Showing posts with label 26th IA INF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 26th IA INF. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Benjamin F. Pearson, October 22, 1862

Forenoon we ware on Co drill afternoon on Brigade & battallion drill & Dress perade. Our Capt is poorly in his bed most of the day the 26th Reg passed down on a Packet landed a short time they are a fine looking set of men. evening Emma & I attended the African Church & seen some contrabands just from South Carolina

SOURCE: Edgar R. Harlan, Currator, Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 15, No. 2, October 1925, p. 93

Monday, August 22, 2016

Diary of 4th Sergeant John S. Morgan: Tuesday, July 21, 1863

Night rainy, the 26 33. & 36 Iowa regts out on a scout this A. M. News today good.

SOURCE: “Diary of John S. Morgan, Company G, 33rd Iowa Infantry,” Annals of Iowa, 3rd Series, Vol. 13, No. 7, January 1923, p. 493

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Diary of Alexander G. Downing: Sunday, May 3, 1863

News came that our army took five hundred prisoners at Grand Gulf. General Steele's Division passed here today. There is an Iowa brigade in it, consisting of the Fourth, Twenty-sixth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first Infantry. The men all look fine and there are none from the brigade in the hospital.

Source: Alexander G. Downing, Edited by Olynthus B., Clark, Downing’s Civil War Diary, p. 112-3

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Twenty-Sixth Iowa Infantry

This was largely a Clinton county regiment, and was organized at Clinton in September, 1862. It had about 900 men, and its field officers were Milo Smith, colonel; Samuel G. Magell, lieutenant-colonel; Samuel Clark, major. In October, it was sent to Helena, Ark., and from there to the vicinity of Vicksburg. It was at the battle of Chickasaw Bayou, but met with no loss. In January, 1863, it was in the expedition sent to capture Arkansas Post. The fleet under Admiral Porter co-operated with the army in this battle, which began on the 10th. Fort Hindman was a strong position, and made a vigorous defense. General McClernand ordered an assault, and, after a desperate fight, the fort was captured, with 5,000 prisoners and seventeen pieces of artillery. The Twenty-sixth here made a splendid fight, and suffered as severely as any regiment engaged in the battle. Colonel Smith was among the wounded, while the loss of the regiment was 120. It was soon after moved down the river near Vicksburg, where the men worked on the canal that was designed to change the channel of the river. In May, the Twenty-sixth was sent with the army to capture Jackson, and afterwards took part in the siege of Vicksburg, and was engaged in the assault of the 22d, where it lost many men. After the close of the Vicksburg campaign, the Twenty-sixth, after considerable service at various places, was sent to take part in the expedition operating about Chattanooga, and was in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. The loss was not heavy, but included some good officers wounded. After service in parts of Alabama, the regiment joined Sherman's army in its campaign against Johnston, where it belonged to the Fifteenth corps. From this time on the history of the Twenty-sixth is intimately associated with the hard marches and successful battles of that brilliant campaign. At Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw and the siege of Atlanta, at Jonesboro and Lovejoy the Clinton county regiment did valiant service, and its dead lie buried all along the line of the great march to the sea. In December; 1864, it was in camp at Savannah, and in January it marched with the army through the Carolinas. It was at the capture of Columbia, and at the battle of Bentonville its last fight was made. It marched to Goldsboro, Raleigh, and on to the national capital, and was mustered out at the close of the war, covered with honors.

SOURCE, Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 108

Friday, November 25, 2011

Twenty-Fifth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry

The Twenty-fifth Regiment was organized under the proclamation of President Lincoln, bearing date July 2, 1862. The ten companies of which it was composed were ordered into quarters by Governor Kirkwood, on dates ranging from August 2 to September 1, 1862. The place of rendezvous designated in the order of the Governor was Camp McKean, near Mount Pleasant, Iowa, and there, on the 27th of September, 1862, the companies and the field and staff officers of the regiment were mustered into the service of the United States, by Captain George S. Pierce of the United States Army. At the completion of the muster the regiment had an aggregate strength of 972 men, including the field, staff and company officers. There were 23 early additional enlistments, which brought the total number of the regiment to 995, at or about the time it left the State for the field of active military operations [see note 1]. The commander of the regiment, Colonel George A. Stone, had won honor and distinction in his previous service as First Lieutenant of Company F, First Iowa Infantry and, later, as Major of the Fourth Iowa Cavalry. Under the instruction of this very capable and energetic officer, the regiment improved to the utmost the time it remained in rendezvous and, by the time it left the State, had acquired a fair knowledge of the drill and discipline so essential to effective service in the field.

Early in November the regiment proceeded to St. Louis, and thence down the Mississippi River to Helena, Ark., where it went into camp. During its stay at Helena, detachments from the regiment accompanied reconnoitering expeditions to White River and elsewhere, but the record does not show that these expeditions encountered any considerable force of the enemy. The regiment was assigned to the Second Brigade of the First Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, the brigade commanded by General Hovey, and the division by General Steele. On the 22d of December, 1862, the regiment embarked on transports and moved down the Mississippi with the forces under command of General Sherman, and participated in that notable but unsuccessful movement against Vicksburg, by way of Chickasaw Bayou, in which it lost one man killed, seven wounded and two captured or missing [see note 2]. Returning from this expedition, the regiment, with its brigade and division, comprising part of the Fifteenth Army Corps, under command of Major General Sherman, with the Thirteenth Army Corps, commanded by Major General McClernand, moved down the Mississippi River to Arkansas Post. On January 11, 1863, the Twenty-fifth Iowa participated in the battle which resulted in the capture of that rebel stronghold. The conduct of his regiment in the battle is described in the official report of Colonel Stone as follows [see note 3]:


GENERAL: I herewith hand you the report of the part taken by my regiment in the action yesterday. I was ordered by our brigade commander, General Hovey, to form the regiment in the rear of the Seventy-sixth Ohio, Colonel Woods, the leading regiment, and sustain him in a bayonet charge on the enemy's fortifications. My command, to that effect, was promptly obeyed, and the two regiments, with yells creditable to Indians, started over an open space of ground for some 500 yards, exposed to the grape and canister of a rebel battery, of 6-pounder Parrott guns, and the rifles of five Texas Infantry regiments. The clear space was passed over with some loss and we then had some 200 yards more to make, 100 of which was through abatis and ditches. The Seventy-sixth Ohio had cleared everything but the last 100 yards of open ground that separated it from the breastworks, we following 20 yards in their rear; when the fire was so terrific, and the men so much exhausted, that the first line was compelled to halt, and we then for the first capped our rifles and responded to the enemy's fire, constantly advancing till the last line of defense for us was reached; and, after three hours fighting, the rebel flag was struck and the white one displayed, indicating that the enemy had surrendered. Some 5,000 prisoners, with several batteries, siege guns, and ordnance stores, small arms, etc., are a part of the fruits of this truly great victory. My regiment was complimented by the Texas Colonel in front of us, who remarked he was almost sure they must be Iowa troops. The casualties are as follows [see note 4]: . . . Adjutant S. Kirkwood Clark was wounded severely by a gunshot wound through the left leg, just below the knee. I do but justice when I notice the Adjutant in this report, for his cool and gallant conduct as well in this fight as the one in the vicinity of Vicksburg. He has received and has well earned the praise of the entire regiment. I also must notice Privates Hiram Payne of Company B, and Ben F. Weaver of Company C, who, on account of the Color Sergeant being sick, volunteered for the duty of carrying the colors, and right nobly did they perform it. We were the second regiment in the rebel fortifications.

Very respectfully, General,

GEO. A. STONE, Colonel Commanding.

Adjutant General N. B. Baker, Davenport, Iowa.

Adjutant Clark died from the effect of his wound, and was succeeded by First Lieutenant Samuel W. Snow, of Company E. The regiment returned to the vicinity of Vicksburg, and went into camp near Young's Point for the remainder of the winter. During its first campaign, the Twenty-fifth Iowa had suffered much from sickness, having much the same experience as all new regiments in that respect; but the records show that the fatalities from disease were not as great as in most of the other Iowa regiments which were encamped in the same unhealthy locality. Colonel Stone was noted for the care with which he looked after the health of his men, and provided everything available for their comfort, while exercising strict discipline and requiring them to observe such sanitary regulations as were possible under the conditions in which they were placed during that gloomy winter of 1863. In the meantime, General Grant was making active preparations for the beginning of another aggressive campaign, to commence as soon as the necessary number of troops could be concentrated under his command.

