Saturday, March 11, 2023

William T. Sherman to Montgomery Blair, Early April 1861

I received about nine o'clock Saturday night, your telegraphic dispatch, which I have this moment answered, “I cannot accept."

I have quite a large family, and when I resigned my place in Louisiana, on account of secession, I had no time to lose; and, therefore, after my hasty visit to Washington, where I saw no chance of employment, I came to St. Louis; have accepted a place in this company, have rented a house, and incurred other obligations, so that I am not at liberty to change.

I thank you for the compliment contained in your offer, and assure you that I wish the administration all success in its almost impossible task of governing this distracted and anarchical people.

SOURCE: Walter L. Fleming, General W.T. Sherman as College President, p. 378

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