickness was not so severe before the surrender, as when, by a relaxation of the system from the stimulant of excitement, intermittent and congestive fevers at once prostrated about one-third of the regiment. We remained in the works, collecting the surrendered material, until the 11th, when the division embarked with orders to reinforce the investing force of Port Hudson. When aboard, and about leaving, intelligence arrived of its surrender. The destination of the division was then changed to Yazoo City, where it arrived on the 13th, and by co-operation with the gunboats, (the De Kalb of which was destroyed by torpedoes,) captured the place, with a half dozen pieces of artillery, and a number of prisoners, after an ineffectual resistance of half an hour. On the 16th, we left to open communication with General Sherman, at Canton, Miss. This accomplished, we arrived on the 19th, on our return, at Yazoo City, and re-embarked. . . . By the 22d, we were again in camp within the works of Vicksburg, the regiment having lost by sickness about 280 men. Leaving the serious cases of sickness at Vicksburg, we embarked on the 24th of July, and arrived at Port Hudson on the 26th. During the siege of Vicksburg, the division had been attached to the Thirteenth Army Corps; it now became, and yet is, the Second Division of this corps. The troops remained on the boats until the 31st, when they were put into camp just in rear of Port Hudson. . . . We remained here until the 16th of August. During our stay, although about two-thirds of the men continued on the report for duty, probably three-fourths of the regiment were under medical treatment. On the 17th, arrived at Carrollton, La., losing, during our stay here, many of the men, from the protracted diseases of the summer. The regiment embarked here, without tents or knapsacks, and bivouacked, Sept. 7th, near Morganza, below the mouth of Red river. On the 8th, we marched to the Atchafalaya, driving the enemy to the opposite bank, a part of the division having a skirmish. We were absent but two days on this duty, yet the men suffered greatly from the heat (many being sun struck) and the want of good water. We remained at or near Morganza, almost constantly bivouacked, until October 10th. The knapsacks of the regiment did not arrive until about September 28th. Lieutenant Colonel Leake and two men (the former slightly wounded) were unfortunately captured, at Sterling Farm, Sept. 29th, While on duty, detached from the regiment [see note 3]. While at Morganza the men suffered alternately with heat and cold rains, being without shelter or change of clothing. On the 11th of October, encamped at Carrollton, La., where the regiment remained until October 23d, health much improved. . . . October 24th the division steamed out with sealed orders, and was overhauled by a severe gale, which was weathered by most of the vessels of the fleet November 1st, arrived in sight of Brazos de Santiago, (coast of Texas) and landed on the 4th, after making, with the Twentieth Wisconsin, an unsuccessful effort to land through the surf, at the mouth of the Rio Grande, in which seven out of ten surf boats, loaded with men, were either swamped or upset, losing, miraculously, however, only four men by drowning. A portion of the division, including company G, (provost guard of the division) proceeded to Brownsville, and a detachment of the regiment, under Lieutenant Carver, remained at the mouth of the river, whilst the regiment (with these exceptions) on the 6th crossed the Lagoon del Madre, to Point Isabel, where it remained, suffering from great scarcity of water, and want of cooking utensils and baggage, until the 13th. November 15th, the regiment re-embarked and landed, with a portion of the division, on the south end of Mustang Island, in the evening; At 9 a. m. on the 17th, it arrived at the north end of the island, (about 25 miles distant,) after a very fatiguing march, the men drawing by hand two pieces of artillery, carrying their knapsacks and sixty rounds of ammunition, this after about two weeks' confinement aboard ship. About one hundred of the enemy, with three pieces of heavy artillery, were at this end of the island, guarding the Aransas inlet. The enemy surrendered as soon as our forces appeared.

The regiment remained on Mustang Island about seven months. Out of wrecked lumber, procured on and near the island, they erected barracks. The monotony of garrison duty was varied somewhat by expeditions of detachments from the regiment to the main land. Some prisoners and a couple of schooners were captured, but no organized body of the enemy was encountered on these expeditions. It was the most restful period in the history of the regiment. On June 24, 1864, the regiment embarked at Mustang Island and was conveyed to Brazos Santiago, and from there it marched to Brownsville, Texas, where it remained, doing garrison duty until July 29th, when it started on its return to Brazos Santiago, and from there returned by sea to New Orleans, arriving there and going into its old camp at Carrollton, August 6th. Here it remained but a short time when it was conveyed by steamer to Fort Gaines, Ala., which, however, had surrendered before the arrival of the regiment. It disembarked at Mobile Point, and participated in the siege of Fort Morgan, which surrendered August 23, 1864. During all these movements Colonel Dye was detached from the regiment and in command of a brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Leake was still a prisoner of war, Major Thompson had resigned, and the regiment had alternately been under the command of Captains M. L. Thompson and Edward Coulter.

On September 7th the regiment proceeded by steamer to New Orleans and thence up the river to Morganza, La. During the voyage an accident occurred to the machinery of the vessel, and five men of the Twentieth Iowa were badly scalded by escaping steam; three of them jumped overboard and were drowned. At Morganza Lieutenant Colonel Leake rejoined the regiment, having regained his liberty by an exchange of prisoners. He received a glad welcome from the officers and men, who had become greatly attached to him and had complete confidence in his courage and ability. With full appreciation of this feeling towards him, he again assumed the command of the regiment

On the 12th of October orders were received to embark the command and move up the Mississippi to the mouth of White River, thence to Devall's Bluff, and disembark. There, and at Brownsville, the regiment was encamped until January, 1865. During this period of its service the Twentieth Iowa was part of the time engaged in scouting in the surrounding country, but was most of the time performing garrison duty and erecting fortifications. Many of its men were on the sick list, the prevailing disease being scurvy. A quantity of sanitary stores were sent to the regiment from Iowa, and were used with excellent effect, and when the regiment left Arkansas, on the 8th of January, the health of the men had greatly improved. Its next place of encampment was near Kennerville, La., where it remained until February 16th, on which date it embarked for Pensacola Bay, Florida, and, after a voyage without incident, went into camp at Florida Point, remaining there until the commencement of the Mobile campaign, in which it was an active participant. On the march to Mobile, which was very toilsome, the regiment attracted the attention of the Division Commander to such a marked extent as to cause him to make special mention of its conduct in a general order thanking all the troops under his command. The order is here quoted as follows:

General Orders No. 8.

Headquarters Second Division Thirteenth Army Corps.
In the Field Mar. 28, 1865.

I. The General commanding appreciates the ready and generous efforts of the troops in promoting this difficult march. These labors assure future success, and every patriot will feel grateful to the soldiers who have endured them. The General particularly thanks Lieutenant Colonel J. B. Leake, commanding the Twentieth Iowa Volunteers, for the valuable and rapid service of his regiment this morning, showing, by the amount done, how much can be accomplished by officers giving their personal interest and attention to their duty.