On the 2d of April the Twenty-fifth Iowa, with its brigade and division, started upon the expedition — conducted by General Steele — to Greenville, Miss., and further into the interior of the State. While the object of the expedition was mainly to distract the attention of the enemy from the principal movement of the campaign, it accomplished more than that, by the capture of considerable quantities of supplies which were intended for the use of the rebel army. The division remained in camp near Greenville, from which place detachments were sent into the surrounding country, gathering supplies, until April 24th, when, the purpose of the expedition having been accomplished, it returned to Milliken's Bend. From that place, Colonel Stone, commanding the Twenty-fifth Iowa and the Thirtieth Missouri regiments, marched to Richmond, La., where he remained in camp for a few days, and then marched to Hard Times Landing, where his troops crossed the river on transports to Grand Gulf, arriving there too late, however, to overtake the main portion of the army, which had moved on towards Jackson. Colonel Stone was ordered to proceed with his regiment as escort to a supply train, loaded with rations and ammunition for the army. Upon arriving with the train at Clinton, the regiment rejoined its brigade and division, then marching from Jackson towards Vicksburg. The march was continued. On the 18th of May the regiment joined with the other troops in the investment of Vicksburg, the siege of that rebel stronghold having already begun. In the operations which ensued, the regiment performed its full share of duty. It participated in the arduous and dangerous work of advancing the lines, digging and occupying the trenches, driving the enemy from one advanced position to another, until the troops of the Union army were intrenched in a line close to the frowning forts of the enemy and the main line of heavy works which connected them. The regiment was engaged in the assault upon the enemy's works on the 22d of May, as will be seen from the following extracts from the official reports of its brigade and regimental commanders. In the report of Colonel Charles R. Woods, commanding Second Brigade, First Division, the following reference is made to the Twenty-fifth Iowa:

Owing to the difficulty of moving my brigade, so as to prevent the enemy from seeing our movements, several hours were consumed in reaching our position, and, having reached the rear of the position where the charge was to be made, it was necessary to pass over several pieces of open ground within close range of the enemy's rifle-pits, part of the road being swept by artillery. Fifty or sixty men and officers were killed and wounded in gaining our position. The Twenty-fifth Iowa, Colonel Stone commanding, being in the advance, suffered severely, but as soon as it gained the ravine one wing was thrown forward as skirmishers, and succeeded in a great measure in keeping down the fire of the enemy. . . . The Twenty-fifth Iowa, while deployed as skirmishers, did good execution and lost severely. . . . The officers and men, during all the skirmishes in which they have been engaged, have done their duty well and faithfully, and deserve the highest praise [see note 5].

Colonel Stone, in his official report, says, in part:

A general attack was ordered by our entire line. Our division, occupying the extreme right of our army, was ordered to gain the heights to our left, near the center of our line, and to assist in carrying the fort opposite. In making this movement, I had the advance with my regiment, and kept it until the heights above mentioned were gained. We failed to carry the fort, and at night the entire division was withdrawn to the position each regiment had occupied in the morning. Officers and men of my regiment behaved well, and I shall not particularize by mentioning any, save Private Isaac Mickey of Company F, who, when I called for some one to volunteer to carry an order for me past a line exposed to the enemy's entire line of sharpshooters, responded at once to the call, carried my message, and returned promptly when the order was executed [see note 6].

Captain James D. Spearman, of Company H, was among the severely wounded and was subsequently discharged on account of the disability thus incurred. The number of casualties in the regiment, in the assault on the 22d of May, were as follows: Killed, enlisted men, 5; wounded, 1 officer and 26 enlisted men; captured or missing, 5 enlisted men. Total 37 [see note 7]. The total casualties sustained by the regiment during the entire siege of Vicksburg numbered 65 in killed, wounded and missing. In addition to this number, many were prostrated by sickness, the result of the great hardships, toil and exposure to which they were subjected in that protracted siege.

On the day following the surrender of Vicksburg, the regiment, with its brigade and division, joined the army under command of General Sherman, which promptly marched in pursuit of the rebel army under command of General J. E. Johnston, and, in the short but vigorous campaign which ensued, performed its full share of duty. During the brief siege of Jackson it lost 2 men killed, and 2 wounded [see note 8]. Returning from Jackson, the regiment went into camp on Black River, near the scene of the battle of that name, where it enjoyed a season of well-earned rest. It had now been in. the service but little more than ten months, had lost 134 men killed and wounded in battle, and a much greater number by disease and discharge for disability. If its record had ended with the campaign just closed, it would have taken its place in history as well deserving the gratitude of the people of the State and Nation for the gallant service it had rendered. But it had yet a long and arduous period of service to perform, as will appear in the history of its subsequent operations, ending only with the close of the war.

In the latter part of September, 1863, the Twenty-fifth Iowa, with its brigade and division, moved from its encampment to Vicksburg, and there embarked for Memphis. General Osterhaus had succeeded General Steele as commander of the division. Upon arriving at Memphis, the troops disembarked and at once took up the line of march to Corinth, thence to Iuka and Cherokee Station. At the latter place the enemy was encountered. The following extract from the official report of Colonel Stone will show with what vigor the enemy's skirmishers were attacked, and how persistently the march was continued to Chattanooga, to reinforce the troops which were so soon to become engaged in the tremendous conflicts around that place:

On Sunday evening, October 25th, at Cherokee, our division received marching orders for 4 A. M. next day, and accordingly the division moved at the hour indicated, in the direction of Tuscumbia, in light marching order and in fine fighting condition. The First Brigade, Brigadier General C. R. Woods commanding, had the advance, and ours, the Second Brigade, Colonel James A. Williamson commanding, the rear. General Osterhaus' orders were very imperative and strict concerning the tactical arrangement of battalions, as the enemy, but some three miles in front of us, was composed entirely of cavalry, and was fully our equal in numerical strength. About two miles from camp we met the enemy's skirmishers, and here formed our line of battle, the First Brigade on the right, and the Second on the left, with one of the other divisions of our Corps as reserve. My position was on the extreme left, and, in accordance with orders, I formed a square to repel cavalry, first, however, having covered my front properly with skirmishers. Our skirmishers pushed the enemy so vigorously, and our lines followed so promptly, that after a short resistance the enemy fell back to another position some four miles to the rear, and made another stand. The same disposition was again made by our division, the same sharp, short fighting with the same result, the hasty retreat of the enemy. We continued this skirmishing during the entire day, and renewed it on the 27th, literally fighting them from Cherokee to Tuscumbia. We entered the town at 3 P. M., on the 27th. Sergeant Nehemiah M. Redding, of Company D, was killed while skirmishing on the 26th. I have no other casualties to mention. Officers and men behaved handsomely [see note 9].

The troops continued to press forward by forced marches, and at midnight, on November 23d, had reached a point near the foot of Lookout Mountain. The division under General Osterhaus was temporarily attached to the forces under the command of General Hooker. The Twenty-fifth Iowa was assigned to a position in support of a battery of New York artillery. Colonel Stone's official reports of the part taken by his regiment in the battles which followed in rapid succession, are here given in full:

BRIDGEPORT, ALA., Dec. 19, 1863.

GENERAL: I have the honor to report as follows, of the battle of Lookout Mountain, on the 24th of November, 1863. Our division camped on the 23d of November opposite Lookout Mountain, and near General Hooker's headquarters. At 9 P.M. I received orders to be in fighting trim at daylight next morning, and accordingly, at 5 A. M. of the 24th, I was in line of battle, and received orders to support the First Iowa battery during the day. It was intended that our division should act as reserves, while some of Hooker's division should storm the mountain, but this was partially changed, probably on account of one column being ordered further to the right than was first intended, and our division soon took an active part. At 9:30 A. M. I had orders to go to the front, just under a point of rocks on Lookout Mountain, to support the guns of Battery I, First New York Artillery, then in position, and two of which guns were protected by being hastily casemated. This position I retained during the day, and, on account of the admirable place for defense, and the inability of the enemy to sufficiently depress his guns, I found at dark I had not lost a man. Nothing could exceed the grandeur of this battle, from the point at which we viewed it. Every gun from Raccoon Mountain batteries to those of Moccasin Point was in plain view, and our lines of infantry so close that acquaintances were easily recognized. At 12 M. the grand attack began, and soon the battle smoke hung over and enveloped the mountain like a funeral pall, and the whole battle, like a panorama, passed around and before us. At dark, in accordance with orders from General Osterhaus, I reported, with my regiment, for special duty, to Major General Butterfleld, General Hooker's Chief of Staff, and was ordered by him to a position on the extreme right of the army, to prevent an anticipated attempt of the enemy to turn our flank at that point. I occupied the point indicated, and made a personal reconnaissance of the ground in front of me. The enemy threatened some during the night, but made no attack, and, at daylight next day, in obedience to orders, I reported back, with my command, to the division.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel Commanding Twenty-fifth Iowa.

ADJUTANT GENERAL N. B. BAKER, Davenport, Iowa [see note 10].

BRIDGEPORT, ALA., Dec. 19, 1863.

GENERAL: I respectfully report as follows of the part taken by this regiment in the battle of Mission Ridge on the 25th day of November, 1863. On the morning of the 25th we left Lookout Mountain at 10 o'clock; passed through Chattanooga Valley, and arrived at the front of Mission Ridge at 2 P. M. We had just formed in line of battle for an attack, when the enemy's artillery became so annoying that we commenced to gain distance to the right for a more vulnerable point of attack. A messenger having now arrived with the intelligence that two regiments of rebel cavalry had passed down the mountain for the purpose of turning our left flank, General Osterhaus ordered me to take a position up the valley in the direction of the rebel cavalry, with my own regiment and the Twenty-sixth Iowa. The skirmishing soon became very brisk on the right, with intimations of a general attack on our left. A division of the Fourth Corps now relieved me, and I at once reported back to my division, but had no sooner arrived at my former position than General Osterhaus informed me that the enemy was endeavoring to gain the mountain pass between Chattanooga Valley and Rossville, and that I must gain it first and hold it at all hazards. I proceeded as ordered and held that pass till dark, securing one six-pound gun, one loaded ammunition wagon, and 27 prisoners, (including three Lieutenants,) and a quantity of corn meal and bacon. I am happy to say I have no casualties to report.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Colonel Commanding Twenty-fifth Iowa.

