Saturday, December 27, 2008

Stand by the Flag

The following noble words conjuring the American people to forget party strifes and bickerings, and rally round their country’s flag – words written during the last war with England by Washington Irving – will find a ready echo in every patriotic heart:

Whatever we may think of the expediency or inexpediency of the present war, we cannot feel indifferent to its operations. Whenever our arms come in competition with those of the enemy, jealousy for our country’s honor will swallow up every other consideration – our feeling will ever accompany the flag of our country to battle, rejoicing in its glory, lamenting over its defeats; for there is no such thing as releasing ourselves from the consequences of the contest.

He who fancies he can stand aloof in interest, and by condemning the present war can exonerate himself from the shame of its disasters is wofully [sic] mistaken. Other nations will not trouble themselves about our internal wrangling and party questions. They will not ask who among us fought, or why we fought, but how we fought. The disgrace of defeat will not be confined to the contrivers of the war or the party in power, or conductors of the battle, but will extend to the whole nation and come home to every individual. If the name of America is to be rendered honorable in the fight we shall each participate in the honor. If otherwise, we most inevitably support our share of the ignominy.

– Published in the Stark County News, Toulon, Illinois, Thursday March 19, 1863

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