Sunday, June 28, 2020

Brigadier-General John A. Rawlins, July 28, 1864 [Later.]

City Point, July 28, 1864.

. . . Matters are now such that it is impossible for me to leave here at present. Active operations have commenced, which with the fact of the General's forgetting himself, in that one danger of which I wrote you this morning, renders my being here of an importance that you can appreciate as fully as any person living, although it deprives you of an immediate visit from me, a visit which my health demands . . .

Since writing the foregoing I have had a long talk with the General and Colonel Bowers, and they conclude I had better go as early as the first of next month, and I have thought, all things considered, I can perhaps as well be spared by that time as at any time thereafter. So you may begin to look for me about next Wednesday if I have no delays. . . .

SOURCE: James Harrison Wilson, The Life of John A. Rawlins, p. 249

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