Showing posts with label 3rd MO CAV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3rd MO CAV. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Irish Dragoons — Naughton's Cavalry Company.

Organized at Jefferson City by authority of Gen Fremont September 11, 1861, to be attached to 23rd Illinois Irish Brigade. Expedition to Lexington October 5-16. Lexington October 16. Johnstown October 24. Assigned to 3rd Missouri Cavalry as Company "L" and to 5th Iowa Cavalry, "Curtis Horse," as Company "L," November, 1861.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1312

Friday, September 13, 2019

3rd Missouri Cavalry

Organized at Palmyra, Mo., and St. Louis, Mo., October 15, 1861, to March 6, 1862. Attached to District of Rolla, Dept. of Missouri, to December, 1862. Cavalry Brigade, Army of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to June, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of Southeast Missouri, Dept. of Missouri, to August, 1863. 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Arkansas Expedition, to December, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of Arkansas, to January, 1864. 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, Dept. of Arkansas, to March, 1865. Separate Cavalry Brigade, 7th Army Corps, to June, 1865.

SERVICE. — Duty in Southeast Missouri and District of Rolla, Mo.. till December, 1862, under Prentiss and McNeil. Action near Hallsville, Mo., December 27, 1861. Mt. Zion Church December 28. Inman's Hollow July 7, 1862 (Cos. "B," "D," "G," "H"). Mountain Store, Big Piney, July 25-26 (Cos. "E," "F"). Scout in Sinking Creek and skirmish August 4-11 (Detachment). Salem August 9. Wayman's Mills and Spring Creek August 23. Scout from Salem to Current River August 24-28 (Co. "E"). Beaver Creek, Texas County, November 24. Expedition from Rolla to Ozark Mountains November 30-December 6 (Cos. "A," "B"). Ozark December 2 (Cos. "A," "B"). Wood's Creek January 11, 1863. Hartsville, Wood's Fork, January 11. Batesville, Ark., February 4. Operations against Marmaduke April 17-May 2. Castor River, near Bloomfield, April 29. Bloomfield April 30. Coal Bluff, St. Francis River, April 30-May 1. Expedition against Little Rock, Ark., July 1-September 10. Moved from Wittsburg to Clarendon August 1-8. Near Bayou Metoe August 26. Bayou Metoe (or Reed's Bridge) August 27. Advance on Little Rock September 1-10. Bayou Fourche and capture of Little Rock September 10. Brownsville September 16. At Jacksonport, Ark., November, 1863, to March, 1864. Affair at Jacksonport November 21, 1863 (Co. "E"). Reconnoissance from Little Rock December 5-13, 1863. Jacksonport December 23. Scouts from Brownsville January 17-19, 1864. Hot Springs February 4. Steele's Expedition to Camden March 23-May 3. Elkins' Ferry, Little Missouri River, April 3-4. Mark's Mills April 5. Little Missouri River April 6. Prairie D'Ann April 9-12. Camden April 15, 16, 18 and 24. Mt. Elba Ferry April 26. Princeton April 29. Operations against Shelby, north of Arkansas River, May 18-31. At Little Rock till June, 1865. Benton Road, near Little Rock, July 19, 1864. Benton July 25 (Co. "C"). Scatterville July 28 (Detachment). Expedition from Little Rock to Little Red River August 6-16. At Tannery, near Little Rock, September 2 (Detachment). Expedition Little Rock to Fort Smith September 25-October 13 (Detachment). Reconnoissance from Little Rock toward Monticello and Mt. Elba October 4-11. Reconnoissance from Little Rock to Princeton October 19-23. Princeton October 23. Expedition from Little Rock to Saline River November 17-18 (Detachment). Expedition from Little Rock to Benton November 27-30 (Detachment). Mustered out June 14, 1865. (Co. "M" at Headquarters Dept. of Missouri, St. Louis, Mo., November, 1862, to June, 1863.)

Regiment lost during service 3 Officers and 37 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 172 Enlisted men by disease. Total 213.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1304

Monday, October 10, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Monday, November 16, 1863

3d Mo Cav leave for the northern part of the state.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 500

Friday, March 18, 2011

Naughton's Irish Dragoons

Organized September 1, 1861, by authority of Gen. Fremont, to be attached to 23rd Illinois Infantry as a Cavalry Company. Expedition to Lexington, Mo., October 5-16. Lexington October 16. Johnstown October 24. Transferred to 3rd Missouri Cavalry as Company "L" and again to 5th Iowa Cavalry, "Curtis Horse," as Company "L," November, 1861.

SOURCE: Frederick H. Dyer, A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, p. 1034

Friday, April 2, 2010

Twenty-first Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry

The official reports of the Adjutant General of Iowa show that Company A, of the Twenty-first Regiment of Infantry, was ordered into quarters at Clinton, Iowa, on the 23d day of May, 1862, and that it was there mustered into the service of the United States on the 4th day of June, 1862, while the other nine companies of the regiment were ordered into quarters at Dubuque, Iowa, on dates ranging from July 28 to August 23, 1862, and were there mustered into service, on dates ranging from the 18th to the 25th of August, 1862. The wide discrepancy in the dates of the muster in of the first company and those which followed is explained in a foot-note to the Original Roster of Company A, stating that the company was originally raised for the Eighteenth Iowa Infantry, but was subsequently transferred to the Twenty-first [see note 1]. The mustering officers were Captains George S. Pierce and H. B. Hendershott of the Regular Army, and the term of service was for three years from the date of muster. The official reports also show that, when the muster in of the ten companies was completed, their aggregate strength was 964 enlisted men and company officers, and, with twelve Field and Staff officers and four additional enlistments, the total number was 980 [see note 2]. The subjoined roster shows the name and record of service of every enlisted man and commissioned officer who was at any time a member of the regiment. The roster has been carefully compiled from the official records in the office of the Adjutant General of the State and, where these records do not show the completed service of any officer or soldier, a list of such names has been sent to the War Department, in Washington, in the hope that information might be obtained which would enable those engaged in making up these revised rosters to make them complete. In some instances the records were found to be incomplete, as shown from the lists returned from the War Department and must, therefore, remain so, but in most cases the necessary information has been obtained to complete them. It is believed, however, that the subjoined roster is as nearly correct as it is possible to make it from the official records. No doubt there are some errors and omissions, but every effort has been made to reduce them to the minimum. This sketch of the history of the regiment has also been compiled from the official reports and returns, as made to the Adjutant General of the State. The compiler was an Iowa soldier, in one of its infantry regiments, and in the preparation of this work has endeavored to cover as many of the leading events in the history of this, and all other Iowa regiments, as the limitation of space to which he is restricted will permit. It would have been an easier task to have written a longer history and to have gone more fully into detail, but the necessity for condensation has had to be kept constantly in mind; and, in this regard, each regiment has been given only the amount of space which the extent of its leading operations and length of service seemed to demand.

The Field and Staff and company officers of the regiment, as well as the men they commanded, were, with but few exceptions, entirely without experience as soldiers, but all utilized the time which was spent at Camp Franklin (near Dubuque) to the best advantage, in learning their respective duties and imparting such instruction as they could to the men under their command. The regiment was supplied with Enfield rifles, (one of the best guns in use at that time,) and was otherwise very well equipped for active service before leaving the State. In these respects it was more fortunate than some of the regiments which had preceded it. Both men and officers were apt in acquiring the rudiments of a military education. They were given ample opportunity to learn, in the practical school of experience in the field, more rapidly than if they had been detained longer in their first camp, for the reason that they were soon brought into contact with other troops, and the spirit of emulation, which naturally prevailed, caused both officers and men to embrace every opportunity to improve their knowledge of their duties as soldiers. The company and regimental drills and the enforcement of discipline were alike somewhat distasteful and unpleasant to many soldiers, in the first few months of their experience, who subsequently came to appreciate the value and necessity of both.

On the 16th of September, 1862, the regiment embarked on transports and proceeded down the river to St. Louis, but, being detained at Davenport and Montrose, did not reach its destination until the 20th. The short march from the landing at St. Louis to Benton Barracks was a severe trial to the endurance of the men. The weather was intensely hot and the march was made too rapidly. The men were heavily laden with knapsacks, blankets, arms and accouterments, and upon that four-mile march endured greater suffering than upon a long day's march thereafter, when they had learned to live without the things contained in those knapsacks, which then seemed to be necessities, and to disencumber themselves of pretty much everything except the rifle and its ammunition, and a single army blanket. They were having the common experience of soldiers at the commencement of their service, an experience which, alas, proved fatal to many.

On the evening of September 21st, the regiment marched to St. Louis and, going on board a train of cars, (such as were used to transport freight and stock,) proceeded to Rolla, Mo., where it arrived the next day and went into camp. Here the scourge of disease which attacked so many of the men of the new regiments, and which in so many instances either proved fatal or unfitted men for further service in the field, prevailed to such an extent that over 200 men of the regiment were on the sick list. On the 18th of October the regiment moved to Salem, Mo., twenty-five miles from Rolla, where it was assigned to a brigade of which the other regiments were the Ninety-ninth Illinois and Thirty-third Missouri Infantry, with detachments of the Third Missouri and Third Iowa Cavalry, and a section of the First Missouri Artillery, all under the command of Brigadier .General Fitz Henry Warren, formerly Colonel of the First Iowa Cavalry. Colonel Merrill was assigned to the command of the post. Here the regiment remained until the 3d of November, when those of its members who were able for duty again took up the line of march. About 200, including Colonel Merrill, were sick, and were left in hospital at Salem. After marching thirty-two miles the regiment went into camp at Houston, where it remained but a few days, when it marched about forty miles to Hartville, where it arrived on the 15th of November.

