Monday, June 28, 2010

Assistant Surgeon Myron Underwood

Assistant Surgeon Myron Underwood was born at Monticello, Ohio, August 7, 1833; graduated at Rush Medical College February 19, 1859, and soon after located at Steamboat Rock, Iowa; removed to Eldora, Iowa, in July, 1860; married Miss Sophia A. Ellis in 1861; was commissioned Assistant Surgeon of the 12th Iowa August 19, 1862, and joined the regiment on its return from prison. He was constantly with the regiment until the expiration of his term of service — September 15, 1865 — when he returned to his home and resumed the practice of medicine. He was elected State Senator from the counties of Hardin and Grundy in 1885. He died at his home in Eldora, Iowa, August 12, 1894. See 12th Iowa Reunion, October, 1894, for particulars.

SOURCE: David W. Reed, Campaigns and battles of the Twelfth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 252

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