Adjutant General N. B. Baker, Davenport, Iowa [see note 11].

BRIDGEPORT, ALA., Dec. 19, 1863.

GENERAL: I respectfully make the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the battle of Ringgold, or Taylor's Ridge, Ga., on the 27th of November last, with the list of casualties of that day. Our division had the advance that morning, and we had not anticipated the stubborn resistance the enemy would make there, or at least were not wholly prepared for it; or perhaps, better still, both. We approached the hill or mountain by a right flank, perpendicularly to the face of the mountain, and, in order to get into line of battle, had to front and change front forward on first company. Regiments therefore got into line of battle alternately, an evolution that more or less endangered each regiment to loss, without leaving it any means for defense or protection. My position being on the extreme left, I came into line last, and, when formed, found myself in open ground, and in easy range of the enemy above us, protected by abatis and breastworks. The fire here was very annoying, but the men responded so promptly to my command "Forward, double quick," that we cleared the open field and gained the base of the hill, with the loss of but three men. The duty assigned me was this: to gain the crest as best I could and turn the enemy's left flank. The hill up which I had to go was very steep, a valley to my right and left running perpendicularly to the base of the mountain, and above a long range of rocks, barricades, etc. I was there exposed to three fires, namely, direct right, left and oblique. I discovered, by their battle flags, that two regiments confronted me, and, considering the odds about proper for an Iowa regiment, ordered an advance. The enemy had his skirmishers admirably posted and in strong force. The hillside was stubbornly contested, but we pressed steadily forward, and, in an hour from the time we started, had advanced to within seventy-five yards of the crest of the hill and driven the enemy completely off of it to his fortification.

I now occupied a splendid position, and, preparatory for a final charge, had ordered a halt for the men to obtain a few moments' rest. Three regiments of the Twelfth Corps now came up over the ground I had won by fighting, one passing on my right, one through the Thirtieth Iowa, still further to my right, and the remaining one through my line. I attempted to stop this silly maneuver of advancing, where men could barely climb, by a flank, and ordered and entreated the officers to go to my left and advance in line of battle, properly, with their skirmishers well forward. I pointed to them the fire they must meet, from three points, so soon as they passed my line, and reminded them that their men would be shot down like sheep, as marching thus, by a flank, they could not possibly return the fire. All to no purpose, however. An officer of a Pennsylvania regiment said they would show western troops how to storm a hill, and that they were acting under orders, etc. They passed above me, and at once the fire of the enemy ceased, and at a glance I discovered the reason. He saw this column coming up by a flank, and commenced at once to mass a fresh column on its flank. Again I went to the officer, pointed out his situation, showed him where the rebels were massing; but he would listen to nothing, and went forward. A moment of agonizing suspense to me, and the fire opened on them from the three places designated. I never heard a more terrific and incessant fire of musketry. The men stood manfully for a minute — till the next volley was being poured into them — and then, like a flock of frightened sheep, and with exclamations: "We are flanked — they are coming — they are coming," came rushing down upon us, carrying everything before them, like an avalanche, and as far as we could see they were still running shamefully to the rear. I am credibly informed they organized again more than a mile from the scene of this disaster. My men were thrown into temporary confusion, but I at once re-formed in range of the enemy's fire, and, taking the hill at a new point, threatening to flank him in return, again commenced to climb the hill. Our entire brigade was now ordered forward, and this time we gained the hill, and, as regiment after regiment of the Iowa Brigade gained the plateau above us, the rebels, now threatened at every point, fled in confusion, and the battle of Ringgold was over. I lost 29 wounded, none killed, none missing. ... Of 21 officers in the fight, one-third of them were struck. The day following the battle orders were issued reorganizing our division. We are now in the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifteenth Army Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Palmer commanding the regiment, and I commanding the brigade.

Very respectfully, General, your obedient servant,

Colonel Twenty-fifth Iowa Volunteers.

Adjutant General N. B. Baker, Davenport, Iowa [see note 12].

It is always the duty of a commanding officer to take advantage of every opportunity that offers to protect his men from the fire of the enemy in battle. To do this he must carefully study the position of the enemy and, in advancing to the attack, avail himself of the conformation of the ground over which he has to pass, and, if possible, strike the enemy in flank; in short, to execute the movements he is ordered to make with military skill and good judgment, and, while strictly obeying the orders he has received, accomplish the desired results with the smallest possible loss. In the dreadful game of war much depends upon the skill and ability with which the commanding officer handles his troops. While heavy losses cannot always be avoided, it is always a credit to the commanding officer to achieve a victory over the enemy with the loss to his own command reduced to the minimum. Thus, in the series of battles around Chattanooga, in which the Twenty-fifth Iowa participated — Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge and Ringgold — Colonel Stone's official reports clearly show that he obeyed implicitly every order which he received, and that his regiment accomplished all that was required of it with comparatively small casualties. Colonel Stone and the officers of his regiment had freely exposed themselves to the fire of the enemy, and, as shown in the battle of Ringgold, had suffered more severely, in proportion to their number, than the men under their command. This certainly was greatly to their credit. Both officers and men had fully sustained the high reputation they had previously won for the regiment. It will be noted that, immediately after the battle of Ringgold, Colonel Stone was honored by being placed in command of the brigade to which his regiment was attached, and that Lieutenant Colonel Palmer succeeded him as regimental commander.

After the battle of Ringgold the regiment, with its brigade and division, returned to Chattanooga, and, a few days later, marched to Bridgeport, Ala., where it remained until December 23d, on which date the division was ordered to proceed to Woodville, on the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, at which place it went into winter quarters. Colonel Stone's Brigade was engaged in two expeditions during the winter. The first of these expeditions ended at the town of Lebanon, Ala., at which place and vicinity there were a considerable number of citizens who had remained true to the cause of the Union, many of whom came to Colonel Stone's camp, where they were organized into companies and furnished with arms and ammunition. They subsequently became part of a Union regiment and rendered good service to their country. Upon his return to Woodville, Colonel Stone was ordered to proceed to Cleveland, East Tenn., at which place his command constituted a garrison for the post until early in March, 1864, when the brigade rejoined the division at Woodville, where it remained until the beginning of the great Atlanta campaign, in which it was to take a most conspicuous part.

To give a detailed description of the operations of the Twenty-fifth Iowa during the remainder of its term of service would far exceed the limitation of space to which the compiler of this condensed historical sketch is subjected. He can, therefore, only give the outlines of its splendid service during the Atlanta campaign, its subsequent march to the sea and, from Savannah, through the Carolinas to Washington. The regiment had — prior to the commencement of the campaign — been again placed in a brigade composed exclusively of Iowa troops, as follows: The Fourth, Ninth, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-first regiments of Iowa Infantry. These four regiments remained together until the close of the war and became known throughout the army as the "Iowa Brigade of the Fifteenth Corps." Colonel J. A. Williamson of the Fourth Iowa, by virtue of his seniority in rank, became the commander of the brigade, and Colonel Stone resumed command of the Twenty-fifth Iowa. Colonel Williamson had entered the service with his regiment early in 1861, and had succeeded to the command of the regiment when Colonel Dodge was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General. The brigade, therefore, came under the command of an officer with a distinguished record. He had long been in command of a brigade and had well earned the promotion to the full rank of Brigadier General [see note 13]. The record of the Twenty-fifth Iowa is practically identified with that of the Fourth, Ninth and Thirty-first during the campaigns which ensued to the close of the war. On the 1st of May, 1864, the brigade and division marched from Woodville to join the army at the front. It first met the enemy in fierce conflict at Resaca, Ga. The operations of the brigade in that battle are fully described in the official report of Colonel Williamson, from which the following extract is made:

About 10 o'clock on the 13th instant the brigade was ordered into line of battle immediately on the left of the First Brigade, where it remained for two or three hours, when I received orders to move my brigade forward, which I did, taking the direction and keeping the alignment of the First Brigade until I arrived near the fortified hill from which the enemy kept up a heavy fire of artillery and musketry. At this point I halted, keeping my right aligned with the First Brigade, and advancing my left wing so as to bring them under cover, where I remained until the enemy fell back, when I advanced, with the First Brigade on my right, and took possession of the hill immediately in front of the enemy's fortifications, where I remained, skirmishing until a late hour at night. On the morning of the 14th, commenced skirmishing at daylight, and kept it up all day, suffering considerable loss. Late in the afternoon of the 14th, I was ordered by General Osterhaus to send one regiment to support a battery which was engaging the enemy's fortifications. In obedience to this order, I sent the Twenty-fifth Iowa, Colonel Stone. A little later in the evening I was ordered to send a regiment to support the First Brigade, which was assaulting the enemy's line on my right, and, in obedience thereto, sent the Twenty-fifth Iowa, and moved the Fourth Iowa into position to support the battery. I remained in line of battle during the night of the 14th, skirmishing until a late hour, and again resumed the skirmishing at daylight on the 15th, and continued it through the day and until late at night. At daylight on the 16th, I received an order from General Osterhaus to advance into the town of Resaca, the enemy having evacuated it during the night. I have only to say in conclusion, that there was neither straggling nor cowardice in my command. All were anxious to do their duty [see note 14].