On the night of November 24th, the wagon train of the brigade, while moving from Houston towards Hartville, guarded by a small number of troops, was attacked by a considerable force of the enemy, who killed and wounded a number of the guards and captured the remainder, and then destroyed the wagons and such of the stores as they could not carry away. This affair occurred only sixteen miles from Hartville, and the Twenty-first Iowa promptly moved to the place where it occurred, but the enemy, being mounted, had disappeared. The regiment then returned to its camp, having made a night march of thirty-two miles in nine hours. Early in December the regiment returned to Houston, where it remained in camp until the 8th of January, 1863. During this time it became more efficient in drill, more appreciative of the necessity for discipline, and in every way better fitted for the work which lay before it — an active and aggressive winter campaign, in which the fortitude, bravery and endurance of men and officers were to be put to the severest possible test.

On the 9th of January, 1863, General Warren received orders to send reinforcements to the garrison at Springfield, eighty miles from Houston. About 700 men, consisting of detachments from the Twenty-first Iowa and Ninety-ninth Illinois Infantry, (about two hundred and fifty from each regiment,) and two hundred cavalry, with one section of artillery, all under command of Colonel Merrill of the Twenty-first Iowa, were detailed for the expedition. Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap was in command of the detachment of the Twenty-first, and, as the battles which ensued were the first in which any portion of the regiment had participated, the compiler feels impelled to quote his entire official report. While these were the first of the many hard fought battles in which it was engaged, and in several of which it suffered greater loss, nevertheless, when the greatly superior number of the enemy against whom it fought and the fact that its men and officers had never been under fire are taken into consideration, it may truthfully be said that the soldiers of the Twenty-first Iowa demonstrated in these battles that they were the equals of any of the splendid regiments of Iowa that had preceded them to the field. Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap's report is therefore given in full as follows [see note 3]:

Houston, Mo., Jan. 17, 1863.

GENERAL: I have the honor to report to you the part taken by a detachment of the Twenty-first Iowa Infantry Volunteers, under my command, in the battles of Wood's Fork and Hartsville, on the 11th inst. Perhaps these two engagements should occupy two reports, but, as they occurred so near together, I have thought proper, with your permission, to combine both battles in one report. In obedience to your order, I left Houston, with other forces under Colonel Merrill, on Friday the 9th inst., at about noon, to march to Springfield, with the object of reinforcing that place. The first night we encamped for a short time at Beaver Creek. At 12 o'clock at night we moved on, and when within a few miles of Hartsville, we were drawn up in line of battle, as information had been received that the rebel Colonel Porter had occupied the place the evening before, and might be there yet. We remained in line of battle until daylight, when it was ascertained that Porter had evacuated the town the night previous. We then moved on to Hartsville, when we halted until the afternoon, getting a little sleep for the men, and a bite to eat.

At 3 o'clock P. M., we moved on towards Springfield, Colonel Porter being in advance of us, and reached Wood's Fork at dark, when we camped for the night in line of battle. At 3 o'clock next morning, in accordance with orders from headquarters, I was ready to march. A few moments afterwards firing was heard from the pickets, and word came in that a heavy force was in front of us. I immediately got my command in line of battle, and ordered the companies to send their blankets and overcoats to the wagons. I then sent out Companies A and B, under Captains Johnson and Cook, respectively, as skirmishers. In this position we remained until nearly daylight, when I was ordered to move my command half a mile in advance. I went down on the double quick, and formed on the left of the road. The fight here lasted until 9 o'clock, when the enemy withdrew.

Soon afterwards, with the remainder of the force, I commenced a movement towards Hartsville, guarding the train as we advanced. When within two miles of the town, I was ordered to form my men and bring them forward on the double quick. I did so, and arrived on the edge of the town simultaneously with the Ninety-ninth Illinois and the artillery, on the brow of the hill on the left of the Springfield road where the artillery was stationed, my left reaching nearly to the Lebanon road. It was now nearly 11 o'clock (Sunday morning) when we got into line. My position was a very favorable one, being on the edge of the hill descending into the town, and sheltered by underbrush and small trees. The enemy's artillery opened on us immediately. I caused all my men to lie down during the engagement, except a few skirmishers, and to do their firing in this position, except when firing volleys or repelling the charges of the enemy. In a few moments they charged on us in large force, and we repelled them with great loss on their part. Several times, with short intervals, they repeated the charge with reinforcements of fresh troops, and every time they were driven back in disorder. Failing in these charges, they formed a line on the opposite side of the town, so near to us that we could distinctly hear the commands of their officers, and opened on us a brisk fire of musketry, their artillery at the same time pouring into us a heavy fire; we returning the fire with the most terrible effect. In a short time, a large body of mounted men poured into the town and made a charge, with terrible yells, upon our artillery at my right. When they approached within a few rods, simultaneously with the Ninety-ninth Illinois we poured into their ranks a full volley, causing them to reel and fall back in confusion and disorder. We continued our fire with so much heat as to empty many saddles, and create such a panic in their ranks that they could not be rallied until they got over the opposite hill, nearly half a mile distant. Their sharpshooters filled the Court House, and the dwelling houses in the town, who became very annoying to my command. I sent a request to Colonel Merrill, to have the artillery turned upon the town, but, not being able to find him, I ordered Lieutenant Waldschmidt, commanding the artillery, to shell the town and drive the rebels from their hiding places. He immediately commenced firing on them with briskness, and after a few rounds he retired from his position, as I supposed to cool his guns or repair some slight accidents, but he did not return, and, as I afterwards learned, he received orders to retreat by the Lebanon road. The firing now ceased on my right and left and, as I supposed some strategic movement was going on, I ordered my command to increase the vigor of their fire, in order to attract the attention of the enemy, while the remainder of our force changed their position. We kept up a brisk fire for about half an hour, when, hearing nothing from the balance of our line, I sent out skirmishers to the right and left to ascertain their whereabouts, and found they had retired from the field, probably toward Lebanon.

I had received no orders and, being only 220 strong, in front of 4,000, I was somewhat embarrassed as to the best course to pursue. To retreat then would be to disclose our weakness to the enemy and expose us to destruction; to stay seemed like embracing death. I determined, however, to hold my position until dark, or lose every man in the attempt, and in this I was sustained by the whole command. I then extended my line as much as possible, by scattering my men to the right and left, with instructions to maintain a vigorous fire, in order to prevent the enemy from ascertaining that our force had gone, at the same time pouring into them a hot fire from the main body. After this the enemy made three charges on our front, in one instance coming up in four ranks, but each time was driven back in a valorous manner by the Twenty-first Iowa. They now withdrew to the other side of the town, and the second time they formed a line, not with as strong a force as before, however. My attention was now called to the hill beyond their line, and, to my surprise as well as infinite delight, I discovered the rebels rapidly falling back on the road leading north. First their train went over the hill, followed by long lines of cavalry. Their retreat continued until sundown, by which time their whole force had gone, except a light rear guard. I kept a brisk firing on the town, and a few moments before dark the rebels had vacated the place and left us in triumphant possession of the hard fought battlefield.

Not deeming it safe or prudent to remain with so small a command in the vicinity of so large a force of the enemy, even while they were retreating, I concluded to withdraw. When we gathered up what loose things we could, about an hour after dark, I left the town and the scene of our victory, taking the road to Lebanon, presuming that to be the way our forces had gone. There was not a mounted man left with us on the field, nor a live horse to be found in the vicinity. My horse having been shot in the early part of the engagement, it was impossible to send a messenger to ascertain the whereabouts of the army. Believing, however, that our troops must have retreated in this direction, I moved on, hoping to soon join the main force. As the night was cold, and our blankets and overcoats had been left in the wagons, we could only make short rests until we reached the train. We continued to march on until 3 o'clock the next morning, when we came up with our train and force, camped at Osap Fork, 25 miles distant from Hartsville. Finding that the Colonel commanding had gone on to Lebanon the night before, I gave the troops a couple of hours' rest and some refreshments and, taking command of the force, put it in motion for Lebanon, which place we reached in the early part of the next day. In conclusion allow me to sum up as follows:

Between Friday afternoon and Monday morning, the Twenty-first Iowa Regiment marched 100 miles, fought two battles, one of three and the other of eight hours duration, during the latter of which there was scarcely one moment's lull in the galling fire of artillery and musketry. And for three hours, and until the enemy fled from before us, 250 of them held their position against the combined force of the rebels, 4,000 strong. Owing to the sheltered position that we occupied, and the fact of the enemy firing over us, as the men were principally kept on their faces, the number of casualties was comparatively small. I make special mention here of no one as having distinguished himself more than another. Every man was brave, cool and active, and every one was a hero. Too much praise cannot be accorded to the men for their conduct during the whole of this long and severe engagement. Annexed to this report, find a full and complete list of the killed, wounded and missing of my command.

I am, General,

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Detachment Twenty-first Iowa
Infantry Volunteers.

Commanding Forces at Houston, Mo.

According to General Marmaduke's official report, the rebel force in these battles numbered 3,000 men, while the entire force under Colonel Merrill's command was less than 1,000. Considering the fact that this was the first experience of the Twenty-first Iowa under fire, and the great disparity in numbers, it may safely be said that nowhere during the war was greater heroism displayed or more gallant fighting done than by the men and officers of the Twenty-first Iowa at the battle of Hartville. In his official report Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap does not mention that he himself was wounded, but such was the fact, he having been wounded in the hand and breast. In his complimentary order, General Warren says [see note 4]: "To Colonel Merrill, in command of the force, I am under high obligations for his prudent firmness and good dispositions of his troops. Nothing could have been finer than their steadiness and discipline. Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap, Twenty-first Iowa, was conspicuous, much exposed, and wounded. He is worthy of high praise."