By order of Brigadier General C. C. Andrews,

Assistant Adjutant General.

The regiment participated in the siege of Fort Blakely, performing all the duties assigned to it, but fortunately sustained only the single casualty of one man wounded. On April 14th, the regiment was conveyed across the bay to the city of Mobile, where it was engaged in the performance of provost guard duty until July 8, 1865, on which date it was mustered out of the service of the United States. The regiment was then conveyed to Clinton, Iowa, where it was disbanded July 27, 1865.

The record of the Twentieth Iowa is an honorable one. While the regiment was engaged in but one hard fought battle in the open field, it was no fault of its gallant officers and men that it did not participate in more of the great battles of the war. They went where they were ordered to go, and performed every duty required of them. They endured as much suffering upon the march, in bivouac, in camp and siege, as any regiment which the State of Iowa sent into the field. They are therefore entitled to the gratitude of every patriotic citizen of the State and Nation for the service they have rendered to both. Their names and the record of their service, contained in these pages, will be handed down to their posterity; and those who can trace their lineage to the brave and faithful men of the Twentieth Iowa may justly claim as proud a heritage as was ever bestowed upon the descendants of those who fought and suffered and died in a righteous cause.


Total Enrollment 1026
Killed and drowned 20
Wounded 52
Died of wounds 7
Died of disease 130
Discharged for disease, wounds or other causes 183
Buried in National Cemeteries 66
Captured . 13
Transferred 39

[Note 1.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, Vol. 1, 1863, pages 718 to 750, Original Roster of the Regiment.

[Note 2.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, Vol. 2, 1863, pages 826 to 830. Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, Vol. 2, 1865, pages 1113 to 1120.

[Note 3.] Lieutenant Colonel Leake was in command of the Nineteenth Iowa and Twenty-sixth Indiana at the time he was wounded and captured.

SOURCE: Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers During the War of the Rebellion, Volume 3, p. 341-8

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Nineteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry

The State of Iowa had sent into the field eighteen full regiments of infantry at the time President Lincoln issued his proclamation calling for 300,000 more volunteers, early in July, 1862. In prompt response to that call, and as the first contribution from Iowa under it, the Nineteenth Regiment was organized. The ten companies selected to compose the regiment were ordered into quarters by Governor Kirkwood between the dates Aug. 1 and Aug. 19, 1862, and were assembled at the designated rendezvous, Keokuk, Iowa, and there mustered into the service of the United States by Lieutenant Charles J. Ball, United States Army, on the 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st and 23d days of August, 1862. The aggregate strength of the regiment at muster in was 983 [see note 1].

The name "Lincoln" was chosen for its first camp, in honor of the President. In that camp, in the short interval that elapsed before the regiment took the field, the officers and men eagerly applied themselves to the study of their duties as soldiers, and learned something of the rudiments of the art of war, in which they were afterwards to become proficient, learning their hard lessons by actual experience in the severe training they received in active campaigns against the enemy.

The regiment was fully equipped for service in the field before leaving the State. On the evening of Sept. 3, 1862, Colonel Crabb received orders to embark his regiment and proceed to St. Louis, Mo., and, upon his arrival there, to report to the commanding officer at Benton Barracks. When the regiment reached the latter place it was at once assigned to quarters and was placed in the Brigade commanded by Brigadier General F. J. Herron, of Iowa. Oh the morning of September 11th, the regiment left Benton Barracks and proceeded by rail to Rolla, Mo. Upon its arrival at Rolla the regiment marched five miles from that place on the road leading to Springfield, and established its first camp in the State of Missouri. An active and aggressive campaign against the enemy was then about to begin, in which the men of the Nineteenth Iowa were to have their fortitude, courage and endurance put to the severest test. September 16th, the regiment took up the line of march toward Springfield, where it arrived after a toilsome march of 125 miles. There it remained until October 11th, engaged in constructing fortifications and guarding rebel prisoners. It then marched to Cassville, Mo., where the Army of the Frontier was organized and the Nineteenth Iowa was assigned to the division commanded by Brigadier General Herron of Iowa. The details of the operations of the regiment, in this and subsequent campaigns, can not be fully given in this sketch, on account of limitation of space to which the compiler is subjected, but he hopes to include all the main features of its service [see note 2].

October 17th, the regiment again marched southward and, from that date until December 7th, performed a wonderful series of marches and countermarches, in pursuit of a vigilant and elusive enemy. Major Bruce thus tersely describes those remarkable marches, which led up to and culminated in the battle of Prairie Grove:

October 17th, broke camp at Cassville, Mo.; marched southward four miles and camped for the night. October 18th marched southeward [sic] 31 miles and camped on Sugar Creek, Benton County, Arkansas; lay on our arms all night. General Blunt's division was camped near by. At 5 o'clock p. m. of the 20th broke up camp; made a night march over the Pea Ridge battle ground, and on to White River; crossed the river; water three feet deep, clear and cold. Oh the 22d marched 15 miles; halted and prepared supper. We were then within a distance of six miles from Huntsville, Ark.; fell in again at 6 p. m„ and made a night march of 14. miles to White River at a point below where we had first crossed, arriving at 2 a. m. on the morning of the 23d of October; bivouacked until 7 a. m. when, without waiting for breakfast, crossed White River, marched forward, much of the time on double quick, reaching the telegraph road at Bloomington at 12 m.; formed at once in line of battle, expecting an attack; remained in that position three hours and were then ordered forward on the main road to Cross Hollow, Ark., where we arrived at 5 p. m., and went into camp, having made a forced march of 100 miles in three days and three nights over a very rough and mountainous country, and having compelled the enemy to retreat across the Boston Mountains. Left Cross Hollow November 4, 1862, marched 15 miles and camped on Pea Ridge battle ground; November 5th, marched 20 miles and camped three miles south of Cassville. November 6th marched 32 miles and camped on Cane Creek. November 10th left camp on Cane Creek and marched 17 miles to Wilson's Creek. From there marched 12 miles and camped at Ozark, Mo. On the 14th Nov., marched 14 miles and camped on Sawyer's Creek. November 17th, again marched towards Ozark; reaching that place at 9 p. m. we marched four miles farther and bivouacked for the night. November 18th, marched 15 miles and camped on James River. It rained continually on this march and the roads were in a very bad condition. November 22d left camp on James River, marched 5 miles to Twin Springs and went into camp there. This camp was afterwards called Camp Curtis, and is 12 miles south of Springfield, Mo. On the 3d of December, at 2 p. m., broke up camp and started to reinforce the First Division under General Blunt, who was holding the enemy in check at Cane Hill, Ark.; marched 18 miles to Cane Creek and bivouacked for the night. On the 4th of December, marched 28 miles to Cassville and bivouacked for the night. December 5th, marched 24 miles to Pea Ridge, Ark. December 6th, marched 34 miles to Fayetteville, and rested a few hours. Left Fayetteville at 5 a. m. December 7th, marched 12 miles to Illinois Creek. Here we met the enemy, under General Hindman, and fought the battle of Prairie Grove [see note 3].

