John M. Hedrick, of Ottumwa, was the third and last Colonel of the Regiment. He entered as 1st Lieutenant of Company D, became Captain of Company K, and while in command of his Company in the battle of Shiloh on April 6, 1862, was wounded and captured. After being in captivity for several months he was exchanged and returned to the Regiment on January 7, 1863. He became Major on January 17, 1863, on the resignation of Major Cunningham; Lieutenant-Colonel, on April 22, 1803, on the promotion of Colonel Belknap; and Colonel in 1864, on the appointment of the latter as Brigadier, and remained its Colonel until the close of the war, when he was brevetted as Brigadier-General of Volunteers, a rank which he had won by active service. He was a most brave, zealous, energetic, competent and extremely popular officer. His manner and demeanor attracted his men, and he was beyond question one of the most gallant and brilliant officers in the Service.
While at the front, in the battle of Atlanta, on July 22, 1864, he was fearfully wounded twice. His conduct was witnessed by the Colonel of the Regiment (Belknap) who writes these lines, and he makes this lasting record of General Hedrick's service and fearless courage in that terrible action. He was too severely wounded to remain with the regiment, but was detailed on Court Martial duty at Washington and was retained in service for several months after the muster out of his Regiment.
He resides at Ottumwa, and is a reliable and public-spirited business man, prominent in public and private affairs. But his wound still gives him trouble, and reminds him constantly of his service in the field.
Since the above was written, General Hedrick was on September 29, 1886, stricken with paralysis, caused undoubtedly by the wound received in the battle of Atlanta, and died on October 3.
It is believed that no more fitting tribute can be paid him here than the following account of his funeral services from the Ottumwa Courier, of October 5, 1886, written by his devoted friend, Major A. H. Hamilton.
Resolutions passed at a meeting of the Regiment are also appended.
From the Ottumwa Courier, October 5, 1886.
Tuesday at the appointed hour for the funeral services, 9:30 A. M., West Second street, on which the family residence of the lamented dead is situated, was thronged with people and carriages. Great numbers had arrived by teams from all parts of the country, and hundreds came by trains. It being also the opening day of the reunion of the gallant 2d Iowa Infantry, there had arrived during the night and the early morning, soldiers of various Regiments from all parts of this and other states to attend the funeral and to participate in the reunion. General W. W. Belknap, of Washington, D. C.; Dr. W. H. Gibbon, of Chariton, Major H. C. McArthur, and Capt. R. H. Whitenack, of Lincoln, Neb., all old comrades in arms of the deceased, arrived also during the night. Others of General Hedrick's old Regiment were here from abroad, but their names we have not been able at this hour to obtain. To the four mentioned [sic] deceased was knit with a brotherly affection. How strong and enduring this affection was will be found expressed in the short address of General Belknap, which follows further on.
Gen. Belknap brought with him the old silk flag of the 15th .Iowa, carried in the battle of Corinth, which was laid upon the coffin of the dead hero and enshrouded his remains as they were borne to their final resting place.
There were floral tributes of great beauty and abundance. There was a beautiful wreath and four pillows of flowers, containing the following designs and mottoes in flowers: "Our Father," " Courage'' "J. M. H.," and a sword and pen crossed in evergreen, surmounted by the figure "30" in pink flowers - "30" is the printer's finis,
The face of the dead was wonderfully placid and natural. The living brothers and sisters, besides the General's own family, were all present, and also some more distant relatives from abroad. The family residence, though large, could accommodate but a few of the great crowd which assembled in respect for the dead and in sympathy with the bereaved family. The services were opened by a hymn rendered by the choir of the First Methodist Church of this city. The Rev. W. F. Cowles then addressed the Throne of Grace in fervent prayer, after which the Rev. J. B. Blakeney read a lesson from the scriptures and spoke briefly of the deceased and his many virtues, closing with words of comfort to the bereaved. The remains were then viewed by the vast concourse of people, the sad parting leave taken by the family, and the immense procession took up its journey to the grave in our city cemetery. The head of the procession was taken by Co. G. I. N. G, of this city, preceded by Prof. Carl Schwabkey's band. Next came the army veterans, Cloutman Post No. 69, G. A. R., and soldiers of other Posts, and they were followed by the chaplain, hearse, family and relatives in carriages. The friends followed in carriages and on foot. The number of carriages in line was one hundred and sixty.
The business houses of the city were closed and there was an outpouring of the people enmasse to attest their respect and love for the deceased soldier, citizen and friend, and their sympathy with the sorely bereaved family.
