Monday, September 2, 2024

Governor Rutherford B. Hayes to William Henry Smith, July 13, 1869

COLUMBUS, July 13, 1869.

DEAR S——:—I am sorry not to be here to meet you.

I think of nothing in particular to say. There is a whispering which leads me to suspect that they [the Democratic leaders] are hoping, and perhaps trying, to get Rosecrans to decline. If he declines it will change the programme essentially. Until that matter is decided I suspect we had better show up their talk about him, and his talk about them as our principal topic, so far as merely personal issues go.

I am ready to begin [the canvass] whenever it is deemed best, and would advise going first and chiefly into doubtful or Union counties.


SOURCE: Charles Richard Williams, editor, Diary and Letters of Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Volume 3, p. 64

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