Friday, May 14, 2010

Mrs. Wittenmyer at Work

A letter was received last evening from Mrs. Wittenmyer by the President of the Ladies Aid Society giving an account of her labors among the wounded at Pittsburg Landing. She writes: “I have been making and distributing soup all day to our poor, faint, and suffering soldiers. I have been going around with a bucket and dipper through the boats and tents administering to the wants of our brave men who are very weak and faint from long fasting and the pain [caused] by their wounds. Mangled bodies, wounded, dying and dead are lying around me in every direction. I am here to do all that I can; my goods are being rapidly used up by the hundreds of wounded around me, and I am wishing for more.”

She earnestly appeals to the Ladies of Iowa to prepare and forward supplies for the suffering volunteers with all possible Dispatch.

– Published in The Gate City, Keokuk, Iowa, Thursday, April 17, 1862

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