At the commencement of the battle, Lieutenant Colonel Samuel McFarland was in command of the regiment, and was killed early in the engagement. The command then devolved upon Major D. Kent, who continued in command until the close of the battle, and from whose official report the following extracts are made:

. . . The Nineteenth Regiment was ordered into line of battle at 12 o'clock m., Lieutenant Colonel Samuel McFarland commanding. By order of Colonel Orme, three companies were detached and deployed as skirmishers. The companies were A, B, and C, and owing to circumstances, Lieutenant Root, the acting Adjutant of the regiment, was ordered to take command. The skirmishers advanced under a heavy fire to a cornfield on the right of Company E, First Missouri Light Artillery, and were ordered to hold it at all hazards, which was done, until ordered to fall back and form in line of battle. The regiment was then ordered to the left of the white house on the hill to support the Twentieth Wisconsin, which was hotly engaged. The Nineteenth, led by Lieutenant Colonel McFarland, advanced steadily up the hill and across the orchard back of the house, when the Twentieth Wisconsin gave way. The Nineteenth still advanced to the fence adjoining the woods, when the enemy, who lay concealed, arose to their feet, three regiments deep, and poured a destructive fire upon us from three sides, which caused the regiment to waver and fall back to the battery on the left of the road leading up the hill. Here Lieutenant Colonel McFarland fell, shot through the body. I then took command and rallied what was left of the regiment, which had met with severe loss in the charge. I then left the men I had rallied in charge of Captain Roderick, Company K, and went to rally some scattered troops. While I was absent Colonel Orme rode up and ordered Captain Roderick to fall in and rally with the Ninety-fourth Illinois, and this force, led by Colonel Orme in person, drove back the enemy with great slaughter and held their position until ordered to fall back and reform. In the retreat of the Twentieth Wisconsin the color bearer was shot and let fall the colors, when the enemy made a desperate effort to get them, but a portion of the Nineteenth Iowa rallied and, getting possession of them, carried them off the field with their own.

Officers and men behaved nobly and fought desperately as if the fate of the battle depended on them alone. I will mention especially Captain Roderick of Company K, whom I left in charge of some scattered troops; also Captain Richmond of Company H, and Captain Taylor of Company G, also Lieutenant Brooks of Company D, who brought the colors off the field, and in doing so, was badly wounded. Others are equally meritorious, but they are too numerous to mention at present. . . .

Of the conduct of the three companies while on the skirmish line, Lieutenant Root made a supplementary report, which Major Kent embodied with his own, and which reads in part as follows:

. . . I advanced them to the right of Company E, of the First Missouri Battery, when the right wing, under Captain John Bruce, was attacked by a superior force of the enemy, but a few well directed shots drove them back. I would here notice the bravery of Captain Bruce and the men under him. After advancing up near the woods, the enemy came out of cover, showing a heavy body of infantry and two battalions of cavalry, who met with a warm reception from the right, under Captain Bruce, which made them scatter. At this time I received an order from Colonel Orme to fall back to the cornfield, so as to let the battery shell the woods, which was done in good order and held until I was ordered to rejoin the regiment [see note 4].

Major Kent reports the loss of the regiment in this battle as follows: Killed, commissioned officers 3, enlisted men 42; wounded, commissioned officers 5, enlisted men 140; missing 2. Total loss, 192. The battle of Prairie Grove was one of the most hotly contested of the war. The official report of General Herron states that he took into the engagement 3,500 men and that his total loss was 953. He speaks in the highest terms of the bravery of the Nineteenth Iowa and its gallant commander, Lieutenant Colonel McFarland, who was killed while leading his regiment in a desperate charge [see note 5]. The remarkable record of its exhausting marches in pursuit of the enemy, the fact that this was the first experience of the regiment in battle, and that it fought against greatly superior numbers, would alone have given it an honored place in history, had its service terminated with the battle of Prairie Grove.

The regiment bivouacked for the night on the battlefield and moved forward at daylight, expecting to renew the attack, but it was discovered that the enemy had retreated during the night, thus admitting defeat. The regiment then went into camp on the battlefield and engaged in the duty of burying the dead with the honors of war, and giving the wounded such care and attention as could be rendered in the field hospitals. The officers and men of the Nineteenth Iowa had thus had ample opportunity to become acquainted with the hardships and horrors of war, in but little more than three months from the date of their muster into the service. Death had sadly diminished their numbers at the very beginning of the long term for which they had enlisted, but had not affected their courage or determination to go forward in the faithful discharge of their duty as soldiers.

Soon after the battle, the Army of the Frontier engaged in another arduous expedition, in which the Nineteenth Iowa participated, and which resulted in the capture of Van Buren, Arkansas, together with a number of prisoners, five steamboats and a large amount of commissary stores. Returning from this expedition, the regiment, again went into camp at Prairie Grove, where it remained until January 2, 1863, when it again took up the line of march, moving from point to point and watching the movements of the enemy. February 15, 1863, the regiment, with two companies of the First Iowa Cavalry, was stationed at Forsyth on the Arkansas river, which place they occupied during the remainder of the winter. The regiment left Forsyth April 22d, and after a series of marches reached Salem, Mo., where it was temporarily attached to the First Division under the command of General Ewing. June 3d, the regiment marched to Rolla, from which place it was conveyed by rail to St. Louis, where General Herron's division was being concentrated, and embarked on steamers for Vicksburg, Miss. The regiment was then conveyed down the river, arriving at Young's Point June 10, 1863, and from that place moved to the rear of Vicksburg, where the siege was in progress, and was assigned to a place in the line of investment on the right of General Herron's division, which occupied the extreme left of the line of General Grant's army. During the remainder of the siege the Nineteenth Iowa performed its full share of duty. In his official report Lieutenant Colonel Kent describes in detail the arduous character of the work performed — advancing under cover of the night, digging rifle pits, planting batteries and siege guns to bear upon the enemy's works, skirmishing with the enemy and driving him from his advanced lines to his heavy fortifications and, upon the 4th of July, 1863, when the glad news of the surrender was received, the marching of his regiment inside the formidable works, which, fortunately, were not carried by assault, involving as it would have done, a costly sacrifice of life. The report highly commends the conduct of the officers and men during the siege and makes special mention of the constant and untiring energy of Major Bruce in the performance of his duties.

On the 12th of July, 1863, the regiment with its division participated in an expedition which resulted in the capture of Yazoo City on July 14th, the enemy evacuating the place on the approach of the Union troops, a number of prisoners being taken, together with the armament of the works, commissary stores and a large amount of cotton. The regiment engaged in several other expeditions within a radius of a hundred miles of Vicksburg, involving much hard marching, and the confiscating of horses, mules and cattle for the use of the army. On July 23, 1863, the regiment embarked on steamer at Vicksburg and was conveyed to Port Hudson, La., arriving there on the 26th, and remaining until August 12th. A number of men died from disease while at this camp, and there was a great deal of sickness. The next movement of the regiment was by steamer to Carrollton, La., where the entire Thirteenth Army Corps was encamped.