Colonel Williamson reports the casualties in his brigade at Resaca as follows: Killed, 6; wounded, 37; total, 43. Colonel Stone reports the casualties in the Twenty-fifth Iowa: Killed, 3; wounded, 15; total, 18 [see note 15].  It will thus be seen that the regiment sustained a loss of one-half the number killed, and nearly one-half the number wounded, in the four regiments of its brigade at the battle of Resaca.

In his next official report, dated at "Camp, near Lovejoy's Station, September 5, 1864," Colonel Williamson describes the movements and operations of his brigade at length, covering the entire period of the campaign, including its movements prior to the battle of Resaca, in which, however, it did not come into conflict with the enemy. From this report the compiler will endeavor to give a condensed account of the part taken by the Twenty-fifth Iowa in this campaign, — one of the most important and vigorously conducted campaigns of the entire war [see note 16]. A summary of the report shows that, on May 16th, the Twenty-fifth Iowa was on duty as provost guard in the village of Resaca. Between the dates May 17th and 20th, the regiment marched with its brigade from Resaca to Kingston, Ga. Remaining in camp at Kingston for three days, it continued the march to Dallas, and arrived in front of that place on the 26th of May. In the skirmishes and heavier fighting, which ensued and lasted until the 31st of May, the Twenty-fifth Iowa bore a conspicuous part, and again demonstrated fully the bravery and efficiency of its officers and men. During the night of May 28th, Williamson's brigade had built a complete line of defensive works. On the 29th, it occupied and continued to strengthen the works, all the time under the fire of the enemy. Soon after dark on the 29th, the brigade was ordered to leave the works and take a position on the main road, to cover the rear of the corps which was then moving out. As soon as the movement began, the enemy made a vigorous attack, when the Ninth and Twenty-fifth Iowa were ordered back to the original position, where they remained until daylight,, holding the enemy in check, when they were joined by the other two regiments of the brigade, which remained in the works during the 30th and 31st of May, successfully defending them, and delaying the advance of the enemy. At daylight, on June 1st, the brigade was ordered out of the works to another line one mile in the rear, which had been constructed to cover the withdrawal of the corps. When the corps had passed the works, the brigade moved out and acted as rear guard on the march to New Hope Church, the enemy following closely, as far back as Dallas.

The enemy fell back on the night of June 4th, and the brigade continued the march to Ackworth, where it arrived on June 6th, and remained in camp until the 10th, when it again moved forward toward Kenesaw Mountain, and, on June 11th, had reached a position in front of that stronghold of the enemy. During the contest for the possession of Kenesaw Mountain, which lasted for twenty-one days, the endurance and bravery of the officers and men of Williamson's Iowa Brigade was put to the severest test, and the Twenty-fifth fully maintained the record it had made at Vicksburg, while engaged in much the same character of service it had rendered in that great siege. The frowning heights of Kenesaw proved equally as impregnable to direct assault as had the works around Vicksburg. On June 27th a general assault upon the enemy's strong line of works along the face of the mountain was ordered, in which the Twenty-fifth Iowa, with its brigade, participated and suffered considerable loss. The assault was unsuccessful, and the brigade returned to its line of works, from which it kept up an incessant fire upon the enemy's line until the night of July 2d, when the enemy evacuated his line of defenses on Kenesaw Mountain, and began his retreat in the direction of Atlanta. The enemy fell back slowly, stubbornly resisting the advance of the Union army, and there were frequent skirmishes, in which the Twenty-fifth Iowa and the other regiments of its brigade participated.

On July 20th the brigade marched near to Atlanta and built a line of earthworks. On July 21st it again advanced and built another line of works, but had only just completed and occupied the new line when it was ordered — on the morning of July 22d — to move about three-fourths of a mile to the west and occupy a line of works which the rebels had abandoned on the night of the 21st. Then followed the hard-fought battle of July 22d, 1864, in front of Atlanta, the rebels attacking the Union lines in heavy force. In that battle the Twenty-fifth Iowa shared the honors won by its brigade, and suffered its proportion of the loss of 5 killed, 2 missing and 29 wounded. From the 22d to the 29th of July the regiment was actively engaged in the siege operational with its brigade. On July 28th the rebels made another attack in heavy force, ending in their repulse. The heaviest part of this day's fighting was to the right of the position occupied by Williamson's brigade and, consequently, it took only a minor part in the engagement. On July 30th, the brigade moved to the extreme right of the army and occupied that position until August 6th, when it moved one mile to the front and built a new line of works, in which it remained — expecting an assault from the enemy every day — until August 13th, on which date it participated in an attack, made by its brigade and division, on the enemy's skirmish line, making a complete success, and capturing nearly the entire force of the enemy in the rifle pits.

Active demonstrations were continued almost daily against the rebel works until August 18th, and there were some casualties nearly every day in each of the regiments of the brigade. On August 19th the line was again. advanced, the Twenty-fifth and Thirty-first Iowa taking the advance and digging new intrenchments. The advanced line was occupied until August 26th, when Colonel Williamson was ordered to move his brigade further to the right of the army, for the purpose of reaching and destroying the railroad on that side of Atlanta. The brigade started at dark on the 26th and marched all night and until 10 A. M. of the 27th; rested until the morning of the 28th, when the march was resumed and the Montgomery Railroad reached at 11 A. M. The brigade took position on each side of the road, and, while the Fourth and Twenty-fifth Iowa were engaged in building a line of defensive works to guard against a sudden attack of the enemy's cavalry, the Ninth and Thirty-first Iowa were engaged in destroying the railroad. After completing the work, the brigade marched on August 30th to a point one mile north of Jonesborough, where, on August 31st, it again came into conflict with the enemy and, after a severe fight, repulsed the attack, the enemy retiring with heavy loss. On the 2d of September the brigade, with the entire division, was sent in pursuit of the retreating forces of the enemy and, upon coming up with the rebel rear guard, a sharp engagement ensued. On the 3d, 4th and 5th of September the regiment was almost constantly on the skirmish line. On the night of the 5th, the division was ordered to return to Jonesborough and go into camp. Atlanta had fallen, and the victory was complete. The total casualties in the brigade during the campaign were 281, and, of this number, the Twenty-fifth Iowa lost 8 unlisted men killed, 4 officers and 49 enlisted men wounded and 4 enlisted men captured. Total loss in the regiment, 65 [see note 17].  It may be regarded as a singular coincidence that the regiment should have had precisely the same number of casualties in the Vicksburg campaign. At the close of his report Colonel Williamson says:

So closes the record of this memorable campaign. I could not make it more brief and do justice to the regiments of the brigade. The vast amount of labor done by this command, in addition to the marching and fighting, and the cheerfulness and zeal with which it has been performed, is sufficient to encourage the best hopes for the success of our army. The troops have neither hesitated nor murmured at any privation or labor. To the officers and men I owe a debt of gratitude for their prompt and willing obedience to orders.

On the 8th of September the regiment went into fortified camp at East Point, where it remained until the 4th of October, when it joined in the rapid pursuit of the rebel General Hood's army. The pursuit was continued by forced marches until October 16th, when the regiment went into camp on the bank of Little River, Ala., in sight of Lookout Mountain. October 20th, the regiment participated in a skirmish with the rebel General Wheeler's cavalry. On October 26th, the countermarch began and, on the 12th of November, the regiment was again in camp near Atlanta. With only a brief rest, after its long and toilsome march, it joined the army of General Sherman in his famous march to the sea. During this memorable march the Twenty-fifth Iowa performed its full share of duty and, on December 21, 1864, closed the triumphal march at Savannah, where it went into camp and enjoyed a brief period of rest. Colonel Williamson was at this time promoted to the command of a division, and Colonel Stone again succeeded to the command of the brigade, which he continued to command until the close of the next campaign, and the end of the war. Lieutenant Colonel Palmer again succeeded to the command of the regiment, which he also retained until the close of the war. The operations of his brigade, in that last great march through the Carolinas and on to Washington, are fully described in the official report of Colonel Stone, and, for the purpose of showing the part taken by the Twenty-fifth Iowa, in that closing campaign, the following extracts are taken from the report [see note 18]:

In accordance with orders, I respectfully report a summary of the part taken by this command in the campaign just ended. The campaign commenced on the 10th day of January, and ended, with my command, on the 26th day of March, 1865, making the duration two months and sixteen days. On the 10th of January last I had orders to march from our camp near Savannah, Ga., to Fort Thunderbolt. On the 12th of January, I took shipping at Fort Thunderbolt for Beaufort, S. C, with all the regiments of my command, save one, (the Twenty-fifth Iowa,) which was left behind to assist in fetching up the transportation of the division. This regiment reported to me at camp near Beaufort, S. C, on the 14th day of January, 1865. On the 27th day of January, we broke up camp and resumed the march. During the campaign this brigade has had four engagements with the enemy; first at Little Congaree Creek, near Columbia, S. C, on the 15th day of February, 1865. The Second Brigade had the advance that day, and commenced skirmishing with the enemy within two miles of the camp we had left that morning. They drove the enemy without further assistance until near Little Congaree Creek, when, from the nature of the ground, the enemy was enabled to make a stubborn resistance. Here my brigade was ordered up, and went into position on the left of the Second Brigade.