That portion of the regiment which was left at Houston, together with all the other troops at that place who were able for duty, under command of General Warren marched promptly to the support of Colonel Merrill's command, upon learning that he had met the enemy and after a hard fought battle was retreating towards Houston; but, upon finding that the enemy by a flank movement was likely to fall upon and capture the camp and military stores, countermarched and returned to Houston, having marched through mud and rain sixty-four miles in twenty-four hours. All these movements were alike creditable to the officers who directed and the men who executed them. The loss to the Union troops engaged was 7 killed, 64 wounded, 5 prisoners and two missing, while that of the Twenty-first Iowa was 3 killed, 15 wounded and 2 captured, about one-fourth that of the entire command, which would no doubt have been much heavier but for their strong and sheltered position. The rebel loss was very heavy, more than 300 killed and wounded, including a large number of officers, among whom were three colonels of regiments [see note 5].

Upon its return to Houston the regiment rested in camp until the 27th of January, 1863. In the meantime, General Warren having been assigned to another command, Colonel Merrill succeeded him in command of the brigade, which now marched in the direction of West Plains, where it arrived on the 30th of January. A force of about 10,000 troops had been concentrated at that place, under the command of Brigadier General Davidson. The Twenty-first Iowa was now assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division of the army, with Colonel Stone of the Twenty-second Iowa in command. On the 8th of February the army took up the line of march for Iron Mountain. The weather was cold, the troops insufficiently clad; the shoes of many of the men were worn out, and they suffered as greatly as did the troops of Washington at Valley Forge, in the days of the Revolution. The roads were in a horrible condition, and on many days the distance covered was not more than five or six miles. Rations were scarce, and the pangs of hunger were added to the other hardships endured upon this long march, which ended at Iron Mountain on the 25th of February, where the troops went into camp and rested until the 9th of March, upon which date the march was resumed, the troops arriving at St. Genevieve, on the Mississippi River, on the 11th of March. Upon its arrival at that place, those of the enlisted men who had broken down under their sufferings and were unfit for active service were sent home on furlough, and, for the same reason, several of the officers received leave of absence. It may well be said of those who had endured such great suffering and privation, and who, after a brief season of rest, were ready to enter upon another arduous campaign, that they had become thoroughly seasoned soldiers, endowed with that high degree of physical strength, endurance and courage that enabled them to so quickly recover from the almost incredible sufferings to which they had been subjected, — sufferings from which some of their less robust comrades were a long time disabled, while many of them were permanently unfitted for further service. Some of them died while on the way to their homes, and others after they had reached their homes; some recovered and rejoined the regiment, while others, who survived, never fully regained their former health and strength.

On the 26th of March, 1863, a detachment of the regiment, commanded by Major Van Anda, embarked on transports at St. Genevieve, and proceeded down the river to Milliken's Bend, La. A few days later two other detachments, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap and Captain Crooke, on different transports, followed, and, on the 6th of April, all the men and officers of the regiment who were able for duty were again in camp together. The Twenty-first Iowa was now assigned to a brigade consisting of the Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty-third Iowa and the Eleventh Wisconsin regiments of infantry, with Colonel Harris of the Eleventh Wisconsin commanding. This was the Second Brigade of the Fourteenth Division of the Thirteenth Army Corps. Brigadier General Carr commanded the Division and Major General McClernand, the Corps.

The great Vicksburg campaign was now fully under way, and in the subsequent operations which culminated in the surrender of that rebel stronghold, the Twenty-first Iowa rendered most conspicuous and gallant service. The full details of its movements and service in the campaign can not be given in this brief sketch, but the compiler will endeavor to condense from the official reports the description of the part taken by the regiment in the most important of its operations and engagements.

On the 29th of April the regiment moved from its encampment to Hard Times Landing and, on the 30th, embarked on transports and moved down the river to Bruinsburg, Miss., where it landed and moved out on the road to Port Gibson. The road had been obstructed by the enemy and the troops made slow progress. At 7 P. M. skirmishers were thrown out and at 1 A. M. the enemy's pickets were encountered and driven in and, soon after, their skirmishers were driven back upon their main line. There was some artillery firing from both sides and exchanges of shots by sharpshooters, after which the soldiers rested in line of battle until daylight, soon after which the battle began. The part taken by the Twenty-first Iowa is thus described by Colonel Merrill [see note 6]:

COLONEL: I have the honor to report that, in the late battle of Port Gibson, of April 30th and May 1st, we lost in wounded sixteen men, including five non-commissioned officers. The officers and men, with two or three exceptions, behaved with singular courage and bravery. It is known to, you that we had the honor of being the leading column of this great army, and of drawing the first fire at Port Gibson. At the Widow Daniel's plantation, some nine miles from Port Gibson, we were ordered by General Carr to take the advance. I ordered Company A, commanded by Captain A. R. Jones, and Company B, commanded by Captain William D. Crooke, as advance skirmishers, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap, supported by Companies D and F, commanded by Major Van Anda; next was a 12 pounder field piece, from that excellent battery, the First Iowa; all supported by the balance of my command. I am happy to report that in the skirmishing of these companies singular fortitude and bravery were exhibited during that long and tedious night's march, and especially are Company B and Captain Crooke deserving of mention, as having received the first fire of the pickets and returning it with great coolness. Our advance was fired upon by the rebel picket about one mile from the town of Port Gibson. Our column was rapidly advanced, and soon received the raking fire of the enemy's batteries, which were seven in number. As soon as the battery of the First Iowa could be brought to bear, Company E, commanded by Captain Swivel, was ordered to its support. They have received the commendation of all for their faithfulness. Sergeant B. Krist, of this company, captured a rebel orderly while carrying dispatches.

General Carr next ordered, a company to stand as picket guard; Company G, commanded by Captain Benton, performed this duty till morning. Next came an order for two skirmishing companies to deploy in front of the enemy, and in fact between the enemy and our own artillery firing. I called for volunteers from my four remaining companies. Captain J. M. Harrison, of Company C, being the only commissioned officer of his company, although advanced in years and in feeble health, at once volunteered to take the advance; and, with his company and Company K, commanded by Captain Voorhees, performed this dangerous duty faithfully. During the severe and continued firing of May 1st, so generally and heartily were my orders obeyed by officers and men, that I am at a loss to give particulars. Captains Boardman and Watson have my warmest thanks. They are cool and brave officers. I can say the same of all the other officers whose names have been mentioned. Many Incidents of courage and bravery could be spoken of, but it would render this report entirely too long. It is but just to say that the Twenty-first remained for two hours in the rear of the Eighty-first Ohio, to support that regiment in making a charge on the enemy's batteries; but for some reason, it was, I regret to say, abandoned. My regiment remained on the field after all had retired, and it was nearly eight o'clock before we camped for the night, thus showing that we were first in battle, and last to leave the field. I am under many obligations to my field officers and staff for their faithfulness and aid. Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap received a wound in the foot. My own horse was shot in several places, and a portion of my saddle shot off.

All of which is respectfully submitted,

Colonel Twenty-first Regiment Iowa Infantry.

To Colonel Stone, Twenty-second Iowa, Commanding Brigade.

In his official report of the conduct of his brigade, at the battle of Port Gibson, Col. W. M. Stone makes special mention of Colonel Merrill and the officers and men of his regiment, for the brave and efficient manner in which they obeyed his orders. The loss of the brigade was 15 killed and 79 wounded. General E. A. Carr, the division commander, in his report speaks in the highest terms of the conduct of Colonel Stone and the officers and men of his brigade. He gives the total loss of the division in the battle of Port Gibson as 263, killed and wounded [see note 7].

Early on the morning of May 2d, the regiment, in company with the other troops of its brigade and division, took up the line of march in pursuit of the enemy. At Bayou Pierre a halt was made until the bridge which had been destroyed by the enemy could be rebuilt. On the 4th the march was resumed and the enemy followed from point to point to within seven miles of Jackson, when the counter march towards Vicksburg began. More or less skirmish fighting had occurred, in which the regiment did not become engaged, as it was not in the advance.

On the 16th of May the battle of Champion's Hill was fought. In this battle the division to which the Twenty-first Iowa belonged was held in reserve until near the close of the engagement, when it engaged in a movement to flank the rebels on the right; but, before the position to which it had been directed was gained, the enemy had retreated, and beyond the capturing of a considerable number of prisoners by the skirmishers of the Twenty-first, Twenty-second and Twenty-third Iowa regiments, the division could not claim to have had active participation in that hard fought battle. It had, however, stood ready and eagerly waiting the order to advance, while listening to the roar of battle, and when it did at last receive the order, and promptly obeyed it, the enemy had been vanquished and was in full retreat. Every true soldier will bear witness to the truth of the statement that it is more trying to be held in reserve while a great battle is in progress, every moment expecting to be called into action, than to be in the thick of the engagement. In the one case he knows that his comrades are bravely fighting, while he is standing idle; in the other, he has the stimulus of active participation, knowing that, whether he falls or is spared, he will share in the honor of having bravely followed the flag. In both cases he has fully discharged his duty, but he can not help a feeling of regret that the command to which he belonged did not have its share in the glory of active participation in the battle, instead of having been held in reserve. But there was plenty of fighting in the Vicksburg campaign to satisfy the lust of battle in the heart of the bravest and most valiant soldier.

