Declaration for Original Invalid Pension
Had a good many attacks but can’t now state time & place. Except a very severe attack of Dengue, a form of Malarial fever followed by jaundice, bilious disease about 1st Aug 1864 at Brazos Santiago, coast of Texas doctored myself as was no other Surgeon there. All the troops had gone the week before to Fort Morgan, Ala. I was detailed to [remain a for] day with Col of our Reg. who was detained on some extra duty when got to N.O., was not fit for duty, was loosing rather than gaining. So applied for sick leave went North, some sixty days, joined Reg out at Duvals Bluff Ark, was never sick in Hosp
ital except Regimental was never detailed from Reg to Hospital on my other duty, always with Reg & always in the field all times in Malarial Country & exposed to all kinds of weather. Doctored self when sick & attended duty most of time, other assistants where [sic] on detached service a good deal & Surgeon away on sick leave a good deal & when with Reg let me do most of work.

Since leaving the army have had repeated attacks of Malarial fever which has been more severe yet nothing to cure.
A.O. Blanding, Enrolled Sept 1_, 1862 [In] 20 Iowa Inf Asst Surgeon, Vol commanded by Wm McE. Dye, honorably discharged Clinton Co, 30/day Aug 1865.
Dr. A. O. Blanding, Asst-Surgeon, of 20 Iowa Inft Vol. Enlisted about Sept 1_ 1862 at in Clinton, Iowa. In fall of 62 & winter 62 & 63 was in N.O. & Ark in battle of Prairie Grove, Dec 7th 1862, at the Seige [sic] of Vicksburg in June 1863, after fall of Vicksburg, was some time in Miss & La. Then on Coast of Texas, was not with the Reg at Fort Morgan in Aug 1864. was sick. Was at the battle of Blakeley in Apr 1865.
First time sick with Malarial fever poisoning at Vicksburg Miss, June on or about 18th 1863. A number of attacks after the most severe one at Brazos Santiago, Coast of Texas, Aug 1864. It was followed by a severe attacked of jaundice, deafness caused by in[illegible]ing quinine.
Agent –
Geo. Bancroft & Co., No 604 fifth St N.W. Washington, DC Applied at about July 1890 after new law also under old law. Age 67 years. high 5 feet 9 inches.
Light complection [sic], light hair, grey eyes. In line of duty, Vicksburg, Miss, about June 18th 1863 malarial poisoning contracted.