On the morning of the 5th of September, the regiment with its division started up the river upon an expedition to the mouth of Red River, where the enemy was seriously obstructing navigation, and had.captured a number of Federal transports. The regiment arrived at Morganza, twenty miles below the mouth of Red River, September 7th, disembarked and went into camp. The enemy was in force 12 miles from Morganza. Detachments from General Herron's division were sent out in the direction of the enemy, and frequent skirmishes had occurred, when, on the 12th of September, the Nineteenth Iowa, Twenty-Sixth Indiana and two pieces of artillery, were ordered to the front. This detachment moved out six miles, driving the enemy's pickets before it. It occupied this advanced position, skirmishing daily with the enemy, until September 29th, when the battle of Sterling Farm was fought, in which the regiment suffered heavy loss in killed, wounded and prisoners. Lieutenants Kent of company H, and Roberts of company K, were killed on the field. Captain Taylor, of company G, was mortally wounded. Major John Bruce wrote the official report of this engagement, which was so disastrous to that portion of the regiment which was engaged. As will be seen from the report which follows, there were but 260 of the Nineteenth Iowa engaged in the battle, that being the number present for duty at the time the regiment was sent to the front.

Headquarters Nineteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry,
Brownsville, Texas, Oct. 1.5, 1863.

GENERAL: I have the honor to submit to you a report of the part taken by my regiment in the engagement at Sterling Farm, fought on the 29th of September, 1863, in Point Coupee Parish, Louisiana. On the 5th day of September, the Second Division, Thirteenth Army Corps, commanded by Major General Herron, of which command the Nineteenth Iowa formed a part, embarked on board transports, and proceeded up the river to disperse a force under General Taylor, which was then on the west side below the mouth of Red River, seriously threatening the navigation of the Mississippi.

On the 8th of September the division was halted near Morganza, La., landed and proceeded to the interior, met the enemy's pickets about two miles from the river, drove them in, and drove the rebels back ten miles across the Atchafalaya. I was left with my regiment and two pieces of artillery to protect the transports at the river. The division returned to the transports on the 11th. On the 12th, the Nineteenth Iowa, Twenty-sixth Indiana, and two pieces of artillery, the whole under command of Lieutenant Colonel Leake of the Twentieth Iowa, were ordered out to feel the enemy. We met the enemy's pickets one mile from the river, drove them in, and soon found the enemy in considerable force. We skirmished with them and drove them back across the Atchafalaya. We then fell back to Sterling Farm seven miles in the interior from where the transports lay; from this point our advance and pickets skirmished almost daily, with the advance of the enemy. On the 29th, the enemy, having received reinforcements, turned our right and attacked us in the rear, cutting off our retreat. He at the same time attacked us on the front. My regiment was first called into action, met the enemy boldly and at short range, delivered a deadly volley, which compelled him to fall back. They, however, rallied again in overwhelming force, and after a firm and desperate struggle in which we were well supported by the Twenty-sixth Indiana, we were completely overpowered and compelled to surrender, many of our men, however, refusing to give up until their guns were taken from their hands by the rebels. The rebels were commanded by General Green in person and consisted of three brigades, in all a force of 5,000 men; our entire force there was about 500 men. My regiment had only about 260 in the action; many having been left sick in convalescent camps at Carrollton, La., they were not on the expedition. The fight was short, but deadly, considering the numbers engaged, the cane and high weeds concealing the lines until they approached within pistol shot. Many of our men escaped and came straggling into camp for two days afterwards. In the action we had killed two officers and eight enlisted men, wounded one officer (since died) and sixteen enlisted men, and eleven officers and 203 enlisted men taken prisoners. The loss in the Twenty-sixth Indiana was not so much as ours. The enemy's loss was fifty killed in the field and many more wounded. Great credit is due to the officers and men of my regiment, who fought bravely and desperately against fearful odds. The rebel officers acknowledged it was to them a dearly bought victory and were much chagrined at finding so small a capture after so vigorous a resistance. I was not in the engagement, having been ordered to New Orleans a few days prior. The regiment was at the time commanded by senior Captain Wm. Adams, Company B, who was taken prisoner.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Major Comd'g Nineteenth Iowa Vol., Infantry.

To N. B. Baker, Adjutant General of Iowa [see note 6].

The remainder of the regiment returned with the division to Carrollton, October 11th. Those who had escaped capture, together with those who had recovered from sickness and were again able for duty, now exceeded the number of those who were held by the enemy as prisoners of war.

On October 23d the regiment started upon an expedition, the objective point of which was Brownsville, Texas. The part taken by the Nineteenth Iowa in that important expedition is described in the official report of its commanding officer as follows:

Headquarters Nineteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry,
Brownsville, Texas, Dec. 1, 1863.

GENERAL: I have the honor to submit to you an account of the part taken by my regiment in the expedition against Texas, which was under the command of Major General Banks, and started from New Orleans on the 24th of October, 1863. On the 23d my regiment embarked on the steamer General Banks. The entire fleet consisted of sixteen vessels and three gunboats, all loaded with troops, provisions and munitions of war. On the 27th, the fleet sailed through the southwest pass, and came to anchor outside the bar. Went to sea on the 29th. On the 30th, we encountered a severe storm from the north. Our ship being overloaded, as well as old and frail, labored and strained alarmingly. The sea, striking very heavily under the guards and fantail, threatened to tear off the latter, rendering it necessary, in order to save life, to lighten the ship. This was at once done by heaving overboard eleven mules, one. battery wagon, forage, etc., after which she rode easier, but her leakage constantly increased, requiring the unremitting working of the pumps. On the 31st of October our fuel was nearly exhausted, and we were taken in tow by the Empire City. On the 1st day of November, we came in sight of land, and at 6 p. m. came to anchor off the bar at the Island of Brazos Santiago. On the 2d of November, we were the first of the fleet to cross the bar, and about noon effected a landing. The Nineteenth Regiment was the first command landed and its colors the first that floated on the breeze of that desolate island. I was at once ordered out, moved six miles to the front, and held the advance for three days, until a large part of the force was landed and came up. On the 6th of November our orders were to move forward, and after two days march up the Rio Grande, crossing the battlefields of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, we entered Brownsville, Texas, on the 7th, without opposition. The enemy had a small force, which evacuated the place on our approach. Previously, however, they fired the barracks of Fort Brown, and many private buildings, which were smouldering ruins when we took possession of the town. We captured a large amount of cotton, and stopped a large trade going on between Mexico and the so-called Confederate States. Colonel Wm. McE. Dye, of the Twentieth Iowa, commanding our brigade (Second Brigade, Second Division, Thirteenth Army Corps), was made commander of the post, and his brigade went into barracks in the town, where we still remain.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Major Commanding Nineteenth Iowa Infantry.