After describing the gallant part taken by the Fourth and Ninth Iowa in the engagement, (the other regiments of the brigade having, in the meantime, been held in reserve,) the report makes reference to the part taken by the Twenty-fifth Iowa, as follows:

The whole division now crossed and formed a line of battle on a plateau about a mile from the creek. I again went into position on the left. Some rebel cavalry skirmishers threatening my front, I moved on them with four companies of the Twenty-fifth Iowa, and we soon drove them back to their main line. . . . My next engagement with the enemy was at the city of Columbia, captured by my command on the 17th day of February, an official account of which, with the casualties, and the number of prisoners, was made to you, under date of the 19th of February.

The report referred to gives a graphic description of the capture of the city, in which each of the regiments of Colonel Stone's brigade bore a gallant part. After describing the preliminary movements which led up to the attack, Colonel Stone says:

Everything being now in readiness, the signal was given, and the assault made by all the regiments at the same time. The result proved no mistake either in planning or the execution. Before the enemy was hardly aware of it we were right into the skirmish pits and scattering them in every direction. The Thirtieth Iowa here captured 23 prisoners. I accompanied this regiment in the charge, and can by personal observation testify to the gallant manner in which they made it. In front of the Island are a number of small bayous running parallel to the river about 20 feet wide and waist deep; few stopped to find logs on which to cross, but plunged in, holding guns and cartridge boxes above the water. The enemy seeing his skirmish line destroyed, and the eagerness with which our success was being followed up, became confused and soon broke, leaving our way open to the city. . . . When within a mile of the city, a carriage was discovered approaching, flying a flag of truce. It proved to contain Mr. Goodwin, Mayor of Columbia, and the city aldermen, who came to offer terms of capitulation. After some words had passed, they unconditionally surrendered to me the city of Columbia. . . . Proceeding to the State House with Captain Pratt, I planted the first United States flag on that building. To Iowa alone is credit to be given for capturing the capital of the State that has been disloyal since the days of John C. Calhoun, and the contemplated Capital of the Confederacy, as none but Iowa troops were engaged.

I did not meet the enemy again in any force till the 20th instant, on our march that day from our camp near Cox's bridge on the Neuse River toward Bentonville. The Second Brigade, Colonel Catterson, had the advance that day, and skirmished freely with the enemy, driving him easily until we had arrived within about three miles of Bentonville. The enemy here became stubborn, and threatened an attack on the Second Brigade. I was ordered up and went into position on Colonel Catterson's left. We now advanced our line of battle of two brigades about half a mile, and put up works. About 3 o'clock P. M., I was directed by Brevet Major General Woods, commanding the division, and also by Major General Logan, commanding the corps, to take three regiments, and, if possible, clear the road in our front, and open communication with the Fourteenth Corps, now fighting apparently about a mile from us on our left front. I placed the Twenty-fifth Iowa, Lieutenant Colonel Palmer commanding, (which regiment I had ordered out about an hour before as skirmishers,) to take the advance, and directed the Thirtieth Iowa, Lieutenant Colonel Roberts commanding, and the Thirty-first Iowa, Lieutenant Colonel Jenkins commanding, to follow as a reserve. The Twenty-fifth Iowa was deployed as skirmishers, with their colors in the road I was going to clear, and my first movement with the regiment was to change direction to the right. This movement was made steadily until about three-fourths of the regiment had crossed the road, when our proximity to the rebels on my left and in the road caused very severe skirmishing. Two regiments of the Second Division now came up on my left rear, (I think the Sixth Missouri and Thirtieth Ohio,) one of them, the Sixth Missouri, deployed as skirmishers. I made arrangements with the officer commanding the last mentioned regiment to join the two regiments with mine, and, at a given signal, the Twenty-fifth Iowa and Sixth Missouri should make a charge. The charge proved entirely successful, although at a severe loss in the Twenty-fifth Iowa. We drove the enemy's skirmishers, composed of Hoke's division from the Virginia army, back to their works across the swamp, clearing the road, and opening communication with the Fourteenth Corps. The officers and men of the Twenty-fifth Iowa behaved handsomely and fought desperately. Lieutenant Colonel Palmer, commanding the regiment, and Captain Allen, acting Major, (who lost his right leg in the engagement,) deserve notice for exposing themselves freely, and for the gallant manner in which they cheered their men forward. At night I retired to a new line, and my place was occupied by other troops. . . .

On the 21st instant I had orders to erect a new line of works on the skirmish line, and at 10 o'clock P. M. I moved three regiments to the front line, the Fourth Iowa on the right, connecting on the left of the First Brigade, Brevet Brigadier General Woods commanding; the Thirtieth Iowa in the center; and the Ninth Iowa on the left. The Twenty-fifth Iowa and Thirty-first Iowa were in the rear, held in reserve. We put up a temporary line of works under fire of the enemy, and at 2 o'clock I received orders to charge the enemy's skirmish line, 150 yards in my front, in good skirmish pits. We captured the pits with but slight loss, but the enemy evinced so much determination to regain them that the fighting became very sharp. The enemy's main line of battle, behind good works, was by actual measurement but 100 yards from these skirmish pits, and he fired from the works by volley. At three different times they followed up the fire by volley by an assault on my skirmishers. Their men swarmed over the works and charged gallantly, but I had reinforced the line until I had nearly a line of battle, and our incessant firing prevented him from charging as a perfect organization, and every charge was repulsed. The order came to me so positively, from Generals Howard and Logan, to hold the ground I had already gained, that I should have done so, or ruined the brigade. At night I relieved the skirmishers' line with the Thirty-first Iowa, Lieutenant Colonel Jenkins commanding. Colonel Jenkins managed the new line admirably. It rained a good deal during the night, but his men worked faithfully, and he put up quite a strong line of works so near the enemy that the conversation had to be carried on in whispers. Captain Teale of the Fourth Iowa deserves special notice for his gallantry in holding the most exposed and dangerous part of the line. I regret to announce this gallant young officer was severely wounded in the leg. Lieutenant Colonel Nichols and Major Anderson, of the Fourth Iowa, deserve mention for voluntarily going on the skirmish line when there was some wavering manifested. Captain Bowman, of my staff, also exposed himself freely and deserves notice. I mention these officers from personal observation, as twice during the day I deemed it my duty to go on the skirmish line myself. The other officers on the skirmish lines, Captain Inman, Ninth Iowa, Lieutenant Shields, Fourth Iowa, Lieutenant Sharp, Ninth Iowa, Lieutenant Reffley, Thirtieth Iowa, are all reported to me to have behaved well and set a good example to their men. The loss in the skirmish line was quite severe. I sent you an official list of casualties the same night, and of the prisoners captured.

On the morning of the 22d, half an hour before day, I rode out to the advanced post, and ordered a patrol forward to feel of the enemy; but it was discovered that he had left during the night. I at once sent word to the General commanding division, and, with a detachment of the Thirty-first Iowa, followed him. Everything indicated a precipitate retreat; a few stragglers were picked up; some of their dead and wounded were found near the roadside uncared for, and quite a number of small arms, haversacks and clothing were found scattered in their deserted camp. Just at sunrise I ran onto their rear guard, composed of cavalry, and my detachment being too small to fight it, I covered the road with a few men to make an effect, and ordered some ten or fifteen men as skirmishers to annoy the enemy until a regiment, the Thirty-first Iowa, which I had just ordered up, should arrive. Very soon after this our entire division moved to Bentonville, where we remained during the day, and, at sundown, we returned to the camp we had left in the morning. The graves of 17 rebel officers in my front indicate that the enemy suffered severely in killed and wounded.

On our march to Goldsboro, on the 23d inst., I had the good fortune to have the post of honor — rear guard for the "Army of the Tennessee." The rear of my command fell upon the Twenty-fifth Iowa. On the 24th inst, I was ordered to remain at the pontoon bridge over the Neuse River, near Goldsboro, to cover the crossing of our corps train, and, on the 26th inst., I rejoined the division in camp near Goldsboro. During the campaign just closed, this brigade has been in four engagements with the following loss: Killed, 7; wounded, 64 ; missing, 12. We have captured, and turned over to the provost marshal, 145 prisoners of war. In taking Columbia, S. C, we captured 43 pieces of artillery, about 5,000 stand of arms, immense quantities of ammunition and ordnance stores, and released 40 officers confined there. We have marched 485 miles, built 15,037 yards of corduroy roads, and destroyed 3 miles of railroad. The brigade is in excellent health and spirits, but very ragged. My thanks' are due to all my staff officers, Captain John N. Bell, Twenty-fifth Iowa, A. A. Q. General; Lieutenant Samuel W. Snow, Twenty-fifth Iowa, A. A. A. General; Captain A. Bowman, Ninth Iowa; Lieutenant Baron H. Crane, Twenty-fifth Iowa; Lieutenant D. Rorick, Thirty-first Iowa — now in the hands of the enemy — and J. W. Gilman, Thirty-first Iowa, A. A. Q. M., for the zeal and earnestness with which they have discharged their whole duty in the campaign just ended [see note19].