On the 17th of May, the Twenty-first Iowa led the advance in pursuit of the retreating enemy. The retreat ended at Black River, where the enemy had taken a strong position and were prepared to make a desperate resistance to the passage of that river. The part taken by the Twenty-first Iowa in the battle which ensued is described in the official report of that gallant officer, Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap, who, a few days later, gave up his life while bravely leading his men in that terrible charge upon the enemy's works at Vicksburg. His report is here given in full [see note 8]:



I have the honor to report the position of the Twenty-first Iowa Volunteer Infantry in the memorable battle of Black River Bridge, May 17, 1863. The Twenty-first was formed in line of battle on the right, and immediately in front of the enemy's fortifications, with the gallant Twenty-third Iowa Regiment on our right. Important maneuvering and skirmishing took place from this position until late in the afternoon, when orders were received to charge, and carry the enemy's intrenchments at the point of the bayonet. The order was obeyed. The right moved out of the woods in good order, and charged on the run, across the open plain in front of the enemy's works, a distance of about eight hundred yards, driving the enemy in utter confusion from their breastworks and rifle pits, and entering in triumph the strong-hold of the rebels. The enemy was strongly posted on our right, as well as in front. The bullets came in showers from the flanks, and, combined with those coming from the horde of rebels in rifle pits in front, made an awful hailstorm, through which it seemed a miracle that a single man passed uninjured. Colonel Merrill, commanding the regiment in the first part of the charge with devotion and bravery, fell severely wounded, while gallantly leading his regiment against the enemy. The Twenty-first captured a great many prisoners. This brilliant charge proved very destructive to the regiment, and our loss was very heavy. An official list is herewith transmitted. Officers and men, with but one or two exceptions, behaved coolly and bravely, and their conduct reflects great credit upon themselves and their State, and creates a feeling of pride and gratitude oh the part of their friends. I cannot, of course, make mention of all those who distinguished themselves on that battlefield, as that would be to copy the roll of all present. Major S. G. Van Anda received the highest credit for the coolness and bravery with which he conducted the charge, the left being in front, through the storm of leaden hail. Much of the success of the charge is owing to his gallant conduct and daring example. Captain Harrison was one of the first officers on the enemy's works. Captains Swivel, Voorhees, Watson, Boardman and Crooke behaved with great coolness. Lieutenants Roberts, Childs and Dolson received the praise of all who saw their bravery. Lieutenant Howard of Company B, acting Adjutant, received a mortal wound while gallantly performing his part in this gallant charge. We lost many of our bravest men; but it was a great undertaking, and the object accomplished was the most important of the war. To Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Jackson, of the Staff, too much praise cannot be given. Their conduct was brave and noble, and they are held in the highest respect by every officer and soldier of the command, for the faithful manner in which they performed their dirties.

I am, Captain, Your most obedient servant,
C. W. DUNLAP, Lieutenant Colonel Twenty-first Iowa.

The loss of the Twenty-first Iowa at Black River was 6 killed and 63 wounded. The troops remained on the field until May 19th, engaged in the burial of the dead and collecting the arms and other material of war captured from the enemy, and taking a very, brief rest after these duties were performed. The regiment then marched to the position to which it was assigned as part of the investing force in the siege of Vicksburg. It had only become fairly adjusted to its position in the trenches when the order came for that desperate and disastrous charge, on the 22d of May, 1863, in which the valor and heroism displayed was not surpassed upon any battlefield of the war. The gallant Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap was suffering from the wound he had received at Port Gibson and might, with the utmost propriety, have refrained from participating with his regiment in that terrible and — as the event proved to him and so many of his brave comrades — fatal assault. His impetuous nature would not allow him to remain in camp while the brave men and officers of his regiment were responding to the order to assail the impregnable stronghold of the enemy, and he followed, where his physical infirmity would not permit him to lead, and, after struggling up the height to the position which the regiment had gained but could not hope to hold, he yielded up his life beneath the flag he loved and honored. Major Van Anda, who had been actively in command of the regiment from the time it formed in line for the attack, displayed the highest qualities of a leader. His official report describes the conduct of his regiment, and is here given in full [see note 9]:


CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report the action taken by the Twenty-first Regiment Iowa Volunteers, in the battle on the 22d of May, 1863, in the rear of Vicksburg. The Twenty-first Regiment received orders to be ready to charge on the enemy's works, at 10 o'clock A. M. At the hour, precisely, I formed the regiment in the rear of the gallant Twenty-second Iowa, within twenty rods of the enemy's rifle pits. In this position, we were partially covered from the enemy's fire by the hill immediately in front of their works. I then gave orders to fix bayonets, and charge by the left flank over the hill and into the enemy's rifle pits. During this charge the fire of the enemy from both flanks, as well as the front, was terrific. Many of our officers and men fell on every side; but, with a determination that knew no fear, the enemy's works were gained, and they were routed from their stronghold. This position we held till after dark, pouring continually a destructive fire into their ranks. Being unable to hold our position longer, we withdrew under cover of darkness, carrying with us many of our killed and wounded. The loss of our regiment in this terrible struggle was severe. Many of our officers were either killed or wounded. An official report is herewith furnished you. Lieutenant Colonel C. W. Dunlap was shot through the head and instantly killed. He was wounded at the battle of Port Gibson, and was unable to keep up with the regiment, but came up after the charge. In the death of this brave soldier and gallant officer, the regiment has sustained an irreparable loss. Our total loss is 12 killed, 80 wounded, and 13 missing, supposed to be killed or taken prisoners. Of the officers and men of my command, in this terrible charge, I can only say that every man did his duty. Captain J. M. Harrison, of Company C, was seriously wounded while at the head of his company, cheering on his men. Lieutenant W. A. Roberts, Acting Adjutant, was dangerously wounded while driving the enemy from their works. Lieutenant S. Bates, Company I, was left on the field, and has since been taken prisoner. Captain D. Greaves was seriously wounded while leading his company over the brow of the hill, in the face of the enemy's fire. Lieutenant G. H. Childs, Jr., was wounded in the breast, at the head of the regiment, his company being on the right. Many other officers were wounded. How any man ever returned alive from that terrible fire, I cannot imagine. Company A, Captain Jones, and Company B, Captain Crooke, were sent out as sharpshooters, and did effective service.

Hoping the conduct of the Twenty-first Regiment Iowa Volunteers, in this battle, will meet the approbation of the General commanding the brigade, I remain, Captain,

Your most obedient servant,

Major Commanding Twenty-first Regiment.

To Captain Wilson, A. A. General, Second Brigade, Fourteenth Division.

The loss of the regiment, as stated in the report, was about forty per cent of the number engaged. From the 22d of May to the 4th of July, the officers and men of the Twenty-first Iowa who had survived the assault and were able for duty shared in the hardships and dangers incident to the prosecution of the siege, with the exception of a brief interval of about 48 hours, during which they were engaged in a forced march to repel an expected attack of the enemy from the rear, which was not made. Upon that march they suffered intensely from heat and thirst, but upon their return their hearts were cheered by the glad sight of the white flags waving over the ramparts of Vicksburg, in token of the surrender of that rebel stronghold.

On the morning of July 5th, the regiment marched with the troops which composed the army under the command of General Sherman, in pursuit of the rebel army commanded by General Johnston. Its heavy losses in battle and from disease had so sadly decimated its ranks that the Twenty-first Iowa now numbered less than 200 men able for active duty. The casualties among officers had ben heavy. Colonel Merrill and Major Van Anda had both been wounded, Lieutenant Colonel Dunlap killed, and the regiment was, for the time being, without field officers. The command, therefore, devolved upon the senior Captain, William D. Crooke, who was soon afterwards promoted to Major, to succeed Major Van Anda, who was at the same time promoted to Lieutenant Colonel [see note 10]. There was but one other Captain — Jacob Swivel of Company E — who was able to accompany the regiment at the time it left Vicksburg, all the others having been disabled by wounds or sickness. On the 10th of July the regiment reached Jackson and was assigned to its place in the line of investment of that city. It took part in the operations of the short siege which ensued, during which it had one man killed, six wounded and four taken prisoners. On July 17th, Jackson was evacuated by the enemy, and the next day the regiment started on the return march to Vicksburg, where it arrived — after an exhausting and toilsome march — on July 24th. There it remained until August 13th. In the meantime there was much sickness which, in many cases, proved fatal [see note 11].

The subsequent operations of the regiment extended over such a wide extent of territory that, to describe its movements in detail, would occupy more space than is covered by the preceding pages. The most conspicuous and important events during the remaining period of its service can, therefore, only be described. On August 13th, 1863, the regiment left Vicksburg, and, embarking on transports, was conveyed to New Orleans, where it arrived on the 16th and went into camp at Carrollton. The change of location proved very beneficial to the health of the men and officers. Early in September the regiment was conveyed by rail to Brashear City, about eighty miles from New Orleans. There it remained in camp until the close of the month, and then proceeded to Berwick City across the bay; halting there for a few days, it proceeded to Bayou Teche, and thence to Bayou Vermillion. At the latter place it remained until early in November, performing guard and picket duty. The health of the regiment continued to improve. On November 7th it moved eastward, halting at New Iberia, Berwick City and Brashear, and arriving at Algiers, opposite New Orleans, on the 21st. The next day it embarked on the steamer "Corinthian" and, after a voyage of four days, disembarked on St. Joseph Island, Texas. During these movements the regiment was under the command of Major Crooke. During its service of nearly seven months in Texas the regiment was stationed at different places. In the winter of 1864 it was part of the time at Matagorda Island, Saluria Point, De Crow's Point, Port Cavallo, Old Town, Fort Esperanza and Indianola. While at the latter place, on February 13th, a detachment of the regiment, while on a scout, was attacked by a force of rebel cavalry and, in the engagement which ensued, 13 men of the detachment were captured by the enemy and taken to the rebel prison at Tyler, Texas, where they were confined until the following June, when they were exchanged and returned to the regiment. On the 12th of February, while the regiment was encamped at Old Town, (Old Indianola,) Colonel Merrill returned and resumed command, although he had only partially recovered from his wounds and, in justice to himself, might have consistently refrained from gojng upon duty in his enfeebled condition of health.