To N. B. Baker, Adjutant General of Iowa [see note 7].

On the 1st of January, 1864, the regiment was still quartered in barracks at Brownsville, Texas. At that date, according to the report of Major Bruce, it had the aggregate number of 691 still borne upon its rolls, present for duty and absent, but among the absent were 213 of its officers and men who still languished in rebel prisons; and adding to these the sick and disabled in hospitals, and those upon detached duty, there were less than 400 men then present with the regiment and able for duty. On the 10th of March, 1864, Major John Bruce was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment. The regiment remained in Brownsville during the winter. On the 30th of March it left the barracks and encamped on the plain east of the town and near Fort Brown. In addition to the ordinary details for guard and picket duty, heavy details were now made for the purpose of restoring the ruined and dismantled fort. About the time the repairs were completed, guns mounted, and the fort put in good condition for defense, orders were received to prepare for its abandonment. Of the withdrawal of the troops from the Mexican frontier, Major Bruce wrote as follows:

About the 5th of July, we began to prepare for the evacuation of the place. This occupied considerable time. War material which had been collected had to be removed, and many refugees from the State, fleeing from rebel conscription and intolerance, had taken up their residence here. Even Mexican citizens, seeking asylum from the troubles of their own Government, sought the protection of the Stars and Stripes. These persons had to have time for the removal of their families and effects, and had to be provided with transportation to New Orleans and other places. The friends of the Mexican Government saw, with deep regret, the preparations for the evacuation of the line of the Rio Grande by the United States forces. During the occupation the most friendly relations were cultivated and maintained between our army and the Mexican army at Matamoras, then under command of General Cortinas, who adhered to the Mexican Government as represented by President Juarez. The occupation of this line by the United States forces inspired confidence among the friends of Mexican independence and operated as a strong moral power in staying the advance of the French in Northern Mexico. A sentiment of true sympathy, amounting in many cases to regret, pervaded our entire army that our international relations would not permit us at that time to give substantial aid to our sister republic in her struggle against French domination. During the progress of evacuation we were frequently threatened by the enemy. He attacked our pickets and made other demonstrations, but did not venture a general engagement for the possession of the place. On the 28th of July the evacuation of the town and fort took place. The whole command, under General Herron, marched out and camped the first night at San Martino. Afterwards the division halted at White's Ranch, and I was detained with my regiment at that place several days, covering the embarkation of the troops. On the 3d of August, I moved to the Island of Brazos Santiago, and the next day embarked on the steamer Corinthian with orders for New Orleans. Thus the line of the Rio Grande Was abandoned, except that a garrison was left to hold the Island of Santiago. Arrived at New Orleans on the 7th day of August, and was ordered into camp at Carrollton. Here we were much gratified at meeting the officers and men of the regiment who had been captured at the battle of Sterling Farm, on the 29th of September previous, and who had, on the 22d of July, been exchanged and were awaiting our arrival to join, the regiment. Ten officers, and one hundred and seventy enlisted men returned to us at this time. An account of their treatment by the enemy while prisoners, furnished me by S. F. Roderick, senior Captain of the regiment, who was one of their number, Is herewith submitted. . . . [See note 8.]

The report of Captain Roderick describes in detail the hardships endured by himself and the other members of his regiment, while confined in rebel prisons for a period of nearly ten months. They were moved from one place to another, and covered a distance of over 800 miles on foot, during the time they were in the hands of the enemy. The place where they were confined the longest was at Camp Tyler, Texas. This was a stockade, the walls of which were sixteen feet high; there was no shelter or protection of any kind from the weather, except some rude structures of logs and poles, built by the prisoners, and the food furnished was barely sufficient to sustain life. When they were first placed within the stockade they were entirely without shelter, and, for forty-eight hours, without food. They then received ten days' rations of corn meal, but had nothing to put it in, and for over thirty days had no vessels in which to cook the meal furnished them, except what they could borrow from their guards. The weather was cold, only a few of the men had blankets, and all were poorly clad, many of them being without shoes. Of course sickness was the inevitable result of such exposure and lack of food, and medical treatment was entirely inadequate. Near the close of his account Captain Roderick says: "At this time the scenes of human misery and suffering are beyond my power of description, and will only be known when some abler hand than mine shall write the history of the stockade at Tyler, Texas." The capacity for endurance of such hardships among these men of the Nineteenth Iowa was most remarkable, for the account states that, out of the 206 men of the regiment in confinement, there were but two deaths, while one deserted, thirty made their escape and one hundred seventy-three were exchanged [see note 9].

On the 14th of August, the regiment embarked at New Orleans, with orders to proceed to Pensacola, Florida, where it arrived on the 16th, and went into camp. From that place it took part in several expeditions, in one of which it lost one man killed in a skirmish with the enemy. December 6th the regiment again embarked and was conveyed to Fort Gaines, where it remained until the 14th, when it again embarked and, on the 15th, landed at East Pascagoula, Miss., and there joined the troops under command of General Granger, with Whom the regiment co-operated against the enemy. There were frequent skirmishes, but no general engagement, and the regiment sustained no loss. On Dec. 26, 1864, the regiment occupied a fortified position five miles from East Pascagoula, where it remained until the close of the year.

Early in January, 1865, the regiment returned to Pascagoula, where it remained until the close of the month and was then conveyed to Dauphin Island, Ala. Here preparations were begun for the next campaign, the results of which were to prove so important to the cause of the Union. Upon the arrival of the Sixteenth Army Corps from Tennessee, active operations against the enemy began. The regiment was assigned to a brigade composed of the Twentieth Wisconsin, Ninety-fourth Illinois, Twenty-third and Nineteenth Iowa regiments of Infantry and Battery "C" First Missouri Light Artillery. This was the First Brigade of the Second Division of the Thirteenth Army Corps. On the 27th of February the 'troops and camp equipments were conveyed by transports to Navy Cove near Fort Morgan. On the 17th of March the troops moved forward, the Thirteenth Corps taking the advance. The roads and the weather were bad. The men were frequently called upon to assist in getting the artillery over the almost impassable roads. It was hard and toilsome work, but the endurance of the soldiers was equal to the task. On the 22d of March, the advance had reached Fish river when the enemy's cavalry was encountered, but was able to offer only feeble resistance and the column moved on, arriving in front of Spanish Fort on the 26th. On the next day the rest of the army arrived, and by night the fort was completely invested, the First Brigade holding the extreme left of the line. Oh the 27th a general advance was ordered. The Nineteenth Iowa led the advance of its brigade. The enemy made a stubborn resistance, but finally fell back to the fort and its immediate defenses. Then commenced a series of regular siege operations, in which the Nineteenth Iowa performed its full share of duty under the command of Lieutenant Colonel John Bruce, whose official report of the part taken by his regiment is here given, as follows [see note 10]:

Headquarters Nineteenth Regiment, Iowa Infantry Volunteers,
Spanish Fort, Ala., April 14, 1865.

