Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hymn For Our Country

(Inscribed to His Excellency, President Lincoln.)

God bless our Country! Look afar –
Behold on ever side,
From Southern cross to Northern Star,
She standeth like a bride;
Upheld by God’s Almighty hand,
How fair thou art, Oh, Native Land!

Our meadows team with goodly herds,
Our garners overflow –
Our hills resound with singing birds.
And smile our vales below.
Upheld by God’s all-bounteous hand,
Thy cup is full, Oh, favored Land!

God bless our Councils, make us wise,
To worship and obey –
Let Justice reign, and Peace arise
To bless our land always[s]: –
Upheld by his All-ruling hand,
God bless the rulers of our Land!

God bless our Banner evermore, –
Beneath whatever sky, –
By seas unknown or desert shore,
We fling it broad and high –
Upheld by Thy Almighty hand,
God bless the Banner of our Land!

– Published in The Davenport Daily Gazette, Davenport, Iowa, Thursday Morning, March 27, 1862, p. 2

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