From the 13th of March to the time of its departure for New Orleans in June, the regiment was encamped at Fort Esperanza on the desolate Matagorda . Island, where it was engaged in strengthening the fortifications and doing garrison duty. On the 10th of June the right wing of the regiment, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Van Anda, embarked for New Orleans, where it arrived on the 14th and went into camp. The left wing, under command of Major Crooke, withdrew from Fort Esperanza on the 14th of June, (after destroying the fort, in obedience to orders,) and, embarking, proceeded to New Orleans, where the regiment was reunited on June 18th. It then marched to Carrollton and thence to different points, performing provost guard duty and protecting the railway until the 9th of July, when it returned, by rail to Algiers and went into camp. At that place the old Enfield rifles, with which the regiment had been supplied upon entering the service, were exchanged for new Springfield rifles, which were then considered the best infantry arms in use. Several of the regiments — with which the Twenty-first Iowa had long been associated — had been ordered to join General Grant's army in Virginia, and had already gone there, and the regiment was in daily expectation of receiving an order to follow them. In this, however, it was doomed to disappointment.

On the 26th of July the regiment, under orders, embarked and proceeded to Morganza Bend, where it landed the next day and was assigned to the Second Brigade of the Second Division, Nineteenth Army Corps. There it remained, encamped in an unhealthy location, for more than a month, during which time many were taken sick and, from the effects of which sickness, a number of the men died. On the 3d of September, the regiment again embarked and moved up the river to Natchez, thence to Vicksburg, and, on September 8th, disembarked at the mouth of White River, Ark. A few days later it again embarked and moved up the White River to St. Charles, where it landed on September 11th and occupied the fortifications which had been abandoned by the rebels. There it performed garrison duty until October 21st, when it proceeded to Devall’s Bluff, remaining but a few days and moving thence to the mouth of White River, where it remained until the 13th of November, when it again embarked and moved up the river to Devall’s Bluff. There it built log cabins for winter quarters, but did not occupy them but a few weeks. On the 22d of November it was ordered to Memphis, and, again embarking on transports, was conveyed to that city, where it arrived on the 28th of November and went into camp. On the 21st of December the regiment marched from Memphis, as part of an expedition into the interior of Tennessee, accompanying a force of cavalry under command of General Grierson, who continued the march to Nashville with his cavalry command, after leaving the infantry at Moscow. No enemy was encountered on the expedition, and the regiment returned to Memphis, arriving there on the last day of the year 1864.

On the 1st day of January, 1865, the regiment embarked on steamer, at Memphis, and proceeded down the river to New Orleans and went into camp at Kenner, a few miles above the city, where it remained until February 5th, on which date it embarked on an ocean steamer and proceeded to Dauphin Island, at the entrance of Mobile Bay. On the 17th of March the regiment moved from Dauphin Island to Fort Morgan, by steamer, and, landing there, joined the army, under command of General Canby, on the march towards Mobile. After a toilsome march, a junction was formed at Fish River with the Sixteenth Army Corps, commanded by General A. J. Smith [see note 12]. The combined forces then moved forward. The objective points were Fort Blakely, Spanish Fort and the city of Mobile. In the subsequent operations against these defenses of the enemy, the Twenty-first Iowa bore an honorable part, as shown by the official report of Lieutenant Colonel Van Anda, which is here given in full [see note 13]:

BLAKELY, ALA., April 11, 1865.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report the position of my regiment during the siege and capture of Spanish Fort and Blakely, Ala. On the 26th of March, under orders from Brigadier General Slack, my regiment was ordered to the advance of our division, and four companies thrown forward as skirmishers, the remaining companies in reserve. We moved rapidly forward for about three miles to the creeks, over very broken and difficult ground, when, observing indications of the presence of the enemy, our line was halted to allow the column to close up. About 10 o'clock, I withdrew the four companies of skirmishers, and sent out two others in their place, formed my regiment in line of battle, and again moved forward. My skirmish line almost immediately fell in with the enemy's advance, and was engaged until dark. Two of my men were slightly wounded. About 8 P. M. I was again ordered forward, and advanced in line of battle, preceded by two companies as skirmishers, under command of Major Boardman. About 9 o'clock we drew the fire of the enemy in our front, which was vigorously returned by my skirmishers. In this advance I lost one man killed. Under orders from Major General Granger, I remained in position on the field, and was relieved at midnight by the Forty-seventh Indiana.

On the 27th we moved to our position on the left of the First Brigade in the siege operations against Spanish Fort, having closed upon the enemy, and our skirmishers under command of Captain Voorhees having driven him into his fortifications. On the night of the 28th the enemy made an assault on our lines; Captain J. L. Noble was near the line with a working party, when, with great bravery and presence of mind, he rallied his men and supported the skirmish line, driving back the enemy in great disorder. We remained in position, taking an active part in the siege operations until the 30th, when we were withdrawn, with our division, to escort a supply train for Major General Steele. I proceeded to Holyoak Mills and remained in camp there until the 2d of April, when we were ordered forward to Blakely. I moved at 7 o'clock P. M., marched five miles, and bivouacked near the Biminet [see note 14], and at daylight on the morning of the 3d took up position in the rear of Blakely, immediately on the right of General Gerard's forces. During the operations against Blakely, my regiment entered the rifle pits on the night of the 7th, at dark, but met with no casualties, although our skirmishers and working parties were very much exposed during the night, when the enemy advanced upon our lines, and my whole regiment was under a severe fire from his artillery, which for two hours threw shells incessantly along our rifle pits. My regiment was relieved at dark, and almost immediately ordered to the support of Major General .Smith's forces, in the contemplated assault on Spanish Fort I proceeded to the Biminet, and was then ordered back to my position behind Blakely, which I regained at 3 o'clock on the morning of the 9th inst. My regiment, having been on duty nearly forty-eight hours, took no part in the successful assault on Blakely on that day. I am under many obligations to the officers and men of my regiment, for their soldierly conduct during the campaign. Surgeon D. W. Chase, Acting Major E. Boardman, Adjutant George Crooke, Sergeant Major J. Dubois, and commanding officers of companies, have behaved with much coolness and judgment in every engagement. To the commanding general of the brigade and his staff officers, Captain Massie and Lieutenants Curtis and Kinney, I am under many obligations for their uniform kindness and courtesy.

I have the honor to remain, Captain,

Your obedient servant,

Lieutenant Colonel Commanding Regiment.

Captain M. D. Massie, A. A. A. G.

General Canby issued an order announcing the general results of the campaign, summarized as follows: "The capture of the enemy's works at Spanish Fort and Blakely; the surrender of Mobile; the capture of more than 5,000 prisoners, 12 flags, nearly 300 pieces of artillery, several thousand stand of small arms, and large stores of ammunition and other material of war."

From the commencement of this last campaign to its close, the Twenty-first Iowa was one of the factors that led up to the important results accomplished. Shortly after the fall of Blakely it marched into the city of Mobile, where it remained but a short time, when it marched to Spring Hill, a few miles west of the city, where it found a beautiful and healthful camping ground, where it remained until May 26th, upon which date it again broke camp and, embarking on transports, proceeded to Lakeport, La. From there it ascended the Mississippi River (to the mouth of Red River and debarked at Grand Ecore on June 5th. On the 21st of June the regiment again embarked on transports and was conveyed to Baton Rouge, La., arriving there on the 23d. Orders were there received from the War Department, transferring the recruits, whose terms of service had not expired, to the Thirty-fourth Iowa Infantry. The remainder of the regiment was mustered out of the service of the United States, July 15, 1865, at Baton Rouge, La. The regiment was then conveyed by transport to Clinton, Iowa, where it arrived and was finally disbanded, July 28, 1865.

The Twenty-first Regiment of Iowa Infantry stands in the front rank of the long line of splendid regiments which the State sent into the field to do battle for the preservation of the Union. The valor and devotion of its officers and men were unsurpassed. Since the close of the war its survivors have shown equal devotion to duty as good citizens. Its gallant Colonel was twice chosen as Governor of the State of Iowa [see note 15]. In the generations to come, those who can trace their lineage to the men who belonged to the Twenty-first Iowa may well claim kinship with as heroic a race of men as the world has ever known — the men who helped to save the Government whose principles must, sooner or later, be adopted by the people of all countries who are capable of self-government and appreciation of the blessings which it confers, — that form of government that inspires its citizens with a patriotism like that which animated the soldiers of the Union Army from 1861 to 1865.

Total Enrollment 1181
Killed 41
Wounded 165
Died of wounds 32
Died of disease 160
Discharged for wounds, disease and other causes 180
Buried in National Cemeteries 89
Captured 41
Transferred 56

[Note 1.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol. 1, page 754. Same volume, Original Roster of the Regiment, pages 750 to 781 inclusive.

[Note 2.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol. 1, page vii.

[Note 3.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages 467 to 470 inclusive.

[Note 4.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages ,537, 8, 9. Official Report of General Warren.

[Note 5.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages 537, 8, 9. Official Report of General Warren.

[Note 6.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1865, Vol. 2, page 1121.

[Note 7.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages 541 to 547 inclusive.

[Note 8.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1865, Vol. 2, page 1122.

[Note 9.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1865, Vol. 2, page 1123.

[Note 10.] See subjoined Roster, where all changes and promotions of Commissioned Officers are noted.

[Note 11.] Private History of the Twenty-first Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, by Adjutant George Crooke, page 115.

[Note 12.] The Twenty-first Iowa had been assigned to the First Brigade of the First Division of the reorganized Thirteenth Army Corps, commanded by General Gordon Granger. General Veatch commanded the Division, and General Slack was in command of the First Brigade. Lieutenant Colonel Van Anda was in command of the Twenty-first Iowa.

[Note 13.] Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, pages 287, 8.

[Note 14.] Adjutant Crooke's History gives the name "Bayou Minette." "Biminet" is most likely a typographical error in the Official Report.

[Note 15.] Colonel Samuel Merrill was Governor of Iowa from 1868 to 1872.