LIEUT. A. J. ROCKWELL, A. A. A. General, First Brigade,
Second Division, Thirteenth Army Corps.

SIR: I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the attack upon and reduction of Spanish Fort and its defenses. On the 27th of March, about noon, I was ordered forward; crossed the creek, deployed in line of battle, advanced Companies A and D in skirmish line through the thick brush, holding my line well out on my left to the bay. After ascending the hill, and in view of the fort, the enemy opened on my line with artillery, wounding a number of my men. Here we hastily threw up a line of works, and in the meantime Faust's Battery came up, opened on the enemy vigorously, and in a short time he ceased to return the fire. I again advanced, under orders, to get a position as near as possible to the enemy's works. The enemy, observing the movement, opened upon me with musketry, from his rifle pits, and from the front. He also opened with his artillery. In the advance I had a number of men killed and wounded. Under cover of the fallen timber, I protected my line as well as I could, while the artillery in my rear was playing with good effect on the rebel works. Darkness came on and I was ordered to throw up a line of defenses where I then was, which I did. After this the operations assumed the nature of a siege. We advanced our lines under cover of the night, by parallels, drove the enemy out of his pits, and occupied them. On the night of the 8th of April, the enemy abandoned his works, and we took possession of them. Annexed to this report, find list of the killed and wounded of my regiment. My casualties were but few after the advance of the first day.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieut. Col. Nineteenth Iowa Inft., Commanding Regt.

With the fall of Spanish Fort ended the battle history of the Nineteenth Iowa. On the 9th of April, Fort Blakely was captured by the troops under General Steele, and on the night of the 10th, Mobile and all its defenses were evacuated by the enemy. During the following month the regiment was employed, with other troops, in dismantling the forts around Mobile. It then moved to Dauphin Island, and remained there until June 14th, when it was ordered to return to Mobile and, soon after its arrival there, the officers and men were rejoiced by receiving the glad news that they would soon be permitted to return to their homes. On the 10th day of July, 1865, the regiment was mustered out of the service of the United States at Mobile, Alabama; on the 17th it embarked on. steamer for New Orleans, and was conveyed from there to Cairo, Ill., by steamboat, thence by rail to Davenport, Iowa, where it was disbanded Aug. 1, 1865, and the officers and men bade each other good-bye and returned to their homes. The day before the regiment disbanded, its commander issued the following address [see note 11]:

Headquarters Nineteenth Iowa Infantry Volunteers,
Davenport, Iowa, July 31, 1865.


On the eve of separation, it is perhaps no more than proper that I should address to you a few parting words. We have been together for three long, eventful years – years of surpassing interest in the history of our country, and of the world. Inspired by a common patriotic impulse, we joined hands on the altar of our country, and common sufferings, sacrifices and dangers have united us in the affectionate memory of the heart. You have borne yourselves well in the great struggle. No commanding officer has ever spoken of you otherwise than in commendation of your gallant services.

You have endured with patience and fortitude the hardships and dangers to which you have been exposed; you have cheerfully performed every duty required of you, whether on the field of battle or in the pauses of the conflict. You return from the victorious fields of the republic, conscious of having done your part in bearing aloft the banner of your country's nationality, and planting it on every hill and valley throughout the land. You will receive the congratulations of your friends, and a grateful country will not forget your services. Go, then, my comrades, put off the panoply of war, and enter the pursuits of peaceful industry; prove yourselves good citizens, as you have good soldiers. Forget not the principles for which you have victoriously contended, and for preserved life, health, and good government, forget not the debt of gratitude due to Almighty God. With the most profound sentiments of respect for the memories of our honored dead, and the liveliest feelings of kindly regard for all who have survived, I bid you, comrades all, farewell. I part from your command without the consciousness of one unkind feeling toward anyone of you. God bless you and grant you long life and health. May home soon gladden your eyes and cheer your hearts, and may demostic [sic] happiness meet you smiling at your gates.

Lieut. Col. Nineteenth Iowa Volunteers.

Well and faithfully have the survivors of this splendid regiment observed the parting injunction of their gallant commander. In their various avocations in life they have remained true to the principles for which they fought. Many of them have answered the last roll call since the close of the great struggle for the preservation of their government, and comparatively few remain to peruse this brief sketch of the service performed by the regiment to which they belonged; but the children of the living and the dead, and their posterity to the latest generation, will refer with just pride to the record of personal service of their ancestors, as shown in the brief paragraphs in connection with their names in the roster which follows this history. The commonwealth of Iowa has, performed a high duty in thus preserving, not only the history of this splendid regiment, but the names of the men who marched and fought under its colors, and brought them back to their state to be placed among the clusters of honored flags which adorn the rotunda of its Capitol. With the lapse of time the Republic for which these brave men fought and suffered will grow stronger and more enduring, and with its growth and strength will increase the love and reverence for the memory of those who, in the time of their country's greatest need, rallied to her defense and saved her from destruction at the hands of a portion of her own rebellious children.


Total Enrollment. 1132
Killed 58
Wounded 198
Died of wounds 40
Died of disease 93
Discharged for disease, wounds or other causes 209
Buried in National Cemeteries 85
Captured 216
Transferred 43

[Note 1.] Adjutant General's Report, State of Iowa, Vol. 1, 1863, Original Roster of the Regiment, pages 682 to 717.

[Note 2.] The compiler of this sketch has gleaned much of his material from the carefully prepared histories of the operations of the regiment, found in the reports of the Adjutant General of Iowa, for the years 1864, 1866 and 1867, pages 461 to 466, 284 to 286 and 589 to, 592, written by John Bruce, Major, Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel, Nineteenth Iowa Infantry, and Brevet Colonel and Brigadier General. The student of the military history of Iowa is referred to these histories for a more extended account of the operations of this regiment.

[Note 3.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa 1864, pages 463-4.

[Note 4.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa 1866, pages 281-2.

[Note 5.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, Vol. 2, 1863, Report, page 832.

[Note 6.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa for year 1864, pages 461-2.

[Note 7.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa for year 1864, page 462 and map No. 43, War of the Rebellion Records.

[Note 8.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa for year 1866, pages 282, 284 and 285.

[Note 9.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, pages 283-4.

[Note 10.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa for year 1866, page 286.

[Note 11.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa for year 1867, Vol. 2, page 591.

SOURCE: Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers During the War of the Rebellion, Volume 3, p. 225-34

Monday, January 4, 2010

Brigadier-General Samuel Allen Rice


Samuel A. Rice, who received his death-wound at the battle of Jenkin's Ferry, is the most distinguished officer our gallant State has lost in the War of the Rebellion. Sprung from the great middle class, without name or wealth, he had, at the age of thirty-five, attained such distinction as to make his death a national calamity.

