Saturday, November 29, 2014

Diary of Josephine Shaw Lowell: June 25, 1862

Today New York was in a fever and stocks went down, down, down, because Lincoln and General Pope went up to West Point by special train last night to see General Scott, who it was reported was going back to Washington with them, which also occasioned intense excitement, when, behold! he went as far as Jersey City and there remained at one of the stations. Lincoln being called upon to make a speech came upon the platform and told the people that if they could only know the object of his visit, they would find it much less important than they supposed, but that he couldn't tell them what it was, because Stanton was very particular about the press, and he didn't know what would happen to him if he should "blab."

SOURCE: William Rhinelander Stewart, The Philanthropic Work of Josephine Shaw Lowell, p. 29

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