As will be seen from Colonel Stone's report, his regiment and brigade took a most conspicuous part in the battle of Bentonville, which was the last general engagement of the closing campaign of the war. The Iowa regiments composing his brigade had been assigned to the duty of holding a position of vital importance in that battle, and, under the immediate orders and direction of two of the most distinguished officers of the Union Army, they nobly performed their duty and upheld the honor and credit of their State, whose soldiers had won distinction in all the hardest fought battles of the war.

From Goldsboro, the Twenty-fifth Iowa moved, with its brigade and division, to Raleigh, and thence, after the surrender of the rebel General Johnston and his army, to Washington, D. C. On the 24th of May, 1865, the regiment, with its brigade; under command of its gallant leader, Brevet Brigadier General George A. Stone, participated in that greatest military pageant of modern times — the grand review at Washington. It then went into camp near Washington, and was there mustered out of the service of the United States on the 6th day of June, 1865. Soon after being mustered out, the regiment was provided with transportation to Davenport, Iowa, where it was formally disbanded, and the officers and men departed for their homes, there to resume and discharge their duty as citizens, with the same fidelity they had shown while serving their country as soldiers. Among all the splendid regiments from Iowa, which had marched and fought under the folds of the dear old flag, none reflected greater honor upon the State than its Twenty-fifth Infantry. None rendered more important or effective service.

The compiler extends an old soldier's cordial greeting to the surviving members of the Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry. He has endeavored to perpetuate the memory of the men who composed the regiment and were its history makers. Their personal record of service will be found in the roster which follows this sketch. It is made up from the official reports and returns contained in the military archives of the State and of the War Department in Washington, and is only a transcript of what is found there recorded. It does not and cannot be made to show the details of the service they performed or what they endured and suffered. Many of those who served during the entire term of the regiment, and who may have been engaged in every battle in which it participated, but who were so fortunate as to have been saved from death, or serious injury from wounds or disease, have only the record of continuous service. They were mustered in with the regiment and mustered out with it, and were, therefore, completely identified with its history. But few of the officers or men received special mention for acts of gallantry, but all are frequently commended in the official reports for having bravely performed their duty. Some errors and omissions may appear in these personal records; some names may not have been correctly spelled, and, in some cases, injustice may have been done in the making up of the original records and perpetuated in the transcript. While such errors, if found, are greatly to be regretted, they were unavoidable, and it is hoped and believed that, in the main, the records will be found correct [see note 20].


Total Enrollment 1136
Killed 39
Wounded 187
Died of wounds 24
Died of disease 201
Discharged for wounds, disease or other causes 164
Buried in National Cemeteries 104
Captured 18
Transferred 71

[Note 1.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1863, Vol. 1, page VIII, and the Original Roster of the Regiment, Vol. 1, pages 884 to 917 inclusive.

[Note 2.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 17, Part 1, page 625, Chickasaw Bayou.

[Note 3.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages 473, 4.

[Note 4]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 17, Part 1, page 718. Casualties of the Twenty-fifth Iowa at Arkansas Post: Killed, enlisted men 10; wounded, officers 5, enlisted men 41. Total 56. The names of the killed and wounded included in Colonel Stone's report of this battle will be found noted in the subjoined revised Roster of the Regiment, together with the names of the killed and wounded, and those who died from wounds or disease, during the entire term of its service.

[Note 5.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 24, Part 2, pages 251, 2.

[Note 6.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages 474, 5.

[Note 7.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 24, Part 2, page 162.

[Note 8.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 24, Part 2, page 548. Return of casualties in siege of Jackson, Miss.

[Note 9.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, page 475.

[Note 10.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864,. page 476.

[Note 11.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, page 477.

[Note 12.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1864, pages 477, 8.

[Note 13.]  Colonel Williamson was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General by brevet Dec. 19, 1864, and brevetted Major General United States Volunteers Jan. 13, 1865.

[Note 14.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 38, Part 3, page 151.

[Note 15.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1865, Vol. 2, page 1164.

[Note 16.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Serie's 1, Vol. 38, Part 3, pages 152 to 159 inclusive. Report of Colonel J. A. Williamson, Brigade Commander.

[Note 17.]  War of the Rebellion Official Records, Series 1, Vol. 38, Part 3, page 113. Official reports of casualties in Atlanta Campaign.

[Note 18.]  Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1866, pages 423 to 426 inclusive.

[Note 19.]  The brevet rank of Brigadier General United States Volunteers was conferred upon Colonel George A. Stone, Twenty-fifth Iowa Infantry, March 13, 1865. Report of Adjutant General of Iowa, 1867, Vol. 1, page 159.

[Note 20.]  Lieutenant Colonel David J. Palmer, surviving commander of the Twenty-fifth Iowa, informed the compiler of this sketch that the name of Charles W. Payne, of Company B, should have appeared in the report of Colonel Stone as the soldier of Company B who was one of the Color Bearers of the regiment in the battle of Arkansas Post; and that Hiram Payne, who was a member of Company A, and who died at Vicksburg, August 25, 1865, was not one of the Color Bearers at Arkansas Post. The rosters of the two companies confirm this statement, showing that Hiram Payne was a Private in Company A, and that Charles W. Payne was the only soldier of that name in Company B, but the compiler could not change the name, as it appeared in the report and was, therefore, official.

SOURCE: Roster & Record of Iowa Soldiers During the War of the Rebellion, Volume 3, p. 903-17

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Twenty-Second Iowa Infantry.

Seven companies of this regiment were raised in Johnson county, one in Jasper, one in Monroe and one in Wapello. It was mustered into service at Iowa City on the 9th of September, 1862. Its first field officers were Wm. M. Stone, colonel; John A. Garrett, lieutenant-colonel; Harvey Graham, major. The regiment was first sent to Rolla, Mo., where it did garrison duty for about four months. In March, 1863, it was sent to Grant's army to take part in the Vicksburg campaign, and was in the First brigade of the Fourteenth division of the Thirteenth army corps, under General McClernand.

At the battle of Port Gibson, Colonel Stone commanded the brigade, and Major Atherton led the Twenty-second regiment, which lost twenty men. At the battles of Champion Hill and Black River Bridge the loss of the Twenty-second was light. Having driven Pemberton's army behind the fortifications of Vicksburg, General Grant determined to assault the works on the 22d of May. Early in the morning the artillery from the fleet and all of the guns in position in the rear opened on the enemy's works and kept up a heavy fire until l0 o'clock. Then the bugles sounded the charge and the assaulting columns moved forward with fixed bayonets. They were met by a terrible fire of musketry all along the lines. Still the troops pressed on and fell before the deadly fire by hundreds. It was impossible to face the terrible volleys which smote the advancing columns. They sought such shelter as they could find and returned the fire, but could not dislodge the enemy.

The Twenty-second led the charge made by the brigade under General Lawler, and a few men, led by Sergeant Griffith scaled the enemy's defenses, entered the fort and captured some prisoners. But most of them were killed or captured; Sergeant Griffith and David Trine alone escaped. Lieutenant-Colonel Graham and several men were captured in the ditch, and the assault was ended.

The loss of the regiment was 164. There were sixteen Iowa regiments engaged in this battle, the Fourth, Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Seventeenth, Twenty-first, Twenty-second, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth, Thirtieth, Thirty-first and Thirty-fifth, and the First and Second Iowa batteries.

Before the end of the siege, which followed the assault, Iowa had thirty regiments in Grant's army, which won this greatest victory of the war.

In this campaign the confederacy lost, in killed and wounded, 10,000 men, and in prisoners, 37,000, fifteen general officers, arms and munitions for an army of 60,000, and an immense amount of property, with the strongest fortified city in the limits of the confederacy, opening the navigation of the greatest river of the continent.

No soldiers in this great campaign surpassed those of Iowa. The First Iowa brigade led the advance at Port Gibson; the Seventeenth surpassed all others at Jackson; the Twenty-fourth and Twenty-eighth won immortal honors at Champion Hill; the Twenty-first and Twenty-third covered themselves with glory at Black River Bridge, while the Twenty-second alone, at the assault on Vicksburg, entered the confederate defenses. Colonel Stone resigned soon after the surrender of Vicksburg, having been nominated for governor by the Iowa republicans. The Twenty-second regiment was sent to Texas in November, where it was employed several months, Lieutenant-Colonel Graham having been promoted to colonel, Major White promoted to lieutenant-colonel, and Captain Gearkee, major. In July, 1864, it was transferred to Virginia, and in August became a part of General Sheridan's army and took part in the battle of Winchester. It made a most gallant fight in that great battle and did its full share in winning a glorious victory. Its losses were heavy and among them were several of its bravest officers: 109 were killed, wounded and captured. At the battles of Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek the Twenty-second was engaged and met with losses. These were its last battles, and on the 3d of August, 1865, it was disbanded at Davenport, after having traveled more than 13,000 miles and served in nearly all of the southern states.