General Rice was a native of New York, and was born in Cattaraugus county of that State, the 27th of January, 1828. His boyhood was passed in Belmont county, Ohio, where his parents removed when he was young. There he gained a common school education. The father died soon after removing to Ohio, leaving his family in limited circumstances, and his son, Samuel, as their chief support. He, accordingly, engaged in the boating business on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, that promising the amplest remuneration. As a flat-boatman, he made one or more trips to New Orleans.

General Rice was liberally educated; but the expenses of his education he had to defray himself. He pursued his preparatory course at the Athens Academy, Ohio, and in 1844 or 1845, entered Union College, New York. After graduating there, he entered the law department of that University, where he studied for one year, and then left for the wild West — for so Iowa was regarded, at that day, in the Eastern and Middle States.

The history of General Rice is widely known in our commonwealth; for he was one of our most prominent public men. He first settled in Fairfield, Jefferson county, where he practiced his profession, and occasionally assisted in the editorial department of the whig newspaper of that place. But in the fall of 1851, he removed to Oskaloosa, at which place his family still reside. His first public office was that of prosecuting attorney of his county. Naturally excelling as a criminal lawyer, he attracted general attention by the able manner in which he discharged the duties of his office; and it was this which secured him the nomination in 1856, to the office of attorney-general of the State. In 1856, and again in 1858, he was elected to the last named office; and at the close of his last term, he had established a reputation that placed his name among the foremost lawyers of the State, and, I might add, among the foremost of our public men. I do not speak of him in extravagant terms. The attention and deference that were paid to his arguments before the Supreme Court, would have flattered an attorney of the greatest experience, and the most extensive practice; and the influence which he wielded, as a leading member of the Republican Party, was recognized by all of our most prominent men.

General Rice entered the United States service in the summer of 1862. He would have entered the army sooner; but he could not leave his large business without pecuniary sacrifice; and, besides, he did not believe at first that the war would be of long duration. He was commissioned colonel of the 33d Iowa Infantry, on the 10th day of August, 1862; and late in November left with his regiment for St. Louis. Early in February, 1863, he arrived with his command at Helena, Arkansas, the point where was organized the Yazoo Pass Expedition; and the first important services of the 33d Iowa were in clearing this Pass of obstructions, and opening it for the passage of our transports. For nearly three weeks prior to the starting of the expedition, the regiment was engaged in this fatiguing and dangerous work. The history of this expedition is given elsewhere.

In the long list of battles that were fought in the South West from the 27th of December, 1862, to the 4th of July following, that of Helena, Arkansas, ranks high in point of importance, not simply because Helena with all its government property was saved from capture; but because the spirit of our troops caused the rebels, on the west side of the Mississippi, to despair of ever re-possessing their lost country. Colonel Rice had met the enemy before in skirmishes, but the engagement at Helena was his first battle. Here his brigade saved the place from capture, and his gallantry and soldierly skill made him a brigadier-general. The names of his troops deserve special mention: the 33d Iowa and 33d Missouri, who most distinguished themselves and suffered most severely, engaged the enemy at batteries C and D, near the Little Rock Road: the 29th and 36th Iowa regiments would have done as well and suffered as severely, but they were stationed on the hills to the right, near batteries A and B, and were not so severely engaged. The main attack of the enemy was made on the Little Rock road, where they staked every thing on forcing an entrance. They captured battery C, and so far succeeded; but the raking fire they received from the other batteries, and from the infantry and Fort Curtis, soon forced them to abandon their dearly-won prize. Our pickets were driven in at half past three in the morning, and the fight lasted till nearly 11 A. M., when the enemy retired precipitately. I have said his command saved Helena from capture; and I may add that his casualties amounted to more than half the entire Union loss. It should be stated that two regiments of his command — the 33d Iowa and 33d Missouri — were, during the engagement, under the more immediate command of General Solomon.

In August, 1863, Colonel Rice was appointed a brigadier-general. He had saved General Prentiss and his command from defeat as a colonel; as a brigadier-general, he saved General Steele's army and train from capture at Jenkin's Ferry, on the Saline River; and, had he survived the injury he received in that engagement, he would, doubtless, have been made a major-general.

In General Steele's march against Little Rock, which left Helena on the 10th of August, 1863, General Rice commanded a division, and it was on this march that he received his appointment as brigadier-general. No great battles were fought on this expedition, and no opportunities [sic] offered for special distinction. With others he is entitled to equal credit for the success of our arms.

General Rice's coolness and bravery, and his ability as an officer were best illustrated in General Steele's Campaign into South Western Arkansas, which resulted disastrously to our arms, and gave new hope to the rebels. Here he held only a brigade command. Had he commanded the expedition, some have thought the result would have been different; but this is unjust to General Steele. The loss of a brigade and wagon-train at Mark's Mills might have been avoided; but, considering the difficulties under which General Steele labored, no one could have hoped for entire success. That the chief credit which attaches to this movement or rather to the battle at Jenkins' Ferry, belonged to General Rice, no one will dispute.

The expedition in question left Little Rock on the 23d of March, 1864. Between that point and Camden, the enemy were met at Terra Noir Creek, Elkin's Ford, Prairie de Anne, and six miles north-west of Camden. The sharpest of these engagements was that at Elkin's Ford, on the Little Missouri River. Colonel Rice, though not in command of the forces engaged, received a scalp-wound, while riding to the front. But the great battle of the campaign was fought at Jenkins' Ferry, on the morning of the 30th of April, 1864.

On the evening of the 29th of April, the expedition had reached the Saline River, on its return to Little Rock. That same evening, General Steele's rear-guard had been attacked by the enemy, under Price and Kirby Smith; and it was probable that on the following morning he would have to give them battle; for a pontoon-bridge must be constructed on which to "cross, and the difficulties to be overcome were well-nigh insurmountable: these, however, have been spoken of elsewhere.

That night was stormy and dismal, and will be long remembered by Steele's old command. The floods of falling rain had swollen the Saline to the top of its banks, and covered the low bottom-lands bordering the river with water. But few slept that night: in front was a swollen river; in the rear a confident enemy, and under foot mud and water half-leg deep. Some collected piles of brush to rest on, and others passed the night on stumps and old logs. Day-light was longed for; and yet it promised little, for all believed it would be ushered in by an attack of the enemy. Some were cheerful, and cracked their jokes; but the great majority pulled their ponchos or blankets tightly about them, and remained quiet: they were thinking of their homes and friends, and of the comforts they had exchanged for these hardships.

