Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Which Is the Best Way...

...to obey the law and get a Public house license at the expense of three dollars and thirty-three cents, or disobey the law, and be compelled to pay the license and Forty Dollars and eighty-six cents cost, as did Mr. Alex Wilson, of this county last week?

P. G. Goss, Esq. played the same tune and the expense of about Fifty-two Dollars over and above the license.

Better come up, hereafter, and give Uncle Samuel a cheerful support in his affliction. How can you be so ungratful [sic] to your old Uncle, when you know you are indebted to him for all you possess? Why a dog will seldom bite the hand that feeds him. Can it be that man is more ungrateful than the soulless beast? Reform, gentleman, and be good earnest Union men. Nobody wants to believe you disloyal; it's your devlish [sic] foolish actions that forces people to such conclusions.

– Published in The Union Sentinel, Osceola, Iowa, Saturday, July 16, 1864

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