SOURCE, Benjamin F. Gue, Biographies And Portraits Of The Progressive Men Of Iowa, Volume 1, p. 106-7

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brevet Brigadier-General G. W. Clark



George Washington Clark, the original colonel of the 34th Iowa Infantry, is a native of Johnson county, Indiana, and was born on the 26th day of December, 1833. He was educated at Wabash College, Indiana, and resided with his father's family at the place of his nativity till the year 1856, which is all that I know of his early history. In the spring of 1856 he removed to Iowa, and became a resident of Indianola, Warren county, where he has since made his home. He is a lawyer by profession. Subsequently to his removal to Iowa, and prior to the spring of 1861, when he entered the service, he practiced his profession in Warren county. He was, I am told, a successful lawyer, and had, at the time of entering the service, a paying practice.

At the outbreak of the war, General Clark was the first man in Warren county to enroll himself a volunteer. In May, 1861, he assisted in raising Company G, of the 3d Iowa Infantry, which was the first company that went out from Warren county. He was commissioned a first lieutenant, and, on the organization of his regiment, was appointed regimental quarter-master, which position he held till the first of September, 1862, when he was commissioned colonel of the 34th Iowa Infantry. For meritorious services, he was, in the spring of 1865, made a brevet brigadier-general.

Up to the time of the capture of Arkansas Post, the history of the 34th Iowa is not very dissimilar from those of the 25th, 26th, 30th and 31st Iowa Infantry regiments. Late in the fall of 1862, these regiments had all, under orders, arrived at Helena, Arkansas, at which point General Grant was concentrating troops preparatory to making a descent on Vicksburg by way of Chickasaw Bayou. The expedition, which started late in December, under command of General Sherman, was a failure; but through no fault of the troops; for, during the three days' struggle in the brush and swamps that border Chickasaw Bayou, soldiers never fought better. The fact is, General Sherman did not succeed, simply because the obstacles to be overcome at that point were insurmountable. Had General Grant maintained his line of communication, and threatened Vicksburg from the east, the result would doubtless have been different; for he would have drawn a large portion of the rebel army out from the Walnut Hills.

Immediately after the unfortunate operations at Chickasaw Bayou, the Arkansas River Expedition was organized, which terminated in the capture of Arkansas Post. This brilliant affair was accomplished on the 11th of January, 1863, and partially atoned for previous disasters. The capture of these formidable works, in which the 34th Iowa took a prominent part, was a great disaster to the enemy in Southern Arkansas, and disconcerted him in his previously arranged plans of harassing the flank and rear of General Grant in his operations against Vicksburg. The following is from Colonel Clark's official report of the part his regiment took in the capture of this strong-hold:

"We had just returned from the bloody battle-field of Chickasaw Bayou, where we had been repulsed with terrible slaughter. Sherman's entire fleet came out of the Yazoo River on the 3d of January, and on the 9th steamed up the Arkansas River, to operate against Arkansas Post, arriving near there the same day. The following day was occupied in reconnoitering and skirmishing. Our (Steele's) Division marched all that night through the woods and swamps, through which it was impossible to take baggage-wagons or ambulances. At day light the next morning we found ourselves within range of the enemy's guns, from which he immediately opened on us. Our batteries were soon put in position, and commenced a vigorous reply. The artillery continued until about 12 o'clock M. At this time I received an order from General Steele to move my regiment rapidly to the front, which was promptly obeyed. I moved the regiment forward in line of battle, to a point within one hundred and fifty yards of the enemy's intrenchments."

This position was held till the place surrendered, and during this part of the action the gallant Captain Dan H. Lyons fell.

During the three weeks that followed the capture of Arkansas Post, the 34th Iowa saw their hardest service. After the capitulation, Colonel Clark was detailed with his regiment to escort the captured prisoners from that point to Camp Douglas; and, on the way, both the prisoners and their escort suffered untold hardships. Only three miserable transports were allowed the colonel, in which to convey his own command and the prisoners (numbering between five and six thousand) from the point of capture to St. Louis. It was mid-Winter, and on the trip the small-pox broke out. The boats were so densely crowded that they could not be policed, and became shockingly filthy; and in this accumulation of filth this loathsome disease was raging, adding each half-hour one to the list of mortality. The scene was most wretched and revolting. In writing to a friend Colonel Clark said: "During those two weeks, I witnessed more human suffering, than I had seen in all my life before."

On returning from Chicago to St. Louis, Colonel Clark was ordered with his regiment, in the early part of April, to Pilot Knob, to anticipate the reported movement of General Marmaduke on that place. For two months after, he commanded the Post and District of Pilot Knob and then joined the command of General Herron, which was en route for Vicksburg. General Herron arrived at Vicksburg on the 11th of June; and was assigned a position on the extreme left of General Grant's army. The 1st Brigade of his Division, to which the 34th Iowa belonged, was stationed near the Mississippi, which position it held till the surrender of the city.

On the morning of the 11th of July, General Herron's Division was embarked on transports, with orders to report to General Banks, at Port Hudson; but news now arriving of the surrender of that place, these troops sailed up the Yazoo River, constituting the force which captured Yazoo City, and subsequently marched out across the Big Black River, to Canton, to make a diversion in favor of General Sherman before Jackson. These operations closed, Colonel Clark sailed with his regiment down the Mississippi River; since which time he has served in the Gulf Department and the trans-Mississippi.

During the latter part of the fall of 1863, and through the following Winter, the history of the 34th Iowa savors somewhat of romance. Stationed at Fort Esperanga on Matagorda Island, which lies at the head of the Gulf of Mexico, and at the mouth of the Guadeloupe River, the men, when off duty, passed their time in wandering on the beach, and gathering curious shells. They even talked of associating Ceres and Flora, as consorts with their patron war-god, Mars. But these scenes closed on the opening of the Spring Campaign under Major-General Banks.

The troops, who joined in the Red River Campaign, have never had full credit for their heroic endurance of the perils and hardships they encountered, which may be attributable to the fact that, the campaign was only fruitful of disaster.

In the battles that were fought near Alexandria, the 34th Iowa took an active part, and sustained itself with credit; but the sufferings of the regiment in these battles and in the early part of the campaign, were not to be compared with those experienced on the memorable nine days' retreat to Simmsport and Morganzia. During these nine days and nights, there were no halts for rest and sleep, or only such as were required for repairing the roads, and constructing pontoons.

On the 28th of May, 1864, the 34th Iowa left Morganzia for Baton Rouge, where it remained till the latter part of July, when it sailed with the command of General Granger against the rebel forts at the mouth of Mobile Bay. The operations of Rear-Admiral Farragut and General Granger against Forts Powell, Gaines and Morgan were brief and brilliant; and the troops who joined in these operations may well feel proud of their achievements. On the 2d of August, 1864, General Granger effected a landing on Dauphin Island, and within twenty-one days from that time, each one of these forts was in the possession of our forces. The 34th Iowa was the first regiment to disembark on the west point of Dauphin Island. It was soon joined by the 96th Ohio, and a colored regiment; when the entire force, under command of Colonel Clark, with skirmishers well advanced and extending from shore to shore, marched forward in the direction of Fort Gaines. The night was dark and stormy, and an east wind beat a drenching rain directly in the faces of the troops. To any but soldiers, the occasion would have been dismal; but these brave fellows, trudging on through the mud and rain, were jocose and merry. Colonel Clark advanced about six miles, and to within two miles of the fort, when he halted and rested his command in line of battle. At day-light he was joined by the 67th Indiana, the 77th Illinois and the 3d Maryland; when, after slight demonstrations, the fort surrendered.

In the reduction of Fort Morgan Colonel Clark with his command also took a conspicuous part; and on its capitulation, on the morning of the 23d of August, led the escort, composed of his own regiment and the 20th Wisconsin, which was marched out to receive the garrison as prisoners of war. Subsequently to February, 1864, he has commanded a brigade. With this command, he distinguished himself at the battle of Middle Bayou, and was highly complimented for his coolness and bravery.

The Fall and Winter following the operations at the mouth of Mobile Bay were passed by the 34th Iowa on the Gulf coast and along the Mississippi. In January, 1865, the regiment was consolidated with the 38th Iowa Infantry, and under the new organization retained its old name and colonel.

For many months, the 34th Iowa was stationed at Barrancas, Florida: from that point, it marched with General Steele against Mobile, and took part in the assault and capture of Fort Blakely.

General Clark is a little above six feet in hight, and has a fine, well-developed form. He is a fine looking man, though, when I saw him, he was a little too fleshy; but at that time he was just from his home, and on the way to re-join his regiment.