But morning came at last, and with it the opening battle. Already General Rice's command was in line to engage the enemy, should he advance, and to defend the crossing: they were engaged promptly. The troops of his command, who met the first shock of battle, were the 29th Iowa on the right, the 50th Indiana in the centre, and the 33d Iowa on the left. Of the position of the other two infantry regiments of his command (the 9th and the 28th Wisconsin) at the opening of the fight, I am unadvised. His battery (Captain Voglies') had been sent over the river. The enemy — four to one in the first onset — advanced fairly and squarely, confident of easy victory; but they were repulsed. And not only in this, but in each renewed assault were they repulsed; till finally, near noon, they withdrew and left our forces in possession of the field. At about two o'clock, the last of our infantry forces crossed the river; and after destroying the pontoon-bridge, resumed, unmolested, their march to Little Rock. We lost in this engagement about eight hundred men. The enemy lost, according to his own estimate, nine hundred and fifty; but it is known that his loss was greater.

That was a most gloomy hour for the Federal cause in Arkansas, and the enemy were every where jubilant over the "prospects of peace and independence." They boasted that Steele's army was defeated and disheartened, and that, if it escaped at all, it would do so as a disorganized rabble. They never seemed to doubt that Steele would be compelled to abandon Little Rock, and that the entire State of Arkansas would pass again under Confederate rule. They moved north and blockaded the Arkansas River, and threatened seriously the Little Rock Railroad. The Government became alarmed, and sent nearly two divisions from New Orleans to Steele's assistance. Indeed, for many months the post of Little Rock was little better than in a state of siege; and it was only after Price's reverses in Missouri that the hopes of the Federal cause in Arkansas again rose in the ascendant. But to return.

In the enemy's last charge, and as General Rice was riding down his left wing, he received the wound which resulted in his death. He was shot by a musket-ball "through the right foot, the ball passing under the instep, just in front of the ankle, and driving the buckle of the spur before it."

He left Little Rock for his home in Iowa, on the 18th day of May. For a considerable time after reaching his home, it was supposed he was convalescing; but, (I quote from the Oskaloosa "Herald") " the virus of his wound had permeated his whole system, poisoning the vital fluids, and putting his case beyond the reach of human aid." He died on the 6th day of August, 1864.

The night before the general's death, Judge Loughridge, of Oskaloosa, his warm and tried friend, watched by his bed-side to assist in answering his wants, and to offer consolation to the grief-stricken family. His pain seemed to be intense, making the night drag heavily, and, as he turned restlessly in his bed, the judge inquired: "General, how do you feel now? Are you willing to die?" Looking up, and his eyes brightening, he replied: "I am ready. 'Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, He is with me. His rod and His staff, they comfort me.'"

Four years before, he had said, while pronouncing an eulogy upon our lamented Judge Stockton:

"We can but feel and realize that, like the deceased, we too must undergo that great change, allotted to all living. When that change shall come; when the shadows of the last night shall gather around us, may we meet it like one that draws the drapery of his couch about him, and lies down to pleasant dreams."

His prayer was realized. He died in the full possession of his mental faculties, and with the hopes of a Christian.

My admiration of the character of this noble man, I am unable to express. Few as able and deserving as he have been sacrificed to the Moloch of Slavery. One who served long with him in the army writes thus of him:

"But above all, and overall stands the name of one, whom Iowa will be proud to own — General Samuel A. Rice. I have never yet seen his equal, either on the field, or in the camp. * * All admit that his brigade saved the army from defeat and consequent destruction, at the battle of Jenkins' Ferry."

Testimonials of his worth meet me on every hand, to which, I regret, I am unable to give place. His old division has contributed funds for the erection of a monument to his memory; but his "good name will live, when monuments of brass and stone shall have crumbled to dust."

The proceedings of the Supreme Court at Des Moines, on learning of his death, I must briefly allude to. Hon. C. C. Nourse, the general's successor, as Attorney-General of Iowa, Hon. Thomas F. Withrow, and Hon. Chief Justice Wright offered touching eulogies to his memory. In the course of his remarks, our honored Chief Justice said:

"I parted with him in May, as he was nearing his home, with his family and friends around him: he was reclining on what proved to be his death-bed. I shall ever remember his face, and the sparkling expression of his flashing eyes, as, taking me by the hand, he said: 'I shall not die: I know that I shall live — I shall live to return to the field, and assist in crushing this most accursed rebellion.' These hopes — these high resolves were doomed to disappointment."

After the addresses were closed, the following preamble and resolutions were entered of record:

"WHEREAS, General Samuel A. Rice, formerly a member of the bar of this Court, and for four years Attorney-General of the State, died at his home in Oskaloosa on the 6th day of July, 1864, from a wound received in battle at Saline River on the 30th day of April, 1864, and whereas, the high standing of the deceased as a member of the profession, as well as his exalted patriotism and many personal virtues, demand a special notice of his memory upon our part; Therefore, be it

"Resolved, By the members of the bar now in attendance upon the Supreme Court:

1. "That we deeply deplore this dispensation of Divine Providence, in thus removing from our midst one who adorned his profession, and endeared himself to us by his uniform courtesy and upright conduct.

2. "That by his death a brave and true soldier and officer has fallen in defense of his Government, a kind father and true husband has been lost to his family, a valued citizen has been lost to the State, and an honored and able advocate has been lost to the profession.

3. "That we will cherish in affectionate remembrance his many virtues, and request the members of the bar to wear the usual badge of mourning during the term.

4. "That we tender to the bereaved family our sincere testimony of the worth of the deceased, and assure them of our sympathy and condolence in their affliction.

5. "That the court be requested to have these proceedings and resolutions spread upon the records of the court, and to furnish a certified copy of the same to the family of the deceased.

" Committee. — Jefferson F. Polk, H. S. Winslow, William H. Seevers, C. C. Nourse."

I first met General Rice in the spring of 1857, at the Oskaloosa bar. Then, he had just been elected Attorney-General of the State; and I scanned him closely. He was, at the time, arguing a case with Judge Seevers; and Governor Stone was sitting upon the bench. He was dressed poorly; was unshaven, and looked to me to be below the medium in size. I thought we never elected such men to like positions in New England. Three years later, I saw him again; when he looked more like himself — an able and polished gentleman. The portrait here published is not a perfect likeness, though the mild, intelligent expression of the eye is correct.

General Rice was not a man of brilliant parts. He had a large brain and a sound judgment; and hard study did the rest. He was an able reasoner. His cast of mind was more practical than theoretical; for instance: on one occasion, two applicants for admission to the bar presented themselves in the Oskaloosa Court. It was Governor Stone's first term upon the bench. Judges Loughridge and Seevers and General Rice, having been appointed by the court the examining committee, the latter approached the young men, and, taking one of them by the hand, said: "Gentlemen, you look as though you could practice law; if you can not, you will get no business, and if you can, all right. I will vouch for you."

The general was kind-hearted and unassuming. I never saw him without a smile upon his face, and no one could be embarrassed in his presence. Few promised him the success he met in the service. He was as successful with the sword, as he had been in his civil profession. He was a noble exemplar of our Free State Chivalry.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 487-96