SOURCE: Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers During the War of the Rebellion, Volume 3, p. 441-54

Friday, January 15, 2010

Colonel William Thompson


William Thompson was born in the State of Pennsylvania, in about the year 1814. He came to Iowa while it was yet a Territory, and settled in Burlington, where he was at one time the editor of a democratic paper. He became, soon after coming to the country, quite a distinguished politician, and, in 1848, was elected to Congress. At the time of entering the service, he was a resident of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, and a practicing lawyer; for that was his profession. Colonel Thompson entered the service as captain of Company E, 1st Iowa Cavalry, the company which he had recruited in Henry county, in the months of June and July, 1861. Holding this rank until the 5th of April, 1863, he was at that time promoted to a majority of the regiment, and in August, 1864, was made colonel.

In the sketch of Colonel Thompson, I shall include a portion of the history of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, which was made during the colonelcy of Mr. Anderson; for I can do so with propriety, since during this time the regiment was not commanded by Colonel Anderson.

Having passed the previous Fall and Winter in scouting in the vicinity of Little Rock, the 1st Iowa Cavalry in the opening of Spring joined the command of General Steele in the march to Camden. The regiment was brigaded with the 3d Missouri and the 10th Illinois Cavalry, these troops being the same that had been organized into a brigade command nearly a year before at Pilot Knob, Missouri. The brigade commander was not the same. Colonel Glover, a brave and good man, had been compelled to leave the service from disability, and Colonel Anderson, as the ranking officer, became his successor. But, as has already been stated, Colonel Anderson was, on the eve of General Steele's departure, seized with sudden illness, and Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, succeeded to the command of the brigade. There had also been a change in the division commander. After the possession of Little Rock, the radicalism of General Davidson had so conflicted with the conservatism of General Steele, as to produce repeated misunderstandings; and the report was that, by the mutual efforts of these officers, General Davidson was relieved and given a command elsewhere. General Davidson's successor was General E. A. Carr, of Pea Ridge notoriety. Major, now Colonel Thompson, commanded the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and thus commanded, and thus associated, the regiment marched on its most eventful campaign.

The leading events of the Camden Expedition are related elsewhere. It was one of great dangers and hardships, and the cavalry portion of the command, which led the advance, was hardly ever out of peril. From Prairie de Anne, (than which there is not a prettier little district of country in the Old or New World) to Camden, the enemy were never out of view. Wherever the character of the country was favorable, they were sure to be found in position, and during the whole of this distance, their skirmishers were constantly in the front, to harass the cavalry-advance. A detachment of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and one of the 3d Missouri Cavalry were the first troops to enter Camden. Two and a half miles west of Camden, (and General Steele marching down the south-west side of the Washita River, entered the city from the west) the road forks. The left-hand road enters the city from the west, and the right-hand one from the south-west. Starting from these forks, two hundred and fifty men from the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and two hundred and fifty from the 3d Missouri Cavalry, dashed into Camden. The Iowa troops under Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, taking the right-hand road, entered the city just before sun-down, and almost simultaneous with those of the 3d Missouri Cavalry. The enemy offered no resistance, for they had fled to avoid capture.

On entering Camden on the evening of the 15th of April, General Steele was unwilling to believe he had reached the terminus of his march southward. Nor when the Old Flag was raised on the Court-House did he think that it must soon be hauled down, and he be compelled to march back hurriedly to Little Rock.

But the 1st Iowa Cavalry was to go no further. Indeed, its leaving Little Rock was a matter of its own choosing; for the regiment had re-enlisted as veterans, and the first of March had been fixed as the time for its departure North. But General Steele had said "You had better go along, for we shall need you;" and where is the Iowa regiment that would not have done likewise? The horses of the 1st Iowa Cavalry were the individual property of the regiment, and by a general order these had to be sold and transferred to the Government, before the regiment could start back to Little Rock. It was a matter of irksome delay, but it saved the regiment from capture; for it was to accompany the brigade and train that were surrounded and captured at Mark's Mills, Arkansas on the 25th instant.

The 2d Brigade, 3d Division, 7th Army Corps, Lieutenant-Colonel F. M. Drake commanding, left Camden for Pine Bluff for supplies, at five o'clock on the morning of the 23d of April, 1864. Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Caldwell, in command of his regiment, was not able to leave until twenty-four hours later. The regiment had disposed of their horses and, with the exception of the officers, were to travel on foot. The order directing the regiment to sell and transfer their horses, also required them to turn over their arms; but against this Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell protested, and they were allowed to retain them. This was most fortunate; for their trusty arms proved their salvation. Early in the morning of the 24th instant, the 1st Iowa Cavalry crossed the Washita, and started in rapid pursuit of the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake. The country was full of the enemy's scouts. The citizens were sullen, and to all questions gave ominous answers. At the same time rumors were repeated of the defeat of Banks; all of which justly made Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell apprehensive of pending danger. He therefore called on General Carr for a cavalry-escort, which was reluctantly granted; but it turned back on the morning of the second day's march, and proved of no service. Camp was pitched on the evening of the 24th instant, about twenty-five miles from Camden.

The next morning, the march was resumed at day-light, and by great exertion, the edge of Moro Bottom was reached at ten o'clock. Here had been the encampment of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake's command only the night before, and, by hard marching, Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell hoped to overtake that command that night. The men of his regiment now ceased to be apprehensive for their safety, and began to indulge in dreams of home-greetings, and to devise plans by which they could most surprise their friends. But they had not quite reached the stream from which Moro Bottom derives its name, before a cry of alarm was heard in the front; and in the next instant all was confusion.

That morning the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Drake had been attacked by a superior force of the enemy—not less I think than seven thousand, and after a brief but most spirited fight, the greater portion of it captured. The camp-followers and teamsters, cutting loose the mules from the train, mounted them, and at full speed rode back in the direction of Camden; and from one of these Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell learned of that morning's disaster. To conceive the terror with which these poor fellows were overwhelmed is impossible. Stripped of all but their boots, pants and shirts, hatless, coatless and covered with mud, their eyes protruding, and their hair standing on end, they came at full run and shouting from their already hoarse throats: "We are all lost! they are all lost! we are all lost! they are all lost:" To the repeated calls of Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, "Stop, stop!" they paid no attention, and the only way he could learn what had happened was, by laying his strong hand on the shoulder of one as he was passing, and holding him fast till he had told the story. But he was not half done, when the report of musketry was heard at the front. Some four hundred of the enemy's cavalry were in pursuit of the fugitives, their object being the capture of the mules on which they were escaping. Reinforcements were at once sent forward to the advance-guard, which had arrived at the bridge over the Moro in time to prevent the enemy from crossing. Quite a sharp engagement followed, during which Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell burned his small train with its contents. This was the cause of much regret to his men; for in their saddle-bags were many cherished souvenirs which they had for a long time preserved as gifts for their friends; but it was impossible in the deep mud to turn the wagons and drive them to the rear. The enemy finally ceased their attack and riding down the creek, disappeared and gave no further trouble.

The 1st Iowa Cavalry now returned to near Camden, and accompanied General Steele to Little Rock. The departure North of this gallant regiment on veteran furlough, was made the occasion by General Carr, of a very complimentary order to not only that regiment, but to the Iowa troops generally. The same order alluded in flattering terms to the gallant conduct of Lieutenant-Colonel J. W. Caldwell on the Camden Expedition.

About the middle of July, 1864, its leave of absence having expired, the 1st Iowa Cavalry left Davenport for the front, via Cairo, Illinois; but, on arriving at that place, was ordered by General Halleck to Benton Barracks, Missouri, where it remained until the 12th of the following August. At the last named date it was ordered to Mexico, Missouri; and later was ordered on duty on the line of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad.

At the time of General Price's invasion of Missouri in the fall of 1864, the regiment was ordered to Jefferson City, and at that point joined the forces of General Rosecrans, and marched on the campaign that resulted in the expulsion of the rebel forces from the State. Returning to Warrensburg, Missouri, the regiment was there made the cavalry-escort of General Rosecrans, which conducted him back to St. Louis. After its arrival in that city, it was ordered into quarters at Benton Barracks, and in January, 1865, sent back to Little Rock, where Colonel Thompson joined it, and in the vicinity of which place it has since served.

Colonel Thompson is a large man, weighing about one hundred and ninety pounds, and having black hair and eyes, and a dark complexion. He is reputed an able, intelligent man.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 559-64

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Colonel Daniel Anderson


Daniel Anderson was born in the year 1821, in the State of Indiana. His history, prior to coming to Iowa, I am unacquainted with. He settled in Albia, Monroe county, of this State, in about the year 1843, and established himself in the practice of the law, which he continued to follow till the time of entering the service. In July and August, 1861, he enlisted Company H, 1st Iowa Cavalry, was elected its captain, and held this rank till the 10th of July, 1862, when he was promoted to the majority of the 3d Battalion of his regiment. In the following August, he was made lieutenant-colonel, which rank he held till the 21st of August, 1863, when he was promoted to the colonelcy of the regiment. On the expiration of his three-years' term, of service he resigned his commission, and returned to his home in Albia.

During the colonelcy of Mr. Anderson the 1st Iowa Cavalry, as a regiment, met the enemy for the first time in a regular engagement. On the 11th day of June, 1863, nearly a month after the regiment had returned from its scout in South Eastern Missouri, the 1st Iowa Cavalry in company with the 8th Missouri Cavalry left Lake Springs for Pilot Knob, where it reported to Colonel J. M. Glover commanding the 2d Brigade of the 1st Cavalry Division. Plans for the Arkansas Expedition and the capture of Little Rock which were matured after the fall of Vicksburg had been conceived in the month of June preceding; and in anticipation of this movement the 1st Cavalry Division was ordered south from Missouri. On the 1st of July the 1st Iowa Cavalry with its brigade and division left its camp at Arcadia, Missouri, and passing through Fredericktown and Bloomfield, crossed the St. Francis River in the vicinity of Chalk Bluff, Arkansas. From this point the command moved due south through Gainsville, and Jonesboro, Arkansas, and on the 28th instant arrived within some three miles of Wittsburg, where it went into camp. Here the division remained several days, and until dispatches could be forwarded to Helena, which was one hundred miles distant. The party which carried these dispatches, and which consisted of only fifty men, was under the command of Captain Jenks and Lieutenant Hursh of the 1st Iowa Cavalry; and the success which attended the movement did these officers great credit; for the rout which was unknown to them, and which lay all the way through the enemy's country, was passed without accident or the loss of a single man.

