Showing posts with label Hugh G Brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hugh G Brown. Show all posts

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hugh G. Brown

Brown, Hugh G. (Captain 12th Inf., Brevet Major). Born in Pennsylvania Dec. 28, 1835. Retiring year 1899. Appointed from Iowa — Civil Life. Actual rank—2d Lieut 15th Iowa Vol. Inf. Dec. 1, '61 ; 1st Lieut. July 9, '62; hon. must out Sept 13, '63; Capt, A. D. C. Aug. 28, '63; accepted Sept. 14, '63; hon. must out. July 10, '66; 2d Lieut 18th U. S. Inf. May 2, '66; accepted June 18, '66 ; trans, to 36th U. S. Inf. Sept. 21, '66; 1st Lieut. Nov. 25, '66; unassigned May 19, '69; assigned to 12th U. S. Inf. Dec. 15, '70; Capt. March 20, '79. Brevet rank — Bvt Captain March 2, '67 [sic], for gallant and meritorious services in the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Maj. March 2, '67 [sic], for gallant and meritorious services in the capture of Fort Harrison, Va., Major Vol. Sept. 29, '64, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of '64; Lieut. Col. Vol. March 31, '65, for gallant conduct in the field. Service—In the War of the Rebellion '61-5 ; with the Army of the West in the field, in the Shiloh and other campaigns; on staff of Gen. Ord, and engaged at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss.; Captain and A. D. C, U. S. Vols., July, '63; engaged in Sherman's pursuit of the rebel General Johnston, and Gen. Banks' expedition in Western Louisiana ; Temporary duty in the Middle Military Department during the rebel General Early's raid on Washington, D. C; with 18th Corps, in front of Petersburg, Va., and engaged at the battle of the Mine, capture of Fort Harrison, action of Fair Oaks, and in the operations of the Army of the James, terminating in the surrender of General Lee, April 9, '65; in Arizona; on the Lakes, and on frontier duty in Dakota, '81 to '90; Present station, Fort Yates, N. D. Staff positions held — A. D. C. to Gen. Ord, July, '62; temporary duty on the staff of Gen. Wright, com. Dept of the Ohio; A. D. C. Aug. 29, '66, to Dec. 6, '80; Dec. 9, '80, to Jan. 3, '81; Act. Sig. Officer Dept. Cal. Nov. 25, 70, to Dec. 6, 71; Act. A. A. G. and Act. J. A. and Act. Eng. Officer Dept. Ark. Jan. 15, '81, to May 10, '81; Battles, skirmishes, etc. — In the battle of Shiloh, Dec., '61 [sic]; battle of Iuka, and action of David's Bridge. Miss., '62; battle of Vicksburg, Miss., July 1 to 4, '63; battle of the Mine, capture of Fort Harrison, action of Fair Oaks, and in the operations of the Army of the James, terminating in the surrender of Gen. Lee.

SOURCE: William Henry Powell, Powell's Records Of Living Officers Of The United States Army, p. 91

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hugh G. Brown

(Born in Pennsylvania. — Appointed from Iowa.)

Military History. — Private 15th Iowa Volunteers, September, 1861. Second Lieutenant 15th Iowa Volunteers, December, 1861, and engaged at the battle of Shiloh. Acting Regimental Adjutant. First Lieutenant 15th Iowa Volunteers, June, 1862. Aide-de-Camp to General Ord, July, 1862. Engaged at the battle of Iuka, and action of David's Bridge, Miss. Temporary duty on the staff of General Wright, commanding Department of the Ohio. On staff of General Ord, and engaged at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Captain and Aide-de-Camp U. S. Volunteers, July, 1863. Engaged in Sherman's pursuit of the rebel General Johnston, and General Banks' expedition in Western Louisiana. Acting Assistant Adjutant-General U. S. Forces, in Texas, to the spring of 1864. Temporary duty in the Middle Military Department, during the rebel General Early's raid on Washington, D. C With 18th Corps, in front of Petersburg, Va., and engaged at the battle of the Mine, capture of Fort Harrison, action of Fair Oaks, and in the operations of the Army of the James, terminating in the surrender of General Lee. Brevet Major U. S. Volunteers, for gallant and meritorious services in the campaign of 1864, to date from the capture of Fort Harrison, Va. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel U. S. Volunteers, for gallant conduct in the field. Second Lieutenant 18th U. S. Infantry, May, 1866. Transferred to the 36th U. S. Infantry, by the re-organization of the army. First Lieutenant 36th U. S. Infantry, November, 1866. Brevet Captain U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the siege of Vicksburg, Miss. Brevet Major U. S. Army, for gallant and meritorious services at the capture of Fort Harrison, Va. Aide-de-Camp to General Ord, commanding Department of the Ohio. Aide-de-Camp to General Ord, commanding the 4th Military District, Vicksburg, Miss., from — to —

SOURCE: Guy Vernor Henry, Military Record of Civilian Appointments in the United States Army, Vol. 1, p. 261