Arriving at the cemetery the casket was borne to the open grave and deposited preparatory to being lowered to the final resting place of all that is mortal of the honored dead, when, in the presence of two thousand people, General Belknap in a clear, strong, but tremulous voice, as though his sad heart was struggling for the mastery, delivered the following beautiful and feeling address:
When one who has been called away is bound to some by the bonds of kindred, and to all by the ties of affection, there is a mournful pleasure in the act of love which honors the memory of the dead. It is not for me to intrude upon the sanctity of the sorrow, which falls like a burden upon the broken hearts of those who were of his own household. The bitterness of this bereavement comes, in a measure, to us all. But, knowing him as I did, I willingly recall some memories of the past, and in this solemn hour give the tribute of my best affection to this most noble gentleman. I recall him when in the full flush of beautiful manhood, he joined the 15th Iowa in 1861, and received his commission as captain. Bright as day, quick in movement, and sincere in friendship, he tied himself to the men of his command, and at once captured our regard. On the fearful field of Shiloh, where the crash of the conflict came so suddenly, he bore himself bravely and as a true soldier should. Captured there, he was a prisoner for months, and returned to the Regiment to become its Major, its Lieutenant-Colonel and its Colonel. That General Hedrick filled all these positions with great judgment and military skill, all of his comrades know, and none better than myself. I recall him in that severe siege of Vicksburg, when the fire of the Southern batteries shook the stoutest heart, and well remember that smile of joyful happiness which showed how he welcomed victory, with a cool confidence that could not be disturbed. I recall him, and so do you, my comrades of the Iowa Brigade, when he moved on that bright morning in July, 1864, with the entire 15th Regiment deployed as skirmishers in the advance of the 4th Division upon the opposing works. His figure and form were the perfect development of young manhood, as he moved his men to the charge. I seem to hear now his voice, which, like a clarion, called to the men to be steady, and nerved them for their work, and we remember again that group of Generals — McPherson, Blair and Gresham, who looked with admitted admiration upon his skillful leadership, and united their cheers with his and those of his victorious comrades as they swept up the parapet and captured the work. We recall him again in that bloody assault on July 21st, when the Regiment marched like men up to the blazing mouths of the batteries, and in that battle of giants on the next day — July 22, 1864 — when, in the midst of action, in the extreme front, and with his sword on high, waving in encouragement among his men, he received that fearful wound, which for twenty-two years has been sapping the foundation of his life.
Well do I recall his heroic demeanor on that eventful day. Seeing him come from the line, with the blood streaming from arm and side, I said "Where are you wounded?" "I am shot all over, Col.," he said, but there was no complaint, though with the consciousness that it might prove fatal soon. That battle at great cost ended in victory. I knelt down by the stretchers on which he and his brother lay side by side, during a lull in the fight, and spoke to him of his heroic conduct and cheered him as best I could amid the havoc of action. But he needed no words from me to aid his courage. With a smiling face and a strong heart, he was carried to the hospital, and the President brevetted him Brigadier-General for his great gallantry.
The men of his command had no truer friend than he. and they trusted him with the firm reliance of devoted faith. The words of discipline which came from him as an officer, came so firmly and yet so gently that it was happiness to obey. His tender words and cheering voice in the hospital smoothed the rough pillow of the dying soldier, and brought to him the blessings of the sick. His career since the war is known to you all. As a man of affairs he was earnest, courageous and true. This gathering of old men and matrons and young men and maidens is a sure tribute to his worth as a citizen, while his comrades of the army bind upon his brow the laurel wreath which he has won, as he leaves them to march without fear and with calm faith, into the presence of the God of Mercy and of the God of battles.
General Hedrick was my fond and faithful friend. I loved him as I did no other man on earth. For years associated with him in camp and fight, in field and march, there never was the shadow of a shade to come between us. The tender memories of his manly love all come to me now, and I bless Heaven that I have known him so long and well.
Two weeks have not passed since I met him in Burlington by appointment, and we journeyed together to Chicago and spent a day there together. We were both interested in the history of our Regiment of which he had the charge, and his last act, in my presence, was to arrange for the publication of the likenesses of all the men of the Regiment in that work. Devoted to his men his last act there was for them and theirs.
Original in his ideas, brilliant in conversation, the life of every circle, and the loved of his friends, my comrades "we shall not look upon his like again." Our hearts go out in sympathetic affection to those who bear his name. No words of ours can be their solace. The blessed memory of his beloved companionship and kindest care is theirs to keep forever. This will be a joy to them in their darkest days, and though some plans in life may fail and hopes be broken, they cannot lose the recollections of this manly, noble life.
Comrades — Trouble may be with us in the passing years, and the vicissitudes of life may bring disaster, but those who have been side by side in the fire of battle are bound to each other by a confiding devotion which no blow can break.
The hour has come. The flag of his Regiment lies upon his bier. The march which he has made will soon be ours. He has crossed the unknown river, and is with that great army whose spotless tents are pitched near the celestial city.
Rev. J. B. Blakeney pronounced the benediction, and the large concourse silently wended their way to their homes.
Resolutions of Respect and Condolence Adopted by Members of the 15th Iowa on the day of General Hedrick's Funeral.
At a meeting of members of the 15th Iowa Volunteers, at the Ballingall House, Ottumwa, Iowa, on October 5th, 1886, Col. Wm. H. Gibbon, of Chariton, was called to the chair and Major H. C. McArthur, of Lincoln, Nebraska, was appointed secretary.
On motion of Ben. Johnston, of Keosauqua, the following resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, That, with all the members of the 15th Iowa, we mourn the death of our brave comrade and commander, Brigadier-General John M. Hedrick. Gifted in a marked degree with ability, both as an officer and a citizen, he fastened himself to us by his generous character, his considerate kindness and thoughtful regard. As a comrade he was our personal friend; as a soldier, he was heroic in every act; as a Commander, he led instead of followed; and as a man he kept the esteem which his kindly ways had won. We shall cherish to the end the memory of his noble life.
Resolved, That we give to his loving widow and children the sincere assurance of the unfeigned sympathy of the Regiment, in this, their most sad hour.
SOURCE: William W. Belknap, History of the Fifteenth Regiment Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry, p. 30-7