Showing posts with label Max Klein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Max Klein. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Max Klein

Company F.

Enlisted at the age of eighteen years in Company F, First Iowa Cavalry, August 1st, 1861. Re-enlisted as veteran January 1st, 1864, for three years. Promoted corporal October 31st, 1864. Participated in the most of the engagements, raids, etc., for which the regiment was noted. He was with his company when they charged Newton's rebel regiment, whilst in pursuit of Marmaduke, and in the celebrated “moonlight charge." When the command reached Little Rock, Arkansas, the then Governor of that State was raising a Union cavalry regiment, and his officers unanimously recommended Mr. Klein for a commission, which was declined, he preferring to remain with his command. His First Lieutenant wrote a letter in which he said. "No better cavalry soldier ever mounted a horse; always ready for duty, with no hospital record." He is a well known business man of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and is a member of James M. Lytle Post, 128, G. A. R. The title of Major was bestowed upon him since the war.

SOURCE: Charles H. Lothrop, A History Of The First Regiment Iowa Cavalry Veteran Volunteers, p. 336