With the return of this party, the division broke camp and continued the march to White River, which it struck on the evening of the 8th of July, near Clarendon. The organization of General Steele's command being now completed, he marched out from Helena to form a junction with the cavalry of General Davidson, at Clarendon. White River was crossed successfully, and now the expedition to Little Rock was well under way. By order of General Steele, General Davidson, on the morning of the 22d of July, led the advance in the direction of Deadman's Lake and Brownsville; while the infantry, under General Steele, moved up the river to Duvall's Bluff, and proceeded from that direction. No opposition was made to General Davidson's advance until the 25th, when General Marmaduke made his appearance with his rebel cavalry. All that day skirmishing was carried on with the enemy, who, driven back to and through Brownsville, were on the following day forced into their works on Bayou Metoe; and at Bayou Metoe, the 1st Iowa Cavalry, as a regiment, first met the enemy in battle. Bayou Metoe, a miry, sluggish stream, is crossed by the Brownsville and Little Rock road, at a point about fourteen miles east of the last named place. At the time in question, it was spanned by a wooden bridge; and the object of the charge of the 1st Iowa Cavalry was to save this bridge from burning; for the enemy, after falling back to the west side of the stream, had fired it, to prevent pursuit. On the east side of Bayou Metoe, and nearly three-quarters of a mile distant from it, is a sharp, narrow ridge of land, which is covered with brush, and runs nearly parallel with the stream. Along this the enemy had constructed earth-works, which, after being driven from Brownsville, they had occupied.

On the afternoon of the 26th of August, General Davidson's van-guard, which consisted of a detachment of the 3d Missouri Cavalry, was moving along the road and had come within about a mile of the above named rebel works, when they were greeted with a six-pound solid shot. It struck the ground in their front, and ricochetting killed one man and two horses. Word was sent back to General Davidson, who was at Brownsville, and the next morning he came to the front. The expedient which he adopted to dislodge the enemy was a novel one. He directed a bass drum to be beaten that the enemy might infer the approach of infantry; and the ruse succeeded admirably, for they left without offering further resistance. Retiring to the west side of the bayou, they fired the bridge, seeing which, General Davidson called for the 1st Iowa Cavalry to charge and save it. Colonel Anderson led his regiment and had arrived within some three hundred yards of the bridge when the enemy, secreted in thick brush to the right, delivered a deadly volley of musketry. The colonel's horse was wounded and frightened, and took the colonel to the rear. The regiment dashed on with Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell at its head; but on reaching the bayou the enemy were found in strong works just beyond the opposite bank. It was impossible to save the bridge, and after exchanging shots with the enemy for upward of an hour the regiment retired.

Further pursuit of the enemy in this direction was therefore rendered impossible, since at this point the bayou was deep and miry; and, stationing pickets near the crossing, General Davidson returned to Brownsville. From this time till the 8th of August the 1st Iowa Cavalry remained in Camp at Brownsville, and during this time the character of the country and the position of the enemy were thoroughly reconnoitered. General Steele in the meantime having determined to move against Little Rock by way of the river-road the cavalry, on the morning of the last named date, led the advance in that direction; and in the evening of that same day General Davidson bivouacked only one mile north of the Arkansas River, and ten miles east of the doomed city.

The next day the 1st Iowa, having crossed the Arkansas, took a distinguished part in leading Steele's army into Little Rock.

On the 26th of November, Lieutenant-Colonel Caldwell, with two hundred and fifty men of his regiment, left camp at Little Rock, and moved down the Arkansas River to Pine Bluff. The enemy were reported advancing on that place, and he was sent forward to reinforce the garrison. Lieutenant-Colonel H. C. Caldwell, of the 3d Iowa Cavalry, in command of a brigade, also joined in this movement; but before the arrival of any of these troops, Colonel Clayton, of the 5th Kansas Cavalry, with his gallant little garrison numbering not over four hundred men, had engaged and beaten off the rebel force. For the number of troops engaged, this is one of the most brilliant battles ever fought in Arkansas; and, for his success in defending Pine Bluff, Colonel Clayton received the highest commendations of General Steele. Immediately after arriving at Pine Bluff, the commands of both Lieutenant-Colonels H. C. and J. W. Caldwell started in pursuit of the enemy, and proceeded as far west as Arkadelphia; but in all that distance no enemy was encountered. The detachment from the 1st Iowa Cavalry returned to Little Rock on the 1st of December, and during the scout had traveled not less than two hundred and fifty miles. From the 1st to the 31st of December, 1863, the 1st Iowa Cavalry, in detachments, was constantly on the scout. In November, I have mentioned only that expedition in which LieutenantColonel J. W. Caldwell took part; for that was the most important; but other detachments of the regiment were also on the scout; and to show the amount of labor performed by the entire regiment, it need only be stated that the aggregate number of miles marched by the different companies and detachments in the month of November was three thousand and seventy-nine miles. In December, the aggregate of miles marched was two thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. It has been supposed the cavalry was a lazy arm of the service; but these figures should correct this idea.

The most important of the expeditions joined in by the 1st Iowa Cavalry in the month of December, was that which, leaving Little Rock on the 15th instant, marched south through Arkadelphia, and to within fifteen miles of Camden on the Washita River. The detachment from the 1st Iowa, which consisted of some two hundred and sixty men, under Captain Jenks, engaged the enemy, dismounted, a few miles south of Princeton, and drove them from the works, killing and wounding some, and capturing several prisoners. The history of this affair seems incredible. The enemy were eight hundred, and holding a strong position; but they were routed by less than three hundred men, losing many of their arms, their wagons and camp-equipage.

After the occupation of Little Rock, Colonel Glover was taken sick and was succeeded in the command of his brigade by Colonel Anderson of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, who retained the command for several weeks. And it was during this time that he was placed under arrest for writing a sharp letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Chandler, General Steele's Provost-Marshal General. He was, however, after the lapse of several weeks, released without trial, and returned to the command of his brigade. On account of sickness, which prostrated him just before the expedition started, Colonel Anderson did not accompany General Steele on his Camden march; but soon recovering, he assumed command of the Post of Little Rock, which he held till the expedition returned. During the absence of his regiment on veteran furlough, he was placed in command of the non-veterans; but before the regiment returned, he resigned his commission and returned to his home in Albia. In person, Colonel Anderson is tall and erect. He can not be less than six feet and three inches in hight. He has regular features, brown hair, and grey eyes. He is dignified in his manners; he has large self-esteem, and an arbitrary disposition. It was this, with his quick temper, which gave him trouble in the service. He is a man of good judgment; and though he never met with great success in the practice of his profession, he is regarded as a sound lawyer. He is a fair public speaker; but too prolix to be entertaining.

SOURCE: Addison A Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 553-8

Sunday, December 6, 2009



Colonel Samuel Merrill is a native of the State which was first settled by traders and fishermen "on the Maine," and is a representative-man of New England. He was born on the 7th day of August, 1822, in the town of Turner, Oxford county, where he resided till the age of sixteen; when he moved with his parents to Buxton, York county, of the same State. After removing to Buxton, he taught and attended school by turns, until he attained his majority, and then visited the Southern States, with the intention of settling there, and making teaching a permanent business. But, as the colonel himself expresses it, "he was born too far north." Suspicions were awakened, many questions asked, and he was finally advised to leave, which he did in disgust. Nor did he ever return, until, under orders from his Government, he led his regiment to the field. Returning to Maine after his rebuff in the South, he purchased a farm, and two years later married. In 1847, he lost his wife, after living with her only fourteen months. Soon after, he sold his farm and moved to Tamworth, New Hampshire; where, in company with his brother, J. H. Merrill, Esq., he entered the mercantile business. This he followed with good success, till the year 1856, when he removed to McGregor, Iowa, and established a branch house of the same firm.

While a citizen of New Hampshire, Colonel Merrill was twice elected to the State Legislature. He was a member of that body in 1854 and in 1855, the time when the celebrated struggle for United States Senators came off, which finally terminated in the election of John P. Hale and James Bell. For nearly forty consecutive years previous, the State had been democratic.

In 1854, Nathaniel B. Baker, our present adjutant-general, was Governor of New Hampshire, and Colonel Merrill a member of the House. Just six years later, both of these gentlemen were elected to the Iowa State Legislature, and served together in that body.

In January, 1851, Colonel Merrill was again married, his second wife being a Miss Hill, of Buxton, Maine. From this union three children were born; though all of them died young, the oldest living to be only two and a half years old. From 1856 till the spring of 1861, Colonel Merrill continued in the wholesale and retail dry-goods and grocery business; but, at the last named date, sold out and became a member of the McGregor Branch Bank.

In the summer of 1862, Colonel Merrill entered the United States service. Ardent in temperament and radical in sentiment, it was only his unsettled business, as I am credibly informed, that prevented him from enlisting in the war sooner. He was commissioned colonel of the 21st Iowa Infantry, on the 1st of August, 1862, and, on the 16th of September following, left Dubuque in command of his regiment for St. Louis on the steamer Henry Clay.

