Monday, June 17, 2013
From Fort Monroe
Sunday, November 4, 2012
From Fortress Monroe
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Escape of the Nashville
Saturday, October 1, 2011
From Norfolk and Vicinity
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Southern News
Saturday, June 19, 2010
News From Dixie Via Fortress Monroe
FORTRESS MONROE, April 29. – A flag of truce from Norfolk to-day brought down the wife and family of Parson Brownlow, and also the wife of Congressman Maynard. The party consisting of four ladies, two men and six children, are all from Tennessee. They bring the report that all Union families of Tennessee have been ordered by proclamation to leave within thirty-six hours. 1500 Union men left for Kentucky a week ago Friday. Out of a party of 400 attempting to leave, 100 had been killed.
There can be no doubt of the capture of New Orleans. The Southern newspapers speak of it in the most dismal strains, and demand that the mystery of the surrender of the city shall be explained.
The Norfolk Day Book, in an editorial, says it is by far the most serious reverse of the war. – It suggests future privations to all classes of society. but most to be lamented of all, it threatens our army supplies. The raising of meat and corn and wheat, instead of cotton and tobacco, is earnestly recommended by the discreet editor.
The Richmond Dispatch of yesterday says that when the enemy’s fleet arrived opposite the city and demanded its surrender, Gen. Lovell refused and fell back to Camp Moore, after destroying all the cotton and stores. The iron-clad vessel Mississippi was burnt to prevent her from falling into the hands of the enemy.
Nothing is said about the Louisiana, but it is supposed that she was scuttled. It is rumored that she was sunk at the first fire.
Camp Moore is 78 miles from New Orleans, on the Jackson Railroad.
The following are the latest despatches in today’s papers.
MOBILE, April 27. – The Yankee Commodore, Farrugat [sic], promised the Secretary of the Mayor of New Orleans, who visited the fleet, by a flag of truce, to make a second demand for the surrender of the city, but he had not done so up to this hour, five o’clock.
Our ship, the McRea, came up from the Forts under a flag of truce, with forty of our wounded. She communicated with the Federal Flag ship, but the result is unknown. It is rumored that the Federals refused to let her return.
The rumor that Fort Pike has been evacuated and blown up, is unreliable.
In a conference held with one of the Federal officers, after the correspondence between Mayor and Com. Farrugat, the officer left declaring that he would shoot down the flag on the City Hall, if it was not hauled down, and he actually bro’t his ship within range, but has not fired thus far.
It is reported that the French and English men of war, which are below, will enter their protest against shelling the city.
It is believed the Yankee vessels are short, both of provisions and ammunition.
The excitement in the city is intense, and the feeling of humiliation deep.
RICHMOND, April 28. – The following dispatch was received to-day, by Adj.-Gen. Cooper, from Gen. Lovell:
Camp Moore, April 27.
Forts Jackson and St. Phillip, are still in good condition and in our hands. The steamers Louisiana and McRae are safe. The enemy’s fleet is at the city, but they have not forces enough to occupy it. The in habitants are staunchly loyal.
MOBILE, April 28. – The Forts on Lake Ponchartrain [sic] were all evacuated on the 25th inst. – we have sustained considerable loss in supplies and dismounting, but not in destroying. The guns at Fort Pike and all the building[s] were burnt, including the telegraph office. The operator has gone to the limits of the city to open an office if possible. All the gunboats on the Lake have been burnt by our own people. The mobile boats Whitman, Brown and several others are moving troops, stores and ordnance to Manchock, after which we fear they will be burned.
The Yankee fleet was returning again to Ship Island.
In a local paragraph the Norfolk Day Book under the head of markets, named the ferry small supply of edibles exposed for sale and says it becomes a question of grave moment as to where and how the people are to be fed.
The death of Samuel B. Todd, brother of Mrs. Lincoln, is announced. He died on the battlefield, and from the effects of the wounds he received at Shiloh, in the action of the 7th.
It is reported by the flag of truce that the Merrimac had steamed up, and it was expected in Norfolk last night that she would come out to-day. She has not made her appearance, however.
The Charleston Mercury says that 9 schooners left that city on the previous Saturday to run the blockade. The Guild, Wave and two others were taken. The crew of the Guild was landed on Gibbs’ Island on Wednesday. On Friday they were seen by our pickets and fired upon under the supposition that they were Yankees. David Kauffer, of Augusta, was killed.
The other three vessels were sent to Fort Royal.
The gunboat Mt. Vernon arrived from the blockade of Wilmington on Sunday night. She left there the Jamestown and Victoria.
The Cambridge sailed hence for Wilmington on Sunday.
The Mt. Vernon’s boilers are defective, but she will return to her station in a few days.
There is but little news.
Fort Caswell is being strengthened by the rebels in expectation of an attack.
The schooner Kate from Nassau, was captured by the Mt. Vernon about two weeks ago while attempting the run the blockade.
– Published in The Burlington Weekly Hawk-Eye, Burlington, Iowa, Saturday, May 3, 1862, p. 3