Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Henry Wilkins

WILKINS, HENRY — Farmer, Sec. 8, P. O. Millersburg. Was born March 4, 1823, in Essex county, New York, and was there educated and raised. He was married in his native county to Miss Sarah Ann Waterman, and by this union they have nine children: Lysander, Albert, Alanson, Horatio, Andrew, Harriet, George, Michael and Emeline. Lost five: William (who died shortly after return from the war), Emma, Malinda J., Elizabeth J., one an infant. Mr. W. came to this State October 1, 1855, and settled in Keokuk county, where he lived for three years. Then moved to his present location. When our country was involved in war, Mr. Wilkins offered his services, and enlisted, October, 1861, in company I, Thirteenth Iowa infantry, and served three years. He was mustered out in November, 1864, and returned to his home, where he now owns a farm of forty-five acres, with fine comfortable buildings.

SOURCE: Union Historical Company, The History Of Iowa County, Iowa (1881), p. 643

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