One of the most interesting pages in the history of the 21st Iowa, is that which relates to the battle of Hartsville, Missouri — an engagement, of which less is known in our State, than of almost any other, in which Iowa troops have fought. Colonel Merrill arrived with his command at Rolla, Missouri, on the 23d of September, 1862, and, previous to the 11th of January, 1863, (the date of the Hartsville battle) had marched it from one point to another in Southern Missouri, without ever meeting the enemy. We should, however, except the affair at Beaver Creek, where, on the 27th of November, a small detachment of the regiment, while guarding a provision-train from Rolla to Hartsville, was cut to pieces by rebel cavalry.

General J. S. Marmaduke, on the 31st of December, 1862, (I quote from the rebel general's report) "marched from Lewisburg, Arkansas, via Yellville, Arkansas, to strike the enemy in rear and flank," with a force numbering, according to his own estimate, three thousand three hundred and seventy men. Advancing by way of Ozark, the rebel force appeared before Springfield on the 8th of January, 1863, and at once began an assault on the place.

As has been already stated in the sketch of General Edwards, Springfield was, at the time in question, commanded by General Brown of Missouri. Doubting his ability to make a successful defense against so unequal a force, he telegraphed General Fitz Henry Warren, commanding at Houston, Missouri, for reinforcements. The telegram was received by General Warren on the morning of the 9th. Without waiting to confer with General Curtis, commanding the Department, he promptly organized a force, consisting of the 21st Iowa, the 99th Illinois, three companies of the 3d Iowa, and the 3d Missouri cavalry, and two guns of the 2d Missouri Battery, and, placing it under command of Colonel Merrill of the 21st Iowa, ordered that officer to proceed by forced marches to Springfield, and report to the commanding officer of the place. On Saturday evening, the 10th instant, Colonel Merrill had reached Woods' Fork, about six miles west of Hartsville, where he halted his command for supper and rest. Reveille was beat on Sunday morning at two o'clock, and preparations made to resume the march, when scouts came in with the report that the enemy, in heavy force, was advancing on the Springfield road. Colonel Merrill at once comprehended the situation. Marmaduke had been repulsed at Springfield; and he had now to fight the entire rebel command. With this understanding he made a hasty disposition of his forces, and met the advance of the enemy with so vigorous an attack that he soon fell back, and, moving south to the old Springfield road, continued his march in the direction of Hartsville. Being advised of this movement, Colonel Merrill moved back hastily, and secured a commanding point to the west of the town that not only made his own position secure, but enabled him to command the place.

The fight at Hartsville opened with artillery at eleven o'clock A. M. and continued till four in the afternoon, when the enemy, repulsed and punished at every point, withdrew from the field. The force under Colonel Merrill in this engagement was about one thousand: that of the enemy was not leas than three thousand three hundred and seventy — probably, not less than five thousand. The contest was unequal, and the victory all the more brilliant. Of this battle General Marmaduke says, in his official report: "At Hartsville, I met, fought, and drove, in the direction of Lebanon, sixteen hundred infantry and five hundred cavalry, under General Merrill. The battle was desperate." It was indeed desperate for him; for he lost among his dead one brigadier — the "brave McDonald" — three colonels, and one major, "besides other brave officers." General Marmaduke, in his retreat to White River, frequently said to Lieutenant Brown of the 3d Iowa cavalry, whom he had taken prisoner at Wood's Fork: "Why, Lieutenant, your boys fought like devils."

At Hartsville, the loss of the 21st Iowa was thirty in killed, wounded and missing. Four enlisted men were killed, and two officers and sixteen enlisted men wounded.

Subsequently to the winter of 1862-3, and till after the fall of Vicksburg, the history of the 21st is nearly the same as are those of the 22d and 23d Iowa Infantry regiments. Brigaded with the two last named regiments, together with the 11th -Wisconsin, (a splendid body of troops) the 21st Iowa marched on the Vicksburg Campaign, and took a distinguished part in the battles of Port Gibson and Big Black River Bridge. In the former of these the regiment led the advance of its corps, and received the first fire of the enemy.

"At the widow Daniel's plantation, some nine miles from Port Gibson, we were ordered by General Carr to take the advance. I ordered Company A, commanded by Captain A. R. Jones, and Company B, commanded by Captain W. D. Crooke, as advance skirmishers, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap, and supported by Companies D and F, commanded by Major Van Anda; next was a twelve-pound field piece from that excellent battery, the First Iowa: all supported by the balance of my command."

The road from Rodney, Mississippi to Port Gibson, (and it was on this road that the battle was fought) runs along a high, broken ridge, and is cut down in many places to a great depth. The 21st Iowa, when near Thompson's Hill, where the Federal skirmishers were fired on, was ordered to halt and rest in one of these cuts. A majority of the men had thrown themselves down in the road, and upon their backs, using their knapsacks as a support — a favorite position for the soldier, when ordered to rest on the march. Others were leaning up against the steep banks of the road. Among the latter, were Dr. William L. Orr, surgeon of the 21st Iowa, and, I believe, Colonel Merrill, both having dismounted. It was now nearly two o'clock in the morning. The colonel and doctor stood talking together unconcernedly, when they were startled by a brilliant flash, and, at the same instant, a storm of musket-balls came whirling down through the cut. Almost at the same instant, the enemy opened with artillery. They were in force on the hill above — and thus the fight opened and lasted about and hour, when both parties, as if by mutual consent, ceased firing. The battle was renewed at day-light the next morning, and lasted nearly the entire day. The 21st Iowa fired the first gun; but, although engaged nearly all day, the loss of the regiment was only one officer and thirteen men wounded. Colonel Merrill, in the afternoon of the engagement, commanded his brigade, and had his horse so severely wounded that, it was necessary to leave it upon the field. For his conduct in the engagement, he was thus complimented by General Carr, the division commander: "The 21st Iowa, Colonel Samuel Merrill, first in the battle, and one of the last to leave the field." Of Company B, and its gallant captain, the same report says: "Company B, 21st Iowa, Captain Crooke, received the first fire of the rebel pickets, and returned it with great coolness." Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap was the only commissioned officer of the regiment wounded in this engagement.

Among the officers and men whose names are mentioned for good conduct in this engagement are Captains Benton, Harrison, Voorhees, Boardman and Watson, and Sergeant B. Krist. The latter captured a rebel orderly, who was at the time bearing dispatches.

The battle at Big Black River Bridge, where the 21st Iowa next distinguished itself, is one of the most gallant affairs of the whole war: an account of it will be found in the sketch of the late Colonel Kinsman, of the 23d Iowa. It was in this charge that Colonel Merrill, while leading his regiment, received the wound which afterward necessitated his leaving the service. His regiment, too, suffered severely. Seven enlisted men were killed, and three officers and sixty-four enlisted men wounded. In his official report of the engagement, Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap says:

"Colonel Merrill, commanding the regiment, fell in the first part of the charge, severely wounded, while gallantly leading his regiment against the enemy. * * * *

I can not of course make mention of all those who distinguished themselves on that battle-field, as that would be to copy the roll of all present. Major S. G. Van Anda, received the highest credit for the coolness and bravery with which he conducted the charge, the left being in front, through the storm of leaden hail. Much of the success of the charge is owing to his gallant conduct and daring example. Captain Harrison was one of the first officers on the enemy's works. Captains Swivel, Voorhees, Watson, Boardman, and Crooke behaved with great coolness. Lieutenants Roberts, Childs and Dolson, received the praise of all who saw their bravery. Lieutenant Howard of Company B, acting adjutant, received a mortal wound while gallantly performing his part of this gallant charge.

With no desire to do injustice to other brave men of the regiment, I will mention, specially. Captain Jesse M. Harrison, Company C; for his conduct on the field was most admirable. He was one of the first to enter the enemy's works. On coming to the bayou in front of the rebel works, he saw a fallen tree, lying in the water, and sprung upon it, and from that to the opposite side, which he reached without wetting his feet. His company having waded the stream, followed directly to the bridge to cut off the retreat of those to the right. His forethought and courage added not less than five-hundred to General Grant's roll of prisoners. The captain's residence is in Dubuque, and I am told he is a wealthy bachelor. I am in wonder at the status of so brave a man.

After participating in the siege of Vicksburg, (during which the brave Lieutenant-Colonel Dunlap was killed) and the second march on Jackson under General Sherman, the 21st Iowa was ordered to report to General Banks at New Orleans. A chief portion of the time since the regiment has served in the trans-Mississippi Department. I have already said its history was much the same as that of the 23d Iowa. It was stationed at Old Town, Texas, early in March, 1864, when Colonel Merrill, not yet fit for duty, re-joined it. The colonel's wound was much more severe than was at first supposed; for after the lapse of nine months he was still unfit for duty. Believing that he could not again endure the hardships of field service he wrote a letter to his officers in which he expressed his determination to resign his commission; but they and the regiment would not consent, and a petition was drawn up and forwarded to him which in length measured nearly twenty feet.

Colonel Merrill re-joined his regiment in March as already stated, but his health was gone, and after a few weeks he resigned his commission and returned to his home in McGregor. The history of his regiment since he left it is not an eventful one. It has served on the Gulf and along the Mississippi River.

Colonel Merrill in his habits and manners is a New England man; and, in person, he is a fair sample of the sons of Maine which is noted for her stately forests and stalwart men. He is six feet high, and weighs two hundred and fifteen pounds. As a soldier, Colonel Merrill ranked high, and was popular both with his command and his superiors. When he entered the service, he was strictly a civilian, but notwithstanding this, he was, though of a nervous temperament, cool in action and brave to a fault. That he was regarded as possessing the [qualities] of a commanding officer, I need only state that he was placed in command of a division at West Plains, Missouri, when he had been in the service only five months. In politics, he is radical, and deems the term "Black Republican" of no reproach. On resigning his commission in the army, he was elected President of the First National Bank, McGregor, Iowa, which position he still holds.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 367-374