General Clark is a man of gentlemanly deportment, and, I am told, has good ability, and much shrewdness. He has a good military record. One who has visited all the Iowa troops in the Gulf Department, speaks thus of him: "Colonel Clark stands high, and, with the officers in general, seeks not only the highest military efficiency, but also a good moral character for his regiment." The general took great pride in the drill and discipline of his old regiment. His regiment were proud of their name, and designated themselves the "star regiment."

In politics, General Clark is a Republican; though, I am told, he was never a political aspirant.

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 501-6

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Colonel William M. G. Torrence


William M. G. Torrence, the successor of Colonel Abbott to the colonelcy of the 30th Iowa Infantry, was the eighth of the Iowa colonels who lost their lives in the service — Worthington, Baker, Mills, Dewey, Kinsman, Abbott, Hughes, and Torrence. Of those who lost their lives in battle, he was the fifth — Baker, Mills, Kinsman, Abbott, and Torrence.

Colonel Torrence was a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he was born the 1st day of September, 1823. His parents were Presbyterians, of which church he was also a member. His mother died in his early infancy, and left him to the kind care of an esteemed and most worthy sister, who reared him with almost maternal tenderness.

In early manhood, he left his native State for Kentucky, where he became a school-teacher; and in this capacity he passed several years. He was engaged in school-teaching in Kentucky, at the time war was declared against Mexico; but, like Colonel Scott of the 32d Iowa, left the school-room and volunteered. He was a first lieutenant in that war, and a member of the 1st Kentucky Mounted Volunteers, commanded by the portly, perfidious Humphrey Marshall. His cool judgment and commendable courage in action won him distinction. He was highly complimented for the part he acted at the battle of Buena Vista, being tendered a commission in the regular army of the same rank as that which he held in the volunteer service; but he declined the honor, and, at the close of the war, returned home with his regiment.

In the latter part of 1847, Lieutenant Torrence came to Iowa, and settled in Keokuk, where he resumed his former occupation, and where he made his home till the outbreak of the rebellion. During his residence in Keokuk, he was for several years City Superintendent of Public Instruction. In the spring of 1861, he enlisted a company (A) for the 1st Iowa Cavalry, and was in June commissioned major of the first battalion of that regiment. In the winter of 1861-2, he served with his battalion in Central Missouri, and had command of posts in Howard, Pettis and Cooper counties. At Silver Creek, in January 1862, he engaged and defeated the rebel Colonel Poindexter, capturing and destroying his camp and his train. While a member of the 1st Iowa Cavalry, he served with credit to himself, and was equally successful as a post-commandant, and as a leader of expeditions to hunt out and punish guerrillas. He was a terror to the Missouri bushwhackers.

On the 3d of May, 1862, for reasons unknown to me, Major Torrence resigned his commission, and returned to his home in Keokuk.

After the call of the President for additional troops in the summer of 1862, Major Torrence again volunteered, and was made lieutenant-colonel of the 30th Iowa Infantry. In October, 1862, he accompanied his regiment to the field, and was with it in all its subsequent campaigns and engagements. At Arkansas Post, where he commanded his regiment, he particularly distinguished himself; and at the memorable charge against the enemy's works at Vicksburg, where Colonel Abbott was killed, he bore himself with equal gallantry. On the 29th day of May, 1863, he was commissioned colonel of the 30th Iowa; and, from that day till the 21st of October, 1863, he remained in command of his regiment.

The history of the 30th Iowa during the colonelcy of Colonel Torrence covers the siege of Vicksburg; the march to Jackson under General Sherman after the surrender of Vicksburg, and a portion of the march from Memphis to Chattanooga. It was on the last named march that the colonel was killed.

An account of all the above operations has already been given in the sketches of other officers and regiments, and can not be repeated with interest. This however should be said in justice to the 30th Iowa: no regiment from the State surpasses it in gallant and meritorious services; and, of the Iowa troops called out in the summer of 1862, no regiment has done more fighting, and few have done as much. In the face of the enemy, it has always conducted itself with conspicuous gallantry, challenging the admiration of both its brigade and division commanders. From the time of its entering the field to the present, the 30th has served in the same division with the 4th, 9th, 25th, 26th and 31st Iowa regiments.

The services of the 30th Iowa, and of the Iowa troops before Vicksburg, were arduous and exhausting. After operations had settled down into a regular siege, the troops suffered chiefly from the intense heat in the trenches, and from the want of good water. The labor in digging the approaches, and of constructing new forts and planting artillery, was the hardest and most dreaded. The Federal camps were so securely established back behind the hills, as to render them comparatively safe from the enemy's scattering musketry, and from the ponderous missiles of their artillery. The skirmish-line was the place of chief danger; and yet, the skirmish-line was the scene of much amusement. Regiments took their regular turn on the skirmish-line, every two or three days, usually going out in the morning, and holding their posts for twenty-four hours. They were protected by old logs, fallen trees, and slight earth-works. Every man had his chosen place — in the crotch of a fallen tree, at the end of a log, behind a stump, or somewhere; and the regular day for his regiment at the front, was sure to find him there, unless he had been struck by a "Johnnie," or left sick in camp. Thousands to-day can go to the very spot where, during the siege of forty-five days, they slammed away.

A favorite amusement with many of the men, was to stick their hats on the end of their guns, and then, thrusting them just above the works, invite the "Johnnies" to "hit that." It was nothing uncommon, too, for the men to "take a game of seven-up." It is wonderful what indifference to danger men acquire from being constantly exposed to it.

The greater portion of the months of August and September, 1863, were passed by the 30th Iowa in camp on Big Black River. In the latter part of September, the regiment marched with its brigade to Vicksburg, and proceeded thence by boat to Memphis. Going by rail from Memphis to Corinth, It marched thence for Chattanooga. The 30th was attached to General Osterhaus' Division, which marched out to Tuscumbia, Alabama, to call the attention of the enemy from Sherman's real line of march. It was on that march that Colonel Torrence was killed.

He was shot by the enemy, in ambush, just beyond Cherokee Station and among the wild hills of northern Alabama. I remember the day well. It was in the afternoon of the 21st of October, and stormy and dismal. The troops of John E. Smith's Division, being only about seven miles in rear of Osterhaus', could hear the firing distinctly. That night no baggage was unloaded, and we slept in a cold, drizzling rain. We expected to be thrown to the front the next morning, and all were gloomy. But the next morning we remained in camp, and watched the ambulances that were bearing to the rear the dead and wounded of Osterhaus' Division: when the dead body of Colonel Torrence went past, there were not a few sad hearts among the Iowa troops. The Colonel was shot through the breast while at the head of his regiment, and died almost instantly.

The following, as nearly as I can learn, are the circumstances under which Colonel Torrence was killed; and General Osterhaus was severely censured by some, for the part he acted. The enemy were met just beyond Cherokee. Between the Federal and Confederate forces was an open field, bordered by dense timber; and Osterhaus' line of march was eastward in the direction of Tuscumbia. Forming his line, he advanced across the field, when the enemy fell back into the woods, in their rear. Colonel J. A. Williamson, in command of the brigade to which the 30th Iowa was attached, on arriving at the edge of the timber, left his command in line, and rode forward to reconnoitre. On returning, he met Colonel Torrence advancing with his regiment by the flank, and said to him: "How is this, Colonel? you are not obeying orders." Colonel Torrence, lifting his hat, and in his bland, gentlemanly way, replied: "I am acting under the orders of General Osterhaus." Colonel Williamson then rode back to the balance of his command, but had hardly re-joined it, when a volley of musketry was heard down the road.

Colonel Torrence had discovered the enemy only an instant before they fired, and was just deploying his regiment in line. He was shot through the breast, and, as I have before said, fell from his horse, and died almost instantly.

In the skirmish near Cherokee, (for so it was called) the loss of the 30th Iowa was twenty-seven in killed, wounded and missing. Captain William H. Randall was among the killed. He was a native of Indiana, and a resident of Birmingham, Van Buren county. Brave, modest and unassuming, he was deservedly one of the most popular officers of his regiment.

If I ever saw Colonel Torrence, I did not know him; but I am told he was a tall, slender man, with agreeable manners and affable address. At the time of his death, his head was heavily sprinkled with gray. He was a good scholar, and, judging from his official papers, a man of good taste and judgment. He was a Christian gentleman, and, as a citizen, held in the highest esteem.

The following is an extract from his last communication sent to the adjutant-general of Iowa:

"Head-quarters 30th Regiment Iowa Volunteers,
Iuka, Mississippi, October 13th, 1863.

"N. B. BAKER, Adjutant-General of Iowa:

"Accompanying this, you will receive two flags, worn out in the service. They were carried by the 30th Iowa during their marches a distance of five thousand seven hundred miles, between October 26th, 1862, and October 10th, 1863."

Quite in contrast is the following extract from the report of an Iowa officer, whose name I will not give.

"Exposed to every danger, they were ever conspicuous for their cool, daring courage, and the ardor of their souls, blended with pure love for their country, beamed from their countenances, and hung about them, ' Like the bright Iris, o'er the boiling surge.'"

SOURCE: Addison A. Stuart, Iowa Colonels and Regiments, p. 461-6